Episode 3 - Moving In

We Got Married ... !
The Camera is on Sandeul standing outside your apartment. "Neh, annyeonghasaeyo, Sandeul imnida. I'm outside my wife's dorm right now. I'm going to wake her up and take her to our house. Ahh. I'm nervous. Shall we go?" He turns away and stalks inside. Once he reaches your floor he calls your manager who has already snuck inside early in the morning to let Sandeul in. The door opens and Sandeul quietly greets your manager and steps inside. "Omo, it's so clean." The camera pans around the room showing your extremely organized dorm.
MCs : (To guest) OMO, are all girl dorms that neat??
Guest : ANIYO?! That's amazing!
Sandeul walks into the main room of your dorm where theres are 3 doors leading to different sleeping rooms. He pokes his head into each one until he finds you in the third room with Hyo Ju. He beckons the cameraman to follow him and tiptoes inside. The camera immediately zooms in on you sleeping contortedly on your bed.
MCs : Mwoya? How can she sleep like that? Her backs going to hurt when she wakes up. *Laughs*
"Aigoo, she must be so tired!" He walks over to your bunk bed and stands on the ladder. He leans over the rail and turns to the camera. "In dramas, when married couples wake eachother up they blow in eachothers face." He whispered and laughed shyly. "I've always wanted to try!" He turns back to you and softly blows air at your face. 
MCs : If he didn't brush his teeth, he's in trouble.
You wrinkle your nose but make no movement.  "... Am I doing it right? *Laughs* I look like a fool." He lifts his hand to brush away some stray hands on your face and you reflexively slap his hand away. "OMO. Is she awake?" You make no movement. "Gamjjaknorasseo! What should I do? We have to leave." He looks at the camera man. "Do you want to wake her up for me?" The camera shakes from side to side. "Ahh! Eottokhae? I'm scared." After hearing Sandeul yelling, Hyo Ju wakes up and sees Sandeul in front of her. "AHHHHHHH!" She yells in surprise and kicks upward at your mattress screaming "CREEP! CREEP!"
Something is blowing in my. What is this am I at the beach? Suddenly your at the beach. Waahhh. So pretty. But there's so many mosquitos. I HATE MOSQUITOS. I begin to swat at them. Wishing for their deaths. Just then the ground begins to shake as a huge earthquake shakes the beach. "CREEP! CREEP!" Wait a minute. Creep? My beautiful beach turns to black I'm being kicked from below. Aish! What does she want?! My beach! My eyes fly open and I flip your body over the rail of my bunk and hang upside down to flash my eyes at Hyo Ju. "YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! DO YOU KNOW HOW COLD IT IS? I'M GOING TO HAVE TO WAIT MONTHS TO GO BACK TO THE WARM BEACH!" Hyo Ju looks at you as if you've gone crazy and points to something behind me, her eyes wide.
The girl on the bed below _______'s bed must have heard me yell and woke up because suddenly she was shrieking at the top of her lungs. "CREEP! CREEP!" What? Creep? Wait. Does she mean ME?! I turn to look at the camera wondering what to do. I have no idea what to say so I just stay quiet with my eyes wide. Suddenly ______ flips over her bed and shouts at Hyo Ju. Something about a beach? What is she talking about?? There's silence.
Sandeul is still on the ladder and he just looks confused. Hyo Ju points at Sandeul with her eyes wide and you turn to see what made her look so surprised.   You turn your head and see Sandeul's face right in front of yours. "Eh?" Surprised you let go of your bed and slip towards the ground. "OMO!" You hear Sandeul yell and next thing you know, you're crouched on Sandeul's leg with his arms wrapped around your shoulders.
Hey guys, I hope you like this update. ^-^ Is it just me or is the site being awful today? I added in a chapter for characters and a bried description of your members so check that out too!
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StrawberrySweetCakez #1
Chapter 18: Oh please please continue!!! Pleeeeeaaassseee?? Pretty please with a gongchannie on top?? ≧﹏≦ I just started reading this fic and already I've fallen in love with it so please don't give upo just yet! Fighting!!
Chapter 18: CONTINUE PLEASE :((((((( I really loved your fic and i've been waiting for a long time ~ but if you decide to stop the fic then i just have to respect your decision ! Anyways FIGHTING!!! ^^
WeirdMe0302 #3
Chapter 18: please continue ~~
Chapter 18: please continue! i love the story
Chapter 18: Please continue! *puppy eyes* I love you story alot!
Chapter 18: Please do continue author-nim!!!
snsdteentopexo #7
Chapter 10: they are just so adorbs <3
Chapter 16: no problem ! hopefully you later will update soon, again ! i really love Sandeul !
Reignramones #9
Chapter 15: Author nim update soon please ~~ hehe :) thank you !!