UPDATE (Not a chapter sorry x.x)

We Got Married ... !

I'm sorry this is not a story update. I've been neglecting this story. I know. I'm sorry TT-TTTTT I've been so busy lately and have been going through a lot. But I wanted to give you guys an update to tell you that I WILL be posting again very soon. I have a couple chapters that I had written but never got around to typing up. I'm sorry for making everyone wait and want to thank everybody who's stuck with this story through this hiatus and waited. <3 I'm going through a change in my life and I'll have more time for myself so I will update soon! Thank you for reading!

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StrawberrySweetCakez #1
Chapter 18: Oh please please continue!!! Pleeeeeaaassseee?? Pretty please with a gongchannie on top?? ≧﹏≦ I just started reading this fic and already I've fallen in love with it so please don't give upo just yet! Fighting!!
Chapter 18: CONTINUE PLEASE :((((((( I really loved your fic and i've been waiting for a long time ~ but if you decide to stop the fic then i just have to respect your decision ! Anyways FIGHTING!!! ^^
WeirdMe0302 #3
Chapter 18: please continue ~~
Chapter 18: please continue! i love the story
Chapter 18: Please continue! *puppy eyes* I love you story alot!
Chapter 18: Please do continue author-nim!!!
snsdteentopexo #7
Chapter 10: they are just so adorbs <3
Chapter 16: no problem ! hopefully you later will update soon, again ! i really love Sandeul !
Reignramones #9
Chapter 15: Author nim update soon please ~~ hehe :) thank you !!