Episode 2 (Continued)

We Got Married ... !


He reached up and pulled off his mask. The room is dimly lit so you lean in closer to see his face better. OMO It's Sandeul, you think pulling back quickly. "Annyeonghasaeyo!" you whisper. "Neh, annyeonghasaeyo." He bows his head in greeting, "Sandeul -imnida." "Neh, _______-imnida. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." Not knowing what to say next you both sit back in your seats.

MCs : Haha, it's awkward. They don't know what to say.


"Are you hungry at all?" I ask ______. "What?" She whispers back over the loud noises of the movie.  I lean over in my seat to speak in her ear "I said are you hungry? Should I get you anything?" "Eh? A-ah. N-no, that's okay." She stuttered. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" I ask noticing her stutters. "Ani. Gwenchanayo."


Oh no, I don't know what to say. No one's saying anything! What should I do, this is so awkward! I notice Sandeul is saying something to me and bring myself back to focus. "What?" Just then he leans towards me and whispers in my ear, "I said are you hungry? Should I get you anything?" I was shocked at how close he was and just muttered something back. "Are you okay?" What? Did I do something? "Ani. Gwenchanayo." 



You : I was so nervous when he was talking to me during the movie. I didn't know what to say. Then suddenly he was so close to me. My heart was pounding from shock. 


Again, with nothing to talk about, you both turn back to the screen and continue watching the movie.


PD : What were you thinking during the movie? You weren't saying anything.

You : I didn't know what to say. It was so awkward. That's why I chose a horror comedy. I thought if we had nothing to say we could just watch the movie and be entertained by that for a while. 

Sandeul : I don't even remember what the movie was about. I was so busy thinking of something to say to ______ ssi.


The movie ends and you both get up from your seats.

MCs : Ehhh, he should hold her stuff for her.

You walk out into the lit hall and you both stand there and get your first good look at eachother. After a couple seconds of silence you both realize you're still staring at eachother and laugh. "Should we go eat something?" Sandeul asks you. "Neh. There's a cafe down the road." You walk out side and a gust of wind hits you. "It's cold!" you shout. "You're right. Ahhh let's hurry." You start to walk towards the cafe. "Do you know who I am, by any chance?" Sandeul asks. "Of course. You're from B1A4." "Majayo!" "You're really popular these days." "Jeongmal? Thanks." "Do you know who I am?" "Neh, you're from Venus. I watched your debut stage." You smiled to yourself. "Here it is." You arrived at the cafe and entered. You both sat at a table. "Did you get the mission card earlier?" "Ah, neh. I'll go first."  You pull out a photo album. I like to take a lot of photos and save them as memories. I hope we can have a happy marriage and take a lot of photos to look through later."


You : I think it's important to capture important memories, because once they're over that's what they become. Just memories. You have to capture them so you can remember them and think back on them so they don't disappear.

Sandeul : I was glad she put a lot of thought into her it. It showed she cared and was willing to make an effort. I hope my wife will put her all into everything she does.


He took the empty photo album and pulled out a CD. "It's a CD I made. It has all the songs I listen to and enjoy. I listen to these songs as I fall asleep too. I wanted to share them with you." "Gomaweoyo." You ordered your food and began to eat. "It's still a little awkward isn't it?" "Neh." "Then should we speak informally? That was we can get closer faster." "Okay. But, what should I call you? Oppa?" He looked down and blushed. "Wae? You don't like it?" "Ani, ani, Oppa is fine. Then what should I call you?" "Hmm... I don't know." "Jagi?"

MCs : That's so cheesy!

You both suddenly felt embarrassed and laughed. After a while Sandeul spoke up. "How about, for the next meeting, since we're moving into our house, we each take a couple pictures to put up?" "That's a good idea!" "Okay, Call!" He held up his pinky and you crossed yours together. Just then, he grabbed your hand with his free one and shook it hard up and down. "EH?"

MCs : What's he doing??


PD : What were you doing when you shook her hand like that?

Sandeul : AH *Laughs* That was a sign for my members. They said if I liked my wife I should shake her hand so they knew and if I didn't like her I shouldn't do anything. 

MCs : Ahhh, it was a sign. So he likes her?!


"Ahh.... Okay, call." you said confused. Soon you both finished eating and it was time to wrap up recording.


Sorry for the slow update.  It's been hectic dealings. So I came up with a name for your group... (Venus) Don't be too harsh. -___- Please let me know if you want to know more about your group. I think I'm having too much fun with these colors. Let me know if it's too confusing and thank you for the nice comments so far and those of you who subscribed! ^-^ Really boosts my esteem and makes me want to keep going.

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StrawberrySweetCakez #1
Chapter 18: Oh please please continue!!! Pleeeeeaaassseee?? Pretty please with a gongchannie on top?? ≧﹏≦ I just started reading this fic and already I've fallen in love with it so please don't give upo just yet! Fighting!!
Chapter 18: CONTINUE PLEASE :((((((( I really loved your fic and i've been waiting for a long time ~ but if you decide to stop the fic then i just have to respect your decision ! Anyways FIGHTING!!! ^^
WeirdMe0302 #3
Chapter 18: please continue ~~
Chapter 18: please continue! i love the story
Chapter 18: Please continue! *puppy eyes* I love you story alot!
Chapter 18: Please do continue author-nim!!!
snsdteentopexo #7
Chapter 10: they are just so adorbs <3
Chapter 16: no problem ! hopefully you later will update soon, again ! i really love Sandeul !
Reignramones #9
Chapter 15: Author nim update soon please ~~ hehe :) thank you !!