Episode 6 - (Continued Part 1)

We Got Married ... !



You're jolted awake from disequilibrium and you sit bolt upright looking around in the dark. Oh that's right I'm at WGM village you think to yourself foggily and flop back down. Soon you're once again fast asleep.


For some reason I can't seem to fall asleep. It must be because I'm nervous. I'm sleeping in the same bed as _________ why wouldn't I be?! She suddenly sits up and looks around frantically. I start to sit up about to ask what's wrong when she falls back down to the bed. Mwoya. "Are you asleep?" I whisper. I listen to her breathing evenly. She's out. I chuckle quietly. She fell down so violently her body's all crooked. I gently straighten her out and last minute decide to put her head on my arm. Where'd the pillow go anyway? I don't really mind though.


I feel like Im being moved and wake up. Is that Sandeul?! Embarrassed to look at him I keep my eyes closed and pretend I'm still sleeping. Suddenly he puts my head on his arm. Is this a dream? I fall back asleep.


The next morning you wake up still slightly groggy. You look next to you and see nothing. Wheres Sandeul? I didn't dream that whole thing did I? You shake your head and slide off the bed. As soon as your feet lower you feel something soft. Surprised you jerk your body away and fall forward. Ow! What WAS that? "Ow.." you groan out loud and grab your elbow then turn to see what you fell over.


Something heavy falls on top of me. Ow right in the stomach. I raise my hands up and pry my eyes open. I couldn't get much sleep last night so I'm still tired. But as soon as I see _________ next to me on the ground I wake up. Wait a minute. THE GROUND?


You look back at Sandeul who's holding his eyes open looking surprised.
Gwiyeopda. " ________-ah! Gwenchana?" Oh thats right I fell. "Eh? Neh. But you are you doing there?" "Huh? Ah. I guess I fell off. I move around in my sleep a lot." he sees you holding your arm. "Omo. Gwenchana?" he sits up and grabs your arm. Turning it over and over looking for marks. "Its okay. I just fell on it. I'm not hurt." "That's a relief." You check the time. "Ah. We have filming today. We have to bring our stuff for the trip." "Oh you're right." You decide to go back to your dorms and meet back later for filming.


The camera shows Sandeul outside the airport sitting on top of his suitcase as he waits for you to arrive.

MCs : Are they finally leaving for their honeymoon today?!

You arrive at the airport and see Sandeul sitting on his suitcase by the entrance. You gesture to the camera to be silent and stalk quietly towards him. When you reach him you approach him from behind and tap his head. "I'm her-"  Surprised, Sandeul jerks backward and crashes into you.

MCs : They REALLY created the right mood. *laughs sarcastically* This is a clumsy couple.

Sandeul looks up at you "Oh _______ -ah waseo?" "Eung." "Yah, you scared me just now. I almost peed." "Oppa." "Eung what?" "Oppa you're a little heavy." you grunt. The camera zooms out and shows Sandeul   Hanging off his suitcase with you holding him up from his back.

MCs : *Laughs* What is he doing? They seem closer than before.

"Ah. Mian." he laughs and stands up. "Gaja." You take your bags inside and go to the desk to get your ticket. "We just got married!" Sandeul tells the employee. She just smiles and hands him the tickets.

MCs : Haha, she doesn't seem to care.

You take the tickets and board the plane.

MCs : Where could they be headed?

The camera pans around and shows bright green trees and an ocean.

MCs : Ahhhh its Jeju!

You and Sandeul come out from the luggage claim and head outside. "Wow the weather is so nice!" you decide to go take a quick drive before heading to your hotel.



"I didn't know you could drive." "Eung. I'm cool right?" "Uhn." you chuckle. Sandeul starts to drive. "_______-ah." "Uhn?" "Is there anything special you wanted to do during our honeymoon?" "Hmm.." "I have one." "Eung what is it?" "Beach." "Ohh na do."

MCs : Geurae if you're going to Jeju you have to visit the beaches.


Hey guys. It's been a while sorry. Back with a new chapter! I think the story's starting to get a little cheesy. What do you guys think? Do you like it or should it be toned down? Dialed up? Thanks for reading and staying with me ^^

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StrawberrySweetCakez #1
Chapter 18: Oh please please continue!!! Pleeeeeaaassseee?? Pretty please with a gongchannie on top?? ≧﹏≦ I just started reading this fic and already I've fallen in love with it so please don't give upo just yet! Fighting!!
Chapter 18: CONTINUE PLEASE :((((((( I really loved your fic and i've been waiting for a long time ~ but if you decide to stop the fic then i just have to respect your decision ! Anyways FIGHTING!!! ^^
WeirdMe0302 #3
Chapter 18: please continue ~~
Chapter 18: please continue! i love the story
Chapter 18: Please continue! *puppy eyes* I love you story alot!
Chapter 18: Please do continue author-nim!!!
snsdteentopexo #7
Chapter 10: they are just so adorbs <3
Chapter 16: no problem ! hopefully you later will update soon, again ! i really love Sandeul !
Reignramones #9
Chapter 15: Author nim update soon please ~~ hehe :) thank you !!