Episode 6 - Honeymoon Preparation

We Got Married ... !


You're sitting on the couch with your bag on your knees. You seem nervous and look around anxiously waiting for Sandeul to arrive.

MCs : What's wrong with _______? Doesn't she seem worried?

You hear the door opening and you grab your bag and hug it against you. Sandeul comes in and peeks into the room from the doorway.

MCs : Him too. Isn't he acting kind of shy? Did something happen?

You turn to look at Sandeul and see him staring back at you wide eyed. "Annyeong." you push out. At that Sandeul breaks into a smile and walks into the room "Annyeong ______ ah. Have you been well?" "Neh, What about you?" "Eum. Me too. Did you bring your stuff?" "Neh I brought everything here." you say shaking the bag.

PD : Earlier Sandeul had asked you if you had brought your bag. How did you two contact each other to arrange this?

MCs : MAJA! How did they? Sulma, did they exchange numbers? I don't remember anything!

You : Ah that... *Burst of laughter* Sashil... Those cookies Sandeul gave me? I took them home and I was so frustrated that I wanted to just eat them and finish them off.

MCs : *Laughs* _______ssi has this side too?

You : But Sandeul's scary face kept flashing through my mind [Clip of Sandeul wide eyed in the background] so I took the cookies out and put them in order like he said. But *Laughs* something was weird.

Sandeul : I really wanted to give ________ wife my number but I didn't know how since it's so embarrassing for me.

You : They were chocolate chip cookies. But the second one had only one chip in it! *Laughs* and the the first and third didn't have any.

MCs : Ani, don't tell me...

You : So I thought 'Mwoya, is he telling me to lose weight??'

PD : *Chuckles*

You : Then I looked at them again. 0 chips. 1 chip. 0 chips again. It was like the first three digits of a phone number. *Eyes widen* I thought 'Yah, Sulma...' and I looked at the other cookies and typed the number into my phone and sent something. I didn't know if it was Sandeul or if I was going to get some stranger.

Sandeul : I admit it! *Pinches bridge of nose* I didn't know how to give her my number. So I looked up recipes online for chocolate chip cookies and put my number in the chips. Do you know how worried I was? I made them a week before I met up with her to make sure nothing would happen. I kept checking to make sure the chocolate didn't fall off. *Scrunches face* SO EMBARRASSING! I was at our dorms and suddenly I get a text saying 'I'm really sorry but ... If you've ever baked chocolate chip cookies please respond.' *rolls in seat* NEOMU GWIYEOWEO JINJJA. After a while we called and when she picked up the phone she answered so flatly I could tell she was thinking 'Ya. This Babo.'

You : *Laughs* Sorry this is too funny.

MCs : Yah, ________ ssi is JINJJA daebak for figuring that out.


"Why are you sitting like this?" Sandeul gestured at your bag. "Is it awkward now? You make me feel awkward too if you're like this!" he tugged at your bag.  "Aresseo. I won't do it. Shall we go now?" "Should we? Let's go."

Sandeul : We're going hiking today. Since were leaving for our honeymoon soon, we thought fx be good to go to the mountains and relieve our stress so that we could go on our trip with happy minds.

MCs : That sounds so nice. I wish my husband would do that with me. After hiking a mountain he'd want to get rid of you.



"So I read that this mountain has different paths that all lead to the top. But they're the same length." "Go on, I think I know what you're thinking." "Let's go separately on our own paths and meet at the top. Whoever gets to the top first has to grant a wish." "Okay, call."

MCs : Mwoya, they're really going alone?

You : I think it's better this way, rather than worrying about the other person and what to do it's just ourselves and we can truly relax and sort ourselves out before our trip.

You decide on a time to leave and each part to choose your own paths. As soon as the clock changed you both started your hikes. You were both quiet as you concentrated on walking. [captions : please.... Say something] After a while you reach the top and after looking around and seeing no Sandeul you beam and sit down to wait. "Yah, he's really taking his time." the camera man laughs. Since it's still a bit chilly you buy four cups of hot chocolate from a food stand at the top and hand one to your camera man and put two more down on the bench for Sandeul and his camera man.

MCs : Wow she takes care of others well.

A few minutes later Sandeul arrives breathing heavily. When he sees you his eyes bulge. "N-.... NUH-" he pants. "Eo, Wasseo?" you smile and pass out the drinks. After taking a sip he breathes out "How did you get here so quickly?"

MCs : Wow. Did ______ssi really go that fast? That camera man is amazing.

"I hike regularly." you smile. "HEOL! You didn't tell me that!" "You didn't ask. In any case, I won. You owe me a wish." Too tired to answer Sandeul sinks down next to you and drinks his chocolate. After a moment "Do you know how fast I ran to get up here? If I knew you were already here I would've taken my time!" you laugh. "I guess you really became Sandeul." (Mountain breeze) you smile and poke him in the side with your elbow. Sandeul smiles and scoffs incredulously. "Yah, so my wife is this kind of person!"

Sandeul : It was really tiring going up that mountain, but as I was running with my life-

*MCs laugh*

Sandeul : All thoughts left my mind and it felt really peaceful. It's even okay that I lost the bet too. Because _______ buin still owes me a wish from the amusement park. *Smirks*

You : I'm glad we did this. Everytime I meet Sandeul I see a new side of him and I like him even more for that. I hope we can do something like this again. Although maybe with less work.


[Off Screen]


After being released from filming I head back to our WGM house and go into the bedroom. I feel really tired from walking up a mountain for several hours and decide to just sleep in this quiet house for the night. I open your phone to check the time before I sleep and decide to read over the message with Sandeul again.

I'm really sorry but ... If you've ever baked chocolate chip cookies please respond.

... Sulma _______-ah?
Neh, then this is Oppa?
Yes. ㅎㅎ how in the world did you find out?
I know. I think I'm crazy. How are you?
Really good after talking to you

I smile and squeal inwardly. Suddenly the door swings open. OH MY GOD! I throw my phone in the air and turn to see Sandeul looking surprised. "GAMJJAKIYA!"


I'm so tired after that hike. Maybe I can go sleep at our marriage house? It's a lot quieter than our dorms. The hyungs are so noisy, I'll never get to sleep. I climb up the stairs of the house and enter the bedroom. Wait. __________ is here??


"Sandeul-ya. What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?" he asked walking over to you. "I came by here to pick up my phone. But I'm really tired so I decided to rest here. What about you?" "I was really tired too and members are so noisy! So I thought I would sleep here in peace." "Well..." you gestured at the spot next to you. "you can sit if you want." "Neh?"


You could see him hesitate for a second. Maybe he thinks it's weird? Then Sandeul walked around the bed and sat down next to you. You look at him surprised. "Wae? Didn't you tell me to sit here?" Sandeul asked confused. He starts to get up. "Ani. That's not it. I was just surprised you actually did it." "Of course I have to. We're married!" he nudged your shoulder. You laugh and lean against the headboard. He didn't leave when he saw me. He's sitting next to me. By any chance... Does he have actual feelings for me? "So what were you doing before I came in here?" Sandeul asked jolting you out of your thoughts. You look at him. He's looking at something on his phone. "Uhhh nothing really. I was just laying here thinking." "Really about what?" "I don't know. My schedule, dances I have to learn, what I'm going to tell my manager when he finds out I'm not at the dorms,-" "And you were thinking about me right?" he smirked still not taking his eyes off his phone. You're surprised by his comment. What is he. Some kind of wizard? Flustered you choke out "What? No! Of course not. Do I live thinking about you?" "According to this you do." he held up his phone to your face smugly. What does that mean? Is this some article? You squint at the screen and see a text between you too. What is this. He was reading it too? Wait a second. You look closer the phone. That's MY phone! "What- how did you get that?" "You threw it in the air, I just picked it up." "Why are you touching other peoples things!" you snatch your phone back and he laughs. "I'm glad you think of me even off the show." he says suddenly turning serious. "Well this IS our marriage house." Silence. Is he sleeping? You turn to look at Sandeul and see his face inches away from yours watching you. "Mwoya." you say quietly and lean backwards. "Are you okay?" Sandeul blinks then smiles sheepishly. He stretches and rubs his eyes. "Yeah, I must be really tired. I think I was blank staring." You watch as he lays down, confused. You shrug it off and lie down too. This is kind of nice. You smile to yourself and soon you feel your eyelids growing heavy and you let them close.


Next chapter ^^ What do you guys think of the off screen bit? Too serious? I don't know. I kind of like this chapter. 

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StrawberrySweetCakez #1
Chapter 18: Oh please please continue!!! Pleeeeeaaassseee?? Pretty please with a gongchannie on top?? ≧﹏≦ I just started reading this fic and already I've fallen in love with it so please don't give upo just yet! Fighting!!
Chapter 18: CONTINUE PLEASE :((((((( I really loved your fic and i've been waiting for a long time ~ but if you decide to stop the fic then i just have to respect your decision ! Anyways FIGHTING!!! ^^
WeirdMe0302 #3
Chapter 18: please continue ~~
Chapter 18: please continue! i love the story
Chapter 18: Please continue! *puppy eyes* I love you story alot!
Chapter 18: Please do continue author-nim!!!
snsdteentopexo #7
Chapter 10: they are just so adorbs <3
Chapter 16: no problem ! hopefully you later will update soon, again ! i really love Sandeul !
Reignramones #9
Chapter 15: Author nim update soon please ~~ hehe :) thank you !!