Why Am I Like This...?

Let Me Be


Since Sungmin did not appear in homeroom class, Kyuhyun had decided to let the day go by to see if Sungmin would pop up some time and somewhere. Kyuhyun was really hoping to see Sungmin at least once, but as Kyuhyun watched the day go by Sungmin was no where to be seen. 
Kyuhyun took a deep breath then walked off the school campus. He had began his way back to his home. Even thought he had a car,  he prefered walking. It gave him time to think about the he had spent and what events have happened during the day. Usually he'd be thinking about how lame his day was and how drained he was from the studying he'd been doing ever since he lost contact with his game systems. But today was different from those other days. 
Questions about Sungmin had roamed his head. How come he didn't come to school? Did he cry so much that he got sick? Will he come back to school and forgot about what he'd done to his poor older classmate? Kyuhyun did not know but he grew more worried. Kyuhyun had thought so much on his way home that before he knew it he was lying on his big king sized bed starring at the ceiling with Sungmin's phone in his hand. All he wanted was to see and apologize to his classmate for being an and going too far with his teasing and also for his judging and assuming. It was wrong of him to say such things to his older classmate especially if he didn't know what lied inside that bunny-boy. 
"I hope Sungmin-ah comes to school tomorrow..."Kyuhyun said to himself as he brought Sungmin's phone to his sight and eyed the fuzzy bunny that hung loose from the hook. Kyuhyun sighed at how cute the bunny was hanging from Sungmin's phone. He couldn't help but to adore the bunny on his older classmate's phone. 
"Maybe Sungmin-ah will come back to school tomorrow...I really need to apologize for what I have caused for him..."Kyuhyun said to himself then rolling over on his side. Kyuhyun closed his eyes while he still grasped Sungmin's funny in his hands. 
Kyuhyun then soon drifted off into a deep sleep. He was drained from the day he had spent about worrying for his older classmate. Never had Kyuhyun been like this in his entire life. Never has he ever been so worried for someone or has he ever wanted to actually apologize to someone. He felt the need to do this and he felt it was right to himself. Coming to realization that he is infact a jerk and should probaby change his way.
+++Kyuhyun Dream:+++
"Kyuhyun-ah!! Kyuhyun-ah!!!"Shouted Sungmin, sounding helpless. 
Behind Sungmin stood a big bulky man with tattoo's on his dirty arms that was wrapped around Sungmin's neck and pulling him farther away from Kyuhyun's reach. Kyuhyun jerked his right arm out to try and reach for Sungmin but was being held back by two helpers of the bulky man that was pulling Sungmin away from him. 
Kyuhyun did his best to break free from the two men's grasp, trying his every best, but the two men were bigger than Kyuhyun and they were much more muscular than his frame. Covering the bottom half of their faces was a black cloth with a red 'X' on it, making it hard for Kyuhyun to make out their faces. 
"Sungmin-ahhhhh! Let me go!!! Sungmin-ah!!!"Kyuhyun pleaded to the men who were holding him back from reaching Sungmin. 
As Kyuhyun struggled to break free from the dirty hands that were pulling him back, he kept his eyes on Sungmin who was being pulled back into the dark alley way. As he helplessly watched his Sungmin being dragged away he could see the tears that were forming in the olders eyes. This broke Kyuhyun's heart and caused tears of his own to form and begin to run down his cheek. He needed to get to his lover. He needed to get him back in his arms so he could protect him and get him out of this dangerous place that they were dragged into. 
"Ahhh!!!"Kyuhyun winced in pain  as he was soon pinned down against the concrete with his arms being pressed down on his back from behind him and his face touching the cold sement. 
"Kyuhyun-ah!! Help me!!"Sungmin shouted from inside the dark shadows making it hard for Kyuhyun to find him. Kyuhyun winced as a sudden pain was struck into his side making it hard for him to move. 
"KYUHYUN-AH!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! LET HIM GO!!!"Kyuhyun heard Sungmin cry out. He could hear now the hurt and pain coming from Sungmin's voice. It broke his heart even more to hear him sound like this. He did not like when his Sungmin was crying or sounding broken. It just tore him. 
Before Kyuhyun knew what was going on, a horrid pain struck his nerves, as messages of aching spread throught out his body, and crawling up his spine. Kyuhyun arched his back a bit as more pain flowed thought his body then finally Kyuhyun let out a loud wince hovering over Sungmin's yells from the shadows. 
Kyuhyun turned his head to take a look at what pain had struck him, only to see that he had been stabbed in his spine. Kyuhyun whimpered then brought his head up to look for Sungmin, reaching his hands out, hopeing that the older had broken free to try and save him. 
"Kyuhyun-ah!!"Sungmin cried as Kyuhyun heard footsteps. 
Kyuhyun's eyes becoming heavy soon to the point where he couldn't leave them open no more and his heart rate dropping rapidly. Have broken free, Sungmin dropped on his knees to take Kyuhyun's hands in his. Kyuhyun tried to hold Sungmin's hand tightly in his but only loosing his energy in his body as his blood drained from his body through the body causing him to weaken. 
Kyuhyun closed his eyes then sqeezed one last time at Sungmin's hands before managing to whisper with whatever energy he had left in him.
With those last words coming from Kyuhyun, Sungmin had his eyes filled with tears as they rolled down his cheeks. Sungmin was broken. His only lover had been killed by terrible men. 
"Kyuhyun-ahh!!!"Sungmin cried out as he tried to shake Kyuhyun back to consciousness.
Shooting up from his bed, Kyuhyun sat up in his bed awaking from the dream he had just had. Sweat running down his face and his heart beat pounding rapidly. Kyuhyun could not believe what he had just dreamt about. Never in his life did he dream about anyone, other than himself. And never did he have dreams about him dying for someone else. 
Kyuhyun took a deep breath then brought his hands up to run his long slender fingers through his messy hair. His dream was shocking and it made Kyuhyun question things that he didn't know if he was able to answer them. They just came to him life nothing and Kyuhyun didn't know why. Maybe he was worrying too much about Sungmin and just suddenly had a dream about him, but why would they be lovers? Kyuhyun did not know what if his dream was telling him something or not but all he knew was that it was frightening for him to even think of. 
The setting of his dream was in a dark cold alley way with shadows hard to see in. He did not like the way it went and the three men in the story who kept Kyuhyun and Sungmin apart seemed as if they were gang-related men. Kyuhyun was not in a gang and nor did he plan on being in one. His father would have killed Kyuhyun if he was in a gang or even disown him. This stuff didn't make sense. 
Kyuhyun got up from his bed to walk to his bathroom to wash away the filth he had all over him from his dream. It made him feel uncomfortable especially since he didn't know why he dreamt of such things. Stretching his arm out to reach for a towel, Kyuhyun took in his grasp then brought it to his face to pat it dry. Kyuhyun set the towel down on the counter then looked at himself in the mirror. 
"what's going on with you, Kyuhyun?"He said to himself in the mirror before letting out a sigh then shuffling back into his room. 
Kyuhyun crawled upon his bed once again then looked at the ceiling. He let another sigh out before closing his eyes and grabbing Sungmin's phone and holding it within his hands on his chest. 
"Just let it go for now Kyuhyun. Tomorrow will be a better day" And with those last words being said Kyuhyun had drifted back off into the sleep he had awoken from. Only this time he didn't have a terrible dream. It ended with a bright, joyful conclusion. 
I'm sorry readers for not updating lately but I have been busy >___< And plus next week I am going camping and then after that I am going to California so I won't be able to post much. But know I am fighting and doing whatever I can for you guys ^___^ Please comment and vote! You guys make me happy as a shy writer! <3 love you guys! 
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you kyu....now minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best friend...how about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~