No One Knows...

Let Me Be


Kyuhyun and Sungmin sat in silent in their desks as the rest of groups in the class were working together on their projects. Sungmin was still so new, he didn't know what to do with the project, and from the look oh it, Kyuhyun looked as if he didn't attempt to start on the project himself which made Sungmin wonder why did he not? Sungmin can remember from when he walked into class this morning that the teacher said this was day 4 of working on their projects and that it was a big part of the student grades. Sungmin was still new to this school and yet he still had no clue on what curriculum his classes were on. It would take awhile to for him to endure this new school and its surroundings. 
Sungmin did not want to have a bad grade for the first week of being at this school, so he brought himself back to reality pushing his thoughts aside to turn to Kyuhyun and shake his arm a bit. Kyuhyun being zoned into his game was not aware of being bothered, especially why he was trying to reach a new level on StarCraft. The moment he felt his own arm shake by his partner, Kyuhyun felt annoyed. But not only did the shaking annoy him, but his character had died, failing to reach the next level. This furiated Kyuhyun as he watched his character fade away. 
A low growl came from Kyuhyun as he closed his eyes then took a deep breath to keep his cool. Kyuhyun opened his eyes once again then looked in Sungmin's direction to find the his older classmate was already looking at him. What did he want that caused Kyuhyun's character to fail to reach the next level?
Taking another deep breath, Kyuhyun looked back at his laptop then shut it closed before asking Sungmin, "how can I help you?"
"What exactly are we supposed to be doing on this project?"Sungmin nervously asked as he watched Kyuhyun's reactions. He was afraid he might have interrupted Kyuhyun's game playing just so he can have some sort of information on what to do. 
"DId you really just ask me that?"Kyuhyun asked, diverting his eyes back to Sungmin, who gulped nervously. 
"Well...the teacher did say the project is a big part of our grade....., and that you guys have been working on it for at least four days now, I'm curious..... and want to know so I can be familiar with what to do....,"Sungmin softly mumbled. 
Kyuhyun then puckered his lips a bit to think about what the assignment was about. He cannot remember for the most he wasn't even paying attention when it was given by the teacher. Without any clue of what it was about, Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulders giving up on this memory. Was this how his game playing really affected him? He actually did not know what his assignment was about. 
Seeing Kyuhyun's response, Sungmin let out a small sigh before leaning back in his seat. He wanted to know what they were supposed to do, so without any hesitated, he raised his right hand high to try and catch the teachers attention. Seeing how it didn't affect the teacher because she was looking down at the papers in front of her, Sungmin then cleared his voice so he would be able to speak clearly. 
"Mrs. Choi"Sungmin spoke. 
The teacher looked up to see whom had summoned her name, only to see the new student with his arm raised. She smiled then folded her hands on the papers in front of her. 
"yes, Sungmin-ah?"She spoke invitingly. 
"I am still a new student here...Could you please tell me what the class is working on?"Sungmin asked. 
"Remember what I said yesterday to ask your partners before asking me?"Mrs. Choi restated an intruction she gave to Sungmin after the class was over. 
Sungmin gulped, "ah, I do remember Mrs. Choi, but my partner doesn't seem remember what instructions was given.."
With that being said, Kyuhyun had looked like he had froze in his seat as Sungmin mentioned his name to the teacher. Mrs. Choi shot her eyes towards Kyuhyun, causing him to sulk slowly into his seat, as if he was caught for doing something distructing. Mrs. Choi then looked back down to her desk and let out a small chuckle before looking back up to Sungmin when she spoke. 
"Well....I see...Last week the students were given an assigmnent to  create a project about how the Board of Education could make the smaller schools more bigger, in ratings. They were given instructions to be creative and make sure it was also educational. For a conclusion of the project, you have to write an essay on how you think this will help the smaller schools be ranked higher with your ideas that will be presented to important people from the Board of Education Center in a few weeks."Mrs. Choi informed. 
Sungmin nodded his head as he wrote down some of the main key points of her instructions down in his notebook in pink ink. 
"thank you, Mrs. Choi. I appreciate it!"Sungmin bowed his head once then gave her a warm smile. Mrs. Choi nodded her head once then watched as Sungmin looked back to his notebook. Mrs. Choi looked at Kyuhyun who had his hands covered over his hace. 
Mrs. Choi was disappointed that her nephew did not know what assignment they were working on. This entire time she thought that he was paying attention to his class works, but just didn't understand the concepts, resulting in his low grades in her class. 
The bell had rung to leave for lunch. Sungmin gladly stood up from her seat and slammed her yardstick upon the desk to catch everyone's attention before leaving. 
"Everyone please enjoy what the lunch ladies have to bring to you today! Now don't forget to study too."She said then concluded her statement before eyeing the students that walked out. Once she saw Kyuhyun about to reach the classroom door, Mrs. Choi smirked. 
"Ya! Kyuhyun-ah!"
Halfway out of the classroom, Kyuhyun heard his name being called. He looked back to see Mrs. Choi still standing at her desk looking in his direction. Kyuhyun stepped back inside the classroom then let the other students exit the classroom, and watched as Sungmin stepped out, and give him a last glance before disappearing down the hallway to the lunchroom. 
Why did he look at me before leaving? Was he afraid that he might've gotten me in trouble? If that is the reason well he is right. Kyuhyun thought to himself. 
"Yes, Mrs. Choi?"Kyuhyun asked. 
"Before you go to lunch, I need to speak with you."Mrs. Choi said rounding the desk to stand in front of him. 
Kyuhyun gulped. He was for sure in some deep right now. 
"What about?"
"Well you know that I am your aunt, and since you are in my class it is my responsibility to make sure that you are doing your work and understanding the concepts of the lessons I give each day,"She continued, "How is your school works doing? Are you not able to understand some things that makes you not Ace your classes?"
Kyuhyun did not know what to say. His teacher was in fact his aunt and she was very close with his parents. She would tell his parents about him if he was failing class or causing trouble or anything she could tell them about that she considered was important for them to know. Kyuhyun wished that she would mind her own business and stay off his case but he knew she wouldn't stay out of it. Kyuhyun was her brother's only son and she wanted to make sure that his parents were always happy with their only son, and wanted him to succeed and become a business man like his father. That's not what Kyuhyun wanted. 
"Oh no I understand everything cleary auntie, I know everything that you are talking about in classes and as well as from my other teachers"Kyuhyun responded, giving her a warm smile to try and get his way out of this problem. Kyuhyun's aunt dropped her head to give a small chuckle before crossing her arms. She leaned back against her desk then looked back at Kyuhyun once again. 
"then why are you failing a majority of your classes?"She asked. Kyuhyun paused. He did not know how to answer this. He had just told his aunt that he understood everything that was being taught to him, but to come up with a lie that he'd have to remember later on was hard. Kyuhyun was not so good with lying, especially to his parents. If he lied to his parents they'd give him a death glare that melted into him until he told the truth. 
"What is in your bag?"She asked looking at Kyuhyun's bag that hung over his broad shoulders. Kyuhyun looked at his bag then looked at his aunt as she gave him a suspicious look, "let me see you bag?"
"why?!"Kyuhyun instantly asked. 
"are you questioning me, young man? Let me see your bag."His aunt said putting her hands out. With no choice, Kyuhyun let out a sigh before taking his bag off and handing his bag to her. 
She took the bag and brought her knee up to support the suddenly heavy weight of his bag. This suprised Mrs. Choi, was there so many books in her nephews bag? Or were they something different? She unsnapped the button on his bag then opened it wide so she could glance at what was inside, being suprised to find a bunch of electronic contraptions and only one notebook but no writing utencil.
She frowned then looked at Kyuhyun with the bag still wide open, "is this what is causing you to slack in my class and as well as others?"She needed to know what was causing him to fail his classes. 
Kyuhyun bit his lip nervously. He didn't know if he should tell her the truth. 
"Answer my question, Cho Kyuhyun."
"Yes auntie."Responded Kyuhyun as he lowered his head a bit. Mrs. Choi let out a small chuckle before closing his bag again and snapping the button together again. She handed Kyuhyun back his bag then rounded her table to grab out a notepad. 
"I am disappointed in you Kyuhyun-ah, I am going to have to call your parents."Mrs. Choi stated. Kyuhyun shot his head up and looked at his aunt who was writing down the reminder on her notebook. 
"No! Please don't! He's going to take away my PSP, my Laptop and everything else!"Kyuhyun informed. 
"I'm sorry, but if it's going to distract you from doing your work, it is the best of it to be out of your reach. Now go have lunch and we'll see how things go."Mrs. Choi said as she leaned back into her chair then faced Kyuhyun again, "Kyuhyun-ah you are a smart boy, I know you are. I just want you to succeed that's all. I care for you."
Kyuhyun nodded his head once before making his way towards the door, exiting then making his way to the bathroom. This hour was his only time for lunch, but right now he didn't want to have lunch. He wanted to be alone and just think about the consequences that he would face once he gets home from school. His father for sure would be furious of his failing grades but also be upset of what distracted him from his faily grades. 
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~