It'll Be Better

Let Me Be
Kyuhyun sat in the MoBit cafe, drinking himself a cup of tea that was warm enough for a little steam to escape from. He looked around as he tapped his fingers on the table nervously. Today was a school day, but Kyuhyun was asked to meet by someone he knew to be here. Knowing who this person was, Kyuhyun for sure was not oging to deny the offer to meet the other person here. 
Kyuhyun picked up his cup of coffee then brought it up to his plump lips, barely parting them so he could take small sips from his warm tea. The sound of the bell to the door rang, signalling everyone in the cafe that someone had entered the cafe. Kyuhyun looked at the person who walked in and then set his cup of tea down before getting up from his seat. He grabbed out his wallet and left some cash on the table for the waiter who would be picking up after him then made his way towards the other. 
"So. Are you ready for school?"Kyuhyun asked as a smile formed on his plump lips. 
The other only nodded his head, staying quiet. He looked up at into Kyuhyun's face then gave him a soft smile the spread across his perfectly shaped lips. 
Kyuhyun nodded his head once before putting an arm around the others shoulder and leading him back out of the cafe.
 "Then why don't we get going Sungmin-ah"
Kyuhyun opened the door to the classroom for his older classmate and stood aside, looking at the older who stood there looking at Kyuhyun. He gave a soft smile before giving a pat on his back. 
"Sungmin-ah. You can do it. I'll be here right behind you."He said to the older and giving a small nod. 
Sungmin nodded in response then took a deep breath, turning back to face the inside of the classroom. He then started to move forward into the classroom, with Kyuhyun following behind him. All the eyes were fixed on him, causing him to feel nervous and uncomfortable. He gripped the hem of his uniform sleeves, as his palms had started to become sweaty. All the attention that he was receiving didn't suit him and he didn't like it. But it was a good thing he sat in the back of the classroom with Kyuhyun. Someone who he forgiven especially after everything he had done. 
The past couple days, Sungmin had grown to trust Kyuhyun for the two have been meeting each other in various places to just hangout and get to know each other a bit more. Sungmin was glad for that and grew more towards Kyuhyun, proudly accepting his friendship and forgiving him. But Kyuhyun did not know just yet that he had already decided to forgive him. He wanted to see what other things Kyuhyun would do just to make Sungmin forgive him, even if he already did. When Sungmin will tell him? That is to be scheduled for a particular timing. 
Once Sungmin had reached the back of the class to his desk, he slid his back off his shoulders and placed his bag on the top of his desk while Kyuhyun took his place next to his older classmate. Sungmin bit the bottom of his lip as he had seen some people still looking back onto him. He looked down to his bag then opened it to start digging around for his things that he needed. 
Kyuhyun looked over to Sungmin and noticed how he was being uneasy. His body structures and facial expression said it all that he was not comfortable with the atmosphere and the eyes that were looking back to him. He let out gave a small frown before leaning over to Sungmin's ear. 
"If any of these people are bothering you or making you feel more uncomfortable, please let me know so I can take care of them"He whispered into his ears letting him know. 
Sungmin nodded at Kyuhyun's words then grabbed out his notebook and pencil and placed it atop his desk before taking his backpack and moving it to the floor under his desk. He then looked to the fornt of the classroom only to find the teacher entering the classroom with her computer case and a coat in her other hand. She was still the same it seemed liked. 
"Alright class, today is the due date for the assignments to the school board. I will need it before class ends so I could observe it and grade you for your efforts"
'Damn it! I had totally forgotten about that!'Sungmin said to himself. 
The project that he was supposed to be doing with Kyuhyun and he was absent throught most of it. He bit onto his lower lip then turned to Kyuhyun and tapped his shoulder and motioned for him to come closer. 
Kyuhyun looked over to Sungmin after being tapped on the shoulder by his older classmate then leaned forward to him as he grew a smile across his lips, as if he knew what his classmate was going to say to him.
"Sungmin-ah. Don't worry about the project. I worked on it and finished it while you were away. It was all thanks to your notes that you made me write down. I was able to understand it and was able to finish it."Kyuhyun said confidently to Sungmin. 
"Oh, thank god! Kyuhyun-ah, I am so sorry for letting you do this all on your own.. I feel bad for that now"He puffed his cheeks out and pouted. Kyuhyun couldn't help but to chuckle at the look on he was giving. Not only was it cute but also very adorable. 
Kyuhyun brought his hand up only to pinch gently at his cheek. 
"Sungmin-ah. Don't worry it is okay, nae? Consider this part of my apology for you to forgive me."
There was no doubt Kyuhyun was really working to get Sungmin to forgive him, and Sungmin liked this about his younger classmate. He was open more to reality rather than his games and those other electronics that he would usually be on. 
Sungmin sat there in his desk holding his pink pen with the fluffy stuff attached at the end. He stared down at a blank piece of notebook paper as his thoughts began to think about how the rest of the day will go if no one bothered him in his homeroom class. 
Later on lunch had reached. This was the time of the day students belly's would be filled with delicious food to fullfil their growling insides that hungered for something tasty and mouth watering. 
Sungmin leaned back against his locker, waiting there searching for the only Cho Kyuhyun. He brought his wrist up to only look to see what time it was. It was 12:07. Kyuhyun was seven minutes late. Sungmin had began to wonder where his younger classmate was at this time or at least what was causing him to be late. Kyuhyun had promised he'd meet the older at his locker but yet he still wasn't here. 
"Sungminnie~"then came a whisper from behind Sungmin and a pair of hands covering his eyes. Sungmin gasped as if he was going to be kidnapped. How great. His first day back to school and he was going to get kidnapped. 
"W-Who's there..?"Sungmin trembled to say, as his body stiffened in stance. 
"Who else would it be? It's me Kyuhyun-ah"Kyuhyun chuckled before letting go of the older and coming in front of him. "Yo, I'm sorry I'm late. My English teacher kept me after class just because I didn't know how to use some words in a sentence.."
"Oh don't worry. It's okay."Sungmin nodded and smiled up to the younger. "So you ready for lunch?"
"Yes! Let's go!"
Then off went the two walking side by side to the cafeteria where hundreds of other students ate.
Kyuhyun and Sungmin held their treys as they reached for a bottle of water to drink. Kyuhyun then looked back at Sungmin.
"So Sungmin, where would you like to sit?"He asked as a soft smile was spread across his plump lips. Sungmin diverted his attention to Kyuhyun. Was he actually going to sit with him at lunch too? He didn't want to keep Kyuhyun away from his friends but he also didn't want to spend it alone. Maybe he should take this offer while he can, he thought to himself. 
"uhm...How about at the table in the back corner by the window?"Sungmin suggested. Kyuhyun looked to the table Sungmin was talking about then nodded. 
"Alright then. Let's go before out food get's cold."Kyuhyun smiled then began to lead them both away to the back of the table. 
Sungmin followed behind Kyuhyun. In his mind he looked like a lost puppy following the latter around. But he didnt mind, he just didn't want to be alone. 
"Hey look! It's the big cry baby!"said the voice of an unknown face to Sungmin as they were both passing a table. Sungmin stopped and looked at the boy who looked at Sungmin laughing while he ate his food. 
"What are you looking at, sissy-boy?"The older said to Sungmin. 
Oh no...Not again... Sungmin thought to himself. His day that was So Far, So Good just now went down the drain. He was still to fragile to face these people who judged him. 
"Yah! KangIn-ah!"Came in another voice but this time it was familiar. Sungmin diverted his attention to see an angry looking Kyuhyun coming back to Sungmin. It seems Kyuhyun had heard the comment the other who was probably known as KangIn, made to the poor bunny boy. 
"Why don't you shut your mouth and leave Sungmin alone!"Kyuhyun spoke up to him looking down at the older, bulkier male who sat at a table they were just passing. 
"Why don't you make me, freak!"KangIn said to Kyuhyun before letting out a laughter. 
Kyuhyun's eyes started to fill with rage and anger as he looked at the male seated. He looked at his tray of foor before taking the bowel of noodles then throwing it on KangIn's face. This was Sungmin's first day back at school and he didn't want anyone ruining it for him. He wanted his older classmate to be comfortable again and not be afraid to roam the halls just because of people who didn't like people like Sungmin. 
"Yah!"KangIn shouted as he jumped up from his seat then wiping the noodles off his face. 
"I told you to leave Sungmin-ah alone. You didn't listen and that is what you shall get in return for denying to shut up."Kyuhyun said before taking Sungmin's wrist then turning to leave but stopping himself then looking back at KangIn. 
"Also you eat like a pig. Why don't you close your mouth when you eat, huh?" And with those last words being said to the older, Kyuhyun guided Sungmin to their table in the back of the cafeteria by the window as Sungmin pleased. It was an empty table and it was far form people like KangIn or Kyuhyun's friends. 
"Kyuhyun-ah...T-Thank you for defending me..."Sungmin said as he sat down across from his classmate. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin with a smile and nodded. 
"Sungmin-ah.. I just want your first day back to be pleasent and make you comfortable again. Jerks like him may come, but soon they'll disappear one day. Also I care for you and I don't want anyone to pick on you. So it's my pleasure."
And with that being said a smile formed across Sungmin's perfectly shaped lips without him knowing. He looked down at his food. Now he could really forgive Kyuhyun. Maybe this was the time he could tell the younger he had forgiven him fully. So he then brought his view back up to look at his younger classmate who sat across from him already stuffing his face in the vegetables. Sungmin couldn't help but to laugh at this sight. 
"Yah! Be careful Kyuhyun, you could choke."Sungmin said picking up an extra napkin he picked up and handing it over to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun couldn't help but to chuckle and cover his mouth before taking the napkin and wipping his mouth. 
"Thank you. I was just hungry since my noodles are with that freak now."Kyuhyun said before stuffing a broccali in his mouth. Sungmin gave a soft chuckle. 
"Kyuhyun-ah..I have something to tell you"Sungmin said softly before picking up his chop sticks and playing with them. Kyuhyun swallowed then looked at the older. 
"Ah, is that so? What is it Sungmin?"Kyuhyun asked openning his water then taking a sip from it. 
"Well...I just want to let you know that these past few days I have been spending with you, I was able to see that you are really working to try and get me to forgive you and.."
"And I want you know that I forgive you for everything you have done to make me upset or sad. You have really gained my trust. I am ready to start over with you as Friends"Sungmin said bringing his attention back up to Kyuhyun and giving him one of the most friendliest smiles he could make. 
Kyuhyun grew a grin across his lips as he listened to the words from the older. Finally! He was forgiven for everything he had done! And this made Kyuhyun really happy! And from now on Kyuhyun had to do his best to keep him happy and from being sad in a way to start off their new friendship. Kyuhyun was able to get to know more about this bunny-boy and have his trust. This made everything better for Kyuhyun. 
This was the start of their new friendship.
I am very sorry for the long wait I was having writers block and I was also very busy. But tomorrow I will be going to California again and I will try to work on the next chapter. >__<
Again I am very sorry! But please keep supporting this story.
Also I'd like to thank the new subscribers, I've been meaning to say that in previous updates but I keep forgetting >_< I appreciate those who read my story ^_^ Thank you very much!
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~