Solo Project..?

Let Me Be


Kyuhyun sat in his desk at the back of the classroom. Sungmin was not present at school again. Kyuhyun began starting to think that maybe Sungmin wasn't going to come back to school. Kyuhyun couldn't help but to feel drowned in the guilt he was left in while his older classmate was somewhere out there in Seoul. He could tell that his older classmate was hurt from what Kyuhyun had said. Kyuhyun felt horrible after saying those things. He was wrong to judge Sungmin and he was especially to wrong to even make a big scene about it. Only when he seen Sungmin hurt and cry did he know that he was a horrible person and only then did he realize that he needed to change his ways. He wasn't going to get anywhere with the way he was heading and he had to do something to change that. 
The door to the classroom opened and in came was the teacher also known as his aunt only by himself and his family. She walked to her desk then set her suit case down atop of her desk then took her trench coat off and set it on her chair. The entire class just stopped their conversations to look at her and wait to see what she was going to say. 
Mrs. Choi set her palms on her desk as she leaned forward to stare at her class in front of her. She gave a small chuckle then rounded her desk so that she could observe more of the silent class. She crossed her arms then finally formed a smile upon her face. 
"Good morning my annoying little pricks. Today I am going to put a hold on the new lession so you all can work on your projects for the Board of Education people. So I will give you until next week to finish it. Take your time and do your best. Now get to it!"She spoke to the class. Everyone nodded their head once then brought out their equipment for their project. 
Kyuhyun sat there alone by himself as he thought about the project. Sungmin was usually the only working on the project while he just sat back and watched what Sungmin did therefore Kyuhyun did not know what to do with the project. Kyuhyun sat back in his seat as he the term "I'm screwed" when through his head. He should have payed more attention to Sungmin instead of teasing him and picking on him and argueing with him that way he wouldn't have been in this situation. 
Kyuhyun had then started to think about what he could do to finish the project without Sungmin, to at least show that he took some responsibility for the project that was theirs to create together. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin's phone that was lying on his desk top then suddenly he remembered that he had some notes from Sungmin. Well Kyuhyun was forced and threated by the bunny-boy to take the notes when Sungmin showed them to Kyuhyun so he had no choice but to write down the notes. 
Kyuhyun reached down for his backpack then grabbed out his notebook and began searching through the pages to look for the notes he had recorded from Sungmin's. Finding the page marked with a little pink bunny in the top left corner, Kyuhyun observed it closely. He could tell that Sungmin had drawn the bunny there. He's seen Sungmin's drawings of pink bunnies before so this didn't suprise him. Kyuhyun couldn't help but let a soft smile form across his thin plump-like lips as he looked at Sungmin's drawing in his notebook. 
"Such a cute bunny. The most adorable thing I have ever seen! Well other than Sungmin-ah,"Kyuhyun froze as those words quietly escaped from between his lips. He couldn't believe he had just said this. 
"Aigoo~~ Did I just say that?"Kyuhyun asked himself as he brought his hand up to slightly scratch at his temple. 
Did he really think that Sungmin was cuter than a pink bunny? Kyuhyun shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had never expected like those words to come out of his head. Kyuhyun then looked back at the pink bunny on his notebook paper. He let out a sigh then let his head fall atop his notebook for a few moments. He was for sure not himself lately. 
After a few moments of resting his head, Kyuhyun looked at the notes he had copied from Sungmin then read then thoroughly to understand what his older classmate had in mind for their project. As he read it and made them up in his head, he then started to see where Sungmin was going so without any hesitation Kyuhyun grabbed for his bag to get some things that Sungmin had him keep and then began starting to put together their project. This can't be hard right? 
By the time homeroom class was over Kyuhyun had the first part of the project ready and now all he needed to do was make the presentation. Now this is where it was going to get difficult because Kyuhyun didn't have his laptop to make the presentation. They had always used Sungmin's laptop and Sungmin didn't seem like he was going to be present for a couple days so He figured he'd just go home and plead to his dad to get his laptop back so he could use it for his school works. 
Once Kyuhyun was in his home, he dropped his backpack and took his shoes off then ran to find his father. 
"Father! Fatherrrr!!!"He shouted throughout the silent house and began running from room to room to find his father. "Father!! Are you home?"
"Ya! What are you yelling around about, son?"Kyuhyun's father asked coming out of the family room removing his glasses as he held a newspaper in his other hand then looking for his yelling son. 
Kyuhyun stopped then looked at his dad who was standing at the door way of the family room. Kyuhyun grew a grin across his face then ran to him. 
"I need to ask you a question father"Kyuhyun said as he approached his dad. Kyuhyun's dad rose a brow then crossed his arms. 
"and what is that, Kyuhyun?"He asked giving him a serious look. His dad never was the type of person to show some emotion. He was always known as the serious, cold looking man even around his fathers company. His fathers strange fact is what made Kyuhyun's friends afraid to come over that's why Kyuhyun never brought friends over. 
"I wanted to ask you if I can use my laptop to finish a project for one of my classes."
"do you have a partner?" His father asked. Kyuhyun's grin faded at that question then nodded his head once. He did in fact have a partner, but Sungmin was MIA all because of him. He didn't like to be reminded of what he done, and he was still going to apologize when he had the chance to find his bunny-partner. 
"I do have a partner yes. But you see, he hasn't been in school for the past couple days..He has out presentation on his laptop but since he hasn't been coming it's hard to finish out project..and I was wonder if I may have my laptop to finish for us until he comes back.."Kyuhyun said as he looked at his father. Kyuhyun's father stood there looking at Kyuhyun for a few moments before putting on his glasses.
"And if I give you back your laptop, you won't play games on it, right?"His father asked. Kyuhyun nodded his head fast to respond to the question. 
"No I will not play any video games. I will use it just for my studies and works form school,"Kyuhyun stated. Kyuhyun's father folded his newspaper in half then stuck it under his arm. 
"Your laptop is on top of your mothers dresser with the charger," With just that being said from his father, a grin began to form on Kyuhyun's face. He was ever so happy now that he could get his laptop back especially so that now he can finish the project until Sungmin comes back. "But I don't want you playing games on it. I am trusting you Kyuhyun"
"Don't worry father, I won't abuse this ability. Thank you!" Kyuhyun slightly bowed to his father then stretched his arms out to wrap them around his father. He was so thankful in this moment that his father was able to trust him with his laptop. He was happy that his father was beginning to be able to give him a chance. 
Kyuhyun's father stood there for a few seconds. He wasn't exactly the type of man to show his feelings through his expression or from hugging and such but this seemed to have ment a lot to Kyuhyun. He brought his arms up to wrap around his son's small frame then patted his back a few times. He loved his son and he really wanted the best for his son. No matter how stubborn his son was at times, he always knew that sometime he would come to a realization. It was a big step especially since his son was an adult now. 
Sorry for not updating but I barely came back from camping >_< and I am trying my best to work on Chapter 11. Bare with my. I'm sorry to make you guys wait....Please keep supporting thought ^__^
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~