Do I Even Have A Life..?

Let Me Be


As days have passed, Kyuhyun had became bored with his life. WIthout his games to make him happier or fill him with excitement and energy as well as anticipation, Kyuhyun felt as if he was going to die. He did not know what else to do other then study or listen to music and talk hopelessy to his friends who only made-fun of how his life now . 
Kyuhyun thought his friends would be supportive of him especially since they are his friends, right? They should be helping him and comforting him and at least try to make his life without eletronics more entertaining. But no. His friends only mocked and made his life worse than it already is. The only person who tried to make his life better was Sungmin. but Kyuhyun was too stubborn to give him a chance, especially since Sungmin had ratted him out to his aunt that he didn't do his work. But was it his fault in the first place? Or was it actually Kyuhyun's own fault?
Kyuhyun sat in his desk at the back of the classroom with his earbuds in. He had his pencil in his hand as he wrote down notes from his Physics textbook that he thought was necessary then put stars next to the bullets he believed would be the most important to know for his upcoming exam. All Kyuhyun could do was study since his friends aggritated him. Studying was hard. Kyuhyun didn't think it'd take so much reading and writing because he was not use to it. However these past days, Kyuhyun had to endure these abilities if he wanted himself to get out of this school and get into a college. 
Sungmin walked in the door of the classroom and walked straight to the back of the class to sit in his desk next to Kyuhyun's. He set his pink bag upon the desk then grabbed out his notebook and fuzzy pink pen. Sungmin then placed his bag to hang from the back of his chair and turned foreward again before opening to a new page. Sungmin then began writing the lyrics that he was dying to write down since he had woken up this morning. Sungmin was good at writing lyrics, but he never shared them with anyone not even his friends Ryeowook. He felt he needed to keep them to himself because whatever Sungmin wrote down in his pink notebook was only for his eyes and he did not want anyone else to know what was on his mind. 
Sungmin then stopped for a moment then diverted his eyes over to Kyuhyun who had a text book on his desk top. Seeing his younger classmate do work made Sungmin happy for some reason. He liked to see his classmate quiet and studying rather than playing childish games on his contraptions. It gave him a better image. 
"taking down notes, Kyuhyun-ah?"Sungmin asked going back to his notebook then letting a small smile form across his plump lips. 
Even thought Kyuhyun's earbuds were in, he was still able to hear some people, but only the most for the one's who were close to him. He kept the volume on a low calm level so it didn't distract him fully.
Responding to Sungmin's question, Kyuhyun nodded his head, "Yeah they're for Physics."
"Well that's good for you to do."Sungmin nodded his head once. 
Kyuhyun sighed a bit then kept writing his notes down. 
"I have to do this because you got my things taken away from me"Kyuhyun stated flatly. 
Sungmin stopped his writing then paused for a moment. Did that actually come out of his mouth? Did he actually blame him for something?
"Well if you would've been doing your work all along, you would've still had your stupid contraptions an could've been still playing with those toys and have a good grade at the same time."Sungmin threw back at Kyuhyun, stabbing his words with his own. 
Kyuhyun shook his head. 
"They're not toys! They are worth more than toys!"Kyuhyun faught back. Sungmin let a small chuckle out before beginning to write again in his notebook. 
"says the so-called adult."
"Will you just let me be?"
And with Kyuhyun's last words, Sungmin sat silent. He did not want to argue anymore with his classmate. He had already done it daily, especially when he tried to offer the younger comfort from him to bring some sort of spark to his life. But Kyuhyun would deny it from him. That upsetted Sungmin a lot because he wanted to help his classmate to try and explore what the world had held beyond those game systems and stations. 
After writing down some notes, Kyuhyun shut his notebook then grabbed his phone out. He flipped the top open then pressed his contacts and began looking at who he could message to try and bring his boredness down, but as he observed all of them, none came to his interest. He's tried every one of his contacts and all they did was make his life worse. 
Becoming to get a tad frustrated, Kyuhyun shut his phone then stuck it back into his pocket. He looked over to see Sungmin writing in his notebook...again! Sungmin had been writing in his notebook since Kyuhyun could remember. What was he writing about all the time? This made Kyuhyun curious about the feminine boy's thoughts that roamed his head. 
WIthout giving any warning, Kyuhyun peered over to see what Sungmin was writing. Seeing how how his older classmate's paragraphs were in stanza's, Kyuhyun took Sungmin's from under his hands. 
"Hey! That's mine!"Sungmin suprisingly shouted as he made grabby hands for his pink notebook. Kyuhyun, not listening tried pushing with his other hand to push Sungmin back while he read the words in the stanza's. 
Kyuhyun laughed a bit then looked back at Sungmin who kept trying to reach for his pink notebook. 
"Kyuhyun-ah give that back to me!"Sungmin pleaded. By this time the whole classroom's attention was grabbed. Everyone had turned their attentions now to Kyuhyun and Sungmin who was fighting over Sungmin's notebook. They laughed and pointed their fingers at Sungmin as Kyuhyun kept Sungmin's notebook.
"What is this? A love song or something?"Kyuhyun asked as he read more then laughed some more as well. 
"Kyuhyun-ah! Give me my notebook back or else.."Sungmin pleaded then reached farther to grab his notebook, succeeding then finally taking his notebook into his grip and pulling it to his chest. 
"Do you love someone Sungmin-ah? Huh?"Kyuhyun teased Sungmin from the lyrics he had written. 
"Shut-up Kyuhyun!"Sungmin shouted not liking that someone had just read his notebook. 
"why do you like pink so much?"Kyuhyun asked looking at Sungmin. 
"It's none of your business...."
"are you gay or something? Is that why?"
"Be quiet! Stop it!"Sungmin shouted. At this moment Sungmin was not liking the way Kyuhyun was. He did not like being mistaken as gay nor did he like being judged for liking the color pink. What Kyuhyun was doing, made Sungmin mad and it also hurted him. If Kyuhyun had said anything more, Sungmin did not think he would be able to hold it in. He was already upset that Kyuhyun had snatched his notebook from under his grip, he did not want to be bothered or judged more. He was already miserable form the class staring at him and Kyuhyun. 
"Do you have a boyfriend? I bet you do, maybe that explains the heart felt lyrics I just read. You have a boyfriend don't you? Is he gay like you too?"Kyuhyun asked letting out laughs as he looked at Sungmin. This hit Sungmin deep. 
Sungmin stood from his desk then turned towards Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun and the rest of the class laughed at Sungmin. Sungmin couldn't take it anymore. He brought his slender hand up then slapped it across Kyuhyun's face. Kyuhyun wiinced in pain as he felt the sting from Sungmin's slap running up his nerves and forming around the area that was now red on Kyuhyun's face. 
Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin who had tears running down his face and his eyes becoming red. His face was a pinkish color. Maybe Kyuhyun had went too far this time. 
"Kyuhyun-ah, you are an ! How dare you say those things to me!"
"Hey why don't you run to your boyfriend and get Kyuhyun's kicked!"One of the other classmates in the room shouted, causing Sungmin's attention to divert to them. The entire class then started laughing and began pointing their fingers at Sungmin again. 
Tears ran down Sungmin's face as he heard things being said to him. He couldn't take it anymore. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun. His eyes full of hurt and pain and as well as betrayal. Without another minute, Sungmin grabbed his notebook and pen, then grabbed his bag and held it tightly anf firmly against his chest.
The door had surprisingly opened and in came Mrs. Choi. 
"Sungmin-ah where are you going?"She asked as she seen the fast paced boy walk out the door. 
"Away from here!"Sungmin mumbled as he passed the teacher then ran down the hallways. Mrs. Choi stood at the door, full of shock, stunned of what she had just seen. What had happened? She did not know because she was held back in a meeting with the principal. 
Kyuhyun sat in his desk, holding his hand to his face that slowly made the stinging feeling go away. He watched as Sungmin stormed his way out of the class, but as the older did, Kyuhyun noticed Sungmin's phone falling out from an opening of his bag. Kyuhyun eyed the object on the floor then got up to retrieve the phone from the floor. Kyuhyun looked at the black phone that was in his hand. He actually had Sungmin's phone in his hands. How should he return it? Kyuhyun did not know, he doesn't even know where he lives. Most of all should he apologize for what he had just caused? 
The way Sungmin looked at him before he stormed out, was cold. Not only did Sungmin's facial expression hold coldness but it also carried hurt and pain along with it. Sungmin never gave him such a look no matter how horrible he had acted to him and . This was the first time Sungmin had cracked. Something about the whole situation felt wrong to Kyuhyun. He also actually even felt guilty. He actually made Sungmin cry. The guy who always argued with him and never gave up to try and make him feel better, actually cried in front of him. And it was his fault. Kyuhyun has made many girls cry before, but he did not care for those times. But making his older classmate cry felt different than the times he made girls cry. Kyuhyun had actually felt the need to apologize for what he had done. He just didn't know how and where. 
Kyuhyun looked at the phone in his hand once again then rubbed his other hand gently over his cheek that slightly stung. He needed to do something. He went too far this time. And he needed to apologize for it. 
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~