I Can't Help But To Feel Bad...

Let Me Be


What happened earlier made Kyuhyun regret what he just did. He had just made the only person who cared and tried his best to entertain Kyuhyun's life, but he was too stubborn to accept it. Sungmin fought with Kyuhyun daily and put up with his sick attitude and today, he had just went too far than he normally would. This made Kyuhyun feel bad. He did not like the look that he had recieved from his older classmate. It was cold and uninviting. Not like the warm looks he would usually recieve. 
Kyuhyun sat in the tall green park grass with his bag lied down beside him. Kyuhyun held Sungmin's phone in his hand as he looked about the place to see who was there. He did not know where to find Sungmin and nor did he know where he was from. Kyuhyun had known nothing of his older classmate. At times Sungmin would try to introduce himself but Kyuhyun was too stubborn to even allow it. Now that a day like this has come, Kyuhyun had been starting to regret his attitudes towards Sungmin. A man who seemed to have cared for him. All Kyuhyun did was keep his wall up and push him away whenever the older tried to enlighten his day. This was a really bad situation that shouldn't have started in the first place. It was all Kyuhyun's fault, and he knew it from the guilt he felt when his classmate gave him such a look. 
"Aishh~~~I really screwed up this time"Kyuhyun said to himself as he ran his long slender fingers through his messy curly hair. Kyuhyun formed a fist with his left hand then threw a punch into the ground to hopefully at least relieve some of his anger. 
"There is no need to take your anger out on mother earth youngling"said a deep voice, causing Kyuhyun to jerk his head to a man who was sitting on a bench near by. 
Kyuhyun eyed this man who was sitting on the bench. He had some-what bushy eyebrows and his face had a handsome feature to it. His hair looked as if it was made up with some hair gell and his right leg crossed over the other. From the length of his legs, Kyuhyun could tell that this man was taller. Taller than him even? Kyuhyun sat there quiet for a bit before moving his hair out of his eyes. The other guy had black hair. He sat wearing a tell beige trench-coat and what looked like a suit under. He looked like a business man. 
"Who are you?"Kyuhyun asked. The other looked at Kyuhyun then gave a small laugh before reaching into his suitcase that was on the other side making it preventable for Kyuhyun to see it. Out came in the man's hand was a Brown Bible. Was this man religious? Kyuhyun hadn't known, he'd just barely met the man. 
"My name is Siwon but my friends call me Simba."The other had stated as a charming smile had spreated across his thing lips. If Kyuhyun was gay, he'd think that this guy was some handsome freak. Salary? Could be the same as his families expenses. 
Hearing the strange man's nickname, Kyuhyun gave a small laugh before stuffing Sungmin's phone into his coat pocket. 
"Simba...Is that because you are hairy under all those clothing?"Kyuhyun laughed as he diverted his attention away from the other then looking around him. Siwon gave a low chuckle before closing his bible then shaking his head. 
"No that is not the reason. You don't seem like a very inviting person."Siwon stated as he put his bible down to his side then turned to face Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun laughed then shook his head. 
"People can't please me, nor can they hurt me if I stay this way. They cannot make me feel in a certain way, I don't allow that to happen"Kyuhyun informed the man. 
"Oh is that so? Your expression didn't say that just moments ago when you were hitting mother earth,"Siwon pointed out, "I assume that someone has to have some affect on you to make you act in such a way and abuse such beautiful nature that god has given us."
Kyuhyun sighed silently then looked at his shoes. He couldn't believe it. Someone did actually had an affect on him and it was Sungmin. But Kyuhyun didn't know who Sungmin was, so how could he have an affect on him and cause him to do this? Kyuhyun was now a bit confused. 
Reaching his right hand into his pocket and grasping at Sungmin's phone, Kyuhyun then released a sigh where the man was able to hear him. He couldn't help but just feel guilty for what horrible he has done to his classmate. Making him cry was never his intention but he did it. 
"The way you look right now looks as if you are having some problems with maybe someone. I do not know what is the conflict, but I will pray to god that you find a solution to it soon. I'm sure they will forgive you for whatever you have done. Everyone deserves a chance. And everyone deserves to smile no matter what."Siwon said with his calm deep husky voice before grabbing at his suit case and putting his bible back into it. Siwon got up from his bench then began making his way past Kyuhyun who still sat in the grass. But before Siwon could get far, he stopped and turned back to looked at Kyuhyun. 
"and kid,"
"My name is Kyuhyun"informed Kyuhyun cutting off the older man. The younger brought his eyes to observe the tall business man who stood with his suit case in his hands.  
"Kyuhyun-ah, I wish you good luck! Hopefully things will turn out great in the end of this trouble you are facing." Siwon said giving him another smile before walking turning to continue his walking. 
Kyuhyun just sat there as his mind began to pile of with thoughts. Who was that guy? How did he know that he himself caused the problem that he was in with Sungmin? Was his facial expressions really giving away everything that he was in? Kyuhyun had no idea what to answer as more questions stacked onto his head, but all he knew was he needed to find a way to apologize to Sungmin and hopefully be forgiven, then afterwards maybe he can try and become friends with Sungmin.
Getting up from the grass, Kyuhyun reached down for his bag then slung it over his shoulders as Sungmin's phone was still grasped in his right hand. It was getting late. Since he was still grounded, Kyuhyun needed to head home before dark. Even though he was an adult, Kyuhyun parents were strict about him being out late when he was grounded. So as long as he lived in his parents house, he had to abide by them. 
Kyuhyun began walking the opposite way the strange man left and started his way home. He figured that maybe his older classmate would appear in school the next day. That way Kyuhyun could apologize and give Sungmin his phone back, and hopefully result in giving him another chance and being forgiving. Hopefully to start all over!
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you kyu....now minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best friend...how about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~