What Do You Know?

Let Me Be


Kyuhyun sat at his desk as he waited for class to start. He was in fact earlier to class than he normally was but he wanted to suprise Sungmin and apologize and give him his phone back before anyone came into class. 
Kyuhyun sat back in his seat as he played with the little fuzzy bunny that hung from the hook of Sungmin's phone. It was strange that a guy would have something like this on his phone but for some reason Kyuhyun found this cute how his older classmate had this cute toy animal attached to his phone. He couldn't help but to adore this fact about Sungmin. 
He then started to hope that Sungmin would walk in through the door soon so he could apologize and return the phone to his older classmate. He also wanted to try and be friends with his older classmate. Ever since the previous day, Kyuhyun was wanting this to happen. He really did feel guilty and he wanted to make it up to Sungmin by becoming his friend. Becoming someone's friend randomly was never Kyuhyun's intention but he wanted it this time. 
The door to the classroom then opened, interrupting Kyuhyun from his thoughts. Kyuhyun got up from his seat with an excited expression on his face, being happy to see Sungmin and was thankful that he had come early. He was able to apologize and return his phone to him and also hopefully talk things out with him. But Kyuhyun's expression dropped once he had seen that it wasn't Sungmin who had came through the door. It was one of his so called friends who mocked and made fun of him. Kyuhyun gave out a sight before sitting back down into his seat then returning his actions with playing with the bunny. 
"Why with the upset expression?"Said Kyuhyun's friend, Kibum asked sitting in his own desk that was four rows ahead of his, almost in front of the class near the teachers desk. Kyuhyun sighed and shook his head. 
"It's nothing."He responded flatly. Kibum rose a brow then watched his younger friend sulk in his seat. 
"No there is something wrong."He responded. 
"Oh yeah? Maybe it is none of your business."
"Does it have to do with Sungmin-ah?"
"I said it's none of your business!"
"Kyuhyun-ah do you feel something for the bunny-boy who ran out crying like a big baby just because he couldn't face the truth?" replied Kibum as he let out some laughs. 
"Ya!! How would you know if it's the truth?!"Kyuhyun yelled in respone to Kibum, getting annoyed of the way Kibum was acting, "You don't even know him nor have you spoken to him just once!!"
"How do I know? Didn't you just shout it out yesterday to the whole class?"Kibum asked letting a small chuckle out once again. A low growel came from Kyuhyun as he heard this response. He hated how he was reminded of something bad he had done to Sungmin. He regretted it and he did not mean to say such things aloud. He hated himself for doing that, but to hear how his friend Kibum actually went along with this upsetted him. He did not want anyone to see Sungmin as a cry baby or as a gay guy just because of what he liked. Sungmin has probably went through so much in his life and probaby had a hard time finding people who would accept him for who he is. 
"Yeah I did but that doesn't mean that why I said yesterday was the truth. I don't like how you called Sungmin big baby, I want you to take back what you said!!"
"I don't think so, it could be true. He could be some gay freak."Kibum said shaking his head and then sitting in his seat. Kyuhyun frowned even more as he heard this coming from his so-called friends. WIthout any hesitation, Kyuhyun arose from his seat the rounded his desk to walk up the isle to stand in front of Kibum then slam his palms roughly onto his desk top. 
"Since when is it wrong to be different from others? He was just being himself and I thought otherwise because I was too stubborn to allow him in my life. I may not know Sungmin-ah but I am pretty damn sure that he is a better person than you are Kibum. I must have been too blind to see what kind of friend you are. I have been going through hell lately and you have done nothing to make me feel better as a friend."
"So?"Kibum asked flatly. 
"SO??!!!!" Kyuhyun repeated then formed his hands into a fist on Kibum's desk. 
Seeing Kyuhyun's hands turn into fist, frightened Kibum a bit. Kyuhyun was never swell to be around when he was angry, and Kibum knew this for he a fact that Kibum has made Kyuhyun upset a couple times before and ended up with a black eye. 
"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down, I'm sorry!"Kibum apologized as he slightly flinched in his seat seeing the anger running through Kyuhyun's facial expression. 
"Say it like you mean it!" Kyuhyun shouted giving Kibum a death glare.
"Okay...Kyuhyun-ah..I'm sorry that I've been such a bad friend to you, will you forgive me?"
"At the moment no. But you just watch what you say about other before and get to know then before you start passing judgements."Kyuhyun stated as he loosened his fist. 
Kyuhyun then cut the conversation between the two by taking his fists off Kibums desk then walking back to his seat in the back of the class then taking his seat once again. Soon after Kyuhyun took his seat, the school bell had rung. The door opened to the class and more of his classmates started pilling into the classroom then filling in the empty desks. The only desk that wasn't filled in was Sungmin's. This made Kyuhyun worried. Had what he done and said to him the previous day really affect so much that he didn't bother to come to school? Kyuhyun went from being excited to upset to a bit sad, only because Sungmin was not present in homeroom. 
Without Sungmin there, Kyuhyun actually felt alone. No one there to bug him and give him comfort at the same time. No one there to help him with questions that he really had no clue about and also no one to work on the project with. Kyuhyun sat back in his chair then let his head hang low as he left out a sigh. He really did need to get Sungmin back, or he'd go nuts!
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you kyu....now minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best friend...how about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~