
Let Me Be
As the day had past, Kyuhyun was settled comfortably in a cafe called MoBit which lied in the heart of Seoul. Ever since the day Kyuhyun had started doing his studies and school works, this was the best place for Kyuhyun to come when he wanted to just focus on his work. Despite the many people walking in and out of the cafe, Kyuhyun didn't mind at all. He would ignore all the noise around him just so he could focus on his school works and lately this place has been a good place him to go. Kyuhyun liked how the people there made him feel at home whenever he visited since he was more like a regular visitor since he had so much studies he needed to do. 
Kyuhyun had his laptop set down in front of him with his presentation app open. He reached for his bag which sat on an empty chair next to him then dug through it for his notebook. Once finding what he needed, he pulled the 500 leaved notebook out and searched once again for the notes Sungmin had told him, or threatened him to copy down. He observed the notes once again before inputting them into his presentation and then adding some fun gadgets to it to make it look interesting and a bit fun, but also remembering to keep it official looking for the Board of Education people. 
Kyuhyun had felt some confident about this presentation he was putting together. Especially since he felt like people didn't think Kyuhyun was smart enough to do such things since they've only thought of him as a bully, jerk and the dumb boy when in reality he wasn't. He was the best student in his math class. He was the first in his class to take college calculus until one day he just decided to just stop being at the top of his class and just be like everyone else. And what he thought about everyone else was dumb, lazy people who never took the time to study. He never cared to take a good look at some of the people and see how some of them are actually smarter than they may appear. Kyuhyun was too blind with his games and electronics to see them work hard to get where they are. 
Kyuhyun reached for his cup of tea then took a sip before setting it back down beside his laptop. He took a deep breathe then resumed to typing in the information, using his own words as he input the information. The bell to the door of MoBit had rung as someone had entered. Kyuhyun ignored who had came in like he always have been doing just so he could focus. 
"Can I just have a cup of tea today?"said the sound of a familiar voice. Kyuhyun stopped immediately what he was doing as he looked up from his laptop. That voice sounded so familiar, but he hasn't heard it for the past few days. He thought he would never hear it again, but to actually hear it, suprised Kyuhyun and actually made him a bit happy to hear the voice. 
Kyuhyun turned his head slowly to look at the counter center only to find a very depressed looking Sungmin. What he wore looked like rags. His grey sweat pants that he wore was saggy with some stains on it. His pink T-Shirt hung loose with some tear marks on it as if he had been non-stop crying. Sungmin's hair was messy and his eyes looked baggy with dark circles around them as if he hadn't slept for days. This brought a weight down on Kyuhyun's shoulders. Had he really hurt him that bad to make him look like this? 
Kyuhyun couldn't believe who he was seeing at the cashier. The once bright, joyous bunny was turned into some....depressed, sad bunny who was stuck in a fortress of solitude it seemed. Kyuhyun sat there in his seat as he watched the bunny-boy give the lady his cash for the tea which he took, then turned to leave. Kyuhyun gasped a bit before grapping his notebook and laptop and stuffing them into his backpack then he grabbed onto Sungmin's phone and held it tight within his grip. Kyuhyun threw his bag over his shoulder then waved to the lady at the register to let her know he was leaving. Kyuhyun made his way towards the exit to find the bunny walking away from the cafe. Once his foot stepped outside, Kyuhyun looked one direction from where he was standing not finding Sungmin. Then he jerked his head to another direction to find the bunny slowly walking down the walk way then turning into an alley. Kyuhyun bit his lip then ran after the bunny.
Once Kyuhyun had reached the alley way Sungmin had turned in, he had seen the bunny boy slowly walking. Kyuhyun took a deep breath before he could say anything. 
"Sungmin-ah!"yelled Kyuhyun causing the bunny boy to jump a bit as he walked. 
Sungmin stopped from his walking then turned slowly to see who had called his name, only to find the only Kyuhyun there. He was the last person Sungmin had wanted to see, after being judged and harassed by the younger male in front of an entire class. With no hesitation, Sungmin turned back around and began his walk once again. He did not want to be bothered by him. No way. 
"aishh~~ Sungmin-ah!!"Kyuhyun shouted once again then began to run after the walking bunny. Once he had caught up, Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin. 
"Sungmin-ah, I want to talk with you.."Kyuhyun stated as he panted a bit from chasing the older. Sungmin kept his view locked ahead of him not wanting his younger classmate to see his blood-shot red eyes. 
"What is there to talk about? Haven't you already said it all during class? Or was that not enough to humilliate me?"Sungmin asked. Kyuhyun sighed a bit then scratched the back of his head. 
"I am sorry for doing that, I didn't realize what I was doing until you left the classroom. Look I am deeply sorry, I didn't mean to say such things. I am sorry for judging and making fun of you, it was never my intention to do it—"
"But you did it anyways"Sungmin cut off Kyuhyun from finishing his sentence. Kyuhyun stopped his walking then looked at Sungmin. Sungmin stopped as well then turned around to face Kyuhyun. 
"Kyuhyun-ah...You don't get it do you? All my life I have been made fun of for being who I am.. I've been called gay just because I like pink..I've been called a disgrace to man kind for things that I like.. It's not my fault I am who I am..,"Sungmin glared to Kyuhyun as he spoke, tears starting to form within his eyes. "Do you know who many times I have ran home crying my eyes out? Sometimes I didn't even return home at all.. I would be gone for so many days that my parents had the police search for me.. My life was not easy"
"But from all of those times did anyone apologize like what I'm trying to do right now?"Kyuhyun asked. Sungmin looked down and shook his head. Kyuhyun approached his older classmate to make the space between them smaller.
"Sungmin-ah.. The moment you left the classroom that day, I realized I had done something horrible. And it was to a person who never gave up on me. He fought with me even when I was a nasty jerk. He argued with me and put up with my rudeness. And there I go making him cry. Sungmin-ah I've been trying to look for you since that day but I didn't know how to find you nor did I know where you lived but I longed to apologize. I was wrong to do and say such things to you that day. I just wish I could take it all back."Kyuhyun said as he looked at the bunny boy. Sungmin looked into Kyuhyun's eyes and saw how honest he was being. No matter how long he's known this kid, he's never seen at all sincerity in Kyuhyun's eyes and this suprised Sungmin a bit. But he also discovered that he was telling the truth just by those look in his younger classmate's eyes. 
Sungmin let out a silent sigh before lowering his head again so his dongsaeng wouldn't be able to see the tears that were starting to form in his eyes once again. No one has been this honest with him. No one has said such words with honesty nor has anyone ever tried looking for him just to apologize for something wrong they had done to the poor bunny. This really had an affect on Sungmin. 
Kyuhyun stepped forward to Sungmin then brought his hand up to rest upon the olders shoulder. He could tell Sungmin was on the verge of tears, he read it within his facial expression. But Kyuhyun's words were true. He never was this honest with anyone not even his ex-girlfriends. Thought he never really cared for them but that didn't matter at this moment. What mattered was trying to get Sungmin to forgive him so they could start all over and also so he could return Sungmin's cell phone that he still had. But he mostly wanted the bunny's trust. He knew things didn't start out well and he wanted to make it better. 
After weeping for a few minutes Sungmin cleared his throat then looked at Kyuhyun who stood right before him. He has never been this close to Kyuhyun before and it made him sort of nervous. Especially since his younger classmate didn't usually touch him. 
"Will you forgive me for what I've done and start all over? We came off on the wrong hand, because of my stupidity. I am seriously deeply sorry for everything I've done to hurt you and make you cry"Kyuhyun stated looking at Sungmin. Sungmin pouted his lips out. This made the older look cute to Kyuhyun and it also made him blush. He couldn't help but to want to just hug the older in his arms and carry him, but he didn't let Sungmin's aegyo get to him. He couldn't. 
"Can you give me a couple days to think about this?"Sungmin asked looking at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun took a deep breath then slightly nodded his head. He then reached into his jean pockets and grabbed out Sungmin's phone and took the olders hand to place it on his palm. Sungmin looked wide eyed at the contraption Kyuhyun put in his hand. 
"This is also another reason why I didn't give up on trying to find you. You dropped your phone when you ran out of class that day."Kyuhyun added, "Don't worry I didn't look in it."
Sungmin looked at his own phone that Kyuhyun had placed in his hands then brought his attention back up to Kyuhyun. Something didn't seem right. Kyuhyun was usually the rude, annoying nosey guy. Did he really want to start all over with a new start? Sungmin didn't know what to think but to be shocked at the way he's acting. A part of him liked the way Kyuhyun was before but would he ever be able to see the rude side again? The side that Sungmin secretly gained a crush on? Yes a crush! It's the only reason why Sungmin had gotten so hurt from Kyuhyun's words that day. Otherwise it wouldn't have been a big deal to him. 
"Are you planning on coming back to school?"Kyuhyun interrupted Sungmin from his thoughts. Sungmin shrugged his shoulders then turned around so that his back faced Kyuhyun. 
"I have to think about that too...."Sungmin replied as he looked at his fluffy pink bunny which hung from his phone. Kyuhyun nodded his head understanding his words. It was not a pleasent time when Sungmin had left, and it seemed all he needed was time to get over it. But wasn't these couple of days good enough? Kyuhyun didn't think so.
For a moment it went silent between the two individuals. Sungmin stood in front of Kyuhyun with his own back faced to the younger as he had thought about a few things that were wandering around in his head while Kyuhyun was thinking about ways he could keep the bunny from being teased when  he decided to go back to school. 
I am very sorry that this chapter is confusing or weird...... I've had writers block and wasn't able to write for such a long time .___. I also was busy too so I
m very very sorry!!
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I am back from California! Now I get to work on my story! I am sorry for keeping you all waiting >< I have another trip next week but am going to cancel for you


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 12: Wow, kyu really do wht he says in protecting minnie from people like kangin....great for you minnie is able to trust you again....
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 11: Maybe kyu should try to convince min more to go back to school with a promise that kyu will fix things at school and be min's best about that?
Kyu-Min #3
Chapter 11: Finally Kyu was able to apologize to Min, and now I really hope that they'll have a clean fresh start with each other. More KYUMIN!!!!!!!!!

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 11: I sense kyumin moments.
Tarantulax #5
elf88 #6
Chapter 11: I really liked this chap!I like sincerekyu!hwaiting authornim
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 9: Why kyu never tried to go to minnie's house? He might be sick and perhaps seeing kyu asking for forgiveness can help him feel better...
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 9: Oh noooo what actually happened to minnie? Is he allright? Oh kyu, just find him soon, he might needs you...
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 9: I hope that the dream wasn't foreshadowing anything that's going to happen in the future.
Thank you for the update! Fighting Author-nim~
Kyu-Min #10
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun your such a -munch. You better apologize to the hurt bunny for all the mean things you've said, and making the whole class join in.

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~