
The Love Triangle

It had been three days ever since Kim Junsu went missing. No one in Seoul knew where he went or who took him. He never stepped foot into Sweets N' Goodies. Junsu was so loved and popular within the bakery that his fangirls, all the ahjumma's and even the customers that came on a regular basis were worried sick.  Not even the staffs or employees that worked with Junsu knew where he went. Not even Jaejoong knew what was going on.

He was wiping down the tables when he heard the door chimes ring. He immediately looked up to see Yoochun enter. Jaejoong hadn't heard from Yoochun either but he could tell that something was wrong by just looking at his face. The color in Yoochun's cheeks were drained out completely. He looked like a walking corpse with dark aroma surrounding him. 

Jaejoong dropped the wet rag he was using to clean the tables and ran over to Yoochun. He had never felt this relieved to see him, relieved that he was still alive. Jaejoong had so many questions to ask him. 

"Where have you been? You look so sick. Is everything okay?" Jaejoong asked. "I tried calling you like ten thousand times."

Yoochun kept his head low. He didn't want Jaejoong to see the tears in his eyes. 

"I thought you died." Jaejoong went on. "You and Junsu have been ignoring me. How come you're here and he's not? Did you two fight or something? Are you guys not friends? Wait, no. That doesn't make sense. He should still come to work...unless he moved. Did he move? If he moved, why didn't you tell me?"

Yoochun bit his bottom lip. "Stop talking..." He said but it only came out as a whisper. Jaejoong didn't hear him.

"Where is he, Yoochun?" Jaejoong grabbed Yoochun by his shoulders. "Why isn't he here?"

Yoochun didn't answer.

"Are you okay? Why won't you talk?" Jaejoong shook him a few times. "Where is Junsu? You must know, or do you really not know?"

"I don't know." 


"I really don't know!" Tears rolled down Yoochun's face. He couldn't hold it in, though. It was okay to cry in a situation like this, but he thought it was wrong.

Jaejoong had never seen Yoochun cry before so he was pretty amazed. He knew that whatever happened to Junsu was serious.

"I'm freaking out, man!" Yoochun said. He covered his eyes with the palms of his hands. "I don't know where he is. All I know is that they took him!"

"They?" Jaejoong looked around the shop. Customers were all staring at the two. He lowered his voice. "What do you mean by they took him?"

"I was jogging to Junsu's house the other night and there was this truck that was carrying him."  It was hard for Yoochun to get his words out. He kept stuttering and rubbing his eyes. Jaejoong could barely understand, but he tried his best. "I couldn't do anything. They drove off with him and...and...I just stood there. It was too late. I...I feel"

Jaejoong wasn't that good at comforting others when they were feeling down so the least he could do was put his arms around Yoochun and the back of his head. "Calm down..." He said, not really thinking before he said it. "I'll file a missing report."

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?" Yoochun shoved Jaejoong back. "How am I suppose to calm down when those ing s kidnapped my boyfriend!?"

"Wait, boyfriend?"

Every single customers eyes turned towards Yoochun. They were all eavesdropping by now. 

"Isn't that Park Yoochun?" One of them said.

Yoochun lowered his head and kept his eyes on the floor.

"You're dating Junsu?" Jaejoong asked, softly so no one else could hear. There was no point in whispering because no matter how soft they talked, someone was listening. They could hear it all. "Please, tell me I heard wrong."

"I am wasting my time here." Yoochun said, going for the exit. Time was ticking and it was too precious to waste. 

"Wait!" Jaejoong called out. He stopped Yoochun from pushing through the doors. "Who do you think is behind all this?"

It took a while  for Yoochun to answer but only because he felt stupid for not coming up with the name in the first place. "Hyuna." He simply said. He tightened his grip on the door handles until his knuckles turned white.

"Y-Your girlfriend?" Jaejoong gasped, jaw agape.

"Not anymore..."


      *  *  *

"I know you took him!" Yoochun screamed, as he pinned his so called girlfriend, Hyuna, to the wall. She wasn't his girlfriend anymore.

"What are you talking about?" Hyuna lied. Her eyes only made contact with the floor. She wouldn't look up at him.

A smile appeared across her plump pink lips. That was how he knew she was lying. He couldn't believe any of this. He didnt want to believe that this girl that he thought would be on his side would lie to his face and do this to him. Seeing the smile on her face made his blood boil. He had never been this angry with someone before. He squeezed her by the wrist. His hand was turning a light pink and even though it hurt like hell, he didn't dare let go.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! You're hurting me!" Hyuna whined. She clenched her teeth. "Let go!"

Yoochun tried to hold back his tears, but it was really hard to do in a situation like this. He tried to convince himself not to cry in front of her. He was a man after all. And men didn't cry...But that was a ridiculous excuse considering he already cried in front his good friend and the one person he loved in this world the most, Junsu. "I never hit a woman before." He managed to get his words out. "Please, don't make me hit you."

Hyuna's face turned completely red. She realized how much Yoochun loved a man more than herself. It disgusted her, yet it broke her heart. She had never seen him beg and cry like this for anybody. He had never cried like this for her. It was like she lost him completely and she wasn't going to get him back. Tears filled her eyes as well.

"Ugh!" Yoochun groaned. He released his grip from her wrist. "You shouldn't be the one crying. You're the one that knows where he is. I know you took him."

Hyuna shook her head. She tried to talk but it was all just mumbles and Yoochun could barely understand a word. He only caught the last two things she said. "Why do you love him so much? Why can't you love me like that?"

He didn't answer because she knew why. She knew exactly why. She just wanted to hear it from him.

"Babo!" Stupid, he said. He aimed for Hyuna's face but missed her only by a few centimeters, causing her to flinch. His fist jammed into the wall, leaving a massive dent. "You aren't helping!" He burst into more tears. He could taste them on his tongue, salty. He placed a hand over his chest. He was breathing heavily and he kept telling himself to stay calm but time was running out. He didn't want to waste his time trying to force answers out of Hyuna's dirty mouth when she was too stubborn to give them. Yoochun wasn't that far away from hyperventilating. 

Hyuna didn't say anything so he went on.

"I just cant. I hate jealous girls like you. You really don't deserve a man who'll love you. I hope that instead of finding happiness, you find depression and loneliness. As well as feeling regretful and miserable." He said. It was harsh but true. He didn't like using the word 'hate'. That word made him cringe, yet he had every right to use it towards her. He had every right to say those harsh things. He had every right to hope on it. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry."

He turned his back on her and headed straight for the front door. He didn't need this. He didn't need her to find Junsu. He could find him himself.

"Wait!" Hyuna yelled. She carefully rubbed her wet eyes. She didn't want to ruin her eye makeup. "I'll make a deal with you. I will tell you where Junsu is if you marry me."

Yoochun balled his hands up into fists. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. This girl was crazy. "I'd rather commit suicide than married you. You temporarily living in my house and you being seen with me in public was already hell." He chuckled. "Are you stupid? Why would I marry you? No, who would even think of marrying you? I'd feel sorry for him."

"Listen here, Yoochun!"

"I'm not listening."

"No! Look, I know you like..." Hyuna swallowed hard. She was having a tough time saying this. "I know you like...guys but that can be changed."

Yoochun rolled his eyes. Here she went again with thinking he chose his ual orientation. "No, It can't!" He beamed at her. "I didn't ing choose this!"

"No, listen."

"No, you listen, you stupid piece of , scum bag, mother fu--"

"I don't care, Yoochun. I don't care whether you're straight or gay!" Hyuna talked over him. "You will marry me!"

"I'm not marrying you, Jesus ing Christ, Hyuna!" Yoochun's lungs were killing him. He hadn't yelled back at someone like this in such a long time. The last time he yelled like this was when he got kicked out of his parents household. "Why can't you understand that? Why is your Korean so awful? How many times must I tell, scream and spell it out for you?"

"I just want to know what it feels like to be married."

"Why would you marry a gay man that has no interest in you or any woman? Who in the right mind would even think about marrying one?" Yoochun asked but then again, Hyuna wasn't in the right mind. "Don't you want your marriage to be special? Don't do that to yourself, Hyuna."

"Okay, fine." Hyuna sighed. "What if you just spend a few more days with me? Maybe I can change your mind."

"Ah, you disgust me! Why did I even come to you?" Yoochun placed his hand on the door knob. "You aren't any help whatsoever. I'll go look for Junsu myself."

He was halfway out the door when Hyuna said something, almost giving him a heart attack.

"Hmph, plan B for everything, huh?" She said.

He turned back around. He took one step forward, standing in the middle of the doorway. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"I told my boys to toss poor little Junsu into the west lake of Seokchon. You know, just incase you said no as your answer. I knew you'd say no."

"You did what!?" Yoochun's breathing was getting out of control again. It felt like something was clogging his air pipe and it felt very painful. He couldn't feel his legs either. He looked down at his hands to see that they were shaking.

"Hmm? What's the matter, Yoochunie?" She smiled from ear to ear. "Are you going to cry? Is baby Yoochun upset?"

Yoochun didn't know what he was feeling. He was angry, frustrated but worried and astonished at the same time. Tears filled his eyes again. It was hard to see. "Why would you do that?"

"I don't know." Hyuna chuckled. She tapped her chin with her index finger. "Maybe I just want to see you cry and get upset. You're y when you're upset. Hmm, or maybe I'm just crazy."

"You're ing crazy!"

Hyuna couldn't help herself. She had to laugh. She found everything Yoochun said and did funny for some reason. Of course, she was the only one laughing. She was the only one that thought this whole thing was just a joke and too funny. Yoochun didn't think so. 

"Ahahaha! You crack me up" She wiped a tear from her left eye. "Quit it!"

Yoochun marched over to her, tears in his eyes and fists shaking. "You crazy !" He snapped. She took a step back but that didn't prevent him from smacking her across the face, hoping she'd snap out of it. He hit her. He actually hit her, a woman. He wasn't ashamed at all, though. He was actually proud of himself since she deserved it. "This isn't funny, Hyuna!"

"Mmm, I don't know..." Hyuna was still smiling. She her throbbing cheek. "Yoochun, yeobo..."

"Don't call me that!" He pushed her up against the wall for the second time, grippinng onto her shoulders. He wiped his face with his sleeves, but he didn't have to. He was still crying. "We're not a married couple, so don't you dare call me that!"

"Why are you still here, Yoochun?" Hyuna stared into his teary eyes. She didn't look away once. She didn't flinch at all. It was like she wasn't afraid of him anymore. "The most important person in this world to you could be dead right now. Don't you want to go save him? Don't you want to go get him before those healthy lungs of his shrink or get ripped into little shreds as he's gasping for air? He's calling your name and praying for you to save him, yet his hopes will be crushed when you're still here, distracted and thinking that hitting me is more important than saving his life. Ha! you can hit me all you want but that's not going to do anything."

As much as Yoochun wanted to say that she was wrong, she was actually right. She was only a distraction. She had planned this out all along and he was stupid to just realize it now. He was so distracted by her that he didn't even notice his palms almost bleeding from holding onto her shoulders so tight. He let go and ran out. He ran like his life depended on it but really, Junsu's life depended on it. He ran straight for his car. His mind was going everywhere. It took him many tries to pull his car keys out of his pocket and unlock the car doors.

He quickly buckled up and took out his phone. He had a hard time dialing Jaejoong's number. His fingers were trembling and his tears got in the way, vision was blurry. It took him two tries before Jaejoong finally picked up.

"Hello?" Jaejoong answered.

"Jaejoong!" Yoochun cried.

"I'm busy right now. Why are you calling? I could get in trouble for this."

"Jaejoong! Call the cops!"


"I said call the cops, God dang it!"

"Why? What's the matter?" Jaejoong paused. "You sound like a dying whale. Are you still crying? Did something happen?"

"It's Hyuna!"


"It's all Hyuna!"

"I don't understand. Speak up."

Yoochun banged his fists into the steering wheel, honking the horn several times. "Hyuna is behind all of this! She took Junsu! She knows where he is!"


"I don't have much time! He could be dead!" He shook his head. He didn't want to think that Junsu could be dead right now but since he had already wasted so much time, Junsu probably was.

"Wait, wait. Slow down." Jaejoong wasn't getting it. "What do you mean he could be dead?"

"Did you call the cops yet?"

"How am I suppose to call the police if I'm on the phone with you right now? You're not telling me what's going on!"

Yoochun called Jaejoong every single cuss word in the book. This wasn't the time for Jaejoong to act dumb. Time wasn't being spent wisely. Yoochun wanted Jaejoong to do exactly what he was telling him without him asking ridiculous questions. "Hyuna told her boys to toss Junsu into the lake!"

"What! Which lake?"

"The west lake at Seokchon Lake Park! That lake!"

"What!?" Jaejoong kept repeating because that was all he could say. 

"I need you to call the police. I need back up!" Yoochun yelled through the phone. He started the car. "And I need you!" Yoochun needed all the help because who knew what would be waiting for him out there. He couldn't go alone. He didn't even have a weapon on him. For all he knew, this whole thing could've been apart of Hyuna's trap.

Jaejoong was going to say something, but Yoochun had already hung up.

"Why are you on the phone?" Jaejoong's boss asked. He raised his hand to grab him by the ear. "You should be taking orders right now! I should fire you!"

"Not now, boss!" Jaejoong dodged his boss' wrinkled hand. "I have to take care of something! I'm sorry but this is way more important than my job. My friend needs me and my other friends life depends all on me. I am not over exaggerating." He took off his cupcake hat and removed the apron around his waist.

Jaejoong didn't say goodbye. He just walked out with his phone pressed to his ear.

Hyuna had a certain number on speed dial. All she had to do was press one button. It didn't ring once. The person on the other line picked up right away. 

"Yeah. Uh-huh. Block the roads." She simply said into the phone. "If Yoochun finds another way around, bring him back to me. I'll decide for myself what I should do with him."

"In what condition, ma'am?" A deep voice on the other line asked. 

Hyuna didn't hesitate to answer. The words easily slipped right off her tongue. "Dead or Alive. I don't really care." 


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9/22/13- I finally put the complete mark on this fic. T.T Forever will miss yooou


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Chapter 16: you got me an hour to read the whole story with mixed feelings...
roughmetal2 #2
Chapter 16: finally, the real update :) it's sad that the two of them have to leave for the US just to lead a normal life but well, that's the price they have to pay for loving each other. nice ending.
silvergalleon #3
Chapter 16: hahaha..u put the pigeon it..
and if u didnt have a heart to put "completed" word,soo dont do that...just continue until u can put that word..kekeke

great story and u work hard for it....congrats chingu~ah im soo proud of u...
\^^/#throw confetti and flowers petals
Chapter 16: waaaaaaaaaa it's over?? *sniff sniff
standing ovation~~~~i love this ficXD
Chapter 17: The fact that this hacker just said "Joonsoo" instead on Junsu and said he and all TVXQ ...


Whoever you are, get a life. (As Changmin would say)
missfiretruck #6
Chapter 17: Woow really? This really needs to stop -___-
silvergalleon #7
Chapter 17: whats wrong with u chingu???
silvergalleon #8
Chapter 15: yee..u really update today,,#hugging u ><
oh?it will be over soon??
wuaa..i feel sad,,how about 2 chap more?or 3??kekeke

"Did you the police that it was her?" He wanted to
i think some word is missing,rite darl??keke
uknown123 #9
Chapter 15: hmm gotta agree with junsu here. Sure "the ex" is quite pitiful but a crime is a crime. That's kidnapping and attempted murder right there! ._. SHE TRIED TO KILL JUNSU! CALL THE POLICE ON HER AND MAKE SURE SHE DOESN'T GET OUT!
Chapter 14: noooooo hurry up jae!!!! if they died I'll kill you first><