Brunette Cat

Taeyeon vs. Cats

Taeyeon whined when Jessica enters the room with a gray kitten on her arms. Today she do her homework at Jessica’s house, because Onew went to a family event (“barbeque party”, he said).




“I’m leaving,” Taeyeon grabs her back and she stood. It’s not a nice view to find a cute kitten with teary eyes and wet nose to be on Jessica’s arms.



She bowed to Jessica’s mother and ran away. Cats are gross. Cats aren’t cute. Dogs are. When she runs, her shoulder hits another shoulder.



It’s the weird boy which always cleans the hamster tank on their class—people laughed at him because the dinosaur hat on his head.



“Uh, hi.” Taeyeon stood up, wiping off dust from her uniform skirt. “Uh, are you okay?”



“You must be that dog-fan friend of Onew.”



“Uh, not a fan.”



“I have dogs at my apartment. Do you want to come over? It’s quite nice there, you know,” said Jonghyun, pointing to a brown building, maybe 15 meters from Jessica’s house.



Taeyeon is a little bit unsure about the ‘apartment’ Jonghyun talks about—and what she thought is right. The apartment is an apartment belongs to people who have too many pets to take care at any luxurious apartment or any flat.



“So, this is where I live with Luhan.”



“He’s your roommate?”



“Kind of. He complains too much but I never do about his guppy fishes.”



In the ‘apartment’ lobby (which smells musty), there’s a middle-aged lady, smoking and cursing.



“To be honest, she’s an idiot.” Jonghyun explained when they reached the stairs. “But don’t worry. We still have our dogs healthy and we taught them not to produce feces too much.”



He opened the door (It’s not unlocked? Wow, luckily, Kim, there’s no one robbing your things, Taeyeon thought), and the smell of animals fled out from the room.



“Uh, right! Wow, nice dog!”



“Yeah, but I don’t think you’re going to be attracted in dogs. I don’t really like them, but… hmm, let me see… oh, yes. This thing, I really love this cat. But you can take her, remembering she’s not pregnant at all when I mate her with some guy cats.”



“But I don’t like—”



“Ugh, you’re going to be fine! It is okay to taking care of a cat. I mean, she’s brunette and she’s cute, you’ll like her.”



Even Taeyeon didn’t even want to touch the cat, Jonghyun forced her to. Taeyeon didn’t know he’s idiotic or not, but Jonghyun even calculated the fee of the cat’s food and treatment.



“You can take her to a cat salon,” said Jonghyun, “and buy her some cat accessories. It’s definitely fine to take her for a walk, but don’t let her met any dogs. One dog met her, she will be surrounded by another dogs. I don’t know, but she had this radar to attract anything. Human, dogs, anything—”



“Uh, Jonghyun…” Taeyeon replied, “just—I’ll take her.”



Taeyeon is really pissed off with Jonghyun’s idiotic attitude, and she, with a heart full with disgust, taking the brunette cat home.



The way Jonghyun says that the cat is brunette bothered her, and even frightened her. Brunette. Why not brown? Why not… brown with a little yellow? Or maybe brellowish?



Scratch my ear.



Taeyeon’s eyes widened. There won’t be a single person, even the erted ones, asking her to scratch their ears. No. It can’t be.



Her eyes moved to the cat. It can’t be. The cat’s eyes narrowed, and she felt like the cat is giving her an eye-smile—what a cute cat. What a cute cat?



“I don’t like cats. But I’ll take this little, naughty Tiffany home.”





a/n: long chapter because of the space lol. idiotic jonghyun with a dino hat? asdfghjkl lol spazz yeah and he's nice here. a speaking, brunette cat would be nice. meet tiffany da cat. yay.

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Update will come out 5/19 at 9/10 a.m. GMT+7.


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azula205 #1
Chapter 14: Cat-fany is sooo cute.. fany go visit the lock and key area then write your name and taetae's name..
Chapter 12: no why taengsic, taeny, i want taeny,
Chapter 12: Yes bring us JellyFany! Would love to see that hehe. She maybe even rub her face on Taeyeon - like cats always do.
Chapter 11: please update soon author~shi I'll be waiting^^
kimtaetaehwang #5
Chapter 9: TaengSic please i want jellyfanny and little taengsic moment :p
Chapter 9: Is there any jeti here?

I feel like i wanted to see jelly taeng