Let's sneak out !!

!!== [My GaNgsteR FaMily] ==!!

In the living room===

Eunhae took Junho's arm dragging him towards the mansion's gates, she opened it and throw him out. He couldn't do anything to her because of her lovely cousin, he would scold nonstop him if he did.

" Yah, why are you kicking me out?" Junho asked confused.

" You promised to bring Yunhae over and it's been months and I didn't see her" She said putting her arms on her hips.   ' guys won't do anything unless we put our words into action' She thought.  

" Aish~ fine I'll bring her over but not NOW" He said pushing her aside and running to his room. She rolled her eyes and ran after him.

" Junho~" she whined walking after him.

" NO" He shouted.

" Junho~" She whined again.

"NO" He shouted.

" Oppa~" She called knowing that if actions won't do maybe words can do so after all. He stopped suddenly and Eunhae pumped into his back. Although Junho was older than Eunhae, she never called him Oppa except if she wanted something from him, but he didn't notice this because he becomes very happy every time she calls him Oppa.  

" You never call me Oppa" He said feeling touched. " Just 10 minutes and Yunhae will be here" He said happily and ran downstairs and out of the mansion.

" Stupid" She said under her breath and went to the living room where Nichkhun and Chansung where there arguing about something. She sat down next to Chansung on the couch.

" Taec said that you have to go there and bring some bananas" Nichkhun said emphasizing the last word.  

" I know I'll go there in a bit I already told them that I'm going grocery shopping and guess what they buy it heheh" Chansung said giggling.

" Go where?" Eunhae asked out of curiosity.

" Nowhere" Nichkhun said smiling like fools.

" Whatever" She said shrugging. exactly 10 minutes passed and Yunhae burst into the house and immediately ran to Eunhae.

" Eunnie I miss you" She screamed giving her a bear hug.

" Aw~ Yunhae -ah I miss you too" Eunhae said returning back the hug.

" What a beautiful scene" Jaebeom popped out from nowhere and stood behind Junho looking at the two girls.

" Yeah tell me about it" Wooyoung popped up behind Jaebeom looking at the girls too.

The two girls ignored the boys and went upstairs to Eunhae's room.



In Eunhae's Room===

" WOW I feel like I've missed a lot although it's only one excited event" Yunhae said after hearing things of Eunhae's life.

" Yeah, I know this is the only event stood out the most. I can't wait for my reward" Eunhae said throwing her body happily to the bed.    

 "Lucky you " Yunhae said laying next to Eunhae.

" Yeah can't wait for the time to get it" Eunhae said. " Yah let's do what we use to do when we were kids".

When they were kids they used to play ski boarding in the park that was next to their houses when Eunhae's parents were still alive. But not anymore because after Eunhae moved in with Taecyeon everything in her life changed. She doesn't really know the reason. Even though Taecyeon didn't make her feel lonely and sad, but she still misses her parents and remember them from time to time.  

" But Taecyeon Oppa won't let you go outside" Yunhae said.

" I was saving that when you come.. listen if Nichkhun Oppa talk to him he'll may agree" Eunhae said.

" Really?" Yunhae   asked.



Back to the living Room===

" Oppa pleaaaase" Eunhae pleaded giving her best puppy eyes ever.

" I know he doesn't refuse any of my requests, but still when it comes to this he'll refuse" Nichkhun said looking up from the newspaper.

" But Oppa just do it at least for me" Yunhae said with the most cute pout.

" Fine I'll go talk to him" He said getting up lazily.

" YESSS" The two girls shouted excitedly and kissed Nichkhun on his cheeks. He shook his head and went to Taecyeon's office to talk to him.



In Taecyeon's Office===

Taecyeon was sitting on his huge desk with a pile of documents were placed in front of him and he was checking one of them and writing some notes on it. Nichkhun entered like always not knocking on the door. He sat on the chair in front of the desk and cleared his throat to grab Taecyeon's attention.

" Ahem… Taecyeon-shi Can I ask you something please?" Nichkhun asked politely.

" What with the polite tone?" Taecyeon asked back looking at him while removing his glasses.

" hehehe I always have a polite tone I don't curse like you guys.. and I just wanted to ask for your permission to let Eunhae go out with Yunhae and don't worry we'll send our men with them so they won't get hurt" Nichkhun said quickly.

" What if something happed and Eunhae figured out everything we've been keeping a secret ? What if anyone from another gang killed all of our men and the two girls remind alone ? What if they got kidnapped?" Taecyeon asked looking at Nichkhun with piercing eyes." I really don't trust anyone to take care of Eunhae".

" Just give it a chance, you don't want to lock her in like forever.. She needs some freedom" Nichkhun said.

" I'm not taking any chances, I brought her to this mansion she's not leaving it and that's final" Taecyeon said putting on his glasses and burying his face on the pile of documents once again ignoring Nichkhun's attempts to convince him. Nichkhun slammed his fist on the desk making Taecyeon stopped what he was doing and stared at him.

" You're just too much, why bring her here if you couldn't even take care of her the right way" Nichkhun said angrily.

" Khun you won't.." Taecyeon was about to say.

" Yes, I know no one understands what you are trying to do to protect her. This is called overprotecting Taec and don't be shock if she did something over the board" Nichkhun said walking out of the office leaving a worried Taecyeon behind. 

Eunhae and Yunhae were waiting nervously out of the office crossing their fingers in hope that he will agree. Nichkhun got out a bit angry and looked at the two girls then he sighed.

" I'm sorry girls, but you can't go out" Nichkhun said holding their shoulders. Eunhae shoved Nichkhun's hand and stomped all the way to the living room cursing. Nichkhun looked at Yunhae and Yunhae nodded.

" I'll handle it" She said and walked to the living room as well.

"He's is not my parents he is not even my brother, why would he do this to me???!!!" Eunhae sat on the couch harshly crossing her arms and sinking in her seat. " He doesn't even tell me why, I have every single right to know.. and he just sit there doing nothing but and locked me here".

" Eunhae-ah what's wrong?" Wooyoung asked stopped playing around with Jaebeom.

" I HATE HIM" She yelled and kicked the table in front of her then winced in pain.

" YAH don't hurt yourself" Jaebeom said getting up from his place moving towards Eunhae kneeling down on his knees in front of her checking out her foot. She moved it away but he glared at her and grabbed it again.

" Eunnie don’t be sad please I'm sure he has a good reason" Yunhae said sitting beside Eunhae. Eunhae just became silent looking down and pouted.

" He could've at least told me why.. Jaebeom I'm not hurt stop peeking at something else" Eunhae said as she noticed that Jaebeom was peeking from under her mini skirt and put her foot on his shoulder and pushed it away.  

" Aish~ I was only taking care of your feet" He defended.

" It wasn't even the hurting one" Eunhae said giggling along with Yunhae at his stupidity. Jaebeom just chuckled and sat in front of the girls on the floor with Wooyoung.

" Hey girls. Let's sneak out and get back again without anyone notice" Wooyoung said.

" You're a genius Woo.. let's use Junho's secret passage to go in and out" Jaebeom said excitedly.

" My brother have a secret passage???" Yunhae asked and all of them nodded." COOL" She shouted.

" So who's in?" Jaebeom asked raising his hand up.

" Me, Me" Wooyoung said raising up both of his hands.

" Well….. Ok" Eunhae said after hesitation.

" I'm surely in" Yunhae said slanging her hand over Eunhae's shoulder.



The chap before the action event lol

So how was it? Did you get excited? Did you choke like someone I know? =p 

Ok guys we need at least three comments to continue this thingy over here ^^

We're waiting.........

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And about the sequel of My Gangster Family, i've decided not to write it. I think the story ended there hehe sorry if i kept u waiting for nothing or not idk XD


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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
ChiNoNeko #2
Keep up the good work~
GDragon24 #3
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
TeenTopLover02 #4
Chapter 21: Love this fic~ good job!!
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
blackjacksonevipelf #7
snsdsonesoshi #8
Good fanfic~
Thank You all for commenting and supporting our fanfic ^3^ Love you guys <3