Nichkhun's Trip

!!== [My GaNgsteR FaMily] ==!!

Third POV===

Nichkhun spend his morning debating whether or not to go and meet the other members since he now knew exactly where's everyone even Taecyeon and Eunhae. What caught his attention other than the file containing the information of the others' locations is the morning news! " Police at South Seoul Successfully arrested the Dangerous mafia of the mentioned place. Unfortunately their claimed leader died during gunshot between the policemen and the gang members, other than that the area became safe.." Nichkhun turned off the TV. And tabbed on the table with his fingers in a quick motion.

" This is it, since the danger now is gone.. nothing will prevent Taec from coming back" Nichkhun said and got up. He knew Taecyeon did that to protect them from dangerous since he is the only one who can read his mind very well.

 " But before that I have to bring the other members together" Nichkhun said and jumped up and down happily; he then stopped and ran to his room and changed his clothes.

Before he go out he called his boss asking to take a break from work and then he prepared himself for the trip.. with hopeful spirit, determined mind, sparkling eyes, and a heart full of love. He took the cab to the airport and his direction was to Gwangju because that what was written first in the paper. :P  



Nichkhun was waiting for Junho right in front of Gwangju university. Leaning on his rented silver Accord coupe, acting all cool. He was wearing a black shirt with long gray jacket and a tight gray pants. People suddenly started to crowed around him. Some of them were snapping pictures. Nichkhun took off his sunglasses and stared at them confused, but he was doing what people kept asking him like posing with them and taking pictures and giving away his signature. Then he was totally in  shock when.. Two girls walked up to him and one of them asked.

" Are you a celebrity?" Nichkhun laughed and shook his head.

" Sorry for disappointing you girls" He answered quietly.

" Oh! But you look handsome!" The girl said almost screaming. Nichkhun just kept smiling.

His eyes then caught someone familiar, but he wasn't very sure if that was what he thought. His face looks like Junho, but this man was a bit taller and muscular.. more manlier to be Junho YES! That's the correct description.

" Junho!" He whispered then moved between the crowed and caught the man from his shoulder. The other one turned around then widened his eyes.

" N-Nichkhun Hyung?!" Junho spoke up surprised.

" Junho" Nichkhun exclaimed and hugged Junho tightly. "I miss you as hell".

" OMG! He's gay" All the girls made disappointed sounds and shouted out, but Nichkhun couldn't care less about them. Now he finally found his dongsaeng.

" Hyung! You can't hug me in public like this" Junho whined trying to push Nichkhun away. Though he missed his Hyung just as much.

Junho's Home===

" Omma, Appa this is my friend Nichkhun" Junho introduced him to his parents. Nichkhun bowed politely.

" Oh is he you colleague?" Mr. Lee asked.

" N.." Nichkhun was going to say but Junho stopped him.

" YES HE IS" He accidently raised his voice more than he should.

" You don't need to shout son, come in Nichkhun-shi" Mrs. Lee said with a smile.

Nichkhun thanked then came in and before Junho could close the door Yunhae stepped in looking bored and mad,

" Omma! Junho left the door open agai..." but as soon as she noticed Nichkhun her face got brighter.

" Oppa!!" She said and hugged Nichkhun.

Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee stared at them in confusion. But again Junho saved the situation and dragged the two upstairs to his room and closed the door.

" That was close" Junho said holding his chest.

" Close from what?" Nichkhun asked.

" You know Omma and Appa are so skeptic.. if you're not our classmate then you are a kidnapper or something like this" Junho explained and Nichkhun nodded in understanding.  

" So Khunnie Hyung tell us everything about you, where have you been and..."

" No, there's no time for this at the moment" Nichkhun said and sat on the bed. " Guys you need to hear me out"

" Spell it out Oppa" Yunhae said sitting beside him. Junho grabbed a seat and sat in front of them. Nichkhun explained for them his plan to bring all of them together and at the end Taecyeon wouldn't of course refuse to come back because it's their will to stay together, and it's not dangerous anymore since the mafia was gone in south Seoul.     

Both of them nodded in understanding matter..

" Junho-ah move your fat and let's plan to escape home tonight" Yunhae ordered.

" Yes, sir!" Junho saluted. Yunhae glared at him. " I mean ma'am".   

'Their Looks are different, but their personalities are the same' Nichkhun thought.  

Next Stop is Busan===

Nichkhun sighed looking at the map while wandering around, not knowing exactly where the hell is he going to! He came to a stop near a fast food restaurant. And he decided to go in since his stomach was grumbling all the way. He sat on a table near the entrance. He took off his hat and sighed. He was wandering around Busan since he landed and he was very tired.

The waiter came and Nichkhun ordered his food. While he was waiting for his food a couple came in and sat on the table next to him, but he didn't notice that they were..

" Nichkhun Hyung!!!!!" Wooyoung jumped out of his seat in disbelief. Nichkhun turned his head and blinked a few times. " Yes! It's him.. how cute!!!" Wooyoung said pinching Nichkhun's cheeks.

Nichkhun shook his head and shoved Wooyoung's hand but still holding them.

" Woo.. " He called out happily.

" Ahem" Jaechun cleared standing behind Wooyoung.

Nichkhun got up and stared at Jaechun in a weird way. " What is she doing in a fast food restaurant?" He whispered into Wooyoung's ear.

" She discovered that fast food is so delicious" Wooyoung whispered back.

" YAH!" Jaechun yelled and smacked both of their foreheads. " Don't talk bad about me INFRONT OF ME!" She said glaring at them.

" Ok, ok noona just don't hit me" Wooyoung said making his famous crying face.  

Suddenly they heard someone's stomach growling very bad. They both turned their gazes to Nichkhun who smiled shyly at them.

" Can we eat first?" He said scratching the back of his head. Wooyoung and Jaechun laughed then nodded.

Wooyoung and Jaechun's Favorite place===

Busan Public garden===

They sat on a small green hill surrounded with white and yellow flowers. The chilly wind was blowing lightly on them. And the flowers' odor filled the air.

" Just like our garden back in the mansion" Wooyoung said sniffing the air.

" That's why it's your favorite place?" Nichkhun asked and they both nodded.

" So what brought you here?" Jaechun asked directly.

" To look for you" He answered directly as well. " It's been a long time so I've decided that.. that's it" He continued and lowered his head.

" That's it" Jaechun repeated.

" Yeah that's it.. we're a family and I refuse to be separated like this" Nichkhun said.

" I've been thinking of a reason about this.. and I can't find one" Wooyoung said. " What's the point of us being apart?".

" That's why he has the answer" Jaechun said nodding slightly toward Nichkhun.

" He just wanted to protect us" Nichkhun said.

" From what? Being together?" Jaechun sarcastically quarreled.

" No, he did wrong and he didn't want us to pay" He said with a frustrated sigh.

Wooyoung stared at both of them and got up.

" Then let us go and let him know that his mistake doesn't include us" Wooyoung said and Jaechun looked up at him. " We needed a simple reason to go back even if it was non-sense or silly" He continued as he stuck his hand into his pockets and walked to the edge of the hill looking up at the sky.

Jaechun sighed and laid on her back. " Taec is lame" She said and laughed, Nichkhun laughed along and laid beside her.

" Noona I missed you" He said tenderly.

" .... Call me Noona again and I swear Khun I'll kill you right in that spot"  



This time Nichkhun wasn't alone.. Jaechun decided to go with him. He didn't want her to join his not very short journey claiming his worries of her being tired. But who could change her mind!

" According to my information Junsu regularly attend this club called 'Deagu Ltd' Club" Nichkhun said.

" Well, let's first go rest in some hotel.. I'm very tired" She said dragging her legs out of the airport.

" But I've never got a rest in a hotel in all of my tri-" He was blurting out.

" Yah! Do I look like some kinda machine?" She asked crossing her arms. " Rest coming first, then if you want we can tour all of Daegu" She continued pulling Nichkhun from his arms to a random cab.

" Hey! Go to any nearby hotel" She said.

The cab went on and it arrived at a nearby... motel. Jaechun looked outside and sighed.

" Are you deaf or something.. I said hotel!" She said angrily.

" But you said nearby.. and there's no hotels nearby" The cab driver said.

" Aish! You are the stupidest thing I've ever seen.. even if I said nearby.. I said hotel afterwards so you should drive your to a nearby HOTEL even if it was a hundred miles away, you freaking ugly head" Jaechun now is pissed off even Nichkhun sensed that and he was freakily nervous.

" That's it woman.. get out of this car right this instant" The cab driver said.

" You.. mmhhmm" Jaechun was shut up by a force. Nichkhun was covering preventing her from talking.

" Sorry, sir.. thank you for all you services" Nichkhun said opened the door and pushed Jaechun out then paid for the ride. Jaechun kicked a rock on the floor and kept cussing at the cab driver out loud.

" Jaechun!" Nichkhun shouted. " Let's go inside please" He said. Jaechun mumbled something and went into the cheap looking motel with Nichkhun following her, shaking his head.

The two stood in front of the receptionist desk. Nichkhun jiggled the bell and no one answered.

" Excuse me" He called out. Soon a pretty young lady with short dark brown hair wearing a very plain outfit came and bowed.

" Do you need a room, sir?" She asked politely.

Jaechun mocked her then " No, we need a bathroom, geek" She said whispering the last word. Nichkhun glared at her to make her stop, but she never did.

" I-I'm afraid that we- we have only a single room is that o-ok with you?" The lady asked.

" We'll take it thanks!" Nichkhun said happily.

" What?!!!" Jaechun shouted.

" Come on Jaechun let's go" Nichkhun took the key from the lady and dragged Jaechun with him.

They went into the room and settled down. Jaechun sighed and sat on the couch then jumped lightly.

" Ugh! I've never been in a motel before not to mention.. sharing a single room with a spoiled Thai prince" She said.

" Why? Isn't nice to share a room with me, JJ?" Nichkhun said in a seductive tone while sitting on the bed. Jaechun looked at him with wide eyes.

" Since when did you become like that?" She asked. Nichkhun laughed and laid on the bed.

" Life Changes people a lot.. not many people changed though, but I'm one of the people who has" He said. " you need to take so many steps forward to get what you want" He continued.

" And what do you want?" She asked leaning back.

" I want a world with all the people I love, and a world where I can find.. the one who is ready to have this world with me, no matter how hard or easy it gets" He answered then got up. " You can sleep on the bed and I'll take the couch".

Nichkhun looked over at Jaechun whose.. tears were running down her cheeks already. Nichkhun walked towards her and knelt down on his knees in front of her. He cupped her face and whipped her tears with his thumps.

" Were you touched that much?" He teased.

" Shut up!" She said and shoved his hands away. She got up and went to bed, she laid down and raised her head a bit looking at Nichkhun.

" Aren't you coming to sleep?" She asked and he looked up a bit confused.

" Is it ok?" He asked.

" It's not like we're doing something other than sleeping" She said and turned to the other side. Nichkhun smiled and went to the bed as well.

10 minutes passed===

Jaechun the other side staring at Khun's back.

" Khun" She called out.

" Hmm" He answered.

" Would you let me share this world with you?" She asked bluntly. Nichkhun turned around to face Jaechun.

" I was hoping for you to say that" He said and hugged her. Soon they broke the hug and stared at each other for a while.

" Umm.. so " Jaechun said breaking the silence.

" Let's sleep so we can wake up early to look for Junsu" He said and hugged her tightly.

" Nah-uh I don't think I can sleep that way" She said and pushed Nichkhun away. " Don't dare coming near my side" She said and turned to the other side and closed her eyes.. with a smile. Nichkhun pouted but then he couldn't suppressed his smile. He closed his eyes and flew to dream land.


" Morning sunshine, wake up" Nichkhun said pinching Jaechun's nose gently. Jaechun shoved his hand and groaned.

" Pinch my nose again.."

" And I will kill" Nichkhun finished her sentence for her. " Come on you promised me a tour in Daegu" .

" What?!" She said sitting up in bed looking at Nichkhun with wide eyes and messy hair. " No, I didn't" She shook her head.

" Rest coming first, then if you want we can tour all of Daegu" He mocked her. " Remember?" He teased then winked.

" Hey.. don- don't wink like that" Jaechun said blushing.

" OMG! Am I imagining things? Or are you really blushing?" Nichkhun some more.

" I'll kill you!!!" She shouted loudly.

15 minutes later===

Jaechun and Nichkhun spend the morning wandering around Daegu. Jaechun was frustrated at Nichkhun's lovey dovey actions and Nichkhun seemed to enjoy every moment of it. Suddenly Nichkhun stopped in front of a candy shop. With a wide childish grin and sparkle eyes he took Jaechun's hand and went in.

" Wow!! Let's buy lots of candies" He said acting like a kid grabbing all kind of sweets in his hand. Jaechun rolled her eyes and grabbed a basket and told him to put the candies in. He kept filling the basket..

" Yah! Stop it.. you already brought almost the whole place's candies, what are you going to leave for the poor children" she said pointing at the kids who were staring at Nichkhun.

" But there are a lot of yummy sweets for me and them" He said with a pout. Jaechun rolled her eyes and went to the cashier and paid for the candies and went out, soon Nichkhun followed.

" Baby give me some candy" He said opening his mouth. Jaechun stared at him and dug her hand in the bag and took out a random one and shoved it inside his mouth. " yummy!!" He said smiling widely. Jaechun laughed at him and thought he was the cutest thing at that moment. And that's how they spend the rest of the day.


Jaechun and Nichkhun dressed up well to visit Junsu at 'Daegu Ltd'. Now they were standing right in front of the club with awe. The club was huge and it looked very fancy unlike any other club they've seen.

" I didn't know that Daegu has this kind of clubs" Jaechun said.

" ah-huh.. come on let's get in" Nichkhun said walking towards the door with Jaechun.

" I don't think you're names are on the list" the bouncer prevented them from coming in and said.

" What?! Should our names be there?" Nichkhun asked confused.

" It's a VIP club, you can't go in any time you like" The bouncer answered.

" Yah! What the hell are you talking about?" Jaechun stepped in but Nichkhun pulled her and they went away from the bouncer.

" Jaechun-ah don't start a fight with that big dude" Nichkhun whispered.

" What? Are you afraid of him?" Jaechun whispered back.

" Of course not! But we don't have to create a scene to go in, we can wait Junsu here" Nichkhun said.

" Alright, you wait here as long as you want white hearted angel and I'm going to go in if I had to sneak my way in" She said and was about to leave when Nichkhun held her arm.

" Wait! Let's sneak in together" Nichkhun said dragging Jaechun to the back of the club.

Nichkhun was looking for some kind of vent or anything looks like an entrance to lead them inside.

" Now you are using Junho's ideas when you used to scold him very bad about them" Jaechun teased.

" That's because he used them for his bad personal needs" Nichkhun then gasped.

" What?!" Jaechun questioned and walked up to him. Jaechun smirked " Are you ready to crawl?".

" With you I would even fly" He said wriggling his eyebrows.

Jaechun stared at him " Let's just crawl for now" She said and knelt down then removed the square looking piece of metal to reveal a long narrowed path. They crawled in, but stopped when they reach two separate ways.

" Which one do you think we should take?" Jaechun looked back and asked.

" Any way you want baby" Nichkhun said.

" Nichkhun you call me baby again and I'll kick your guts out of you" She threatened.

" You know you are so beautiful when you get mad" He said.

" Afff.. I'll choose anyway" She said and took the right one. The way widened a bit so Nichkhun was crawling beside Jaechun. They kept going on until they reach an end. Nichkhun removed the metal piece this time. A pair of heel met his eyes, he looked up a bit and saw a long legs and... Jaechun covered his eyes since he was staring at another's girl's long legs.. plus the girl was wearing short dress so..

She pushed him out and stood up then fixed their clothes. When they looked up they found themselves right inside the club. The dance floor was huge and full of people dancing and grinding with each other. Suddenly the music was stopped and everyone sat on white couches in front of a small stage on the other side of the club.

" Starting the real party, we introduce the most talented singer in Daegu.. Kim Junsu!" The MC shouted and the people clapped their hands. Jaechun and Nichkhun went there immediately and stared at the stage. Soon Junsu came out on stage with a guitar. He didn't speak a word, and just sat on the seat. He fixed the microphone and started to play the guitar.

"  I’ll wait you Cuz I can’t forget your love,  I think the tears flow when thinking about you..." He sang and after he was done he got up and bowed then left.

People were cheering very loudly and commenting about his good singing and.. how good looking he was, they were totally charmed by Junsu. Jaechun and Nichkhun looked at each other and nodded. They ran to the door of the back stage and sneaked in very smoothly. They walked in and passed the hallway until they went out of the club from the backdoor.

They saw a familiar motorcycle and a guy was about to start it.

" Junsu-ah" Jaechun called out. Junsu stopped for a second then shook his head and was about to continue what he was doing. Suddenly someone grabbed his arm, he took off his helmet and looked angrily at whoever dared to touch him, THE Kim Junsu.

He looked at the person and his mind came to a stop. He soon realized that he was staring like a fool with no reactions at all. He got out of that horrible state of mind and got off the motorcycle quickly.

" Khun, Jaechun Noona?! What are you doing here?"


At a nearby coffee shop===

The three of them were sitting on the table catching for each other's lives after they finished eating.

" What?! Were you a photographer?" Jaechun asked in surprise.

" Yeah" Nichkhun nodded.

" Yeah of course you had fun snapping pictures of hot y girls" She said angrily.

" With no clothes on too" Junsu said adding to her mental madness.

" N-no they were wearing so- some of the clothes" Nichkhun said nervously glaring at Junsu.

" Great like that would make a difference" Jaechun said.

" So.. you two are couple now? I KNEW IT!" Junsu said laughing. Both of them looked at Junsu and blushed.

" That's not our main goal of coming here" Jaechun said changing the topic.

" What is it?" Junsu asked.

" We're going back to Seoul.. to our real home" Nichkhun said.

" It's good if it's not including me" Junsu said calmly.

" We're here to take you back" Nichkhun said.

" No, I can't I have other things to take care of" He replied.

" Other things? Like what? You mean your job in that club?" Jaechun asked.

"... no it's just other things you don't have to know" Junsu said.

" You know Junsu-ah we're family and we can lean on each other sometimes.. it's not wrong to do so" Nichkhun said looking at Junsu with a warm smile. " We're leaving tomorrow morning if you changed your mind, meet us at the airport".

Nichkhun got up and left the coffee shop and Jaechun followed him.

" What was that?" Jaechun asked Nichkhun.

" just a little reminder" He said and looked at Jaechun. " Let's go back to the motel, you know our first date started from there".

" Oh shut up!" Jaechun said and hit his arm.


Morning at the airport===

 Jaechun nervously was waiting at the airport while Nichkhun was sitting calmly on the waiting seats.

" Do you think he'll come?" she asked Nichkhun who didn't reply. She sat beside him and shook him. " Yah! Why are you that calm? He might not show up, look at the time" She said pointing at her watch.

" Just don't worry ok" Nichkhun assured her.

" Guys!" Nichkhun just finished his sentence when Junsu shouted out while running towards them carrying a heavy backpack. " You have no idea how much I'm happy to see you, I thought I would miss the flight" He said panting.

" Will you were so close punk" Jaechun said punching his head slightly.

" Khun-ah thanks for the ticket" Junsu thanked and Nichkhun nodded.

" Ticket?" Jaechun questioned.

" Yeah I called Khun last night and told him to send me a ticket" Junsu explained. Nichkhun was frozen at his place, he was singling to Junsu to not tell Jaechun, but he kept talking. Jaechun slowly turned her head and glared at Nichkhun.. and if glares would kill, Nichkhun would be dead by now.

" That's why you've been acting all calm and cool watching me nervous and have doubts that he might not come" she said moving closer to Nichkhun. Suddenly they heard their flight's being announced.

" Oh that's us let's go" Nichkhun said and ran off.

" Get your back here Nichkhun Buck Horvijkul" Jaechun shouted chasing after Nichkhun. Junsu laughed at them.

' I wasn't thinking right when I refused to come back with them.. but Nichkhun's words made me realize that I wasn't wrong counting on... my family' Junsu thought.

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And about the sequel of My Gangster Family, i've decided not to write it. I think the story ended there hehe sorry if i kept u waiting for nothing or not idk XD


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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
ChiNoNeko #2
Keep up the good work~
GDragon24 #3
omg keep up the good work! i wish i could write like you :3
TeenTopLover02 #4
Chapter 21: Love this fic~ good job!!
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
blackjacksonevipelf #7
snsdsonesoshi #8
Good fanfic~
Thank You all for commenting and supporting our fanfic ^3^ Love you guys <3