*Episode 2

High school Life [EDITING]

*Zelo POV*


Yesterday was a shock for me. Normally, nobody would dare shout or slap Yuri in front of me, but I must admit, that was a brave move. As much as I hate to praise her, it really was brave.

Unfortunately, this morning I’ve had to go to Yuri’s house to pick her up and take her to school with me. It’s not that I hate going to school with her, I just really like walking to school and spend time with my hyungs. I finally get to Yuri’s house, when I pause, trying to decide whether to knock or ring the door bell. I decided to ring the bell and not even 10 seconds later, Yuri’s mother opened the door.

“Hello there Zelo-ssi! Yuri’s just finishing getting ready upstairs and she’ll be down in a minute, but please, do come in!” She said with a smile.

“Ah, thank-you.” I said. I bowed before walking through the door, following Mrs. Lee into the dining room. She pointed to a chair, offering me a seat, while she sat in the chair opposite me.

“Yuri told me that someone slapped her yesterday.” Mrs. Lee said.

‘Well, that’s actually her own fault, not Sherry’s.’

“Uh…Yeah, that happened.” I respond. At that moment, Yuri came downstairs and walked towards us, making me stand up, ready to leave when Mrs. Lee stopped us.

“Don’t worry about walking, I’ll be driving you today.” She said.

“Oh…okay, not that I don’t appreciate it, but why?” I asked.

“To speak to your principal about the slapping incident with that girl.” She replied.

“That’s a great idea Mom! Oppa, you should come with us too.” Yuri says with approval as she grabs my arm and cuddles up to me.

“Are you sure? I mean, does she really need to talk to the principal about this?” I whisper to Yuri.

“What do you mean ‘Am I sure’? Of course I’m sure! Wouldn’t you do it too if your daughter got slapped at school?” Yuri exclaimed.

“Well, yeah…but…” I said.

“Oppa! What is wrong with you!?” Yuri said with a raised voice.

 Yeah, what is wrong with me?

“Uh…nothing. Come on, let’s go.” I said.


*Sherry’s POV*

Hana and I had only just arrived at school when an announcement came over the speakers.


“What’s that about? What did you do?” Hana asked me.

“I’m not sure…” I said as I furrowed my brows.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Hana asked.

“Nah, I’ll be fine. See you at break, yeah?” I said as I headed towards the principal’s office.

As I arrive, I knock on the door, and wait until I hear a muffled ‘yes’ come from inside the office, allowing me to open the door.

“Hello Mrs Song.” I said as I bowed and shut the door behind me.

“Good morning Sherry,” she said before pointing at the other woman sitting in the office, “this is Yuri’s mother, Mrs. Lee.”

“Ah, yes. Hello Mrs. Lee.” I said as I bowed again, this time towards Mrs. Lee.

“So, this is the girl who slapped my daughter.” Mrs. Lee said with an angry tone to her voice. She turned to Mrs. Song and continued speaking. “I want you to call her parents, and get them to come down here. This girl needs to be punished for her actions.”

“I understand your request, and I will call her parents. But first, I would like to talk to Sherry alone. Mrs. Lee, if you could please take a seat with your daughter, in the chairs outside my office, I will call you back in once we’re finished.” Mrs. Song said in a calm manner. Mrs. Lee stood up, glared at me before leaving the room.

“Please, take a seat.” Mrs. Song said as she pointed to the chairs opposite her desk. “So, Sherry. Would you mind telling me what happened, please?” Mrs. Song asked me. I sighed before giving her my side of the story.

“Okay. First of all, I will admit that I did slap Yuri yesterday, but it was only because she spilled her food all over me on purpose.” I explained.

“Do you know why Yuri would have done that? What makes you so sure it was on purpose?”Mrs. Song asked.

“My friend, Hana, says that it’s because Yuri is jealous of me.” I said. “You see, yesterday in math class, Mr Park paired us up, and she paired me with Junhong. Junhong and Yuri are dating, so I think she was jealous that I was paired with him and not her.”

“Sherry, you are one of my best students, and I don’t believe you would do this without having a good reason to,” Mrs. Song sighed before continuing, “but unfortunately, I’m going to have to call your parents.”

“I understand Mrs. Song, you’re just doing your job.” I said. Mrs Song smiled at me before calling my parents. Around 10 minutes later, my Mom arrived, and Mrs. Song called Yuri and her Mom into the office.

“This behaviour is unacceptable, so I have decided that Sherry will need to pick up rubbish around the back of the school for an hour after for the next week.” Mrs. Song announced.

“What?! No! That’s not good enough! She needs to be suspended!” Yuri yelled.

“Oh come on! It was just a slap!” I yelled back.

“And? You could have ruined my perfect face!” Yuri argued.

“Okay, okay. You make a fair point Yuri. I’m sorry Sherry, but you’re suspended for 2 days, starting tomorrow.” Mrs. Song said with a sigh.

“That’s okay Mrs. Song, I understand.” I said as I left the office with my Mom following behind me. As I left the office, I saw Zelo sitting in the waiting area.

“Are you happy now?”I mouthed as I walked past him. I walked my Mom out to her car, say goodbye and head back to class. Before long, the bell rang, letting us know it was recess time.


“What?! Suspended? But how am I supposed to live in this hell hole without you?” Hana exclaimed.

“It’s only 2 days Hana, and you’re the cutest girl in the school. Everyone will want to be friends with you.” I said, making Hana giggle.

“But there’s only one person I want to be friends with, you know, besides you.” Hana said with a slight blush, making me roll my eyes.

“Oh please. Can’t you find someone who isn’t from that group?” I asked.

“He’s different, okay?” Hana replied.

“How can you be so sure?” I asked.

“He just is!” Hana exclaimed before clinging to my arm and squealing. For a second I questioned why she was doing that, but then I noticed that BAP had walked into the canteen.

“Oh my god! It’s him!” Hana squealed in my ear, making me roll my eyes and try to turn around. All of the girls in the room started screaming ‘I love you’s at them.

“I swear, this school is going to make me deaf.” I mumbled under my breath, not expecting Hana to have heard, but she did, and she giggled.

“That’s normal. Why do you hate them so much? What did they do to you?” Hana asked.

“They haven’t actually done anything to me, it’s just that they think they’re so perfect. It drives me insane.” I replied.

“O-oh…Sherry, you might want to stop talki-” Hana started to say before I cut her off.

“Why? I told you why I hate them, and it’s the truth. Oh yeah, have yo-” Hana placed her hand over my mouth to make me stop talking. I was confused for a moment before I realised she was staring at someone behind me. I turn around to see BAP standing not even a metre away from me.

“You know, we’ve never thought we were perfect, but now that you mention it, I guess we are kind of perfect.” Zelo said with a smirk.

“Oh please, you disgust me.” I said as I crossed my arms.

“Oh wow, you’re sooo brave.” Zelo said sarcastically, “How dare you talk to BAP like that.”

“Excuse me? How dare I? You’re not Gods, so why do I have to respect you?” I said. I noticed that Himchan had taken a step closer to me.

“I like your style.” He said, with a smirk.

“How about you stay away from me, you ert?” I snapped back at him.

“I’d watch my mouth if I were you, girly.” Himchan sneered.

“Sorry oppa.” Hana bowed as she apologised for my behaviour.

“Why are you apologising?” Daehyun asked her, causing her to blush. Before anything else could be said, I walked away, dragging Hana behind me.


*Zelo POV*

“Wow, did she really just try to start a fight with us?” Daehyun asked.

“Just ignore her. Let’s go guys, I’m starving.” Yongguk said as he headed off to get food, while I went to sit at our usual table.

“Hey Zelo, why aren’t you eating anything?” Youngjae asked me. I didn’t respond, so he nudged me and asked again.

“Oh, I’m just not hungry hyung.” I said.

“Spill it, Zelo. What were you thinking about?” Yongguk asked me.

“Nothing, hyung.” I said with a shake of my head, before reaching over and stealing a chip off Jongup’s plate.

“Don’t lie to us, Zelo.” Yongguk said as he lightly tapped my head with his spoon.

“Okay, okay, jeez. I was just thinking about Yuri.” I said as I rubbed the spot he hit.

“What about her?” Yongguk pressed.

“I think I want to break up with her…” I said.

“Seriously?” Daehyun asked.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Yes! My prayers have been answered!” he exclaimed. I gave him a rather confused look, hoping he would explain. “She’s so annoying! You did know that, right?”

“Yeah,” I said with a slight laugh, “but she’s my girlfriend.”

“Okay, sorry to get personal, but did you ever sleep with her?” Himchan asked.

“No! Of course not, hyung. I don’t wasn’t to lose my ity to Yuri.” I said.

“Fair enough.” He said as he shrugged his shoulders. A few minutes later, the bell rang, signalling the end of recess.


*Sherry POV*

Recess had just ended and I was sitting back in my chair, reading a book when Zelo decided to start bothering me.

“Psst!” he said, but I continued to ignore him.

“Sherry!” he said as he pushed my chair, but I still ignored him.

“Yah, Sherry!” he said as he started pulling my hair to get my attention.

“Oh my god! What do you want?!” I yelled at him. Yuri got up out of her chair and walked over to me to give me a slight shove.

“Can you stop bothering my boyfriend?” She said.

“Excuse me? How about you ask your stupid boyfriend to stop bothering me?” I said with a slightly raised voice.

“I’m not stupid. You better watch what you’re saying, Sherry.” Zelo sneered at me.

“Oh really?” I questioned and raised an eyebrow at him. Just as he was about to respond, Ms. Younha arrived, and told us to sit down, and open our books.

Edited: 3rd of August, 2015

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Chapter 41: She's obviously lying!!!! One month when you had 3 months ago?! The !!!
dyqakim #2
Chapter 100: Yeahhh..happy ending :')). I really really really love your fanfic. ㅠㅠ you such a good author, you inspire me now. You did a great job
bbombbunnyy #3
Chapter 63: The story was pretty good until I got to chapter 16 and then you started doing the character: *speaks* thing, and that kinda made the story seem to have less substance in it. That just made the story not as good as it could be but other than that I enjoyed what I read. :)
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
shilaINSPIRIT #5
Chapter 100: Congratulations Author-nim . you really do a great job :D
This is DAebak Authornim!

Please do check my Zelo story too
Chapter 100: Really I have to say that this is the best fanfic<3 it's my first time reading an fanfic with 100 captures XD but I don't regret spending the last two days reading this<3 you're really an amazing writer although there were some grammar issues but it's okey,Fighting!You're DaeBak>.<
Chapter 100: AMAZING!!!! I loved the story Well thought ^_^
Wwhyda #9
Chapter 75: this is going greatt really curious though how would you make them together again since they each have their one child,
Wwhyda #10
Chapter 12: authornim fanfic so cool and nice oh well no offense but exclude your grammar its so niceee