*Episode 19

High school Life [EDITING]

*Sherry POV*


I woke up the next morning and checked my calendar before realising that today was the last day before summer break. I quickly got ready for school, and had the head maid, HeeJin, re-bandage my leg before heading off to school.

I made it as far as the front door before I noticed the car parked out the front.

“Hey Sherry!” Zelo yelled from his car with a big smile.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“To pick you up for school.” He said.

“You don’t have to do that.” I said.

“Well, it was pretty much my fault.” Zelo shrugged. “So I’ve decided to take care of you.”

“Why are you so nice to me?” I asked. “You’re supposed to be one of the school’s ‘bad boys’.”

“You’re my hyung’s girlfriend’s best friend. I kind of have to be nice to you.” He said with a smirk.

“Whatever.” I scoffed and walked past his car.

“Hey!” He yelled after me. “Don’t you want a lift?”

“No.” I yelled back. I heard him mutter a ‘fine’ before hearing the sound of his car door opening, and closing, and in a second or two, he was walking alongside me.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Walking to school with you.” He shrugged.

“Why?” I sighed.

“To make sure you’re safe.” He said.

“You’re so annoying.” I said and started to walk faster, hoping to get away from him. My plan backfired when I tripped over my own two feet, and fell to the ground.

“Ouch.” I whispered.

“Sherry!” Zelo yelled, holding out his hand to help me up.

“Sorry.” I apologised as I grabbed his hand. I honestly don’t know why I apologised.

“It’s fine.” He said. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I said, looking down. At that moment, I realised that he was still holding my hand and a blush spread over my cheeks.

“Come on. Let’s go.” He said and we started walking. It didn’t take long for me to realise that my leg was killing me and I winced.

“Do you want some help?” He asked.

“It’s okay.” I declined. “You don’t hav-”

“Stop being so stubborn.” He sighed as he put my arm around his neck, and his arm made its way around my waist to help me walk. We walked the whole way to school like that.

“Aw! Look!” Hana squealed and pointed in our direction. I rolled my eyes.

“Well,” Himchan began. “Aren’t you two close.”

“Hey guys.” Zelo greeted them.

“Oh my god.” Yongguk said when he noticed my leg. “Sherry, are you okay? What happened?”

“It’s Yuri’s fault.” Zelo said. “Yuri found Sherry at the bus stop and told her to stay away from me. I guess this was a warning.” Zelo lied.

“And I called him.” I said.

“What?!” Hana exclaimed. I momentarily freaked out, trying to come up with an excuse, when the bell rang.

“Let’s go guys.” I said and we all went to class.

Thank God. I’m so glad that bell rang. I wonder why Zelo lied. I mean, I helped with the lie, I just find it odd is all.


The day seemed to drag on forever, but finally we were able to go home. I’d asked Hana during the day if she wanted to stay at my house tonight because my parents weren’t home and we hadn’t had a sleepover in ages. She thought it was a great idea and had managed to leave the school grounds before me, and by the time I walked home, she had managed to drive to her house, pack a bag and drive to my house. Someone must be pretty excited.

I heard the sound of her car pulling up at my house and opened the door. The second I’d shut the door, she dropped all her bags on the floor and gave me a big hug, exclaiming how excited she was. When I finally managed to get out of her hug, I helped her move her bags to my room, and we ended up just laying on my bed, fiddling with our phones, laptops and iPads while we chatted.

“Hey.” She said, gently kicking my arm. “Kim Sherry.”

“What Park Hana?” I said as I pushed her leg away.

“Do you have feelings for Zelo?” She asked.

“What kind of feelings?” I said, pretending not to know what she was talking about.

“Feelings of ‘like’ or maybe even ‘love’?” She said with a teasing tone.

“Ew.” I scrunched my nose up. “No.”

“But you guys look so cute.” She whined. “You look perfect together!”

“Stop it.” I said. “I don’t want to hear about it.”

“Oh come on.” She scoffed. “You can tell me. I know there’s something going on there.” She started poking my sides, knowing full-well that I’m ticklish.

“Stop it!” I tried to yell through my laughter. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you!”

She stopped tickling me, and when I had finally stopped laughing, I told her everything. I told her about him being nice to me, about spending the day with him and Yongguk, about walking in the park and almost kissing him that night, about our picnic yesterday, about almost kissing him again, and about this morning.

“Oh my god!” She squealed. “You’ve totally fallen for him.”

“Ew. No.” I denied.

“There’s no point trying to avoid it.” She grinned. “You guys totally like each other!”

“We like each other?” I raised my eyebrow and she nodded in return. “No. I don’t like him, and he doesn’t like me.”

“Whatever Sherry.” She playfully scoffed. “We can all see it.”

“See what?” I frowned.

“Whenever he praises you or compliments you, or sometimes even when he just talks to you, you both end up blushing.” She explained.

“Lies.” I replied. “You have no proof.”

“He’s asked you to hang out a few times.” She said.

“Yeah, because we’re friends.” I reasoned. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Of course you can’t see it.” She scoffed again. “You need to open up your heart to see it, or even feel it.”

“I can’t see it or feel it.” I said. “And I have opened my heart.”

“We’ll see, we’ll see.” She said. “Anyway, I have plans to go to the beach with Daehyun and the guys this summer!”

“I’m not going.” I said immediately.

“Oh yes you are.” Hana challenged.

“What I’d like to do, is sit here and finish reading my book.” I told her.

“No.” She argued. “You’re coming.” She reached over and grabbed my book from my hands. “Now go pack a bag, my friend.”

“Oh come on!” I whined. “Please don’t make me go.” I was going to continue whining about it but the look on her face told me I shouldn’t. “Fine. I’ll go pack.”

“So what bikini are you packing?” She asked as she watched me pack.

“None.” I replied.

“Sherry.” She said sternly. “It’s the beach. You have to.”

“Please don’t force me to Hana.” I pleaded. “You know I don’t want to.”

“Fine, fine.” She surrendered and held her hands up. “I won’t make you.”

“Good.”  I said and continued packing my bag.

Edited: 16th of September, 2015

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Chapter 41: She's obviously lying!!!! One month when you had 3 months ago?! The !!!
dyqakim #2
Chapter 100: Yeahhh..happy ending :')). I really really really love your fanfic. ㅠㅠ you such a good author, you inspire me now. You did a great job
bbombbunnyy #3
Chapter 63: The story was pretty good until I got to chapter 16 and then you started doing the character: *speaks* thing, and that kinda made the story seem to have less substance in it. That just made the story not as good as it could be but other than that I enjoyed what I read. :)
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
shilaINSPIRIT #5
Chapter 100: Congratulations Author-nim . you really do a great job :D
This is DAebak Authornim!

Please do check my Zelo story too
Chapter 100: Really I have to say that this is the best fanfic<3 it's my first time reading an fanfic with 100 captures XD but I don't regret spending the last two days reading this<3 you're really an amazing writer although there were some grammar issues but it's okey,Fighting!You're DaeBak>.<
Chapter 100: AMAZING!!!! I loved the story Well thought ^_^
Wwhyda #9
Chapter 75: this is going greatt really curious though how would you make them together again since they each have their one child,
Wwhyda #10
Chapter 12: authornim fanfic so cool and nice oh well no offense but exclude your grammar its so niceee