No Humans

Beastly Blood

I opened my eyes. I had landed safely and completely unharmed. We were in some sort of garden thing, quite small and less than twenty feet wide. On one side was the Castle walls, and on the other side was the Castle building itself. The grass was green, which was nice, and slightly damp, so I suspected it either rained---if it did rain in the Shadowrealm---or someone watered the grass.

Yoseob groaned painfully underneath me----he had managed to twist himself around just before impact so I didn't crash to the ground.

"Oh, Yoseob! Are you okay?" I gasped, scrambling away to see him.

"I'm fine, Vampire bones heal fast." Yoseob said, grinning weakly. He sat up, and I realized we were not alone.

"Damn, I thought I was going to die for sure!" Junhyung panted, wincing as he got to his feet. "I think I shattered my spleen, though."

Kikwang had dirt and bits of leaves all over him, but otherwise looked unharmed. "Good thing I hit those bushes over there, or I would end up just like you guys!" He said brightly, pointing to a bush that looked mangled and distinctly crushed.

Hyunseung said nothing but swore as he stood up. "Dammit, that hurts....I think I must have crushed my pinky finger when I landed, I can't move it.....Jimi? You feeling okay?"

"Better than ever, Hyunseung." I said, my cheeks turning red with shame. "But I can't say the same for Yoseob. He took all the damage."

Dongwoon was not hurt at all. He managed to get close to the wall of the Castle and run down it as though he was running down a street. At the last second, he changed the angle and hopped off the wall and landed on the ground. Doojoon, unconscious and breathing heavily, was okay. He had woken up, however, when Dongwoon laid him down on the ground.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow.....wuzzgoinon?" He muttered groggily. "Why is my throat still burning?"

"Oppa!" I said delightedly, forgetting about the fact that he was a Dhampir now.

"JIMI!!!!" Yoseob, Junhyung, Kikwang, Hyunseung, and Dongwoon said together in alarm, but it was too late.

Doojoon smelt it. My blood. Sweet, fresh, young blood. Already crazy with the pain in his head and throat, Doojoon forgot about me completely. He didn't see his little sister when he looked at me. He saw prey.

I knelt down next to him, not noticing his eyes turning bright red and fangs appearing instead of teeth. "Oppa, are you hurt any----?"

Then I felt a sharp, intense pain in my neck.

It was a familiar feeling---the feeling of my skin breaking as someone sank fangs into them. And of my warm blood pulsing into that person's mouth, running down my neck......

"Doojoon! No, Doojoon! Get ahold of yourself, man!" Yosoeb yelled, as he, Junhyung, and Hyunseung tried to wrestle him away. "Doojoon, that's your sister! Your little sister! Don't----please----"

Doojoon let out a fiercesome, inhuman roar that rattled my very bones. I was scared. This wasn't my oppa. What happened to my oppa?

"Come on, Doojoon, pull yourself together!" Junhyung snarled, using all his strength to pull him back. "Come on...."

Kikwang and Dongwoon hurriedly pulled me away from him as well. "Give him room to get back to his normal self." Dongwoon said quietly. "He's not in his right mind."

Tears fell down my cheeks. "M-m-m-y oppa...." I whispered in horror. "M-m-my op-oppa....."

"I'm sorry, Jimi, I'm really sorry....." Kikwang said gently. I curled into a ball and burst out crying. Although Yoseob and the others were still busy making sure Doojoon, who had collapsed into the ground, didn't try to attack me again, I knew they were listening.

"W-w-what am I s-supposed t-to d-d-do? I h-had no one, no one b-but Yoseob and D-Doojoon oppa! And then Y-Yoseob left me b-because he turned into a-a Dhampir, and I was s-so heartbroken, I t-thought the w-world was going to e-e-end! And now m-my o-oppa is a D-D-Dhampir too, and w-what am I sup-supposed to do n-now?" I sobbed.

Yoseob's eyes softened. Jimi......if only I could take back those days of pain I gave you when I tried to ignore you.....

Suddenly, a weak voice came out from the silence. "J-Jimi....."

"Oppa!" I gasped. "Oh, oppa...."

Doojoon managed a weak smile as he lay on the ground, breathing hard and shallow. "I-I'm sorry......for.....that......I feel......disgusted....."

"It's not your fault, oppa!" I whispered tearfully. "None of this is your fault!"

"When....we......get back home....." Doojoon whispered. "I.....can still.....try and be....human.....I can....drink blood....and somehow.....not drink yours......and....everything could be the....same as it....once.....was....."

"Where are the others?" Hyunseung asked in a low voice.

"It appears the other guys got seperated, who knows where they are?" Junhyung said, trying not to sound worried for his leader and comrades and failing. "We'll just have to do this ourselves."

"Can we climb the Castle wall?" Kikwang suggested.

"I dunno, it's steep and it will take a long time. Plus, we have two unfit climbers with us." Hyunseung looked pointedly at me and Doojoon. I blushed and Doojoon ignored him.

"We'll just have to get in using the Castle, and hopefully we won't run into the Capital Guards or the Assassination Squad." Junhyung muttered.

"What's the Assassination Squad?" Dongwoon, Yoseob, and I asked at the same time.

"The Assassination Squad is actually a lot like the Guards, but comprised of five deadly Vampiresses with special Abilities and skills perfect for killing." Kikwang told us. "Krystal, Sulli, Luna, Victoria, and Amber are the members, and they can kill us all easily."

I shivered----the women seemed much more frightening than the men. But, I guess that's true for everything in life.

"We better make it quick if we wanna get inside." Yosoeb said. "If we're lucky, they'd think we died in the attack and won't bother us. But if they think we're alive, then that's a problem, because then they'd know we're in here. We better get a move on."

"Alright...." I pressed my hand tightly on my neck wound, which was slowly closing up and the blood was drying. Yoseob moved my hand and gently examined the wound. I felt tingles of shock whenever his cold fingers touched my skin, but I said nothing and didn't move.

"We better get going, Jimi." Yoseob said quietly. He held out his hand to me.

I hesitated only for a second before connecting his hand with mine.

Fingers interlaced with each other, we walked forward with the others, closer to our freedom than we ever have before......

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Chapter 35: Awwwwwwwww happy ending! It's such a cute story. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for writing
Chapter 36: It was great and sometimes random and also new groups of character keep appearing. I was like "What the hell is just going in here? I thought it would be only vampires in this story." xD But, nah. I'm fine with it. At first, I'm totally puzzled with how affectionate the B2ST members(Except Dojoon) towards her that I couldn't figured who will she ended up with. (Because of the way they interacted with her and how she responded to it) I expected her to be with Yoseob cause I didn't think best friends were that REALLY close. Then I continued on reading, somehow your story had answered my question. xDD Anyway, love your story! ♥
shafiraydj #3
Chapter 36: done reading. amazing fanfic!
Chapter 35: Oh my oh my!! I really love this fanfic. They kissed?! Ohhhhhh!!! So sweet!! Sequel?
Chapter 35: ouch i love this fic like ugh asdfghjklwiqiuvuibr gosh i cant my feels is fluttering. thumbs up!
xoxosenshine #6
Chapter 35: Amazing fanfic . Awww kikwang the kekekeke .
Amazing fanfic! I've read this like 5 times, it's just really unique, ya know? ^^
Hunhannie95 #8
Chapter 35: Aww... it's a cute story ^^
Chapter 35: I really loved the happy ending! :')
Chapter 17: I knew it was Taemin based on the child-like face hahaha!