Ideal world

is there a limit to love?


Ideal world


I don't care.

I just want to be with you till the end.





If you asked Kyuhyun, it was all going sickeningly well. Not like one of those traitors would ask for his opinion. Friendship. Puah.

In the current moment he was trying really hard not to gag in front of those two. Again if you asked Kyuhyun he was starting to think that they sat in front of him with the only purpose to piss him off.

“it's not like is something new, Kyun-a” said his friend -apparently without a heart- Sungmin, “they always stick to each other”

“ Yes we are always like this Kyuhyun.”Teased Hyukjae, caressing deliberately the back on Donghae's hand jut to get on his nerves.

Kyuhyun swallowed trying to think how much of a revenge will fall upon him if he threw his food on Hykjae's hair.

“And since when you let Donghae steal from your plate? You shouted like a girl with pms the last time he ate some of your dubboki” Donghae who was in taking exactly from Hyukjae's plate to put in his own, looked at him with one of his stupid smile adorning his lips.

Sungmin shook his head. Actually Kyuhyun liked to be overdramatic. Those two seemed to have worked out whatever alarming tension they had, and if he didn't know better, he wouldn't have suspected a thing.

“ What about this?” Sungmin stole some of Kyuhyun's rice “feel better? Now we are even and we are not even a couple”.

But before Kyuhyun could reply with some of his snarky comments Jungsoo sat loudly at their table. Jungsoo always had this irritant ability to be at the wrong moment in the wrong place. But if you asked him he would blabber about his super ability that he called leader instinct: to put it simply, he always was there when they were doing something unreasonable stupid.

“ That would be awful, Sungmin I know you can do better”

“Hey, I'm boyfriend material you know!” exclaimed Kyuhyun while the other burst in laughter.

“One for the leader, zero for the evil maknae” snickered Hyukaje.

They laughed again.

“ I'm happy to see you are ok” commented Jungsoo toward Dognhae and Hyukjae's direction. Once they calmed down. If Hyukjae didn't choke on the water he was drinking, was some sort of a miracle.

“ Ah so you noticed” he said nonchalantly “ you know how we are, we can fight over the colours of our socks” he joked

“ Hey wouldn't this make our friendship really childish?”

“Everyone know you act like toddlers, so give up on your imagine” commented Kyuhyun smirking.

Jungsoo just smiled and looking at him Sungmin asked himself just how effective was that so claimed leader's instinct.

He was pleased though to see Hyujae and Donghae reacted perfectly.

They were learning.




Donghae and Hyukjae finished the last days of concerts beautifully.

It was like a new energy was running through their veins and the endless hours of work seemed to pass on them without leaving any trace. Even though they had even more reasons to be exhausted (but they didn't go all the way the night before the concert, since they were the dancers of the group).

It was like they had waken up a new ability that took force form their new bond.

They weren't paranoid anymore but at the same time they were careful and conceited.

They made sure to keep their skinship to its minimum, and to have at least once a week to not accumulate tension and act weird. With Ryewook moving upwards and it was easy for them to remain at the lower floor where Sungmin and kyuhun already knew and watched their back.

Hyukaje couldn't express his gratitude in words so he let his usual Scrooge behavior behind, and bought them some expensive item. That was enough to shut Kyuhyun for three days, which was something.

It was if those rare when everything was quiet and the members had some times for themselves. Hyukjae and Donghae were resting respectively on the couch and on the armchair doing nothing. They just had a session of shower now that Kyuhyun and Sungmin were out to visit their families.

Donghae was browsing on his cellphone smiling like an idiot.

“ You are creepy, you know”

“I just enjoy photos, I'm not one insensitive brat like you”


“ Are all photos of you, by the way.” Hyukjae refused to believe he was blushing .

“ Yah!. You are worse than those cheesy lines you have to act. I'm starting to think you are the genius behind them”

“You are romantic like a rock”

“ Excuse me but none of my past girlfriends ever complained”

“ but I'm complaining!”

“ Are you implying you are my girlfriend?” teased Hykjae just to have on his face a pillow thrown at him by Donghae.

Donghae cackled seeing his startle stupid expression.

“ Whatever! Anyway you'll have to erase it” Hyukjae reminded him.

“ I know, don't worry. But it's not like are implying something, for example our texts are worse.

“ Erase that too” Hyukjae said.

“ Relax, they are all locked. You need a password to see them. And if I lose the phone you know I can always block the phone.”

Hyukjae sighed.

“Anyway it's your fault. Do you really had to send me an “I want to blow you” message. Thanks to you I was hard for all the recording!”

This time was Hyukjae's turn to cackle.

“But I did wanted to blow you, and if I remember well you weren't complaining after”

“Well. Your lips are pretty” Donghae said. Hyukjae rolled on a side to face Donghae who was seated in disorder on the armchair. Donghae's gaze was so hot to be flattering.

“Want a reminder?”

Donghae's pupils dilated as he his own lips.

In less the three minutes they were in Hyukjae's room, the latter on his knees as he Donghae's off. Donghae's muffled a moan with a fist as his grip on Hyukjae's silky hair tightened.

It was heaven.

Please don't ever stop.





Of course vacation couldn't last forever.

“They decided to add two days more of concert” informed them Sungmin “ and they decided to add another performance with Super Junior M, but I think later we'll have Chinese lessons for the lyrics”we all nodded as we entered sm building. That one news seemed to affect a little Donghae. Hyukjae cringed. Once they entered the practice room they spotted Zhoumi and Henry

“Henry” of course Donghae didn't waste the chance to jump on him. The latter discomforted face was comic.

“Hyung you are heavy”

Donghae was so enthusiastic that he even didn't noticed his cellphone flying form his back pocket and land on the linoleum floor.

“ Someday you are going to forget your head on your pillow and you won't even realize it” Hyukjae said shaking his head as he grabbed the phone and gave it to him.

“ That's why I keep you. To be at my service”

“ Yah.” he said indignant as the other laughed.

“ You two are always love quarrelling ” Henry commented. Hyukjae just shook his head.

Donghae looked at him just for a second more before chatting with Henry and Zhoumi.

Is how I neglected wife feels?

Hyukjae wanted to just collapse and be swallowed by the floor.

“You are soo whipped” teased Kyuhyun whispering in his ear.

“ Shut up” he hissed. Sigh. Nobody took him seriously.

They separated after a while, the members of super junior M going straightly to their Chinese lessons. Donghae got tensed every passing second and Hyukjae knew why. They were going at Yuri's department and it wasn't rare for her to be the one teaching them, after all she was their translator. That was the reason why Donghae and her became close, because Donghae was horrible at learning Chinese and she gave him extra lesson.-Hyukjae squeezed his shoulder making Donghae instantly relax. The gesture gained glances from the rest of the group, the perfect eyebrows of Siwon lifted. Perfect now they were all worried, Ryewook was asking whispered question in the ear of Sungmin. However Dognhae smiled at him “ ah don't' worry guys, it's not the end of the world”. “Of course” commented Kyuhyun trying to be his usual selfand joke.

“ Hello” of course once they arrived at their usual room, Yuri was there waiting.

Hyukjae once again understood why Donghae had been so captivated by her. She had this kindness in his expression, but she made his way in Sm entertainment all by himself. She was no joke and Dognhae could never function with someone as free as him.

“Ok we are going to divide you in three groups according to your level. Kyuhyun and Siwon, Ryewook and Hyukjae and Sungmin and Donghae.”

“Wait but I started at the same time of Sungmin hyung. There's no way in hell I'm better.” he knew his was crossing the boundaries, and he was so close to making a scene, but the idea of leaving Donghae with her.

“You are good Hyuk, now don't be humble, it's so n like you” Donghae said trying to calm him down joking. Hyukjae blinked. Donghae seemed ok,but he had strange feeling.

“Donghae is right. You are good and for your rapping practising with Ryewook-sshi will benefit. you can improve” said Yuri. it made senses of course.

And before he knew he was being dragged by Siwon to the other room with another teacher. Sungmin nodded silently at him like saying, “I am here with Donghae”.

He sighed but exited the room nonetheless.

“ For a moment I thought you were going to rip his head, hyung” Ryewook commented with his usual honesty.

“ he's only worried for his best friend “ said serene Siwon. Hyukjae could bet that there was more behind Siwon's more, but the gaze Siwon returned him was crystal pure so he archived the thing like him being paranoid. However since he entered another room he missed the glance Siwon exchanged glances with Kyuhyun, making the maknae realize that they had underestimated their bonds.






It wasn't like the lesson was unpleasant but Dognhae wanted nothing but to get it over.

He knew Yuri enough to know there was something under his façade. But what he didn't know. Thank God Sungmin was there to make the lesson proceed with his question.

Somehow he didn't know how but they made to the end. Yuri didn't say anything to him apart form a lingering gaze and faltered smile towards him, he was free to go. It was awkward but he had to get used to it, Yuri was part of the staff of Sm and he was one f his singers.

“Chinese is difficult, we'll learn with time, don't stress out too much, hyung.”

“Sometimes I think for me it's impossible.” said Sungmin dejected.

Donghae laughed now that was ended visibly relaxed. They met with the others in the middle of the corridor, Hyukjae showing his gummy smile only for him. They went around Sm building some more, spying their hoobaes, but since it was already late they decided to go back to their dorms. He was so engrossed and so relieved.

That's why Donghae didn't notice the disappearance of his phone till he went home.

He checked all his pockets, jacket and pants but nothing. Where the heck. He browsed his apartment in hope of finding it but no, he had it when he was at Sm building. Trying not to panic he went downstairs to check if some of the guys had it. Sometimes Kyuhyun liked to prank him just to remind him how silly he was. Unfortunately Hyukjae was the one who opened the door and Donghae knew he would have sensed immediately his nervousness.

“ Hey what's up?” he said lifting an eyebrow.

“ just having something to ask Kyuhyun”

“About?” said Hyukjae puzzled but making him pass in nonetheless.

“ Kyuhyun.-a” Dognhae decied to not answer him and panic him without no reason.

“What?” it came a voice from the bathroom “ I'm about to take a shower”he shouted.

Donghae ignored the sentence and entered the same bathroom. It wasn't like anyone give a of their privacy anymore.

Luckily Kyuhyun was still in his boxer and t shirt.

“Did you take my phone again to prank me?”

Kyuhyun's expression darkened.

“ No” and Dognhae knew he was sincere.

“ ”apparently Hyukjae had followed him because when he turned around, he bumped into him.

“Donghae what's happening?”

“ I thought Kyuhyun was pranking me, but it's not. I lost my phone”

“ well just go back to the Sm building and search if it need it so badly.” but Donghae seemed more nervous than normally.

“ Wait, don't tell you didn't erase..”

the silence from Donghae was louder than a scream,

“ Let's go” and with that Hyukaje dragged Donghae from his arm leading them out as soon as possible. At that point Kyuhyun was more thrilled than anything. He forgot his shower and followed them.

“ Hey what's going on” the chaos apparently casued Sungmin to go out of his room.

“ Donghae lost his phone” informed him Kyuhyun still in his pre shower attire.

“ well it's not the first time it happened” Sungmin said not understanding.

“ This time matters” Hyukjae said as he put on his shoes.

“why in that phone so important? What did you have in it..wait it's like I think..”

Hyukjae looked scared at him.

“ God. How many hours?”

Donghae looked at them too. “ I don't know.

“Sungmin please find the papers of the phone and call Donghae's phone company and block the sim card, ok? We are going to speed to the building and I don't think we'll have time to do so.” Sungmin just nodded as Kyuhyun seemd ready to ask but a shake of head of Sungmin was enough to make him shut up.

They jumped in the car as they printed towards their destination.

“ I'm sorry” Donghae said.

“ I can shout at you but what for? It's my fault too to have sent you those texts.”

Hyukjae said frowning, an idea forming in his head.

“ Do you remember the last time you saw your phone?”

“ before going to lesson” Donghae answered absent-mindedly.

Donghae forgot his phone plenty of times before, mostly during his Chines lessons because he checked the time. Some of the staff had immediately returned and if not Yuri noona always got it for him. She was trustworthy. But somehow Hyukjae wasn't sure anymore. Yuri always texted them to make them now she had it. Not that time.

He parked the car in some illegal way probably and they both entered the building frantically.

They went back to the classroom but they were empty and the staff said they didn't' find anything. Hyukjae hoped Sungmin had already blocked the sim card and that Donghae password was particularly inventive.

They didn't even realized they were running down the corridors till they bumped in someone..

“ ouch watch out” said a familiar voice. Jungsoo hyung.

“Oh sorry hyung we were in rush”

“ I noticed” he said with his usual casual tone. Then he looked again at both of them,

“ hey why you both seem like you had 3 concerts in a row? Anywya before I forget.” and with that he take out form his pocket a phone. A phone that seemed dangerously Donghae's one. Hyukjae sighed internally of relief and prayed that the passed fear wasn't evident in his features.

“They gave me an hour ago” he said not understanding how much he had jut saved their lifes.

“ Oh thank you a lot hyung” Donghae was smart enough to avoid saying they were so scared to have driven here crazily.

“Haha well, me and Dognhae were just heading to the dorm” Hyukjae said with a genuine smile on his face “ want you go back with us?”

“ Yes thanks. Donghae you were lucky I was there or you should have waited tomorrow.” Jungsoo said as they moved on.

“ If I can ask who gave it to you, hyung?” asked Hyukjae. There was something

“Of course Yuri-a, 9/10 Donghae forgets his phone there!”

Hyukaje froze.

“ She seemed a little sick though” he commented.

Donghae and Hyukjae exchanged glances.

Both scared to think what that could imply.

Donghae then checked his phone, fearing something, and saw that all his photos and his texts were deleted.

Not by him.




Author's note: please forgive me. sorry to have vanished like that. But now I'm back determined to finish this story ( drama and more drama!!). I didn't find someone to help me editing so I have to do all by myself, so the position is still open ;) anyway now we go to the third level, and get ready!  I want to thank all the lovely persons that commented this story ( you comments motivate me to do better) and of course all the readers.

Thank you <3










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1455 streak #1
939 streak #2
Chapter 3: I can see the conflict in emotions of Donghae. Poor Donghae.
Chapter 23: So realistic and beautifully put. I can picture perfectly every emotion you try to put in the story.. Good job! And I love how you describe Siwon at the end. I have a friend like him, despite his strong belief, hes still far form being judgemental. Siwon is always that great.
Chapter 23: I loved this story is really realistic and touching. The group is great especially Min and Kyu who was very funny.
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 23: Really nice story and I'm happy that the members accepted them.
Thanks for sharing :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 19: Honestly speaking I was somewhat disappointed with the way u let Donghae topping Hyuk be all out but when Hyukjae had his chance it was simply nothing. I mean I didn't even know that Hae was prept, all I knew was after two seconds of Hae giving Hyuk a Hae was flipped and then entered, so disappointing.
I know a lot of people thinks that in a gay relationship there is only a top or a bottom but really they both could have the pleasure of being inside the other.
I'm not saying I don't like the story I just dislike it when gay is thought of that way. Especially since this story was also tag as both couple names.
But still , nice chapter
Chapter 23: kinda a little sad that their relationship wasnt revealed but its very realistic. ;;
Chapter 1: I just started reading this and it's awesome.
Chapter 23: I'm glad they end up together... :D