
Cinderella's Dress


          Saturday was the best day of my life! I can't stop smiling after hanging out with Luhan and his friends. One week had passed and we are going to wear our uniform for the second week and so on. I looked at the mirror with my uniform on. I liked how I looked while wearing it.

          I carried my backpack as I ran towards the door. I waved goodbye to mom and dad as I set off for the road.

          "Hey Butterfly!" Someone shouted from behind. I turned around to see if who it is. It's Luhan. He was in his car. He waved and smiled at me.

          "B-butterfly?" I asked, completely confused with the butterfly thingy.

          "Yeah~ a butterfly with bunch of flowers." He laughed softly. It sent chills on my skin. His voice is just so handsome! "Care for a ride?" He grinned.

          That got me for a moment. A ride with Luhan. Of course! Damn I want to~ But I remembered what Luna said to me that I should not let Victoria know about my feelings about Luhan. Or else, it will be a disaster!

          "It will be really great but.... no thanks." God, this breaks my heart. I started to walk away. I was walking for about three minutes and I'm hearing these weird footsteps behind me. I turned around with a little jump and saw Luhan jumping a little as well. "W-wait, are you following me?" I asked, curiousness all over my face.

          "Uhm.. seems like it." He laughed slightly.

          "And why is that?" Oh my gosh. If Victoria sees this! *^*

          "Good neigbors should go to school together, isn't that right butterfly?" He winked. And I gave up. A perfect walk to school with Luhan. Screw Victoria!

          I felt my lips streched as they formed a huge smile. "Okay then. Let's go Dragonfly~" I chuckled. What did I just said.

          "Dragonfly ehh? Not bad." He said as he walked along by my side.

          Conversations went on as we walked. We laughed, smiled, gave jokes. Just so perfect. I didn't noticed that I'm standing in front of the shop where my dream gown is located. It made me stop for a moment and I stared at it. I really want this gown.

          "That gown will look perfect on you." Luhan said as he stood beside. I just smiled, but I feel heat rising on my cheeks. "We better get going if you don't wan to be late Butterfly." He said as he pulled me by the arm.

          "Ah-- wait!"

          We got inside the room just as the bell rang. The seats behind were full so Luhan and I sat at the very fist row. I sat at the first chair beside the door. I didn't see Victoria or any of the girls, even Luna. I streched my arms and legs when someone just opened the door and accidentally tripped on my streched foot. There was a loud sound as he stumbled on the floor. OH MY GOD! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die this very moment. i just tripped the ever popular and cold Kris! Silence was hanged in the atmosphere. My face was all red as he darted an evil glare at me.

          "I-- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to--" I stoop up and tried to touch his arms. He just jerked my hands away.

          "Get off. Idiot." He said as he stood up.

          "W-whaaat?!" I gaped as I looked up at him.

          "Kris Ben Ben~ what are you trying to do? Is it a new move of yours?" Xiumin and laughed crazily.

          "That was awesome Kris." Lay put his arms around Kris' shoulders.

          "Yah Butterfly! What are you doing? Sit here if you don't want to be eaten alive."

          I said nothing and took a sit beside Luhan. He called me idiot. That echoed in my ears thousands of times. Get off. Idiot.

          "Shut up!" Kris said with irritation as the boys laughed and .

          "Nice one Sulli! Keep on doing it!" Tao shouted from behind.

          As the last subject reached its end. I stoop up immediately and stormed outside the room. I might end up getting killed if I didn't. This is... This is crazy! I let out a shout as I stepped towards the school garden. I ruffled my hair and stumped my feet like a little kid. "What have I done?! What have I done?!"

           I heared someone laughing behind me. No doubt that it's a gir's voice. It sounded evil, now what?! I turned around and saw the F(x) girls standing behind me with a glare. Especially Victioria. Luna's face showed that she is really worried. Oh no, am I busted?

          "You must've enjoyed your company this morning before going to school." Krystal said as she walked towards me.

          "What are you talking about?"

          "Don't act as if you don't know! We saw you with Luhan this morning." It was Victoria. There was anger in her voice.

          I'm completely busted. I don't know what to say.

          "And I see that you had your eyes glued all over that pink gown." Krystal leaned closer and whispered. "I can buy it for you."


          She laughed as she leaned back. "She's really into it girls."

          "I think this is not a good idea. Let's just let it pass." Luna said towards the girls. I can see that she's really a good girl.

          "I can't let it pass! We saw how she flirted with Luhan!" Victoria blurted out.

          Her words were like knife that stabbed my heart.

          "Let's just bet on her." Amber suggested.

          "Nice idea!" Krystal said as she turned towards me. "How about, I'll buy you that gown if you let my ex-boyfriend Kris fall in love with you?" She smirked.


          "What about it?" She said. So she must be the reason why Kris is like that. Damn this girl.

          "I'll do it." I said bravely.

          I can see that it shocked all of them. But I'm aiming for the gown, nothing more. And for Victoria to stop accusing me on flirting with Luhan.

          "Sulli you musn't!" Luna said.

          "She already agreed. And no taking back!" Krystal looked at Luna as if to shut her up. "But there is one condition."

          I looked at her and waited for this damn condition.

          "You must not fall in love with Kris."

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iecahh #1
Chapter 14: Please update soon. I cant wait what happen next. it was the best.
liviya #2
Chapter 14: Author ni8 please update
kyla_tags31 #3
Chapter 14: unniee!!~ please update soon !!~ <3 ^u^
SulHan is sailing!!~
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #4
Chapter 14: hahahhaha I saw my username in the picture! lol.
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #5
Chapter 14: Omg , krislli first kiss !! I love it so much ! :-D
Chapter 14: my name's on it ahahahahah. seriously tho. i love ur storyyyy. cuteeee !! update soon authornim. and obv ludeer likes ssul-ssi here. WHAT UNREQUITED LOVE
jinrifx #8
Chapter 14: You are super fast at updating :)Thanks for your update.
Krislli 's first kiss completes my day. But I feel bad for luhan.Luhan likes sul right? But why was he talking and laughing with vic? It makes me confuse.
Anyway please update soon^_^
firdarakhmah #9
Chapter 14: such a beautiful story. I felt goosebumps prick my arms when kris said "I accept her as my forever". omg. ><
sulli-ah open your eyes and heart. kris actually loves you.
salmasal #10
Chapter 14: awww so fluffy but I like it :)
finally kriss kissed sulli , oh my heart .......
authornimm update sooon :D