Meeting Her Mother

Cinderella's Dress


          "Me?! Your girlfriend???" I still laughed hysterically, as if I've heard the worst joke in my entire life.

          "Don't make me repeat giant missy."

          "But who will want to be your girlfriend giant dude???" I asked, still not believing what is happening right at this moment.

          "Anyone except you." I caught a little but clear smirk from his lips as I looked at him. It was quick and playful, I wished it stayed longer and I don't know why.

          "Please, bring me back home." I plead as their mansion-like house came into a view. "This is illegal, you're kidnapping me!" I cried.

          He stopped the car as soon as we passed the huge gate and reached the front door. "Look," He turned his body towards me and looked at me straight in the eye. Seriousness was enveloped on it, and as usual, coldness was painted on it. "I didn't kidnap you okay? I snatched you because ...." He trailed off just as when I was going to hear his very own reason.

          "What?!" I raised my eyebrow, now getting impatient with this.

          He closed his eyes and let out a big sigh. He opened his eyes again as soon as he talked. "I snatched you because I need your help." He said calmly, but with seriousness. He looked down as soon as the words that I am waiting for came out from his pink lips.

          "Well, why would you need my help? And girlfriend? What? How's that giving you help?" I scratched my head, finding a piece of leaf on my hair. I am really messed up. "I don't understand, please tell me."

          "You'll know if we get inside. Now get your out there and go inside." He turned his back on me and opened the car door, setting himself inside the house and not even bothering to open the door for me or wait for me.

          "What's with this guy? I can't go out in this state of messiness!" I shouted.

          It was one of the maid that I talked before that accompanied me last time. "Nice seeing you again young lady." She smiled at me and looked over my messed clothes. "What a nice outfit you have." What sarcastic people living in thins house. She accompanied me again inside the huge house. Setting myself in one of the big sofas. Are all things big in this house? Not to mention Kris is big too. I giggled at the thought of that.

          "Stop being crazy and get yourself ready. My mom is on her way here. As well as my dad." Kris muttered as he sat beside, close enough for my heart to jump out.

          "You're kidding right? We're not doing this." I said as I looked at him.

          "No I'm not kidding, and yes we are doing this." He replied simply.

          "Krissss!" Someone shouted. I turned from where the sound came from, it sounded somehow....angry. Footsteps were coming closer and faster until a figure of a woman came into a view.

          "Hey mom." Kris said lazily as he yawned.

          How do I put this? Her mom looked very young, respectful, and .... cold. Just like him. She looked at Kris with that cold eyes as she put her hands on her curvy waist. "Don't hey me! You're father will be here soon! Where have you been??" She scolded him like any other rich mom would do to a rich kid.

          "I came to pick her up." He gestured towards me. Oh gosh, I just hoped the sky and earth would meet for me to hide myself. "And by the way, flowers for you mom. Welcome back." He stood up and reached the flowers to her mom, leaning down to giver her a kiss on the cheeks. Whoaaa~ seeing Kris like that, it's one in a million. Unbelievableeeee. Finally, her mother smiled and gave him a warm hug. Just like my mom would do to me. As soon as Kris settled himself beside me, her mom looked at me and guess what? She gasped. Heat rose on my cheeks. I burried my face on Kris' right shoulder.

          "Yaaaaah, get off me." Kris said as he nudged me.

          "I can't. This is just--"

          "Oh god Kris." It's her mom. "Is this how you treat girls these days? You should be gentle." I heard her mom's footsteps getting closer, she sat beside me and put her arms around my shoulder. "Sweetie, sorry for this it's just that my son was never good when it comes to girls." I am hearing this right? Her mom's sweet voice comforting me. This cold-looking woman really sounded like an angel. I rose from Kris' shoulder and took a peek at her, my head glued down from embarrasment.

          "I-I'm so sorry, I intruded here." I said shyly.

          "Oh no dear, you're always welcome here." She said as she caressed my back, leaving me very comfortable. "Maid!" She called out. "Give this young lady a warm bathe and a make-over."

          I widened my eyes as I looked at Kris. He just shrugged. I looked at her mom, still wide-eyed. "But--"

          "Ah huh, no buts." She stared back at me, wide-eyed too. "We are going out and you must throw that clothes. What were you doing anyway? Was Kris doing something to you?" She giggled playfully.

          "What? No. I am just--"

          "As if I'd do anything to her."

          "Oh shut up. This girl needs to be dressed. Now come on."

          She assisted me towards the bathroom. And wow, it's like bigger than my entire room.

          "I'll leave you here while I pick up a dress for you okay?" She smiled at me, that gentle voice echoing around the room.

          "Yes. Thank you very much." I bowed at her. And when I got up, she was already gone. That was fast. And still, I can't believe this is happening.

At last! For like, a year maybe? I finally updated this fanfic. Sorry for taking it long. I was just too busy. *^*

Thanks for being patient subscribers! I promise to work hard on this fanfic. I sarang you all. <3


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iecahh #1
Chapter 14: Please update soon. I cant wait what happen next. it was the best.
liviya #2
Chapter 14: Author ni8 please update
kyla_tags31 #3
Chapter 14: unniee!!~ please update soon !!~ <3 ^u^
SulHan is sailing!!~
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #4
Chapter 14: hahahhaha I saw my username in the picture! lol.
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #5
Chapter 14: Omg , krislli first kiss !! I love it so much ! :-D
Chapter 14: my name's on it ahahahahah. seriously tho. i love ur storyyyy. cuteeee !! update soon authornim. and obv ludeer likes ssul-ssi here. WHAT UNREQUITED LOVE
jinrifx #8
Chapter 14: You are super fast at updating :)Thanks for your update.
Krislli 's first kiss completes my day. But I feel bad for luhan.Luhan likes sul right? But why was he talking and laughing with vic? It makes me confuse.
Anyway please update soon^_^
firdarakhmah #9
Chapter 14: such a beautiful story. I felt goosebumps prick my arms when kris said "I accept her as my forever". omg. ><
sulli-ah open your eyes and heart. kris actually loves you.
salmasal #10
Chapter 14: awww so fluffy but I like it :)
finally kriss kissed sulli , oh my heart .......
authornimm update sooon :D