Locked in a Room with Him

Cinderella's Dress


          It felt like my body was like a jelly. I am so exhausted from what happened yesterday, it still didn't sank in deep inside of me. I am mostly concerned about Kris' feelings. What if his arranged marriage with Krystal will be pursued? What would he feel? He just looked lonely right now, what more if that happened? I felt a semblance deep inside my chest, my hand automatically grasp it, making it feel serene and protected. I passed through the garden before reaching our building, then I see the ever famous Kris walking towards our room. His hand inside his pocket, the other one on his backpack. He reached for his earphones and started playing music on his phone. He really looked cool and appealing. I grinned as I ran towards him and purposely bumped my body on his. He turned around and looked down at me, that cold look still dominating his face. I exchanged it with a cheerful smile and waved at him.

          "Annyeong oppa!" I greeted. He just stared down at me. "I had fun yesterday." I added jauntily.

          He turned his back on me and started walking away. I gaped at him and shouted. "You jer---" I was cut off when he raised his right hand and waved back at me while walking towards our room. Wow, that was unexpected. Again, a grin formed in my face. "Wait up!" I said as I caught up with him on the door. I stopped  when I saw the F(x) girls looking at me and towards Kris who finally settled on a seat.

          "Way to go Sul." Victoria cackled as she checked on her newly polished red nails. Krystal just smirked as she looked at me, her legs crossed like a rich old woman. Amber was playing a game on her iphone and doesn't really care, while Luna looked worried as ever. I smiled at her, assuring her that I am fine with all that's happening. I settled myself in the back row seat, slamming my head on the armchair and feeling exhausted as ever. Hours passed, and I still felt tired. Time really ran fast as the bell rang for the class dismissal. I stood up and carried my shoulder bag, storming my way out of the class room, not wanting to see the three girls making fun of me. I laid down on the grasses outside the building, towards the garden. I took in the cold breeze of the wind as I closed my eyes and did all means to relax myself. A butterfly just landed on my nose. Wow, it looked pretty.

          "Pretty." Someone said. I turned to look up and see Luhan covering the sun, making the butterfly fly away. I sit up and pouted.

          "It got away." I said with a defeat in my voice.

          "But this one will never get away." He said as he sat beside me put settled his arm on my shoulder. I widened my eyes as I look on his hand and up to him. Whoaaa, Luhan putting his arm around me. This must be a dream! He just smiled at me in return.

          "The guys are having dinner at my place tonight. Come okay?" He said and patted my shoulder before standing up and walking away.

          "Wait. What?" That was just like Kris. Not waiting for a response or whatever. What's with these guys really? But I can't help but to smile. A dinner with Luhan and Exo-M later. But wait, that means it includes Kris? No wayyyyyy. I jumped up and ruffled my hair. I looked at my watch, it's quarter to 5pm. I must go home and make myself look gorgeous for tonight. I walked pass the roadway when I saw someone crouched beside it. Wait, was it Amber? She looked like.... crying.

          "Uhmmm... excuse me?" I asked as I lied down beside her, waiting for her response. She raised her head and looked at me. Tears illuminating her eyes. She really was crying. "Is there something wrong?" I added.

          She frowned as soon as the words escaped my lips. "If there is, can you do anything?" She blurted.

          I took in a deep breath. I was like stabbed in the heart by a knife. "Well, I can listen and do what I can." I answered, making my voice sound very soothing.

          "You can't do anything! Get lost!" She shouted and stormed outside the school. What was just this feeling? I wanted to help someone who makes fun of me.

          I put on some lip shiner as I checked myself on the mirror. I tried to make myself look really good tonight. I can't wait to see Luhan, but Kris just getting in the way! I can't let the two escape my mind as well as what will happen tonight. I just wore red t-shirt and white shorts which I can feel comfortable with. I turned around as I checked my outfit. Perfect.

          I walked blithely as I swung the bucket of flowers in my hand as a gift for Luhan. I arranged my hair first before ringing the doorbell. The door opened slowly and he came into view. Kris. He looked at me from head to toe and... smirked.

          "Look who's here?" He said playfully.

          "Is this some kind of a de ja vu or something?" I replied mockingly.

          "Tch.. come on in." He gestured with his head as he went inside, still not bothering to waiting for me.

          Luhan came into view as well as the other guys. They all smiled at me and greeted me. "Is this for me? Wow, thanks." He said sweetly as he reached for the flowers.

          "You're welcome." I said as I hid a super duper huge smile on my lips.

          "Come on, let's eat!" He said as he offered me a sit beside him. And I am sandwiched between him and Kris. Fate is making fun of me too.

          "Whoaaaa~ there's a lot of foods! I'm gonna help myself tonight." Xiumin said as he patted his tummy.

          "Don't eat too much, you'll get sick." Chen said as he chuckled.

          "Time for dinner!" It was Tao this time.

          We all eat happily and... noisily. Not me though, just the boys. It's fun hanging out with them. They all cracked jokes and hit each others. While Kris was just beside me just smiling and eating his food without talking or laughing like Luhan. He looked like he's gonna eat me alive. This night was just fun.

          "Hey, the school festival is just a week away. Do you guys have a plan already?" Lay asked as he sat on the sofa, his legs was spread widely.

          "I don't have a girlfriend to begin with, so I'll just buy foods there." Xiumin replied as he laid down on the sofa as well.

          "Poor you. I just found myself a girlfriend." Tao teased and I can say that he is proud of it.

          Xiumin rose from the sofa in surprise. "Whaaaaat?! Really? Who the hell is this unlucky girl?" We all laughed as he said that.

          "Shut up! It's Lee Ji Eun! Also from our class." He said, as he put on a huge smirk on his face. "Too jealous baozi hyung? You can't even get a girl for yourself." The room was filled with laughter again.

          "You shut up! So the smart girl eh? the one who always sleeps yet gets perfect scores. And have you heard? There will be a booth wherein the participants are going to get married!" Xiumin cried.

          "That's too corny. I heard there's a booth where the couple will be locked up inside an empty room. Only the two of them together." It was Lay this time, completely excited about telling us about it.

          "Really? That's cool." Luhan said as he scrolled on his iphone.

          "What's cool about that? You want to get locked up with a girl?" Xiumin asked as he laughed at Luhan.

          "I never said I wanted, right Sulli?" He said, making me his back-up against Xiumin.

          "Y-yeah!" Was all I can say.

          "I hope the two of you will get locked up in a room." Lay teased, patting the other guys shoulders as they laughed together. Excluding Kris who's ears are covered with headphones.

          "Yah! That's not nice." I cried.

          "These guys really. Let them be Sul, they have playful imagination." Luhan said, looking at me with that captivating smile. Oh gosh, I think I would melt.

          "Yeahh, we have wild imagination that we can lock you two up right now." Xiumin teased as the guys looked at each other in agreement. "What do you think?"

          I stood up, preparing myself on what might this guys are planning to do with me and Luhan. "No. Way."

          Luhan stood up as well, leaning closer to me. "Yeah guys. No. Way. Totally!"

          Tao jumped up and screamed. "Exo-M! Let's go lock them up!" All of them got up and ran towards us, pulling us towards Luhan's room. "Let us imagine it is already our school festival!"

          "Yaaah! Stop! What are you doing? Stop!" I shrieked as they pulled the two of us towards Luhan's room.

          "Hey guys, please! Stop this!" Luhan laughed as Lay and Chen tickled him in his sides.

          "Have fun! And you know what we mean with fun!" Xiumin said as they threw us inside the room. When they closed the door, the last thing I saw was Kris staring coldly at me while putting off his headphones. And the door was locked.

          "Whaaaaat?!" I said as I ruffled my hair like a little kid.

          "Sorry about those guys. They like pranks you know. I haven't told you about that." He said, scratching his head. We can hear the guys shouting and making noises outside. We chuckled together.

          "No worries. You didn't do anything." I replied as I looked down, completely shy around him. And it is only the two of us! Inside his own room! We just gazed at each other. No words filling the air but awkwardness instead.

          "It's school festival next week." He said, finally lightening up the atmosphere. "Do you have plans?" He added.

          "Uhmm... I don't really know what will happen to the school festival since I just transfered. So I still don't have plans yet."

          "Ohhh, I see. You must go, it's fun."

          "Yeah, I will." I looked at him and found him looking back, with a beguiled smile.

          "Can I tell you something?" He asked.

          "What is it?"

          "You see, I have this girl I like." He sat on the edge of his bed and patted his left side, gesturing for me to sit beside him. I walked towards him and sat far from him. He just came closer, our arms touching. It suddenly made me feel heat on my cheeks.


          "I don't know how to describe her. All I can say is that, she is perfection." A beam was coated on his pinkish lips. "Let's go back from where I first saw her. It was fall that time. Petals of flowers were everywhere. I think I was fourteen that time, I assume she's the same age as me. I was about to enter the school gates when I saw her staring at me. Her eyes just caught me, it was so adorable I just fell for it. I turned towards her and smiled."

          "Really? What did she do?" I asked with agitation, completely hooked up with his story.

          He laughed a little. "She was so cute that time. She just looked down and ran away."

          "That's all? What's cute about that?" I was kind of expecting for more.

          "If you only saw the look on her face. She looked flustered that time."

          "Did you see her after that?"

          "No, I haven't seen her after that. But guess what? She transferred in our school. I admit I'm happy."

          Omo, I wondered who this girl might be? I don't see him going out with some girl in school. It hurts me. How I wished it was... me. "Have you talked to her?"

          "Yes, we talked a lot these days." Thinking about it, I think I should stalk him more. I really don't see him talking with girls. Some greeted him but not talk to him.

          "Wow, that's.... nice."

          "How I wish she can be mine." He said, turning towards me.

          "T-then talk to her... about what you feel."

          "I think she's not ready yet. And I think she likes someone else."

          That caught me for a moment. Yes! She likes someone else, so that means I still have a chance! I kept hiding this huge grin. Oh gosh. "But that can be changed, at least."

          "I hope so. I think I've just fallen for her."

So guys! How was it so far? :)

And who do you think will be Sulli's first kiss? Kris or Luhan? Always get in tuned. <3

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iecahh #1
Chapter 14: Please update soon. I cant wait what happen next. it was the best.
liviya #2
Chapter 14: Author ni8 please update
kyla_tags31 #3
Chapter 14: unniee!!~ please update soon !!~ <3 ^u^
SulHan is sailing!!~
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #4
Chapter 14: hahahhaha I saw my username in the picture! lol.
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #5
Chapter 14: Omg , krislli first kiss !! I love it so much ! :-D
Chapter 14: my name's on it ahahahahah. seriously tho. i love ur storyyyy. cuteeee !! update soon authornim. and obv ludeer likes ssul-ssi here. WHAT UNREQUITED LOVE
jinrifx #8
Chapter 14: You are super fast at updating :)Thanks for your update.
Krislli 's first kiss completes my day. But I feel bad for luhan.Luhan likes sul right? But why was he talking and laughing with vic? It makes me confuse.
Anyway please update soon^_^
firdarakhmah #9
Chapter 14: such a beautiful story. I felt goosebumps prick my arms when kris said "I accept her as my forever". omg. ><
sulli-ah open your eyes and heart. kris actually loves you.
salmasal #10
Chapter 14: awww so fluffy but I like it :)
finally kriss kissed sulli , oh my heart .......
authornimm update sooon :D