Show some Skin!

Cinderella's Dress


          “So how was your new school? Is it fun? You enjoying?” Mom asked cheerfully as we ate toasted bread with strawberry jam for breakfast. It’s Saturday morning, no classes today. It’s been a week since I moved to my new school.

          “Yeah, I’m enjoying.” Yeah, I’m dying!

          Mom let out a slight chuckle and looked at me with a smile. “From what I had experienced, first week is the exciting week for teenagers like you. Oh, now I remembered the days back then when I’m still a high school student.” She suddenly looked up while holding her toasted bread and started reminiscing.

          I just ignored her and made a large bite on my toasted bread. First week is the exciting week? Tch.. First week is hell week! The fact that I already told Luna that I like Luhan adds up to the hell week. I remembered how she reacted that time, her huge eyes darted at mine. She said I’ll be dead if F(x) girls will know about it. I just said that I got my coffin ready. And we have a lot of flowers for my burial since my mom and her younger sister have a flower shop for sideline business. That makes our garden and whole house a view of flowers. My aunt’s house is just in front of ours, across the road. Of course she also has flowers overflow in her house. I also help in planting and picking up grown flowers, well it is fun anyway.

          “Do you have a lot of friends?” Here comes my mom again.

          “I have enough for a lot.” I said, cupping my hands on the glass of milk.

           “What do they look like?” It looks like my mom has endless questions.

           “Well… Uh….” An image of F(x) girls popped out on my mind. “They look pretty.” They look creepy! Well of course except for Luna. I laughed at myself from the thought of that.

           “You seemed like you’re really enjoying huh?” My mom leaned closer and looked at me like I have to reveal a precious secret. “So tell me, are there hot guys over there too?” She giggled.

          I felt my eyes get bigger because of shock. “Mom!” We were both laughing now. Not only hot guys, but also cold guys.

           “So there is! Have you talked to him?” She sat beside me while holding a glass of milk. I can tell she’s agitated about this. “Come on sweetie! You must tell your mom.”

           “Well yeah, I already talked to him.” The first time was me tripping in front of Luhan. I know it’s funny. Well, we talked a little and greeted each other. I can’t talk to him for a long time since wager-addicted Victoria will get in the way.

           “Oh my.” Mom dropped the glass of milk on the table and started covering as if she’d found her daughter getting married already. “You’re not my baby Sulli anymore.”

          I just sighed.

          Mom uncovered . “Don’t tell me he still didn’t get to notice you?” She titled her head and started staring at me. I look back at her and pouted like a little kid.

           “He noticed me when I tripped in front of him.” I covered my face with my palms after I revealed it to mom.

           “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.” She shook her head and leaned back. But I don’t understand why she was suddenly smiling and tapping her cheeks.

           “What mom?”

           “I think I know just how you’ll get notice by him sweetie.”

          I looked at her, waiting for words to come out on her perfectly pink lips.

          She leaned closer and whispered.

           “Show some skin sweetie.”

          Show some skin sweetie…. It echoed on my mind a thousand times until it totally sank in.

           “You’re kidding mom.”

           “Of course not! It’s how I got your dad.” She giggled and looked up at the stairs. “I guess he’s still sleeping.”

           “No way mom, I’m not gonna show some skin!”

           “Oh you have to! Just trust me sweetie, you have a stunning complexion and you’re really tall you know.”

           “No no no mom.”

          I looked outside the window, staring particularly at nowhere. My mom still went on arguing on me showing some skin. My eyes were caught by two black mini vans that were parked on the new house beside aunt’s house. Beside aunts house was an empty lot. I don’t remember when they started or finished the house on the empty lot. All I can say is it’s a big luxurious house.

           “Hey mom, is that house already finished building?”

          My mom looked at the house almost in front of ours. “Oh, yes. It’s already finished. I guess the owner will move there today. What a big house.”

          I watched a car passed by and settling its way on the new house. A luxurious house and a luxurious car, that must be the owner. I narrowed my gaze on the car, patiently waiting for the owner to come out.

          The door opened. Then came out what I didn’t expected and assumed to come out.

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iecahh #1
Chapter 14: Please update soon. I cant wait what happen next. it was the best.
liviya #2
Chapter 14: Author ni8 please update
kyla_tags31 #3
Chapter 14: unniee!!~ please update soon !!~ <3 ^u^
SulHan is sailing!!~
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #4
Chapter 14: hahahhaha I saw my username in the picture! lol.
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #5
Chapter 14: Omg , krislli first kiss !! I love it so much ! :-D
Chapter 14: my name's on it ahahahahah. seriously tho. i love ur storyyyy. cuteeee !! update soon authornim. and obv ludeer likes ssul-ssi here. WHAT UNREQUITED LOVE
jinrifx #8
Chapter 14: You are super fast at updating :)Thanks for your update.
Krislli 's first kiss completes my day. But I feel bad for luhan.Luhan likes sul right? But why was he talking and laughing with vic? It makes me confuse.
Anyway please update soon^_^
firdarakhmah #9
Chapter 14: such a beautiful story. I felt goosebumps prick my arms when kris said "I accept her as my forever". omg. ><
sulli-ah open your eyes and heart. kris actually loves you.
salmasal #10
Chapter 14: awww so fluffy but I like it :)
finally kriss kissed sulli , oh my heart .......
authornimm update sooon :D