Cold as Ice

Cinderella's Dress



          Kris was staring blankly up ahead, looking particularly at nowhere. I can't help but gawk at his eyes. It's like forcing me to look at it. To look at his cold eyes. He looked tired, bored, and weary. But the look in his eyes didn’t alter from the first time I saw it.

          “What’re you looking at?” There was drowsiness in his voice as he uttered every word.

          I tilted my head and looked at the direction he was looking at. All I saw is a huge white board. No sign of living creature, unless there was a ghost. I turned my head back at him to make sure he was talking to someone. Is this guy crazy or what? I thought.

          “I am talking to you, missy.” His voice seemed like it was frosted with ice or had been stocked on a freezer for a year. Damn he’s cold! And why do I have a feeling that I like it? I shook my head from the thought of it.

          “Are you just going to stand when someone is talking to you?” Kris’ eyes weren’t moving from the white board, until he turned to look at me. Oh gosh! How stupid I am not to notice! I felt my mouth flew open. No words came out. I was just staring at him. And he was staring back. Why can’t I say something? Say something! Talk! But still, no words came out on my absurd opened-mouth. He just raised an eyebrow and looked back at the white board, completely ignoring me. But wait, it’s me who ignored him! Why do I always end up being ashamed? I looked down in embarrassment and brushed off on the vacant seat, two rows from where Kris was sitting. I must not let him see me or else I will end up being embarrassed again.

          I put my bag down as I sit. When I was about to raise my head from sitting down, someone was standing in front of me. My eyes followed the figure in front of me until her face came into a view.


          And Amber, Krystal and Luna were behind her.

          I looked at Luna, my face were designed with curiosity. She just looked back, absolutely worried. Now what?

       Victoria hit the arm chair violently with her both hands, making me turn towards her in surprise. It made a loud noise enough for every person in the room to hear it. I looked at the corner of my eyes. Everyone’s attentions were hooked on us.

          Now what??

          Victoria leaned closer to me, her hands still nailed on the arm chair. I can read her expression clearly. Irritated? Mad? Well whatever it is, she completely looked like it. Then she began to open to speak, red lipstick illuminating her lips.

          “This is my seat.” She said. There was strain on every word she asserted. Her voice wasn’t loud but there was power when she spoke. She looked straight into my eyes. I admit it scared me a little.

          My body involuntarily got up. It was like possessed and doesn’t belong to me anymore. Victoria leaned back and smile. Not a nice smile. She crossed her arms and gestured with her head as if commanding me to to get out of the way and get lost. The girls behind her were grinning like they just kicked a vulnerable kitten off a cliff, well except for Luna. Her face shows that she wants to save the kitten from falling off the cliff. I just smiled weakly at her, assuring her that everything was okay. I picked up my bag and went five chairs away from Victoria’s jinx seat.

         “Seems like you memorized all the seats of Luhan.” It was Lay. And he was with Luhan. They stood right in front of the door.

         “It’s none of your business.” Victoria said sharply.

          My eyes followed Luhan as he sit beside Victoria. I should’ve seated beside Luhan. Tch.. This girl really..

          Lay just chuckled mockingly as he settled beside Kris. Conversations went on in every speck of the room my attention was just captivated by Luhan. But my funny moments or should I say embarrassing moments earlier wouldn’t escape my mind.

        Geez, why do I have to stumble with cold people? First, tripping, second, looking like a complete idiot in front of Kris….. A picture of Kris’ face suddenly plunged into my mind. Not to mention he’s just sitting in front of this room. Just a little thought of Kris would give me a vision of him, of his cold eyes that I don’t understand why I like it. How could I like something as cold as ice?

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iecahh #1
Chapter 14: Please update soon. I cant wait what happen next. it was the best.
liviya #2
Chapter 14: Author ni8 please update
kyla_tags31 #3
Chapter 14: unniee!!~ please update soon !!~ <3 ^u^
SulHan is sailing!!~
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #4
Chapter 14: hahahhaha I saw my username in the picture! lol.
LoveMe_EmoPrincess #5
Chapter 14: Omg , krislli first kiss !! I love it so much ! :-D
Chapter 14: my name's on it ahahahahah. seriously tho. i love ur storyyyy. cuteeee !! update soon authornim. and obv ludeer likes ssul-ssi here. WHAT UNREQUITED LOVE
jinrifx #8
Chapter 14: You are super fast at updating :)Thanks for your update.
Krislli 's first kiss completes my day. But I feel bad for luhan.Luhan likes sul right? But why was he talking and laughing with vic? It makes me confuse.
Anyway please update soon^_^
firdarakhmah #9
Chapter 14: such a beautiful story. I felt goosebumps prick my arms when kris said "I accept her as my forever". omg. ><
sulli-ah open your eyes and heart. kris actually loves you.
salmasal #10
Chapter 14: awww so fluffy but I like it :)
finally kriss kissed sulli , oh my heart .......
authornimm update sooon :D