6th Voice

Can You Hear Me?

Dear Mom,
Right now…
These 4 beautiful guys, whom I had just met 4 days ago, were standing in front of my apartment door...

It was 4 o’clock in the morning and I feel like I’m still asleep. So I closed my door and went back to my bed.

“Oi! Park JinYi! you
, wake up!” they were yelling and knocking hard on my door.

shoot! What now? I got up from my bed and opened the door.

“what do you guys want so early in the morning? Anyways, school starts at 8am so get some more sleep.” I was about to close the door when Yonghwa stopped it with his arm and lean close to my face.
“Let’s run.”

I’m not good at running. I hate running.
Yet here I am panting while running behind these 4 beautiful guys.
They were greeting all the ahjummas (aunts) that we pass by while jogging on the way to the park, and the ahjummas seemed to be moved by their charms that they even wave or greet back at them.
Someone even gave Jonghyun a kiss on the cheek.
It was fun to watch them like that.

I was giggling to myself when Jonghyun slows down to match my pace.

“what are you grinning at?” he asked me curiously.
“pfft…nothing.” I tried not to giggle anymore. I just smile widely and close my eyes for a while. Feeling the cool wind brush to my face. I opened my eyes and to my surprise Jonghyun’s face is just an inch away from mine.

“Wha–” I was startled and tripped back on my . “oww…”
I was feeling my when Jonghyun squatted and offered me a ride on his back.
“I’m sorry for surprising you like that.” He said with his back still facing me.
I was hesitating whether or not should I take his offer. Because of my pride I tried to stand up by myself. But also because of my pride…I lost balance and feel on Jonghyun’s back grabbing on his shoulder. I haven’t given him an OK sign, yet he grabbed my legs and started to walk.
“Hey! Put me down! I haven’t said that you could carry me!” I protest.
“If I put you down, could you stand up on your own?” he answered me back.
“Fine!” I said then pouted my lips.

The sky is still dim by the time we reached the park.
The 3 who are ahead of us halted in front of a big tree.
Minhyuk is sitting on the bench, while Jungshin is stretching his legs and Yonghwa was there, standing with his hands on his waist looking at Jonghyun and me.
“What happened?” He asked as he helps me sit on the bench beside Minhyuk.

“She’d fallen on her back.”
We both said at the same time.
“I’ll get us some drinks,” he said. “Jungshin, Minhyuk, come with me.”
The three of them jogged away with ease.

I was looking above the tree, bewitched by each sway of it’s leaves when I felt someone grabbed my foot. And when I looked down, Yonghwa had kneeled down, removing my rubber shoes.

“w-wa-wait! What are you doing?”
“Checking your feet,” he said while rotating my right foot. I slowly removed my foot from his grasp but he quickly grabs it back.
“stay still…” he said in a serious tone. He now moves to my left foot.
“know what?”
“what?” I asked.
“your feet looks kinda small,” he said while looking at my feet then measures them with his hand.
“well, sorry for having small feet. Hmpf!”
“well, I think they’re cute.” He smiled then looks at me straight in the eyes. He sits down little by little beside me. Our hand’s just sitting beside each other. Feeling each others breath as we draw closer. Closer. Closer…

“Oi-oi-oi! What’s going on?” Minhyuk suddenly popped betweem us. We broke our eye contact and he energetically stood up. I only saw a glimpse of his face. He’s blushing.

On the other side:
Jonghyun and Jungshin were quietly standing, 1 meter away from the bench. Jonghyun tighten his grasp on the mineral water as he watches them. Jungshin noticed but didn’t say anything. He only knows what it feels like.


We had reached my apartment before 6:30am. We had given each other our goodblys when I remembered the handkerchiefs.

“ah! Can you wait for a sec?”

I quickly went to my room, opened the drawer where I placed their handkerchiefs. I was in a hurry that I’ve accidentally dropped something.

“Here. I’m sorry it took me long.” Handling the handkerchief to Minhyuk.
“See you guys later,” I bid them farewell from my apartment door.

My room looks like a mess. Clothes lying on the floor, my books stack up on the corner of my bed and a set of my uniform hanging in front of a fan.
“aigoo~ I got to fix this room soon,” I muttered to myself.
I picked up all the clothes from the floor.
wait… what’s this? a blue checkered handkerchief was left lying on the floor. I tried to remember who owns this.
“wah… it’s Minhyuk’s!”
If this is Kang Minhyuk’s handkerchief then the other one is…
My eyes widened up.
it’s Jungshin’s

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i'll just be posting book 2 here~ since im lazy and all. lol :))


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newtokpop09 #1
Chapter 20: I wish you would update!:) I love this story..please don't give up on it
are you still gonna continue this? ;A;
earthtoandie #4
Chapter 18: OK...this is..
Yi_JiEun #6
LOL! Please don't kill me but when I saw the Title of ur story, I totof INFINITE Sungyeol's lyrics: Do you hear me? HAHAHAHXD~
Yes there's a book two^^ actually i'm on chapter 4 of book two. i think its theme now is more dramatic than book one. please do look forward to it! thank you!^^v
There's a book two?! I was wondering why this finished so quickly! I thought she was just gonna leave them and go! Waiting for the sequel author-ssi!
Little_Joo #10
ohh btw..I js read again. You mean u're actually gonna make book two right? hehehe.. and..Thanks so much for the story! You are really a very good writer. The detailed explanation and good plot! :)) I'll be looking forward to see what happened next. hmm..I wonder who will she ends up with.. hehe.. At this point, I hope it's YongHwa!! ><