Chapter 23

One Shot
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Running down the flight of stairs, I cursed as I heard voice’s getting closer to me. Why did I have to be so careless? Now I'm caught and in trouble. A loud bang echoed through the brick walls before a shooting pain rushed through my left arm. 


Looking down I noticed that a bullet had grazed passed my skin, leaving a slight crater in my skin. Although it hadn’t done a lot of damage, I knew if I didn’t clean in Yongguk oppa would notice. Jumping down the last step, I ran as fasted as I could down the corridor only to end up at a fence blocking my way.


Turning my head, the men that were chasing me were now running down the steps towards me. Without another choice I jumped onto the dumpster in front of me. Throwing my leg around the fence, I pushed myself up to swing my other leg over but was pulled back towards the concert floor.


“Can’t get away now can you?”



-Two hours earlier-


Walking into the club, the bass from the music thumped through my body as smoke and alcohol filled my nose. People that were on the dance floor were grinding on each other, as their hands roamed each other’s body. Scrunching my nose at the scene, I made my way towards the VIP room. Minsook had given me a pass, saying that the person he was after was dealing in there.


Handing my card to the bouncer at the door, I waited until he checked the ID given to me so I could go in. Lifting his head from the pass, his eyes roamed my body and it took all my strength to not punch him in the face. “Go in” He said. Walking passed the bouncer I sighed in relief; finally I was one step closer to finding my mother.

As I walked through the VIP area, I couldn’t help but notice all the different types of rooms. There had to be at least 20 rooms in the one corridor that I was in. Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out a picture of a man. The man was supposed to be the person Minsook wanted dead. “Well this doesn’t make it any easier now does it?” I mumbled.

Walking down the red carpet the covered the hall way floor, I looked left to right for a room he would go in. Minsook had said that the man he was looking for would go into the furthest room away from prying ears. Walking to the end of the hall way, I could hear girl’s laughter and a man’s deep voice.  

Pressing my ear to the dark coloured door, I listened carefully to the muffled voices. “Oppa you’re so naughty” A girl’s muffled voice filled my ears. I felt discuss fill my chest as I continued to listen. “That’s not all I’m naughty in baby”

Closing my eyes I fought the urge to throw up. Why I had to listen further killed my brain. Bitting my bottom lip, I placed my ear harder onto the door. “How about we take some of these” “What are they oppa” Another girl asked. “There drugs that I’ve created. Trust me ill make you feel better”

That was all the proof I needed, besides I had a photo of t

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liyanaTik #1
It was awesome story author - nim
Chapter 21: No, Hyemi!! Think about what payback would Minsook ask after he hired you and let you meet your mother?? There's no proof your mother with him!! It's dangerous!!
But if Hyemi didn't join him, the story won't continue XD
Chapter 20: Whoah~ (*0*) So coool~~ Yongguk said he designed it? The real designer would be mad probably - -
This is gift for girl, yeah~ Usually girls get jewelry, dress, shoes, or car. Not Ninja, hahaha~ XD One of a kind~ b(^-^)d
Chapter 18: They are coward, beating a girl at once!! Babo! Don't hear him, Hyemi~ He's lying!! DX
Chapter 15: The action is on! \(^0^)/ I like the necklace~ ^-^ Yonggukie, Please save her~ \(>.<\)
Chapter 12: Jongup's role is rarely to find, except the first chapter~ But I really like Yongguk and Hyemi together~ >///<
Chapter 8: So sweet~ >///< His bedroom is awesome~~! (*0*)
Chapter 7: I'm here to make you smile, Author-nim~ <(^0^) *what a cheesy reader* T^T
Yongguk is weak to be called oppa~ >///<
Chapter 5: No one can lie to Yongguk right? XD Btw, Zelo's bike~ Omona~ Just imagined he used it~ ^_^
Chapter 3: Yongguk cared about Hyemi a lot~ >///<
Gangsta~ Gangsta~ New reader here, yes sir! <(^0^)