
One Sho†
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Your pov.

I walked in the alleyway down the street, kicking a small pebble from side to side. I twirled Yongguk’s gun around easily after a couple tries. It had become quite easy for me to handle a gun after a few practices and long days of nothing but shooting at the bare wall down at the basement at home. A dark shadow figure appeared before me, and I gave a small smile. After looking through everyone’s rooms, I gathered every connection they had to the underground system of gangs. I held onto a piece of paper, a number that was scribbled quickly and below it, it wrote ‘Tracker’. I crumpled it into my pocket nodding at the figure in front of me. It was a guy around Yongguk’s age, his cheekbones were defined, and he held on to a long sniper rifle. His His hair was an intense dark auburn. His eyebrow went up as he looked at me up and down, his rifle slung behind his back, and his black outfit showing his muscles. “You’re not Yongguk.” he said simply. I cracked my knuckles and looked up at him. “No, but you’re going to find him for me. The police have him. I just need to know where now.” I said giving him a small wad of money from my drawer. I always had extra stashes of money whenever Yongguk generously gave me his share. The guy took it, and counted each bill. He wrapped it back up in its rubber band and tossed it back to me. I gave a puzzled look and he returned it with a grin. “Yongguk has paid me much enough. He is a good friend of mine anyways, I don’t mind doing it just for the sake of it.” I nodded and bowed my head, touched by his kind offer. “Thank you so much.” He came towards me and patted me on the back. “You’ll find the guys in time, don’t take actions too fast or else you’ll just end up tripping over your own hastened work.” I thanked him again before walking out of the alley. “Hey, you’re Min-Hyun right?” he asked. I turned around, and put my thumbs up that he got it correct. “I’ll get back to you about this in a day or two. And I’m Lee Chang Sun.” I smiled, seeing that everything was going much more smoother than I thought. I thought that people would look down at a girl with a gun. And then Joon said something that made me smile even wider. “Yongguk always mentions your name whenever we talked.”

I safely hid my gun within my shirt as I walked down the street scribbling a to do list on my hand with a pen. I crossed out the words ‘track’ and added ‘location’ on the palm of my hand just as a short reminder. I put my hands back into my pocket, and slumped a bit as I walked aimlessly thinking of what I was doing. My mind was muddled in all these thoughts, that I blocked out all the shouting and screaming that were towards me. I finally snapped out of it when someone called my name. His voice sounded too familiar. “Min-Hyun!” he shouted before I felt an immense push from my back, causing me to topple over and roll towards the sidewalk. I held onto my head trying to settle the spinning and got up. “What the hell?!” I yelled dusting myself off and feeling a small cut on my cheek. “Min-Hyun! What were you thinking?! It was a red light and you were still walking across the street! You could’ve gotten hit!” he shouted back. I could hear footsteps running towards me as my vision became clearer. It was Youngjae. He met eyes with me and touched my cheek, but I only slapped his hand away. I clenched my fist as I felt numb looking at

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Hisgurl200 #1
Chapter 28: WOW.....i am HOOOKED. Please update im am soo hooked.
_fallenangel_ #2
Chapter 28: What's happening :O mblaq :3 hehe new reader ^^
MomoSF #3
Chapter 28: I want more... This is way to good to not want more!!
MomoSF #4
Chapter 27: Please update soon 0.0
Poukova #5
Chapter 26: I miss Youngjae.. ;p
MomoSF #6
Chapter 26: Anyo!!! With Youngjae? ANYAH!!
I want her to stay with Yongguk :(
And I want to
MomoSF #7
Loving it ^^
slave_nicole #8
Chapter 25: Update soon