is this......


that morning was filled by awkwardness and silence. everyone just bothered about their own breakfast. there are not argued each other but it was naturally silent. sunmi lifted her head once towards p.o mean asked him. p.o just shrugged. both of them effected by the situation and joined the awkwardness.

'haera-ah, about last night.....' jaehyo voiced first.

''s ok..i understand you how you feel....i'm not take it to heart....' haera replied.

' really?? i'm so, take this. you must be hungry,' jaehyo put some meats in haera's bowl. others just watched them.

' i can take it no need to do that...' haera shy towards other members. sunmi besides haera pounched a bit haera's shoulder.

'unni......jaehyo-oppa so nice towards you....both of have anything?? i'm so jelous....jihoon-oppa never treat me like that....' sunmi teased haera and gazed to p.o. p.o stop eating. his mouth was too full that he can't said anything.

' sunmi-ah, jihoon treat you like that could you said never,' taeil commented. p.o nodded his head while chewed all food in his mouth.

' yes's true...i mean, TODAY. jihoon-oppa not joke and play with me yet....' sunmi added.

'does it necessary??' b-bomb said annoyingly.

' you didn't have right to comment. you are heartless human,' daemin heard b-bomb also voiced out. other member laugh with daemin.

'daemin-ah, you are the first person that bravely said minhyuk-hyung like that....daebak!' zico thumbed up to daemin. b-bomb gazed zico.

' hyung, you have an opponent. congrats. hahaha....hyung will never slept well after this....' park kyung added b-bomb's anger with his laugh.

' i'm done,' b-bomb get up from the dining table and bring his plate to the kitchen.

' daemin-ah, ignored minhyuk-hyung. just continue your breakfast. he always like that. here, take this,' u-kwon put some meats in daemin's bowl.

'thank you u-kwon-oppa,' daemin bowed his head.

'jiho, what time we start practise? i want to go streching at nearby for a while,' yoori put down her chopstick.

' oh. it's depend on yourself. we will combine the dance only this afternoon. i need to go to tailor. check for our outfit. sungah noona, can you followed me? i don't know to choose women's dress,' zico invited sungah.

' i want to stay with taeil. he need to be improve little bit,' sungah refused. taeil stop chewing.

' am i that bad?' taeil disagreed.

' yes, totally, jiho-ah, why not you just bring younghee. i'm sure she will be free. since she is your dance partner,' sungah suggested. zico stared younghee.


after dinner....

melody saw park kyung walked to the kitchen alone. searched for drinks. she looked at all members. jaehyo was sitting with haera at the corner having a conversation. p.o and sunmi just danced randomly at the centre of the living room. sungah took care of taeil movement and adjust his hands and whatsoever. daemin just sat and read her book as usual while b-bomb sat on the stairs played with his phone. u-kwon has followed yoori took fresh air that morning. zico and younghee, went to tailor. melody walked to the kitchen. she saw park kyung opened the refrigerator.

she came near him,' do you still mad at me?'

park kyung closed the refrigerator and hold a can of cola.' what do you want from me? i have nothing to talk with you,' he walked away but stopped by melody's called.

'wait........i'm just want you to coperate with me,' melody talked from his back.

' so, stay away from me out of practise time. you face just make me want to vomit,' park kyung ignored her and walked to living room.

melody grabbed her chest. she feel like to cry but she hold it. she felt like park kyung's word had stabbed her heart. she really hope park kyung opened again his heart for her. she can't stand it anymore. she quietly walked to washroom and lock the door. finally, she burst in tears.....she opened the tap water. she didn't want anyone heard her cried. she cried as much as she can. sorrow and sadness. 'park kyung....i'm still love you and never forget's all my stupid i am.....park kyung.....i really miss you.....'


park kyung enter his room upstair after took the cola from kitchen and faced melody. he locked the door and grabbed the pillows one by one throwed it to the wall. he sedimented. his body felt heavy suddenly. his heart disappointed. he pulled his hair. ' how can you say like that to melody.....stupid.'



at the boutique......

'mr. zico, i've finished guys outfit. the girls are still in process just i'm need their measurement. did you bring it?' the tailor noona took a sit beside zico and asked him.

'ah, measurement....youghee have it. ask her. where is she?' zico looked for younghee. the tailor noona had brought her inside left zico alone at the sofa in the boutique. but only tailor noona get out. younghee still inside.

' younghee-shi, you can get out now,' the tailor noona called her. younghee get out. zico stand up immediately. shocked by younghee. his eye fall on her. she look totally different. ladies. she wore a wedding dress. she walked awkwardly. she hold her back neck and smirked. zico just freeze and speechless.

' this dress....' younghee nervous. that was her first time tried on weading dress.

the tailor came near to younghee,' you look beautiful... i never mistaken judge someone's beauty...this dress match you perfectly....but it's so sad that this just for try....she is beautiful, right mr.zico?'

zico startled,' huh? what? beautiful??? huh...her make-up is too much. overly done,' zico rushed get out from the boutique.

' what's wrong with him....there's no single make-up on younghee's are so pure and lovely...' tailor noona praised younghee. younghee's faced blushed. she did not know what to say.



'why my heart beat so fast??? jiho, wake up! younghee just look ordinary. what wrong with your eyes!! yes! ordinary! not more than that! wake up jiho! wake up!'  zico slapped his own face. he leaned on the window outside the boutique.


nearby pansion....

yoori stretched her body. she lift his leg up to her head. u-kwon that sat on the bench focused at her. 

'yoori-ah, enough, sit with me here a while....' u-kwon waved at here. yoori turned back. she bended down her leg and walked to u-kwon and sat beside him.

' yoori-ah, tell me more about daemin. i'm really curious about her,' u-kwon smiled happily towards yoori.

yoori bited her lips. she took a deep breath. tried to controlled her felt. something that she doesn't understand.

' daemin is a very nice person. first time i meet her in the hospital during our childhood, she looks very pity. she didn't talked much. the worst, she didn't remind about her past at all. so, we can't find out her family. the only we know, she always mumbled in her slept. calling her brother. oppa, oppa........then, my father called my uncle the day after. my uncle and untie looked her at hospital. my uncle said she's very cute and have bright eyes. my untie cried and hugged her immidiately. they had no child and they are looking for adopted child at that time. from that moment, they gave her name and tooked her home. my father always busy in his hospital so i spend my time with daemin. playing with her, went to same school untill now, we're in same university too. but, she always busy with her classes but she never forget to meet me everyday. either during lunch or at my home,' yoori told her past time.

u-kwon wiped his watery eyes with his hand. yoori felt troubled.

'ah, i'm sorry, did i hurt you?'

' no...i'm just feel bad to daemin, you must be very nice to her, you have gold heart, yoori-ah,' u-kwon glad her sister growth well with yoori's family.

' i'm just want to make her ease with our family. i didn't want her to fell isolated. that is the most pain. her happiness is my happiness. her sadness is my sadness, ' yoori imagined daemin's face. she really love daemin as her friend. she stared the blue sky. the weather was simply cloudy. without her noticed, u-kwon stared at her.

' daemin must be know well about your habit,' u-kwon added.

' of course! every end of the month, she will gave me hot-pack to relieve my period pain! seriously PMS (period menstrual sickness)  make me half-death but i always forget about it !,' yoori told her excitedly. she faced u-kwon. u-kwon blushed. yoori opened widely....she bit her tongue. she turned other side. she felt totally shamed. she knocked her head. she was too honest with him.

u-kwon burst in laugh. he laugh loudly. 'yoori-ah, you are so funny!'s ok i'm already past my 20 ages. hahaha...'







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Hi is this fic going to be like around real Block B? I mean like are they going to play their own characters or are they going to be like students office workers etc?