in those days....


ok....i've reach 100 views!!!!!! i'm soooooooo excited!!!!!

thank you for those who read my fanfics although my english terrible and horrible. hahahaha.....

don't just read it. i hope you can comment too. thank a lot!!! <3



after cho PD announced that the performance being extend to feruary next year, block b was busied with their preparation for their album showcase on october. while the girls having their exams. melody was went back to new zealand without park kyung knowledge. she didn't allowed others to tell him. her heart hurt soo much.

after having showcase, block b schedule was fully pack and all of member went back at their dorm late night. it has being 3 month they didn't meet with the girls..sunmi also had no time to meet p.o as before. so with sungah and yoori. block b members was totally shocked after knowing sungah and taeil will get married. jaehyo asked forgiveness to taeil for being rude to him on the day haera collapsed. finally, jaehyo understand what sungah told him, 'believe to your destiny'. jaehyo always spend his free time visited haera. unfortunately, haera was still unconcious from her surgery.

as usual, jaehyo got a free time and went to hospital....

he opened the door slowly hoping for good news from her but it was useless. heara still comma and wore a breathing mask. he entered the room and sat beside her.

he spoke to himself as if haera could listen it,' has been 3 month you sleep...didn't you feel tired? haera-ah....i miss you so much..... ah! i've trained my-self to improved my dance skill. i swear!... haera-ah....please woke up...i promise! i'll never push you to accept my love. i'll forget it for a while and let be friend as before....haera....'

jaehyo hold on to haera's hand tightly. he gazed her attentionly. after a while he stood up. he opened the breathing mask on haera's mouth. he bowed to her slowly. untill his face totally near to her face. finally, he kissed her lips. on the same time, his tear falled on haera's cheek. he wiped haera's cheek with his hand. he took a sat back and holded again haera's hand.he nodded his head on hera's hand.

' do you think i'm your sleeping beauty?'

jaehyo lifted his head. haera has opened her eyes and faced him!

'haera!' jaehyo stood up and hugged her immidiately.

' it's hurt......' haera said weakly.

' uh, i'm sorry....' jaehyo sat again. he really shame towards her. did she hear about what he said just now? he thought over it.

' i...........i take a drink a while outside!' jaehyo wanted to walk away but haera grab his hand. jaehyo shocked.

' don't leave me alone....' haera looked him.


in zico's and park kyung's room....

'kyung-ah, did you ever contact melody?' zico that lie down on his bed talked with park kyung with his eye focused on the ceiling. park kyung that also lie on his bed besides zico's bed rolled his body other side.

' i didn't want to know about her again,' park kyung said coldly.

zico get up from his bed, ' park kyung! do you know that she has went back to new zealand and never come back here again!'

' it's better for her,' park kyung said from his back.

' you! read this! melody's mother gave me before they leave,' zico throwed a letter towards park kyung and left him alone.

park kyung covered his head with pillow. after a while, he get up from his bed and sat. he saw a letter beside him. he gazed at the letter. after a while, he opened it and read.

' dear park kyung,

this is meleody's father. sorry for interupt you. but there's no other way to explain to you... on the moment you read this letter, i doubt i'm no more in this world...

first of all, kyung-son, ahjussi really regret for humiliated you. i've misjudge you. i'm the worst person ever. a father that destroy his daughter's happiness and love. i'm a failure... i'm really regret it untill my last breath.

i'm beg you to accept back my daughter. from her eye i know that she suffered a lot. she lied to me about her feeling. there's no more liveliness in her eyes.. even she treat and take care of me full her heart. i know deep in her heart still hurt.

kyung-son, i know that it's hard for you to forgive me. i understand it. but don't punish melody. it's all my fault. she is a nice daughter. she take care of me without angry to me. now, i'm no longer here to take care of her...

please, this fail ahjussi beg you to take care of my daughter. love her and give her happiness. she has no longer engage. i've broke it because i just realize what true love is. she has free now. please.......'


park kyung crumpled the letter.....his eyes watery.....


in b-bomb's and u-kwon's room....

b-bomb that keen in his reading can't hold anymore his tempered. u-kwon's phone always beep means a masseges come in.

' yaish! kwon-ah! silent your phone while masseging! no need to show off with me that you have a girlfriend!' b-bomb yelled at u-kwon.

u-kwon , ' of course......i'm in love with are the one that hold your ego. besides, yoori told me you have take daemin's first kiss. is it true???aigoo,'s ok....i'm accept you to be my brother-in-law.....ah, you should practise to called me that from now,'

'huh?! brother-in-law? just dream it!' b-bomb put his book on table and grabbed a pillow and throwed it to u-kwon.

u-kwon throwed it back to him, ' hyung, just admit it, you can't hide it from me, we have been together since training,'

b-bomb caught it and put it on his bed neatly, ' i want to sleep. and PLEASE. silent your phone '

' sleep??? it's still early, it's just 9 o'clock,' u-kwon continued typing on his phone.

' my head dizzy with you,' b-bomb rolled his body.

' hyung, tomorrow, daemin finish her exam. she will be in her university. seoul national university. hyung, seoul national university!' u-kwon raised his voice.


at the market.....

younghee looked for groceries after went back from her practise room in her university. she was busied looking at the product when suddenly someone bumped her from back. she turned her body.

' i'm sorry, i'm sorry....' a young weird guy wore a cap and spectacles bowed to her. that guy seem familiar to him.

' woo ji ho?' younghee recognized zico.

' huh? what are you doing here, younghee-shi?' zico suprised. he looked his left, right, front and back. if there any commoner knows him.

' no one will recognize you. you are not hallyu star,' younghee looked him and raised her eyebrow. zico stared at her and shocked after looked she holding a pack of dried mangoes.

' are you pregnant?' zico closed his mouth with his hand.

' hey! watch your mouth! what are you talking about? only pregnant women can eat this? nonsence. which ahjumma told you?' younghee grumbled. she paid her stuff and get out from the store.

outside of the store, zico waited for her. younghee startled with him. he followed her.

' what's wrong with you?!!!!' younghee tempered.

' i'm just...i'm just.....younghee-shi, have you........have you.....' zico watch his surround and wispered to her, ' have you period this month and before?'

younghee blushed, ' are you drunk?' younghee stamped zico's foot and left him.

'ouch!' zico hold his feet and jumped around. 'wait!!!!!'


' it's still hurt? i'm sorry......but your question is out of limit!' younghee apologized after watched zico still pressing his foot. they stop at bench nearby and sat there.

' ah, it's ok...i'm sorry too...i'm just scare you will....' zico stop after looked younghee ogled him.

' that's never happen untill i got married,' younghee insisted. she stared at zico. ' so, what you want to say actually?'

' ah, about that, you and your friend has been finished your exam, right?' zico asked her.

' yes, we are having holiday right now and our next semester will be end of february, why? about that performance?' younghee asked him back.

zico nodded, ' so can you came tomorrow at our practise room? i mean together with sungah-noona, sunmi, yoori and the one that replace melody.'

' ok, about haera, now is december, i guess at the end of january, she will fully recover, ' younghee suggested.

' i know about it. jaehyo has told me that she just concious, it's ok,' zico agreed.

' see you tomorrow,' younghee stood up and left him.



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Hi is this fic going to be like around real Block B? I mean like are they going to play their own characters or are they going to be like students office workers etc?