

in block b's practise room...

'kyung-ah! you must be excited to meet the girls after, you will be with melody....i'm jelous you know....' zico teased park kyung while tighning his shoes. park kyung sit beside suddenly stand up and sit to other corner.

'what's wrong with him, hyung? since we meet the girls he's mood turned down...i don't understand kyung-hyung. by the way, i can't wait to see sunmi!! hehehhe...sunmi-ah....oppa waiting for you...' p.o jumped happily.

'jihoon-ah, i thought you just meet sunmi this morning. about kyunggie, i'll talk with him later.' zico just stare at park kyung. park kyung still just sit silently without a piece of smile in his face.

'ok, guys, let's gathered and wait for the girls. kyung-ah, come on,' zico try to make park kyung forget about his personal problem. they sit together like usual and talk to each other.

'i heard both of you already had your own partner? who is it?' zico looked at b-bomb.

' don't asked me. ask him.' b-bomb directed his head to u-kwon.

'ah....about that...yes, we are. we found them at the hospital. one of them is a ballerina and one of them first year medic student.' u-kwon explained.

'what???!' p.o, zico and jaehyo shouted immediately.

'kwon-hyung. medic student. are you serious?' p.o disagreed with u-kwon. 'kwon-ah...even i have long practise with you guys still lacking everytime we perform. how come you pick such a medic student.' jaehyo supported p.o's words. 'i told him yesterday but he keep his decision.' taeil continued.

'hey, don't judge someone like that..who knows she might has hidden talent..' u-kwon defended himself.

'ok, i'll leave this matter to both of you. i'm sorry minhyuk-hyung. i need to think about our preparation and so on.' zico didn't want to corncerned that problem too much. he just want to settle their preparation smoothly and faster. b-bomb sighned and glance madly to u-kwon. u-kwon smile back to him.'trust me hyung.'

suddently the door slightly opened. the group of girls come in. park kyung wispered to himself. 'disaster has come'.

'good afternoon, sorry for keep you waiting. we just finish our class.' younghee the leader greed block b.

'yeah,right. sit here quickly.' zico ask them to sit with them. p.o move to sunmi's side and pinch her cheek. 'oppa...' said sunmi with her aegyo.

'so, i've bring the choreographer CD from your manager. we have try practise it before without partner. but he said that your teacher told him b-bomb-shi and u-kwon-shi can change any movement.' younghee gave the CD to zico.

'no need to be formal with us. called him minhyuk. b-bomb just his stage name. zico's name, jiho, and p.o,'   'jihoon oppa!' sunmi cut jaehyo's word. p.o hugged sunmi ' that's my baby.' both of them just having fun between themself. others just can watch them without comment.

the door open for second time. two girls come in.

'ah! daemin and her friend....' u-kwon stand up and approach them and stopped in front of short-cut hair girl. 'yoori' yoori introduce herself.

'both of you can join us here.' zico called them to take a sit.

' are you guys....erm...block b?' yoori tried to make a guest. 'yes, we are.' b-bomb coldly admitted. 'how can you know them?' daemin questioned yoori.

'my ballet classmates has played their mv in her phone. what's the name...nan..nan..'   'nanrina' taeil continued.

'yes, nanrina..and i have watch it half. then, my teacher took my friend's phone and said that kind of music is totally out of our field and prohibited other kind of music.' yoori told daemin and others.

'hey, that's not prohibited, that's hip hop.' melody suddenly voiced out. park kyung gazed at her and melody shut after looked at him.

'that's true. i've never with hiphop genre before but i start to addict to it after joining block b. it's not bad at all...' taeil remembered his past.

'show us your skill...i really like ballet but never try it.' heara suggested. yoori looked all of them. they nodded their head means agreed.

yoori start playing her music from her phone. she start to move her body gracefully followed the piano's music...all of them watch carefully and stunned. they all clapped their hand after watched yoori's ballet showed amazed to her skill.

' i think she's suit to be u-kwon's partner.' younghee decided.

'but she dance so smooth and her body so flexible..i think he good to be with minhyuk-hyung.' zico disagreed.

'but jiho-shi, younghee opinion is logic. yoori's dance skills are smooth can match well with u-kwon's stiffness since we are going to have ballad performance.' sungah supported younghee.

'u-kwon can't train her. he always playful even teach dancing. minhyuk is better deal with that doctor.' jaehyo talked to zico.

'what??? doctor?? don't you think she can dance or not jiho-shi?' younghee suprised with jaehyo and focused to zico.

' miss leader, don't judge daemin-shi like that. every person has their own talent. even my nanny can played violin.' zico raised younghee's tempered.

'ok guys, today we will just look through the choreographer CD and discuss either to add any movement or not. tomorrow we will start training.' zico acted as a leader.

'hey doctor, you stay with me after this.' b-bomb gave intense gaze to daemin. 'why must him wearing that necklace. my brother not an arrogant like that...'


p/s: how the story??? is it nice??? can you differentiate all the girls character many, right... i just want all of block b member to be happy...

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Hi is this fic going to be like around real Block B? I mean like are they going to play their own characters or are they going to be like students office workers etc?