what's this feeling...


zico was awaked by someone hair on his lips. he moved the hair by his hand. but his eye still closed wished to travelled again in dreamland. he tighten his clasp. he can feel something that huggable. 'what am i hugging right now?'  he opened his eye slowly. 'such a beautiful pair of sleep eyes....what a sharp nose just like being carved....the lips...such a gorgeous...who's angel that i'm hugging right now.....? what the....'

younghee awaked and completedly shocked that she was in zico's hug. zico's hand layed on her waist. zico was freezed infront her. she quickly grabbed zico's hand and let it off her. she get up from the bed quickly and tried to shouted but zico quickly shut with his hand and put his finger on his lips asked her to silent.

'you might wake up the members,' zico removed his hand from .

' what have you done to me?!' younghee looked at herself and covered her chest with blanket. she just wore a women string singlet and jeans.

' i didn't anything towards you! i'm swear! see, i'm still with my t-shirt and my trouser on,' zico panicked.

' get out now before i'm shouting,' younghee throwed a pillow to zico. zico rushed to the door and checked outside. no one. he run to washroom.

zico opened the tap water and washed his face. he looked his face on mirror. 'what have you done zico. you have ruined younghee.... wait,...no no no. you didn't did anything to her.' zico knocked his head with his grip. younghee's sleep face flashed back on his mind. 'her eyes....her nose.....her lip...............................aish! what's wrong with you zico!!!!!' he knocked his head again and again.

'hyung, are you ok?' p.o entered the washroom without zico realized. zico shocked. p.o stood besides him.

' ah? me? i'm ok.....seriously....' zico put his hand down.

'then why you knocked your head?' p.o asked him.

' ah....my head feel a bit dizzy..hahaha...it's worked..you should try it...' zico stuttered.

' are you slept well last night?' asked p.o again. he touched his cheek infront of the mirror.

' of course.....i'm slept very well untill kyung said that i'm mumbling in my slept. i'm slept besides you. did i distracted you last night?' zico tried to hide.

' ah....i think i was drowned in dream, besides, i'm dreaming about you and younghee noona' p.o .

'ha ha ha.......nonsense,' zico laugh awkwardly and get out from the washroom.

p.o smiled to himself.


during practise....

'did the others know about us?' younghee slowly talked to zico after saw others busied with their partner.

' no, i'm sure of it. don't worry. i'm swear i did not done anything to you,' zico admitted.

' then, how come your hand on my waist? and only both of us on that room,' younghee hesitated.

'i also have no idea about that! believe me,' zico persuaded her.

' but i'm the one that....'

'why you always got wrong step! do you want to cooperate or not!' park kyung yelled at melody. zico and younghee's conversation stopped. both of them startled. so with others. no single movement. the pansion silent suddenly. only the music broke the silence.

' i had tried to controlled my step! you are the one got wrong!' melody yelled back.

'argh! enough!' park kyung got tempered and get out of the pansion. ' PARK KYUNG!' melody shouted and followed him.

all of them astonished and looked at each other. taeil looked at zico but zico gave him pity looked asked for taeil's help.

jaehyo came near taeil and patted his shoulder. ' go calm down kyung, teail-ah, please..'


'can you just forget the past and just work out? i've forget about it long time ago,' melody tried to persuaded park kyung that didn't faced he at all.

par kyung turned his body, 'what?! forget?! do you think i can easily forget what your father have done to me?!! he has ripped of my pride! he insult me! can you feel that humiliated?! do you think i can just accept it?! just like that!!' park kyung throwed up his anger towards melody.

melody burst in tears. her heart hurted by park kyung's words deeply. 'i'm sorry...but please....don't treat me like that....' she cried more and more. taeil that just went outside ran towards them. he patted on park kyung's shoulder.

'you shouldn't made her cried...she just made some mistake. she still can improve her steps....please forgive her..' taeil persuaded park kyung. park kyung looked at taeil. taeil nodded his head 'please kyung-ah...for our group...'

' you didn't understand hyung,' park kyung coldly left them. taeil took melody's hand and tapped on her hand.

'let's go in. wipe your tears...it's ok melody....park kyung just moody today.....it' ok...' he brought her inside.


'ok2, let's synchronize and combine our dance, faster, we have enough break just now,' zico clapped his hand called for their member and all of them stand up and get their position after park kyung came in followed by taeil and melody.

' minhyuk-shi, i'm kind of.......my step still not good enough...' daemin nervous about herself and told b-bomb.

'so? do i have to care?' b-bomb raised his eyes brow. daemin unnerved.

'daemin-ah, don't worry, oppa is here,' u-kwon acclaimed. yoori turned her body other side being ignorance of u-kwon.

' i hope i can be your partner, u-kwon oppa....' daemin pouted her lips.

'never thought of it,' b-bomb grabbed daemin's hand and brought her away from u-kwon. u-kwon glued.

'u-kwon must be in love to daemin......yoori-ah, don't bother about it....focus on your dance! besides, daemin is your bestfriend. maybe u-kwon is perfect for her....' yoori sighed. she walked forward and clutched her chest. she felt deeply pain in her heart but tried to avoid it.

suddenly yoori felt someone hugged from her back. u-kwon's hands clasped her tummy. she freezed. u-kwon tighten his clasped and wispered to yoori's ear. 'don't try to run away from me. just stay on my side,' u-kwon release his hands and pulled her besides him. yoori enlarged her eyes towards u-kwon face. u-kwon winked her once with his angle-smilled and dragged her. 'let's go'


at night....

taeil sit on the bench outside the pansion. he can't slept that night. he was thinking about his engagement plan. he worried about that soo much. he thought that his parent had gone too far. he sighed. clueless about his future.

' what are you thinking?' sungah greeted from his side. she standing on his side wearing her pyjama and cardigan. 'can i sit down?' taeil moved a bit gaved her space beside him. sungah took a sit.

'share with me what's on your mind. you can trust me,' sungah tried to digged what taeil thought.

'nothing....i just can't sleep. how about you?' taeil did not feel to tell her about his engagement.

' same with you...taking fresh air.......taeil, can i asked you something?' sungah started conversation.

' sure. why not? what is it?' taeil replied.

' what do you think about first-sight love? do you believe about it?' sungah stared to the sky. she was too shy to faced taeil.

taeil gazed at sungah attentionly. his heart beated. by the time sungah looked back at him, he turned his face. 'i've never felt it before,' he said.

' what about if parent's choice. do you agreed about it? can you accept it?' sungah asked him continously. taeil shocked towards her. he stand up immediately.

'why you asked such that question? i don't know! and i don't want to know about it! i want to sleep!' taeil stamped his foot and rushed angrily inside. sungah disprited.


taeil's phone vibrated.... he opened his phone and saw a message in. 'i'm sorry asking you such nonsense question...don't mad at me please...i'm so sorry...i didn't mean anything...it's ok if you don't answered my question just now....-sungah'

taeil replied.'i'm sorry to for yelled at you...i'm not mad at you. sorry again. good night.-taeil'


'unni, go to sleep, stop messaging with taeil-oppa...' haera that was arranging her bed rebuked sungah after saw sungah smiled herself with her phone.

' i know it..just ignore me and sleep well....good night,' sungah waved at haera. suddenly, haera's phone got message.

' now, who says who???' sungah teased haera. 'unni....' haera grabbed her phone. jaehyo messaged her.

' still awake? sorry for disturbing at this time...searching someone to talk with....all of my friends had slept.....huhuhu T.T'

haera : 'do you have any problem? i'm just want to lay down...still awake.....'

jaehyo : ' really.....by the way, how about my dance? is it ok? before this, my friend always said that i'm the blackhole of the  group....that make me sad...'

haera: 'er..............but that's true....hahaha....'

jaehyo : 'how could you.....but i'm try my best...dance is not my expertise.....sorry for troubling you.....you such a good dancer'

haera : 'of course i am....hahahaha...just kidding.... :-P everyone has their own speciality and weakness....i think you have improve. if you stop fooling around and attention during practise....i've heard you sang in MTV match up. your voice great.'

jaehyo blushed and smirked alone. 'you make me shy...you want me to sing a song for you later? which song do you want?'

haera: 'no need... the rain will fall if you start singing. and all the insects, birds and others at the jungle near this pansion faint.'

jaehyo: 'are you sincere to praise me...haera-ah, can i ask you something?'

haera: 'since when you ask permission for questioning me? are you drunk?'

jaehyo took a time to asked haera. after a few minutes, he send his message. ' do you have a lovers?'

haera felt weird read jaehyo's messages. she thought about it repeatly. why jaehyo asked her like that. she curios toward jaehyo. she scared what she thought was the what jaehyo's thought. she didn't want to make it happen. she scared that jaehyo might hurt. finally, she messaged back to him. 'i feel sleepy. good night.'

jaehyo read haera's reply. jaehyo knocked his head. why he asked her like that. such a fool. it's true. he fall in love with heara. it did not because of her face that look like his late ex-girlfriend. he really love haera as haera-self. how he will faced haera tomorrow. he rolled his body in the blanket tried to sleep.

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Hi is this fic going to be like around real Block B? I mean like are they going to play their own characters or are they going to be like students office workers etc?