the day of confession


b-bomb entered the medical department searched for someone that have been a few months he didn't meet. he passed the labs and lecture rooms. suddenly his eye catched something outside the windows. he paused his step. he looked through window. daemin was reading a book under a tree nearby.

' enjoying yourself after exam?' b-bomb greeted daemin from her back.

' minhyuk-shi?' daemin startled. her eyes didn't blinked at all looked toward b-bomb. b-bomb took a sat beside her.

' i believe that comic from u-kwon right? he always persuade me to read it but i prefer to read it online. save my money and time. he is too obses with that characters,' b-bomb spoke while his eye looked forward.

' what are you doing here? i thought you had schedule, ah! oppa must be told you about me....' daemin sighed.

b-bomb touched his hairs and and opened his one upper blouse button. he fan himself with his hand. suddenly he holded daemin's shoulders and make her faced him.

' daemin-ah, please dance with me again. i'll treat you better. i'll never mad at you. and me oppa..' b-bomb released his hands from daemin's shoulder. he turned his face other side.

daemin wrinkled her eyebrows. she felt weird with him, ' i didn't say that i quit. i'm just delay my training to study and took exam'

b-bomb stood up all of sudden,' if that so, let's go now.' he grabbed daemin's hand and pulled her to stood beside him.

he dragged her along. he tighten his grasped with daemin's hand. he put both of their hand slowly in his cardigan's pocket.

' you're mine now,' he smiled to her. daemin blushed.



the day of confession.....

all of block b member fully changed in their suit. they were busied with their make-up and hairs. after finished their outfit, they sat and wait for the girls. p.o that nervous most can't sat calm.

' hyung, i want to meet sunmi next room,' p.o patted zico's arm.

' can you just wait them a while?? they are not going to run,' b-bomb can't stand with p.o.

' i curious how yoori will be look,' u-kwon rubbed his hand.

zico looked at park kyung. he just sat infront of mirror mused himself. zico approached him.

' are you ok?' zico took a chair and sat beside him.

' i'm ok, i'm, everyone look happy with their partners...i'm...i'm..' park kyung speechless.

' hey, accept me ok...i've nothing with younghee.' zico denied himself.

' you can't lie me,' park kyung smiled coldly to him.

' you still think about melody, right?' zico stood up and left him. zico went near to taeil.

' hyung, call sungah-noona next door,' zico enjoined taeil. 'ok, hold on,' taeil went outside.

' hyung! just now i'm said that i want to called them but you didn't allow me. why taeil-hyung can do that but not me?' p.o sulked.

' because you are maknae, just sit there and wait,' jaehyo .


taeil opened the door and came in with sungah. she wore porka dot white and black short dress with her hair tidyly tangled up.

p.o teased taeil. 'hyung....are you going to married now?' sungah and taeil face blushed.


' jihoon-oppa!! sunmi entered the room and came near to jihoon. she looked cute in mini black bubble dress.

'oh my,' p.o smiled shyly and thumbs up to her. he embrassed with lady-look sunmi.


sunmi looked at jaehyo and smiled to him, ' jaehyo-oppa look very handsome. but less than jihoon-oppa. haera-unni! ' sunmi called haera. she walked slowly towards jaehyo. she looks so pure in white dress.


' are you ok? do you feel hurt anywhere?' jaehyo gasped her back.

' ah, i'm ok. it doesn't feel hurt anymore' haera answered.

u-kwon that looked uncomfortable called yoori, ' yoori! why you take so long?'

yoori came in and nodded her head. she shake her shoulder infront u-kwon and bit her lips. 'am i look good?'


' of course....' u-kwon hugged yoori once. ' huh? where's my sister?' u-kwon asked yoori.

' ah......daemin really frighten. this is her first time. wait, i'll brought her,' yoori walked to the door and brought daemin came in. b-bomb startled. daemin looked totally different with make up and no sunglasses.


' this is............... my first time.....' she smiled awkwardly while her wavy hair. b-bomb took off his coat and wore it to daemin.

' your back is overly exposed. you are much better in lab coat'. she gave intense gaze to him.

lastly, younghee's head appear at the door. she was hiding herself behind the door. zico looked her.

' hey you quickly! came here!' zico shouted at her.

' ok2!' younghee fastly move forward to zico and suddenly tripped over. zico hold her. zico freezed look through her eye.


' ah! i'm sorry, i didn't use wearing heels,' younghee released zico's hand.

' it's ok.' zico released his holded on younghee's shoulder but younghee's long straighten hair stucked with his rings.

' ouch! my hair! why you wear so much rings!' she trembled with her hair that twisted at zico's finger.

' it's on my decision to wear anything i like! hold on!' after struggle a minute, younghee's hair untwisted. zico tried to touch her hair to helped streten back but younghee step back.

' no, or else it will getting worst,' she blocked herself with her hand infront zico.

' why you didn't tie it up like usual?' zico annoyed.

' your stylish noona done it for me!' she pulled her hair back and sat.

park kyung still wait for the dancer but other girl came in. someone that she knowed well. she looked more elegent in mini dress. park kyung stood up immediately. shocked.



' melody!' other member shouted.


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Hi is this fic going to be like around real Block B? I mean like are they going to play their own characters or are they going to be like students office workers etc?