

in block b's dorm....

as usual, all the members work hard for their comeback except b-bomb and jaehyo... both of them still waiting for daemin and haera.

'why they're so late?? jaehyo-ah, have you called haera? i thought she have no class like other girls. unless someone like medic student that dream to be a dancer...' b-bomb talked with jaehyo.

' i don't have her number. maybe haera is caught in traffic right now. how about you? yoori is her cousin. why don't you go asked daemin's number with her.' jaehyo directed his head to yoori and u-kwon that's still practise together. from a distance, u-kwon seemed teaching yoori crumping which was his expertise. but, yoori shyly refuse to followed. u-kwon asked her to showed her speciality ballet movement. yoori showed her skill which can't be deny her abilities. u-kwon obviously amazed with her. he clapped his hand which made yoori blushed. others that startled with yoori also gave her an applaused.

'it's ok...they seem busy....' b-bomb sighed after watched them thrilled with yoori's ballet.

suddenly, his phone rang. 'minhyuk-shi, i'm having lab session right now. i'm sorry didn't told you early. but i'm promised i'll be there at 8 o'clock tonight.' daemin heard rushly called b-bomb and hang up her called immediately. 'aish....' b-bomb grumbled. jaehyo looked at b-bomb and turn his head left and right continuesly. helpless...

a few minutes, the door opened and haera showed up. she quckly went to jaehyo and ask him forgiveness because late.

'it's ok. let's practise.' jaehyo smiled at her and walked to center of the room started to warmed up. haera followed him and left b-bomb behind alone.


while practising, u-kwon asked yoori, ' yoori-ah, where's daemin? she still has class? it must be hard for her...'

' ah? daemin? yeah...she still have class.' yoori aswered.

' when she will come....i miss her so much...' u-kwon put his both hand on his cheek. made a flower-pose.

' you like daemin....just tell me... don't be shy...' p.o beside them teased u-kwon.

'jihoon-oppa right. it showed claerly on your face... i know that reaction well since it has been potrayed by jihoon-oppa first time we meet ,' sunmi continued. yoori stopped her move. 'sunmi-ah, you make me blushing...' p.o covered his face with his hand. 'no...that's not...' sunmi made some aegyo.

'nonsense. i want to go to restroom first.' u-kwon walked away. yoori watch u-kwon get out from that practise room. she gazed him with downhearted look. she sighed.


a few minutes later..

their manager entered practise room annouced something.

' kids, sit with me, here.' he waved all of them to took a sit. as directed, they stop their practise and sit.

' ok, i know that all of you work hard for the comeback. keep it on. i can smell the successness. so, i think you need some idea or space for training. for that circumstances, i have talked with cho PD and he released all of you for vacation.'

the practise room turned hectic with cheered and joyness.

'yeah!!!! MT! MT!' p.o shouted with his deep voice.

'where could it be. aish..manager-hyung....i'm really eager about that...' zico excited.

'i've contact MTV producer and she let us use the pansion that we've stayed during last MTV match up.' manager declared. block b's mouth wide opened.

'ow...i love that pansion very much!' jaehyo cheered.

'ah...that's pansion...i know that.' sungah clapped her hand once remembered.

'how do you know that?' jaehyo asked her.

'i've watched whole episodes of your MTV match up for many times. taeil-shi, how can you cried just  for a song. so funny...' sungah laughed.

' yeah, unni...i think kyung-shi covered with mud was the most can he turned like that.. hehehe..' melody giggled but tried to hold from laughed.

'hey...both of you are bad....melody, don't ever to laugh...sungah-shi...i'm cried because i understand that song. and that's mean i am soft-hearted.' taeil defended himself.

'but it was totally funny....ah, my stomach hurt... hahahaha...' melody bursted her laugh.

' hey you, stop it.' park kyung angry towards melody. melody stop laughing.

'ok2, i know you are excited. you can plan your activity by your own and we will go there tomorrow evening, i leave first. have a nice planning,' manager left the room. all of them delighted.

'jihoon-oppa, do you want me to bring our couple-tee?' sunmi glanced at p.o.

'of course...bring all of them...our t-shirts, socks, cups, ludgage....and so on.' p.o counted the stuff by his hand.

' why you need that stuff?? you can just use our own belonging.' haera folded his arm and took a glance at younghee. hoping younghee to answered. 'ignored them. as long they didn't bother us and happy together.'

'but, yoori-shi, how about your cousin, can she join us? she might have no time for vacation,right? jiho-ah, how can you forget about your member.' park kyung asked yoori.

'i didn't forget her. i thought this matter should be solve by girl group leader.' zico pointed at younghee.

yoori just want to answered but u-kwon cut her. 'i'll go to her university and ask her lecture.'  yoori kept silent.

'no, you will mess it up. i'll handled it by my self. thank you jiho-shi for reminding me.' younghee thanked zico but her sound heard insincere toward zico.

'it's ok younghee-shi. i doubt you has a lot works to do with other girls. i'll will took care of daemin's problem.' b-bomb took a deep breath.


arrived at the pansion..

all of them excited unpacked their things from 3 vans that they rode. p.o and sunmi looked the happiest together. both of them wore a pair of couple t-shirt with pants and sunmi looked adorable with her ponny-tail curl hair. while others just wearing ordinary summer outfit.

sungah that realized haera searching some thing in her bag get near to her. ' heara? what's wrong? did you forget something? you asked my help'.

'i'm just looking for my touchlight. just prepared if there any blackout. but i guest i didn't bring it.' heara sighed.

' you right, i forget something emergency stuff like that...what i'm going to do??? i'm scared of dark...' sungah worried. 'ah! i'm going to ask taeil-shi.' sungah tried to have a lot conversation with taeil within their collabration time but taeil always answered her frigidly. she took this advantage. she come near to taeil that busied with his bag.

'taeil-shi, do you have any tourchlight?? can i borrowed it. i'm really need it. i'm very scared of dark. if there any blackout, i wil...' sungah talked non-stop that made taeil answered her quickly. 'no no no, go ask another member. stay away from me. i'm busy right now.' sungah dissatisfied with taeil. sungah stamped her foot and backed to haera.

haera asked her. 'did taeil-shi have it?' but sungah didn't answered back. she folded her arm. angry.

jaehyo that saw them from a distance come to them. ' heara-ah, do you have any problem? did sungah scolded you?' heara stunned with jaehyo suddenly being informal with her. 

'no, it's nothing,' heara avoided jaehyo and brought sungah away from him.

zico grabbed jaehyo's shoulder from behind. 'hyung, you have done well.' zico gave him thumbs up. ' let's come in,' zico dragged jaehyo's arm and entered the pansion.


u-kwon that saw daemin carried her ludgage with much effort tried to helped her. but he was also unbared. so, he called park kyung to helped him. 'kyung-ah, help me here.' park kyung approach him and gave a favor.

'what did you bring such this weight. bars of gold?' park kyung grumbled.

'kyung-ah, no need to complain if you didn't sincere.' u-kwon said.

'ah, sorry for troubling both of you. i'm just bring some of my book for a light reading.'

'light reading?' u-kwon moves the ludgage to the pansion. while park kyung still organized other stuffs.

' kyung-shi, i'm sorry for troubling you twice.thank you so much.' daemin bowed at park kyung. 'twice?' park kyung asked.

'yeah, you are the one that remind jiho-shi about me, right? i guest you must face much hardship applied for my vacation to my lecture. i'm really owed some kindness from you.' daemin felt terribled for gave him trouble.

'i do reminded jiho. but i'm not the one that applied for your leave. it's minhyuk hyung. you should thanked to him not me, need to be formal with me anymore, ok?' park kyung smiled to daemin and tapped her shoulder before leave her. daemin smiled to him back. daemin turned her sighed towards b-bomb but her just squinted at her. ' what an arrogant person. should i thanked to this kind of person? who knows he was being force to help me'

suddenly daemin's attention distracted by melody. 'i'm so jelous that park kyung can smile towards you... you are so lucky daemin-ah..' melody gave her gloomy face. ' melody, i have nothing with park kyung...seriously....' daemin denied.but melody ignored daemin and leave thought about her feeling.


at night...

after having a dinner, they, gathered around at the living room. while, haera suggested herself for washed the dishes. younghee just want to helped her but jaehyo asked younghee to stay and let him helped haera.

'thank you jaehyo-shi. next time i will take your turn'. younghee pleasured with jaehyo.

jaehyo followed haera to the kitchen.

'thank for helping me,' said heara. she did not bothered jaehyo and just washed the plates.

jaehyo didn't to be awkward tried to have conversation with her.' do you mind if i be informal with you?'

haera silent. jaehyo quickly continued. 'i mean not just me but all of us just called our names. no need to add  -shi.' jaehyo brood over haera's face.

haera put the plates down and faced jaehyo. ' look, i don't know why you always tried to approach me. i did not know you before this and we have never meet each other than two weeks ago. but, you treat me as if we have been friend for long time. can you explain me?'. without jaehyo awared, haera had know early that she's face look like jaehyo's ex-girlfriend that died on car accident a few years ago. zico had told her everything and asked her to treat jaehyo well. but she just want jaehyo to admit himself. she did not want jaehyo to lied her.

after a while, jaehyo took a deep breath and started to told her the truth. haera listen carefully. when he told the accident, he tears a little but quickly wiped his eyes. haera felt pity to him.

'ok, you can be friend with me and called my name. i know that it is hard for us to forget our first love. so, if you accidently called me by her name, i understand. but, just a friend not more than that.' haera glad that jaehyo didn't lied to her. she can felt jaehyo's trust towards her. jaehyo cheered. they continued their work together.

'but haera, i've never saw you as my ex-girlfriend. you are different from her' haera shocked with jaehyo's statement.


at living room...

'noona, we are having vacation right now...why you still read that book. wow...seriously, even from here i can see annoying words. plus, it english!!! look at the thickness. even sunmi's dictionary is thinner ' p.o felt distracted looking daemin read her medical book.

'oppa, that's why you took art. only person like daemin-unni can bare the medic hard life.' sunmi explained to p.o. p.o nooded his head.

'daemin-shi, do you ok stayed here? did it interupt your study?' zico worried .

''s ok. my exam will be held next month. i have plenty of time'. daemin eased zico.

' jiho-shi, you no need to worry. daemin is genius you know. that book is for third year student. she has read whole first year medic books during her secondary school. the exam, is just a piece of cake for her. she just read for one time and can memories it back exactly as written on the book . my father's hospital is a playground for her'. yoori praised daemin. all of them amazed with daemin but b-bomb grouched annoyed. daemin blushed.

'daemin-ah, do you need some snack? i'm forget to bring it. i'll go outside and buy some.' said younghee.

'unni, let i'm the one that go to buy it. besides, i need to buy my own stuff a bit.' melody offered herself.  'ok. but bring an accompanied'. younghee requested.

'i'll accompany her'. said sungah and followed melody.

'why are you always order your member? why don't you go by yourself?' zico gazed yonghee sharply.

'don't you hear that they willingly to go by themselves?' younghee harshly said to zico.

'hyung...stop it...please...and i want to wishes something from all of you.' p.o persuaded zico and continued.

'from now on, don't called each other by adding -shi behind someone's name ok. i want us to be like family. the girls can called the hyungs oppa.' p.o suggested.

'no, it's annoying. only sunmi can called us oppa,' b-bomb disagreed.

''s ok just don't be too formal with us. you can just called our name,' u-kwon pleasured with p.o's wish.



melody choosed the things her wanted to buy while sungah buyed her own. melody was too concentrated on her own untill she forget about sungah. she leaved the shop by herself and went back to pansion alone. she thought sungah went back to pansion by her own. she tried to contacted sungah but no one answered.

arrived there, zico asked her, 'melody, why you come alone? where's sungah?' melody that just remembered shocked. she just left sungah alone. she stunned.

'hey, melody! come to your sense! did you just left her alone? did you realized that what time is it? it has getting dark. it can be danger outside,' park kyung yelled at melody.

'i thought she just arrived by her own, i've tried to contact her phone but no one answered,' melody's eyes watery.

'sungah scared of the dark!' taeil immediately rushed outside looked for sungah.

'hyung!' p.o called taeil but it's too late. taeil has gone with the door shut hardly.

'you have make sungah lost. you had make huge mistake. how can you be selfish and left sungah. you bring us so much trouble. why don't you just go back to your country. you just making a mess here,' park kyung throwed his tempered towards melody. melody can't stand anymore. she burst in tears immediately. all of them shocked with park kyung.

younghee come near to melody and hugged her tighly. daemin closed her book and faced yoori. yoori looked her back. haera and jaehyo that busied with dishes rushed to livingroom after heard park kyung's yelled. u-kwon wispered to haera and jaehyo what had happened.

'kyung-ah, calm down...taeil just went looked for her...' b-bomb stood infront park kyung.

'kyung, you can't blamed melody like that. she has said that she didn't mean it. you has hurt her heart,' zico patted on kyung's shoulder. park kyung released zico's hand and entered his room.

'melody, i'm sorry for kyung's words. he just worried sungah, don't be sad' zico said to melody.

' jiho...i'm so sorry....i didn't mean it,' melody apologized.

'it's ok melody, we wait for taeil. if he doesn't find her than we report to police', younghee tried to persuaded melody and bring her sit.


pension's nearby...

'where is she....where can i find her.........sungah, where are you....' taeil checked everywhere. the tall threes at the side of the road blocked the moonlight and make surround dark. he kept walked untill at the junction, he saw a person that he looked for. he ran toward her. sungah was squatting and her body trembled with her head came to heel. taeil hunkered down infront her. she raised her face and her tears wet his cheek. 'i'm scared.......' she sobbed and hugged taeil tightly. taeil's heart fluttered. they stayed like that for a moment. sungah's tears hardly. taeil rubbed her back warmly.

'how can you separated with melody?' taeil asked her while piggyback her.

' i followed a puppy that i found front of the store. but it ran into the bushes. after that, i realized that i'm lost.....' sungah hided her face on the taeil's back. taeil just smiled.


at the pansion.....

the door was being knocked. p.o shouted happily when he saw taeil and sungah stood in front him. he brought them came in. the other also glad that they safe. melody hugged sungah and asked her forgiveness. sungah rubbed melody's back.

'ok, all have been here, so, party!' sunmi shouted. they opened their can and toasted.

a few minutes later...

' the girls can use all the rooms and the boys can slept upstairs,' b-bomb took a leaved early and went upstairs to slept. 'wait hyung,' u-kwon streched his body and went along b-bomb.

' we want to slept to,' daemin and yoori also leaved them and entered their room.

'me to, melody, sungah, let's go, both of you must be tired,' haera stand up and walked away followed by sungah and melody.

'jihoon-ah, jiho-ah, don't slept too late,' taeil reminded them and brought jaehyo along.

'jihoon-ah....stayed with me.... let's drink again....younghee, you should learn to drink...' zico seemed drunked. younghee also kept silent. she put her head on zico's shoulder. both of them totally unconscience. their face becomed red. p.o and sunmi shocked.

'oppa! younghee-unni drank too much. what to do now.....we're death....' sunmi shook p.o's arm.

' jiho-hyung too...oh no....i'm forget he never drank any kind of alcoholic before....' p.o felt dizzy and pressed his forehead. suddenly something came on his mind. he called sunmi and wispered her.

' can't do that...'sunmi refused to listen p.o's plan.

' they are not doing it for real...we are the one that arranged them....' p.o still wanted sunmi to helped him.

'ok. but this time only, but where i'll sleep tonight?' sunmi agreed.

' you can just share with yoori-noona and daemin-noona. just told them that younhee-noona snoring in her slept so you leave her sleep alone,ok!,' p.o taught sunmi to lied.

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Hi is this fic going to be like around real Block B? I mean like are they going to play their own characters or are they going to be like students office workers etc?