fact and abstract


in the hospital...

'daemin, help your uncle here please...' a middle-age doctor that dealing with tile of medical file that unorganized on the desk calling her nephew.

'yes, uncle, i'm coming' a girl with bright smile with a pair of dimple on her cheek enter the doctor's room with her pathophysiology book.

'uncle, why your table chaotic like this....luckily i'm having a holiday break and just a first year student in this medic world...you should ask yoori to come here too...' she started to organized back the mess while nagging to her uncle.

' you also know that yoori didn't like smell of medicine...besides, she always busy with her ballet practise...you should try ballet to daemin..it make you look gentle and ladies...that's why i'm encourage yoori like that since she's my only daughter...' the doctor just sit still on his chair watching daemin tidying his table.

suddenly, the door being knocked by a cold-look guy.

'ah, minhyuk-shi, come in and sit. daemin, stay my side. i have patient right now. you can just stay and study how ordinary medical check-up goes.' daemin uncle greed b-bomb. daemin give a smile to b-bomb but he just take a glance to her. 'what's wrong with him...it's ok daemin...later on when you become a doctor you will understand patient like him....calm down daemin..'

'minhyuk-shi, lay down on the bed there and open your blouse's button.' he just follow the doctor instruction but his hand stop his blouse. daemin stare at him with bright smile.

'doctor, what's wrong with this girl?? she's not a nurse i guest.' b-bomb stare daemin like she is a dirt. daemin start to mad by him. but luckily his uncle patted her shoulder.

'she's my nephew...don't worry she's medic student. just your blouse. i need to check your heartbeat.'

b-bomb just continue his blouse. ' i thought he got hot chocolate abbs that he proud so much..but actually it seems nothing. king of arrogant...hold on! where did he get that necklace!' b-bomb's nacklace catch her sight. she try to hold the necklace but suddenly b-bomb shout at her.

'hey, what do want from me! ert! doctor' please ask her get out. she stuck my breath!'

'ok2, daemin i'm just allow you to watch. but you make my patient mad. you can just wait for uncle outside.' daemin's uncle push her to the door.

'but uncle...i've got something...' deamin's word stop after her uncle close the door...speechless..she still thinking b-bomb's necklace.

after a few minutes b-bomb get out from the room. he stare daemin that stood still like a statue infront the door.

'hey you..' daemin try to talk with b-bomb but b-bomb just walk a way ignoring daemin. daemin rush to her uncle.

'uncle! uncle! can i get his medical check up? i need to cormfirm something!!!"

'for what? i'm sorry. it is convoluted untill you officially become a doctor. besides, i'm just check his physically because he is other doctor's patient.' daemin uncle refuse to fullfill daemin demand. daemin give up. she just walk outside the room with sulky face.'i'll wil find out about that guy...'


at hospital's cafe...

'minhyuk-hyung!' u-kwon waved his hand to b-bomb. b-bomb took a chair and sit in front of him.'hyung, this ice cream totally amazing! next time bring me here again.' happily eating his ice cream.

'i'm just come here for my medical check-up twice a year...what's wrong with you...let's go...we need to practise..' b-bomb stand up to leave. 'ok2 hyung..wait for me.' u-kwon quickly finished his ice cream.

along the way,'wait, hyung, why you wearing that necklace...it's precious for me you know...' u-kwon saw his necklace around b-bomb's neck.

'nothing...i just like it's pattern..here you go,' b-bomb handed the necklace to u-kwon..u-kwon put the necklace in his pocket carefully.

'i don't understand our manager...how can we practice movement without partner in short period...besides, how come he doesn't find for us early.' u-kwon took long sighed after grumbled.

b-bomb just lift his shoulder and keep silent.

'hey you!' a voice came behind them. they turn back to saw the owner of the voice. b-bomb raised his eyebrows.

'are you looking for dance partner? i think i can do it.' said daemin confidently. b-bomb annoyed.

'really! you can dance?! sure!' u-kwon excitedly heard deamin's statement.

'kwon-ah!' b-bomb pulled u-kwon towards a side avoid from daemin's hearing. ' we doesn't know her. besides, she's medic student. of course she doesn't has much time for dancing. plus, is she really can dance?' b-bomb wispered to u-kwon.

'i am doesn't know her. but how come you can said that she is medic student. how did you know that. that's mean you knows her, right? plus, we doesn't have much time...how can you doesn't tell me you have beautiful friend here...' u-kwon gave slightly punch at b-bomb's shoulder and  come near to daemin.

'ok, fine. but, do you have time to practise? minhyuk-hyung said you are medic student. plus, do you have any friend that can dance too? i'm looking for two girls.' u-kwon ignored b-bomb. b-bomb shook his head. headache.

'o......m....ah! i have a friend that can dance. but she's ballerina. for my study, it's ok..i'm just a first year student..so, i've enough time for practise and study. but you can teach me the step, right?' daemin half-excited.

'ok. deal. you can come to this place tomorrow. can you? don't forget to bring your friend.' u-kwon gave daemin a piece of paper that has their practise room's address.

'hyung, let's go.' u-kwon take b-bomb's arm and pulled him forward. 'kim yoo kwon.....' b-bomb just can sighed.


daemin's place...

'yoori-ah...you have to help me...please please please! i need to find out about that guy. i saw him wearing that necklace...i'm totally sure with all my heart that he is my real brother. you know that how hard i'm looking for him....' daemin persuaded yoori hard.

yoori gave pity look to daemin. ' ok. i'll help you. but you need to adjust your own time. i don't want at the end of the day you blame me because doesn't have enough time for study'.

daemin jumped happily in front yoori and hugged her tighly with a kissed on her cheek,' you are my best cousin ever!'

block b's dorm...

'we're home!!' u-kwon opened the door with bright smile contrast with b-bomb's gloomy face.

'what's wrong with both of you, minhyuk-ah, are you ok?' taeil that realised b-bomb's face greed him while holding a frying pan. b-bomb just walk away silently to his room. u-kwon take a bar chair infront of the kitchen and sit facing taeil that was cooking a pancake.

'taeil-hyung, ignored him. what are dishes today. i'm totally hungry.'

'i'm just doing pancake right now. you shouldn't do that to minhyuk. what's going on actually??' taeil nagged to u-kwon.

'nothing,' u-kwon just took care about his stomach. taeil gazed him. 'i swear! by the way, we got our dance partner!!!' u-kwon shouted happily.



p/s: by the way, those who doesn't know yet block b's member, take a note that, minhyuk is b-bomb, jiho is zico, and p.o is jihoon. in the dialogue, i use their own name. please take a note!!!

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Hi is this fic going to be like around real Block B? I mean like are they going to play their own characters or are they going to be like students office workers etc?