Epilogue and Preview

Your Words



Meet me where we first met.


Sunggyu smirked, shaking his head as he recalled Mina’s text. Earlier that day, she had called him out, and obediently he followed her without quite knowing what to expect. Now, here he was, standing immediately before her on the ledge of the same old bridge where he had first tried to save her. The blue water below them shivered in the slight breeze, and he had his arms wrapped around her waist while she clasped her hands loosely around the back of his neck, but the feel of the situation was quite different than before.


Mina had finally written enough to fill another two books, both of which were very well-received from the public. Sunggyu couldn’t be more proud of her. And she never let a day go by when she didn’t remind him that he was the reason she could write again.


That his love saved her from herself.


Though Ari never showed up for public appearances or promotions, the books sold like hotcakes, and the money started rolling in. But instead of putting the funds towards a better apartment, or a house, or even to groceries to fill her ever-empty fridge, Mina ignored all of Sunggyu’s better advice and opted for something else.


Sunggyu chuckled. Couple bungee-jumping??, he thought to himself. Of all things…aigoo, what am I to do with this crazy girl?! He shook his head fondly again, a small smile playing up the corners of his lips. He eyed the water below. A tiny pang of fear jolted through him, and he pulled her closer to him.


“Mwoya?” she said, pinching his cheek to get his attention. That familiar frown was hard-pressed onto her face.


He met her eye and smiled, leaning forward to rest his forehead against hers. Their helmets clinked together at the impact. “I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you.”


“Yah. Don’t lie to me,” she said, playfully reaching up to knock his helmet.


“It’s true! Not every guy is lucky enough to have such a crazy girl by his side.”


“Say that again, Sunggyu,” she growled, trying not to smile. “I dare you.”


“You two are all set!” a member of the set-up crew called out, interrupting them. “Go whenever you’re ready!” Another worker did some last minute safety checks, pulling roughly at the harnesses that wrapped around them and attached to the long bungee cords that lay coiled at their feet. When he finished, he flashed them a thumbs-up, and joined the rest of the crew to watch and cheer.


Sunggyu took a deep breath, and pecked Mina lightly on her nose. “Are you sure about this?”


She pursed her lips together, but then nodded resolutely.


“Aren’t you afraid?”


She chuckled. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. As long as I’m with you.”


He smiled, tilting his head slightly to plant a single, sweet kiss on her lips. Then, he tightened his grip around her waist. “Gaja, Mina. Whenever you’re ready.”


He felt her hands tighten around the back of his neck. She gulped nervously, eyes flitting back to him. Then, she kissed him once more, held on tight, and with a slight lean, they plunged over the edge.




HELLO AGAIN! Mianhe, for the suuuuper late final final chapter of this story. I won't bore you with the details, but basically, life got in the way, and in that time I didn't have a single speck of creativity :/ I sorry!

But I'm getting used to things now, and my writing feels are slowly coming back! Yay! I wanted to make sure I gave you at least this additional look at Mina and Sunggyu...Returning to where they first met, and finally answering the call of the void :)  Sorry again that it took so long.

Edit: I know in real life, Sunggyu would probably be scared out of his wits. Let's just pretend that the silly kid manned up in front of Mina, enough for just this scene. Pretend with me, just this once XD

If you'd like, also check out this snippet of my next fanfic, For You I Will. This one features Myungsoo. Hope you enjoy! And, as always, thanks for the read :)



For You I Will



It was finished. The worried phone calls stopped pouring in. Her new daily routine didn’t feel so new anymore. Hell, she was already considered a regular at the corner coffee shop that she started going to, whenever she had an attack and desperately needed to be in public. Since the incident, the world continued spinning, without skipping a single beat. And the normalcy of everything made it seem like everything would be okay. She could move on. It was alright. Just wait and see. Everything will be fine.


But she couldn’t move on. A heavy emptiness sat in her heart that wouldn’t dare let her forget. That even the wretchedly normal world could not erase.


It was a windy day when Yerin stood at the crags that overlooked the deep blue sea. Hundreds of feet below her, the waves crashed into the solid rock, pushed by a whipping wind that carried the sea salt all the way up to where she stood. But it wasn’t the salt, nor the fierce wind that made her eyes water up. Nothing could bother her, because really, nothing could compare to the ache in her heart.


Her simple white dress billowed around her as she gazed into the ocean. She could feel the sun on the back of her neck, watching to see what she dared to do. In her hand, she held a small glass vial, corked and stuffed with a small letter.


As the tears rolled down her cheeks, she squeezed the glass vial tightly in her hand. Then, she took a deep breath, wiped her face roughly with her hands, and set her gaze on the horizon.


For you, Wonbin, she thought. Always. Then, she flung the glass vial with all her might, watching as it hovered in air before disappearing into the deep blue sea.


She took one last look at the foaming waters below her. Then, she her heel, backing away from the cliff.




20 miles down the coast lay a lonely stretch of sand, huddled between two steep cliffs. There was only one way to reach it, and that was by way of a tough trail, part of which involved climbing up a pretty intimidating pile of rocks. Locals called it the Forgotten Beach, and successfully kept it a secret from most everyone else.


For that, Myungsoo was grateful. If he ever wanted to visit, to escape his ho-hum, normal life as a hard-working student, respectful son, and protective older brother in their quaint and quiet neighborhood, then he would strap on his shoes, grab his DSLR camera, and make for that lonely beach. Nothing relaxed him more than to spend the day there, taking a few pictures, lying under the sun, and listening to the soft crash of waves on the sand.


It had been a trying week for him, and he was aching for some quiet alone time. He tried not to rush as he climbed the rocky mountainside, followed the trail up and down a steep hill, and finally arrived at the Forgotten Beach. He sighed contentedly as he took his usual spot, close to the water’s edge.


As he settled in, though, he was struck with a weird feeling that something was different. Something was off. Is it the air?, he wondered. It was noticeably windier than normal. He sniffed cautiously. The sea salt smells… sweeter? Weird. Maybe because of all the wind? After a moment, he shook off the strangevibe, pulled his camera from his satchel, and positioned it towards the horizon. He had come here to relax, and there wasn’t a moment to lose.


He smiled to himself as he readied for his shot, gazing at where the sea met the sky. With its inherent beauty, nature never failed to amaze him. He played with the lens, focusing on a slow-moving cruise ship far off in the distance. It gleamed in the sunlight as it sailed lazily past. He made some final adjustments, and then held his breath.




He checked the photo, and then lay down the camera and stretched out, leaning back on his elbows so that he could gaze into the sea and let his mind wander. He sighed again, feeling completely relaxed and totally, totally happy.


Suddenly, a gleam in the water caught his eye. He wondered if it was a fish, or trash that some idiot had thrown into the sea. He watched, only half-interested, as it washed onto the beach and lodged into the sand. He was about to dismiss it, as he usually did. But there was something different about the air. About this day. A strange curiosity beckoned him.


Against his better judgment, he stood up, shook the sand from his jeans, and walked towards it, scooping down to pick it up.


It was a small glass vial. Corked, and stuffed with a folded piece of paper. He clutched it tightly in his hand, examining it.


Wonbin, he read through the glass. He hesitated for a moment. This was clearly intended for someone else. It was none of his business. Would it be stealing if he kept it? Would it be snooping if he opened it? For a moment, he considered throwing it back into the sea.


But then, to his own surprise, he plopped down on the moist sand, pulled the cork from the vial, and shook out the paper. He needed to know what else it had to say.



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WOOHH I never thought it would ever happen to me, but this story has reached 100 subscribers!! Thanks for the love everybody :) Mina and Sunggyu forever XD


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marshimaru #1
Chapter 30: Oh? I didnt expect you to mention me hahah XD i just subscribed like umm..yesterday? Anyway, this is great story! it was tear-jerking, (extremely) cheesy, sweet, and ah i dont know how to explain the other things i felt hahah. i kinda wanna punch Mina at times tho lmao. marshlurker off to read the epilogue!
(p.s i've always like to comment a completed story after finishing it. so, sorry i haven't commented anything)
Chapter 31: This story was so short and sweet! Honestly found the main character a bit annoying at times (because she's so damn /stubborn/) but nevertheless, I understand the reason why she's like that. Also love how caring Sunggyu is in this story huhu. Thank you for writing a story like this! :)
Rosethederp #3
Chapter 8: Is it just me who found the main a ? I understand her character, but eh. Great story so far though!
Chapter 30: Haha is that KimHaeRa is really me or it's just a coincidence?
sunnysun32168 #5
Chapter 31: success done reading this fanfic and totally loved the ending!
your such a great writer!
adrypink #6
Chapter 31: Hehe finally finished reading this story after sneak out in my korean class kkk i really love the ending and epilogue huhuhu i will read your other fics for the ride to class tomorrow ^^
adrypink #7
I'm this story's 100th subscriber ^^ excited just by watching the trailer~ but i'm saving this fic for the ride to korean class tomorrow.. will comment again later ^^
qiannyc #8
Chapter 29: i love ur story. i have to restrain myself from smiling n shouting too much when i read it.
actually at first i thought that the whole theme was cliche..
but it got better coz ur great detail plot,flip flop scene, words arrangement n character.
i thought of write comment about 'how come theres no inspirit freaking out about their relationship n how can they publicly hanging out together without afraid being busted' but i read all of comment n found one so..
*u didnt know how much i shocked to see my name at the end of page although u wrote this story long time ago..but i guess that made d urge to write comment*
(sorry for bad english)
Chapter 29: This is an amazing fic! I love Sunggyu's character, he's just so....nice and understanding! What I would give to have a guy like him--or a best friend like Woohyun. XP

Keep up the good work, author-nim! <3
This story is outstanding. I read it, and I can't leave the page without saying a word. With every word I just wanna give you a big round of applause. I'd upvote it a zillion times if I could. You are amazing. It is your words that attracted me so much. Thank you for writing it! Really, thank you!