Across the Threshold

Your Words


She didn't want to let go. More than anything in the world, she didn't want to let go. But, she didn't want to scare him by holding on for too long, so she relaxed her grip. After a moment, he released her, but not before he let his hands trace down her arms and take hold of her hers. He leaned his forehead against hers, their noses touching just slightly. She felt him sigh. "Gaja, Mina. Let me walk you home."
He pulled away from her, but she noticed that he kept a firm grip on one of her hands. Then, he motioned for her to lead the way, a kind smile on his lips.
Sure, a part of her felt scared enough to run away. She almost couldn't believe the vulnerable state she had put herself in. But another part of her found so much warmth there, beside him, that she didn't want to ever let go.
He made a mental note of the streets as they walked, committing them to memory. When they arrived at her front door, he hesitatingly let go of her hand so she could fish out her keys. The old wood and the dilapidated hallway were not unlike her old apartment.
She had to push hard on her door to get it open. She chuckled in slight embarrassment, before turning to face him across the threshold.
It was a moment he had waited for, and a moment that he'd dreaded. He didn't know what to do or say, so he stood motionless in thought.
He fought the urge to kiss her right there. He wanted to hug her, but he couldn't read her body language. What if it was crossing the line? He'd already hugged her once, and he wasn't sure if she'd let him get away with it again. The seconds ticked by, and he grew more nervous, trying to think about what to do. Should he offer to shake her hand? No, that's lame. Should he just kiss her on her forehead? What about her cheek? Or should he just say goodbye instead? Would it be too much to ask for her new number? Or to ask to see her again soon? Tomorrow, even?
Luckily, Mina spoke first. "Do... you want to come in?"
Her question surprised him, but he recovered quickly with a small smile. "Sure."
The inside of her apartment was just like her last one. Already, small piles of scratch paper covered the tables and parts of the floor.
She disappeared into the bathroom, so Sunggyu made himself at home. He was still soaked from the rain, so he tried not to wet anything by keeping his hands to himself. He peeked around, absentmindedly scanning the mess and thinking fondly about the last time he was in her apartment. When she was a drunken hot mess and he had to carry her back.
Suddenly, his eyes locked in on her nightstand. Just as before, there was a scattering of books, papers, and a coffee cup.
But he noticed that the small picture frame from before was gone.
Instead, there were a couple of magazines. One of them was propped open, revealing a colorful picture spread, and as he neared, he recognized his own band. Infinite, at their last concert, where he slipped Mina that piece of paper. He blinked in disbelief.
"I see you've caught me."
He jumped, turning to see Mina watching him, leaning against her doorway. He smirked at her. "I see you've missed me."
She tried to frown to conceal her smile, reaching up to throw a towel onto his head. Roughly, she began drying him down, making him chuckle and try to push the towel onto her own wet face. She squealed, and they fought playfully for a while, throwing the towel back and forth, until finally, he managed to grab hold of her hands and pin them behind her back.
It took a full second for them to realize the position they were in. Sunggyu's arms basically wrapped around her, and their faces irresistibly close. They stared into each other's eyes. She swallowed nervously.
"Bboe bboe," she whispered without thinking. Her own eyes grew wide in surprise, and she stared at him, waiting to see what he would do.
He blinked twice. Then, he leaned in and pressed his lips softly against hers.
FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF!! Ahhh that was fun. Thanks for letting me get that out of my system. But this isn't the end! Time to move the story along, with the next update~  :S
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WOOHH I never thought it would ever happen to me, but this story has reached 100 subscribers!! Thanks for the love everybody :) Mina and Sunggyu forever XD


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marshimaru #1
Chapter 30: Oh? I didnt expect you to mention me hahah XD i just subscribed like umm..yesterday? Anyway, this is great story! it was tear-jerking, (extremely) cheesy, sweet, and ah i dont know how to explain the other things i felt hahah. i kinda wanna punch Mina at times tho lmao. marshlurker off to read the epilogue!
(p.s i've always like to comment a completed story after finishing it. so, sorry i haven't commented anything)
Chapter 31: This story was so short and sweet! Honestly found the main character a bit annoying at times (because she's so damn /stubborn/) but nevertheless, I understand the reason why she's like that. Also love how caring Sunggyu is in this story huhu. Thank you for writing a story like this! :)
Rosethederp #3
Chapter 8: Is it just me who found the main a ? I understand her character, but eh. Great story so far though!
Chapter 30: Haha is that KimHaeRa is really me or it's just a coincidence?
sunnysun32168 #5
Chapter 31: success done reading this fanfic and totally loved the ending!
your such a great writer!
adrypink #6
Chapter 31: Hehe finally finished reading this story after sneak out in my korean class kkk i really love the ending and epilogue huhuhu i will read your other fics for the ride to class tomorrow ^^
adrypink #7
I'm this story's 100th subscriber ^^ excited just by watching the trailer~ but i'm saving this fic for the ride to korean class tomorrow.. will comment again later ^^
qiannyc #8
Chapter 29: i love ur story. i have to restrain myself from smiling n shouting too much when i read it.
actually at first i thought that the whole theme was cliche..
but it got better coz ur great detail plot,flip flop scene, words arrangement n character.
i thought of write comment about 'how come theres no inspirit freaking out about their relationship n how can they publicly hanging out together without afraid being busted' but i read all of comment n found one so..
*u didnt know how much i shocked to see my name at the end of page although u wrote this story long time ago..but i guess that made d urge to write comment*
(sorry for bad english)
Chapter 29: This is an amazing fic! I love Sunggyu's character, he's just so....nice and understanding! What I would give to have a guy like him--or a best friend like Woohyun. XP

Keep up the good work, author-nim! <3
This story is outstanding. I read it, and I can't leave the page without saying a word. With every word I just wanna give you a big round of applause. I'd upvote it a zillion times if I could. You are amazing. It is your words that attracted me so much. Thank you for writing it! Really, thank you!