First Meeting

It Means Nothing


First Meeting
Yoonji held Eli in her embrace as he continued to sob, his tears soaking her jacket. Yoonji was heartbroken to see her boyfriend in that state. She had never seen him cry, and she couldn't help but shed a few tears as well. It really must be hard to have an argument with your best friend one day then have him disappear the next. The guilt and regret must be suffocating for him because she knew damn well that Eli still cared for that boy. And it was true, Kevin was still loved dearly by Eli, but the boy was just too much of a and realized it too late. Eli didn't just lose a best friend, he also lost a part of him. His brother, someone irreplaceable. 
"I really messed up Yoonie. Kevin was my best friend, but I was such an " Eli whimpered as his body continued to tremble under the girls arms. "I know I realized this a little too late, but I need him. You were right Yoonie. Even if he is found, I don't deserve his forgiveness. He doesn't deserve to be treated like . I don't deserve someone like him! I don't deserve his friendship! I don't deserve to even look in his direction, but I still need him. I need him to be safe. To be alive" Eli tightened his hold on Yoonji as the thoughts that he has been pushing away for the past weeks has crept it's way back into his mind. What if I never see Kevin again? What if he's dead? Eli broke into harsher sobs as the possible reality hit his head. 
"I really hope he is still alive. I'll never forgive myself for not apologizing, and for not making things right. I'm the one who should be missing, not Kevin" Yoonji just sat there and let her boyfriend let all his emotions out. She soothingly ran her fingers through Eli's hair, while her other hand was rubbing circles around his back. "I still remember when we first met. He hated me" Eli chuckled causing Yoonji to smile. "I think I was 6 at the time, and I was playing at the park. I didn't have anyone to play with because I had just moved to Korea from the states and knew no korean. I thought it was stupid how my parents took me to the park because I didn't know what the hell most of the kids were saying. I was sitting on these very swings. It made me sad when I saw all the other kids had friends to play with or made friends because they understood each other. I just felt sad that I had no friends so I cried"
"Why are you crying?" Eli's head shot up out of shock and embarrassment. Wait, did he just speak english? Eli asked himself.
"Y-You s-speak English?" Eli asked through sniffles.
"Yup!" The boy said proudly 
"M-Me t-too" Eli said rubbing his eyes.
"Really?!" The little boy asked excitedly. 
"Yeah" Eli replied softy causing the other boys smile to grow even wider.
"Do you want to play with me?" The little boy asked happily. 
"You want me to play with you?" Eli asked surprised. The other simply nodded with a smile still on his face. Eli returned the smile feeling much happier. 
"Okay" Eli replied, getting off the swing. 
"Tag! You're it!" Kevin said mischievously as he started to run. Eli could only smile and run after the other boy.
"I thought you said he hated you?" Yoonji asked breaking the flashback moment.
"I haven't gotten to that part yet" Eli chuckled, his spirits lifted thinking of the happy moment.
"Tag! You're it!" Eli shouted happily when he easily caught up with the other boy. Eli started to run off but was surprised to see that he wasn't being chased. He walked over to the other boy who hadn't moved.
"Hey, why aren't you chasing me?" Eli asked confused. 
"Because you cheated" the other stated, arms crossed over his chest, and head hung low.
"What? I didn't cheat" Eli said still confused. 
"You did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!" 
"Did not"
"Kevin sweety! It's time to go home!" Eli looked over and saw a pretty lady calling the little boy over.
"Your name is Kevin?" 
"Are you mad?"
Kevin just continued to look down at the floor before mumbling "cheater" and running off after that. Eli was confused and sad that his new friend was acting this way. He felt like crying again, and just looked at the sand below his feet.
"But I didn't cheat..." Eli mumbled to himself.
"Aw, that's adorable~" Yoonji cooed while pinching Eli's cheek. Eli let out a small laugh and continued the story.
It's Eli's 3rd week living in Korea and much to his dismay, he'll be starting school today. 
"But Daddy!~" Eli continued to fake cry his way out of going to school. His father sighed and knelt down in front of his son.
"Okay, lets make a deal. Go to school this week, and if you don't like it, we'll home school you until your korean is good enough to go back to regular school. Deal?" Eli sniffled and nodded.
"That's my boy" his father praised while ruffling the younger's hair, causing the boy to beam. Eli's father grabbed his car keys and walked out to his car with his son.
"My boy really needs to stop with the fake crying" his mother mumbled from the kitchen as she heard the front door shut. As Eli and his father were nearing his new school, Eli couldn't help but feel more nervous.
"Daddy..." Eli whined when his father parked the car beside Eli's new school.
"Don't worry son, you'll be fine! You're a big boy now right?" Eli just nodded his head in reply.
"Well only big boys go to school! If you want, we can go back home and do little boy things?"
"NO!" Eli exclaimed from the passenger seat. He didn't want to be known as a little boy, even though he was. He's just like any other kid wanting to be a grown up.
"That's my boy!" Eli's father ruffled his hair one more time before Eli stepped out of the car. Eli's father pumped a fist through the window and said "Fighting!" Before speeding off. Eli gulped and walked towards his new school. Eli had no idea where to go, and started to get scared. His breaths became quick and he was on the verge of tears again. 
"Scjenxndnsjd?" Some scary looking lady asked Eli. 
"I d-don't speak korean" Eli mumbled. The lady was a bit surprised at first but then gestured for the boy to follow her. Eli didn't know what else to do but comply.
"How can a father leave his non-korean speaking son in a korean speaking school?" Yoonji said through giggles.
"Yah! It's not funny, I was really scared"
"Okay, okay. Continue"
Eli and the lady stepped into the office, and the lady went over to the counter and started to speak with some other lady. The lady behind the counter took a look at Eli and nodded. She got up from her desk and started to walk towards Eli. Eli tensed up feeling scared of the approaching office lady.
"Hello there! My name is Ms. Jung. What's your name?" The lady asked in english. 
"E-Elison Kim" Eli stuttered "but you can call me Eli" 
"Well it's nice to meet you Eli, we've been expecting you. Follow me and I shall take you to your new class" Eli slowly nodded his head, and followed Ms. Jung out of the office, and towards his new class where he hoped he would make at least one friend. Eli was feeling nervous as he saw other kids his age having fun, and couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness. 
"Here we are" Ms. Jung chimed as she held the door open for Eli who's nervousness just increased 10 fold. "Kevin, can you come over here please?" Ms. Jung called. Some boy who was playing with Barbie dolls with another girl stood up and walk towards Eli and Ms. Jung. Wait, that's the boy from the park!, Eli thought in shock.
"Yes Ms. Jung?" Kevin asked innocently. 
"This is Eli, our new student. Can you please be friends with him, and help him. He doesn't know any korean, and you're the only student who speaks english here. Do you think you could take care of him?" Ms. Jung asked kindly. Kevin smiled and nodded his head.
"Yes Ms, Jung!" Kevin chimed.
"Great! Well this is Kevin, and he will be your friend from now on. Just ask him if you need help or don't understand something. I'll be going now" Ms. Jung said before stepping out of the room. As soon as Ms. Jung left the room, the smile on Kevin's face fell, and he was now glaring at Eli.
"H-Hi, do you remember me from the park yesterday?" Eli asked nervously.
"Yeah, you're a cheater, and I'm not friends with cheaters" Kevin made a sassy "hmph" before turning around, and leaving Eli behind. Eli didn't know what to do but stand there. He kept looking towards Kevin where he was playing Barbies with their classmate. All Eli wanted to do now was go home. He felt like he didn't belong their, and wouldn't be able to fit in. Eli was still standing in the same spot where Kevin left him when the bell rang. Eli noticed his classmates taking their seats and decided to sit down as well. Eli sat at an empty table in the back, and took of his power rangers backpack before placing it on the floor next to him. Eli noticed a group of boys approach him, and couldn't help but tense up. 
"Yah! Jejxisndksnejdj!" One of the boys addressed Eli.
"I don't speak Korean" Eli said nervously.
"Jejxisndksnejdj!" The boy said a little more aggressively.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't understand …" Eli said feeling helpless. The boy who was speaking to Eli walked off, and approached a lady who Eli presumed to be the teacher. Eli felt like crying at this point. He had no idea what he did wrong. Was he in trouble? The said lady approached Eli, causing the boy to cower in his seat.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak korean" Eli said. The teacher looked at Eli for a second before calling Kevin. They had a short conversation, which Eli didn't understand before Kevin spoke to him.
"You're sitting in his chair" Kevin said pointing to the boy who approached him earlier.
"O-Oh, I-I'm sorry" Eli stammered as he quickly sat up from the seat. 
"The teacher said you can sit next to me" Kevin said, not sounding too happy about it. 
"Okay" Eli said as he followed Kevin to his table. Kevin said something to the girl sitting next to him, and she nodded, and stood up. She grabbed her backpack and moved to the other side of the room. 
"Why are you just standing there? Sit down!" Kevin said rather harshly.
"Okay" Eli mumbled. Why is he so mean to me? Eli thought sadly. The class was long and boring for Eli. He just wanted to go home already. Eli heard a bell sounding off, and the teacher announce something as everyone started to line up near the door.
"Where are we going?" Eli asked as he stood behind Kevin.
"We're going to lunch, duh!" Kevin said sounding irritated. Eli didn't say anything, he just stood in line quietly. The class was then led to the cafeteria where students from other classes were also lined up. 
"Okay, those who have brought their own lunch may be seated" the teacher instructed before walking away. Eli looked down at the paper bag he was holding which contained his lunch, then to the table where Kevin was seated with a few other girls. Eli took a deep breathe and headed for the said table. 
"Can I sit with you?" Eli asked shyly, afraid Kevin would deny him.
Kevin glanced over at him before muttering "No, go sit somewhere else" 
Eli tightened his hold on the paper bag, and walked off without a word. Eli looked around the room before settling himself in the corner of the cafeteria on the floor. He was too scared to sit at any of the empty tables in fear of a similar scene from this morning. 
"I hate it here" Eli whispered.
"Aw, my poor Eli was bullied?" Yoonji said placing soft kisses all over Eli's face.
"Only by Kevin. I don't know why, but I was always kind of scared of him. I still am today" Eli admitted.
"You were scared of a boy who played with Barbies?" Yoonji laughed. 
"Yah! Don't make fun of me!"
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that" Yoonji said sincerely. 
"Yeah, well the story gets better" 
Eli was eating his sandwich his mother had prepared for him when he suddenly heard some arguing. He had no idea what the fight was about, but he did recognize one of the voices to be Kevin's. Eli quickly stood up from the floor and rushed over to see what was going on. Kevin was surrounded by a group of guys, one of which was holding up a carton of milk while Kevin was angrily trying to reach it. The boys looked a bit older then Kevin. Maybe 3rd graders? Where are the teachers? Eli thought. Everyone was watching the scene, chanting words Eli didn't understand. Suddenly, the room went silent as the boy poured the milk over Kevin's head. I stood there shocked, then soon the cafeteria bursted into laughter. Kevin quickly ran out of the cafeteria, rushing past students, and Eli. Is he crying? Eli thought. Eli followed Kevin out of the cafeteria and called after the boy.
"Kevin!" Eli called but the boy kept walking.
"Kevin!" Eli called again, reaching for the boys shoulder. Eli turned him around to face him, but Kevin buried his face in his hands.
"Are you okay?" Eli asked concerned. "Do you want me to tell Ms. Jung?" The boy simply shook his head. Eli grabbed some napkins from his paper bag, and started to wipe the milk off of Kevin's head. After Eli was finished, the smaller boy finally looked up at Eli. His eyes leaked with tears, and his bottom lip was trembling.
"I-I'm sorry" Kevin spoke up "I'm sorry for being so mean to you. I was just mad because you tagged me. You aren't a cheater, and I'm sorry" Kevin said as tears continued to flow down his cheeks. Eli looked through his paper bag, but he had no more napkins. Eli then lifted his shirt, stood up on his toes, and wiped Kevin's face with his shirt. 
"It's okay" Eli said as he finished wiping Kevin's face. "Did you eat yet?" Eli asked. The shorter boy simply shook his head in reply.
"I can share my sandwich if you want?" Eli offered. Kevin smiled and looked up at Eli.
The two boys just grew closer ever since that day. 
A/N little flashback to when Eli and Kevin first met. I'm sorry if it . Please continue to comment and subscribe^^
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Just wondering... Did u give up on this?
Chapter 28: Orz re-read this whole fanfic and the part where Kevin's mom pushed him away was so sad :(
I expected Kevin to feel like painful after getting back but I'm surprised he wasn't o____o
He should tell Dongho that he just wants to be friends sooner or everything else will get messed up even more~ ^^
Eli awkwardly changed lol ;;
I wonder what they fought about? Hmm.
Update soon please :3
Chapter 28: YAY omg! I cant wait for another update. ;u;
stargazer0732 #4
Chapter 28: i still want eli and kevin to get together in the end. would it still be possible though?
Chapter 28: an update o mai gosh an update yeayeayeyaeyaeyahhhhhh

did eli just confessed to kevin oh oh oh i cant wait for the next chapter *dancing to she's mine*

excuse me while i'm trying to fix my brain bye
Chapter 28: I'm glad that u didn't give up on this story, it's such a good story, so please don't give up on it! We want to know the ending of it! And, y the fight? Was it over Kevin? I'm really excited to know, so update soon, please!
Noona-nomu-yepo123 #7
Chapter 28: Er mer gersh finally you update!! Lol. Btw nice chapter :). I'll be waiting for your next update :)
Noona-nomu-yepo123 #8
Chapter 27: Plz update soon i can't take it anymore >.<. Lol :P
kaiah1717 #9
Chapter 27: Happy 17 birthday god bless u and ur family .
No more update?