things to be played with

Live to Kill

Sungmin woke up unusually early that morning, and in an unusually good mood too. Since he didn’t have to be at work for a couple more hours, he decided to take an early stroll around the city, especially since it’s been a while since he’s breathed in the fresh air of Seoul. Soon enough, he found himself in a quaint, little flower shop, buying the most expensive bouquet they had and calling up Eunhyuk just to ask where Kyuhyun lived.

Fortunately for him, Eunhyuk was still too groggy to ask any questions, but not too groggy to forget how Sungmin scared the crap out of him—which was why he chose not to complain about being woken up so early in the morning. Once Sungmin finally got what he was looking for, Sungmin abruptly hung up and started driving.

It was weird, Sungmin thought as he arrived at Kyuhyun’s apartment, that the front door was left unlocked. It was even weirder that there was an extra pair of shoes by the door, one which Sungmin assumed wasn’t Kyuhyun’s because the size was too small for him. But for the sake of the moment, he decided to brush his suspicions off and looked for the bedroom.

His eyebrows didn’t stay down when he heard some very sounds coming from the room near the kitchen. Picturing the worst case scenario, he carefully pushed the slightly open door and peeked inside, only to wish he had a knife to cut both his eyes out.

“Cho Kyuhyun!” He demanded loudly, his chest starting to hurt for some reason.

Kyuhyun immediately sprang up and without even thinking, pushed his companion off him, which sent him practically flying out of the bed. Kyuhyun used the bedsheets to cover himself up as he attempted to explain himself.

“Sungmin, this isn’t—”

In a very rough and harsh manner, Sungmin threw the flowers at the panicked man’s unsuspecting face, which caused petals to float around, ruining the beautiful arrangement it was once in. “You,” he poked the man’s bare chest. “You are nothing but a ing bastard, Cho Kyuhyun. A selfish, conniving, despicable bastard.”

Kyuhyun, who was still very bemused at how to handle the situation, found the need to stop Sungmin from heading out the door. “No, Sungmin, wait!”

Sungmin stopped, not to listen, but to send him a very nasty glare and say, “Don’t even bother talking to me anymore.”

Kyuhyun found himself slack-jawed as Sungmin slammed the door on his way out.

Sungmin spent several hours just driving around, trying to cool himself down. But this proved to no avail, as Sungmin could not bring himself to forget the emotionally scarring image of another man riding his Kyuhyun. Soon enough, he decided he had to attend work sooner or later.

“Who the hell has at seven in the morning?” Sungmin huffily entered the conference room and immediately caught the attention of those who were in it.

“Lots of people do.” Eunhyuk answered. “But clearly, not me, as I have no existing life as of the moment—”

“What’s wrong, Min?” asked Leeteuk, who genuinely seemed to be concerned this time.

“I should have listened to my gut. I always knew Kyuhyun was a bastard.” Sungmin wasn’t talking to them as much as he was talking to himself. “He’s a bastard and I don’t ever want to see him again.”

“Oh, looks like someone had a little fight with their boyfriend.” Eunhyuk sing-sung.

“Boyfriend?” Leeteuk’s eyes widened as he turned to the blonde. “You two are dating now? Wait, since when did you become gay for Kyuhyun?”

“We are not dating!” He retorted. “We never were and we never will be!”

“But you two seemed pretty happy together yesterday after you ed for the first time…” If there was anything about Eunhyuk, it’s that he was a blabbermouth. He was a blabbermouth without even knowing it.

“They ed?” Leeteuk’s voice usually became high-pitched whenever he was dumbstruck. “When was this? More importantly, how did this happen in the first place?”

“I hate Cho Kyuhyun. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.” He chanted to himself. “Damn him to hell. I hope he dies a slow and painful death.”

“Aw, come on, Ming.” Eunhyuk tried to comfort him. “We know you don’t mean that. Kyuhyun loves you, after all.”

“He does?” Sungmin, for a moment, forgot how angry he was at a certain someone.

“Well, I think he does. He never really answered my question.” He shrugged. “I can ask him again if you want.”

“No thank you,” he hissed, resorting back to his furious state. “You’d probably get a better answer out of the he was ing this morning.”

“What ?” Leeteuk seemed completely oblivious to everything. “Can somebody tell me what’s going on here?”

“Good morning,” Kyuhyun casually strolled in and took a seat, ignoring the tense atmosphere he had just brought in. “What’s our job for today?”

“I’m leaving.” Sungmin stood up and grabbed his coat.

Leeteuk grabbed his arm and pulled him back into his seat before he could get any closer to the door. “No. We’ll leave. You stay.” He told him. “Come on, Hyuk.”

When Eunhyuk showed no signs of getting out, Leeteuk took him by the ear and dragged him out of the door, leaving Kyuhyun and Sungmin alone in an edgy silence.

“So, uh…Ming…” Kyuhyun started awkwardly.

“It’s Sungmin and didn’t I tell you not to talk to me anymore?” He stood up and tried to leave once again.

“If it helps at all, I was picturing your face the entire time.” Kyuhyun said as he coolly put his legs up on the conference table.

“Kyuhyun, let me tell you something you should already know by now.” Sungmin said darkly without even turning around. “Feelings aren’t things to be played with. They’re things you should handle with care. If you actually had a heart, I wouldn’t have to tell you this.”

Kyuhyun was rendered speechless as Sungmin slammed the door on him once again.

“Hey,” Eunhyuk, with his hands in his pockets, cautiously took the empty seat next to Sungmin in the lobby. “How are you doing?”

Leeteuk and Eunhyuk had a long discussion about who should go talk to the depressed blonde. They eventually decided that Eunhyuk should be the one, as Leeteuk didn’t know enough about the situation to actually make him feel better. But Eunhyuk and Sungmin have always had a bit of distance between them, so Eunhyuk knew the task wasn’t going to be easy.

“How do you think I’m doing?” Sungmin snarled. “Leave me alone, would you?”

“We’ve left you alone for three hours now. You’ve been sitting in the same spot the whole afternoon.” He pointed out. “You haven’t even eaten anything; we’re worried about you.”

“I’m not hungry, s’all.” He dismissed. “I can’t even bring myself to go home because I know I’d wreck the whole place if I do.”

“Sungmin,” Eunhyuk started. “We know this is a hard time for you, and it’s hard for us to see you like this, and even harder knowing we can’t do anything about it.

“Eunhyuk, don’t you realize how upset I am right now?” he asked. “If you just leave me alone, that’d be the best help you can do for me.”

“I know how upset you are, Sungmin.” Eunhyuk assured him. “I just don’t know why.

“What do you mean you don’t know? How would you feel if you were in my position?” he asked.

“I’d feel bad, sure, but…probably not this bad.” He replied honestly. “Why are you even so upset with Kyuhyun?”


“Sungmin, I don’t think you’d react this strongly to the whole incident if you didn’t feel just as strongly towards Kyuhyun.” Eunhyuk sounded very smart as he spoke, which frankly took Sungmin aback a little. “Honestly speaking…are you in love with him?”

“…Leave me alone.”

Leeteuk looked up from the papers on his desk, only to see Sungmin standing by the door. He stood up, surprised, and let the blonde in.

“Sungmin? How long have you been standing there?” he asked as he gestured for him to take a seat.

“Just got here,” he said tonelessly. “Leeteuk, we need to talk.”

“Sure,” he nodded as he sat back down. “What’s on your mind?”

“I’ve been thinking and…I don’t think I can work like this anymore. Unless you remove Kyuhyun from the team, I don’t want to stay in this unit anymore.” He stated quite firmly. “I can’t stand seeing the ’s face, let alone working with him. So, I’m asking you for a favor here.”

“What kind of favor is this, Ming? I can’t just fire people on account of your personal feelings.” He refused kindly. “You can’t deny it, Kyuhyun is a good assassin. Given, he’s an , but he’s good at what he does.”

“Well then,” Sungmin stood up and withdrew his gun and office ID from his coat, placing them on the desk before Leeteuk. “I quit.”


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elf88 #1
porini #2
Chapter 18: Wah I really liked it. It is pretty original like a whiff of fresh air. :)) Can't wait for the update. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 18: Oho can't wait for next updateeeee
Chapter 18: Yessssssssss, this story xD
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 19: Love insecure hyuk.what s kyu doing right now? He wont coming back ever?
257471 #6
Chapter 19: Who is hae?? he know too much...
looking forward :)
Chapter 19: This just gets better and better <3 this is unpopular opinion but I'm glad Kyu haven't given in fast lol also I think you posted the same chapter twice >.<
257471 #8
Chapter 17: Aaawww hyuk, so nice...curious about hae...
thanks for the update, looking forward
257471 #9
Chapter 16: Hyuk is back...looking forward for the next chapter...goodluck :)
Chapter 16: Excited that you updated this! And my baby Hyuk finally came back again!
Hopefully Sungmin isn't really as fat as Heechul and Eunhyuk make him out to be! Lol, how will he get Kyu back?!
And Donghae's personality in this is very curious to me. haha I like him so far xP
Thanks for updating (: