mr. and mrs. cho

Live to Kill

Kyuhyun sighed despairingly, “He's worse than Eunhyuk.”

“I know,” Sungmin agreed. “At least Eunhyuk got embarrassed. He just walks in like he owns the mothering place.

“I've told you a million times to change the lock.”

“Yes, mother,” he rolled his eyes. “I bet the does this on purpose.”

“I can't thank you enough for implying that I have nothing better to do than to walk in on your guys' dirty .” Heechul piped in as he sat on a chair by the bed and put his feet up on the mattress. 

“So you don't do it on purpose?” asked Kyuhyun.

“Oh, of course, I do,” he snorted. “Nothing pleases me more than seeing the blush on both of your faces every time I open the door. And if you want my opinion

“We don't,” Sungmin interjected immediately.

Heechul mockingly lifted one eyebrow towards him, “This is me not giving a rat's . Anyway, as I was saying, I don't know if it's because blondie here is the ‘man’ in the relationship or something, but Kyuhyun, you are way too lazyyou should really be on top, for once.”

While Sungmin seemed to agree with a slight smirk, Kyuhyun's face turned a bright shade of pink, “Can't you interrupt some other people's or something?”

“I can, but it's just so much more fun when it's you two.” Heechul grinned cheekily.

“Heechul, if you're not out of sight by the next five seconds, I swear to God, I will get a knife from the kitchen and stab you repeatedly in the groin.” Sungmin threatened. 

“Ooh, how ,” Heechul teased. “That sounds fun and all, but I would very much prefer handcuffs instead.”

Kyuhyun blinked at him incredulously, “You need a boyfriend, and a life, and

“And a bullet in the head.” Sungmin finished.

“Aww, I just love it when you to me.” Heechul's snarky comment had Sungmin reaching for the gun in his drawer. Kyuhyun's attempt to stop him from murdering their teammate proved to be quite a struggle; after all, the only thing Sungmin loved other than Kyuhyun was killing people.

Heechul filed his nails while dully watching the two squabble over the gun. While a bored yawn escaped his lips, Sungmin's phone lit up and buzzed. Once Kyuhyun finally managed to take away his gun, Sungmin answered the phone and barked a very loud, “What?!

“Well, someone's really touchy tonight,” Leeteuk sounded the least bit fazed. “Let me guess: Heechul's there, isn't he?”

“I wish you would just let me kill him already.” The blonde hissed.

“If you kill him, I'm gonna use your salary to cover all the expenses it'll take to hide the body.” Sungmin could just picture the smirk on Leeteuk's face.

“Damn you, Jungsoo,” He rolled his eyes, not at Leeteuk's threat, but rather because Kyuhyun and Heechul had taken to throwing pillows and making faces at each other beside him. He was even beginning to feel like a babysitter. “What do you want anyway?”

“I want all three of you down at the office right now.” He stated. “You have a job to do.”

“I'm sending you guys on a manhunt tonight.” Leeteuk started, slapping down two files on the conference table. “And frankly, I'm quite excited to see the outcome of this one.”

“Let's see what you have for us here,” Sungmin went through both of the case files. “Don't tell me this is gonna take us all night because I have plans.”

“Actually, we have plans.” Kyuhyun gave Sungmin's backside a small pinch, causing him to inadvertently squeak.

“You two are disturbing.” Leeteuk stared at them with wide eyes, mostly because he didn't realize Sungmin could emit such a sound. He then retrieved the folders from the flustered blonde and handed it to Heechul. “First of all, Sungmin, you'll be working with me in surveillance.”

“Surveillance? We're going on a stake-out?” he asked.

“Not quite,” he smirked slyly. “You see, there's this bastard out there who's convinced that he can bring this whole company down, starting with the best assassin, which is to say, you.

“Then we just have to prove him wrong.” He said. “Do I know this poor sap?”

“His name's Kim Youngwoon. Though word has it he goes by Kangin now.” He revealed. “He's made multiple attempts to destroy the company before, and his last one was no more than a few years ago, when you managed to shoot him in the leg. Unfortunately, it wasn't fatal.”

“It wasn't? Huh.” Sungmin clucked his tongue, “That mustn't have been one of my good days then.”

“Evidently, it was not. You rushed the job because, as you yourself put it, you had to go meet your lady friend.” He smirked, bringing out an expected reaction from Kyuhyun.

“Lady friend?” Sungmin's upset boyfriend demanded. “What lady friend? It was that crazy of an ex-girlfriend of yours, wasn't it?”

“You used to be straight?” Heechul asked, genuinely surprised.

Sungmin glared at everyone in the room, “Can we just go back to the original topic please?”

“Well, Youngwoon, or Kangin, is out to get us again. This time, he's got company.” Leeteuk revealed.

“He found himself a partner?” Kyuhyun inquired.

Leeteuk nodded, “More specifically, a wife. Her name's Kim Taeyeon. She sometimes goes by a number of false aliases, but since 'Kim Taeyeon' is a fairly common name, she usually goes by her real name. It's proven much harder to dig out her background that way.”

“A pair of married assassins. That's cute.” Heechul snorted. “So how does this put us in the picture?”

“The two pose as real estate agents by day. I found out which hotel they're staying at, so I booked a reservation for dinner with them at said hotel's restaurant.” He smirked. “Using a fake identity, I said that a newly-wed couple I know are looking for a new house.”

“Newly-wed couple?” Heechul sighed. “I'm gonna be the wife, aren't I?”

“Please don't tell I'm going to be the husband.” Sungmin groaned. “There are a lot of things I'd do for this job, but even I have my limitations.”

“Oh, no, not you. I'm not that cruel. Besides, Kangin knows your face and we can't blow cover. So I was thinking...” Leeteuk cunningly turned to look at a doe-eyed Kyuhyun. 

Kyuhyun could practically hear the gates to hell opening for him.

“How do I look, hubby?” Heechul, clad in a long, elegant dress that hugged his hips perfectly, matched with a pair of black pumps, gave his wig one last fluff before linking his arm around the stone-faced Kyuhyun. “Good enough to eat, maybe?”

“I wouldn't eat you even if Sungmin asked me to.” He scoffed, pushing Heechul away in annoyance.

“I appreciate that,” Sungmin's voice boomed in both Kyuhyun and Heechul's cleverly-hidden earpieces. “I'd also appreciate it if you focused on the task at hand, and by you, I mean you, Heechul.”

“Blah blah blah, can't hear you~” Heechul crooned as he ripped off his earpiece and ran his warm tongue through Kyuhyun's earlobe, knowing Sungmin and Leeteuk could see them through the spy camera in their hotel room. 

Kyuhyun promptly shivered, but nevertheless stayed still. 

“Kyu, tell your wife to be a good girl and put his earpiece back on.” Leeteuk spoke. “And you two best haul or else you'll lose your reservation. I put it under Mr. and Mrs. Cho.”

Sungmin, who was squeezing the handle of his gun so hard that it was close to coming apart, hissed, “You two are disgusting together.”

“You think so, blondie? Well, news flash, this is exactly how you two behave around us 24/7.” Heechul, who has already put his earpiece back in position, pointed out.

“No sense arguing with that,” Leeteuk shrugged. “Anyway, before you leave, let's go over the ground rules again. Number one, never let them out of your sight. Number two, don't blow your cover. And number three, kill them before they kill you. Got it?”

“And another thing, whatever you do, try not to block our view of the camera in your tie, Kyu.” Sungmin advised. “We're here to take notice of what you guys don't.”

“Gee, thanks for the encouraging words, hon.” Kyuhyun muttered as he adjusted his necktie.

“No matter how soft you mutter, I'm still gonna hear you.” Sungmin replied.

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, “I knew that.” 

“Your eyes are gonna get stuck that way if you keep rolling them.”

“Shut up.”

“You two are a very peculiar couple.” Heechul remarked. “Anyway, calm your , blondie. If we want people to believe we're a couple, we gotta act like one.”

As Heechul planted a sloppy yet slightly arousing kiss on Kyuhyun's lips, a loud rustling cracked in their earpieces, followed by Leeteuk's pleads for Sungmin to calm down and get back in his seat. The undercover assassins flinched when they heard a gunshot, which practically blew out their eardrums.

“Ming...did you just kill Leeteuk?” A frightened Kyuhyun asked.

No,” Leeteuk's voice (for once, Kyuhyun and Heechul actually felt relieved to hear it) sounded beyond annoyed. “But I'm pretty sure he killed the security guard we tied up earlier.”

“Once this is all over, you're next, Kim Heechul.” Sungmin threatened in a creepy, dark tone.

Heechul responded by mocking him with another kiss on the corner of Kyuhyun's lips. “You don't scare me, Mr. Trigger-Happy.”

Another shot rang out, and then came Leeteuk's voice again, which was now full of panic, “Holy crap, just get to the restaurant before he blows my head off!”

“Naaah, I kinda want to see what would happen if I—” Before Heechul's hand could make it towards Kyuhyun's nether regions, Kyuhyun pushed him away and insisted they just, “get this over with.”

“I hate you, Jungsoo.” Sungmin sulked in his seat, lips stuck out and eyebrows scrunched together, forming a very cross expression.

“Using my real name doesn't intimidate me, you know.” Leeteuk said, casually dipping another doughnut in his coffee.

“No, but a bullet in your brain would.”

“Well, that's true.”

“Where is this couple of yours anyway? They're late. I bet they're not even gonna show—WHAT THE HELL IS THAT DOING?” Sungmin jumped in his seat, staring at the screen with wide eyes.

“I believe that's called necking.” Leeteuk answered with a mouthful of doughnut. “And it looks like your boyfriend's enjoying it.”

“YAH, CHO KYUHYUN!” Sungmin screamed into the microphone.

Kyuhyun jumped and checked for internal bleeding in his ears. “What?”

“If you don't get away from Heechul right now, I swear, there will be some bloodshed.” With how hard he was gritting his teeth, Sungmin was close to crushing his own teeth.

Kyuhyun gulped, “You can see us?”

“Yes, Kyuhyun,” Leeteuk sighed. “Sungmin insisted we put a camera in the centerpiece. Now I know why.”

“Darn, just when things were getting hot.” Heechul tousled Kyuhyun's hair before tauntingly waving into the camera. 

“Hold on, I think I see Kangin and Taeyeon coming.” Leeteuk informed them. “This is it. Remember to—oh my God, he's gotten fat.”

“Ah, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Cho.” Kangin smiled warmly as he shook the couple's hands. “Nice to finally meet you. This is my wife, Taeyeon.”

“Pleased to meet your acquaintance.” Heechul greeted in the girliest voice he could conjure. “Glad you two could make it.”

“Oh, we'd never pass up meeting potential clients and/or potential friends.” Taeyeon gave both a bright smile. “So, before we start talking business, why don't you tell us a little about yourselves?”

“Well, I'm Sulli and this is my doting husband, Kyuhyunnie.” Heechul giggled as he buried his nose in Kyuhyun's neck. “We've been married for two months, more or less. As you can see, we still haven't escaped that darn honeymoon stage. Not that we ever plan to, though.”

“You two make a very good couple.” Kangin remarked. “Tell us, how did you meet?”

Kyuhyun chuckled nervously, “Oh, it's a long story...”

“We were introduced by a mutual friend. His name's Jungsoo. Remember, honey?” Heechul spoke for the both of them.

“Oh, yeah, that's right.” Kyuhyun nodded stiffly.

“Geez, Ming, your boyfriend's a really bad actor.” Leeteuk remarked, only to receive a mere grunt from Sungmin in response. Kyuhyun's face visibly hardened at this.

“Something wrong, Kyuhyun-ssi?” Kangin asked.

“Hm? Oh, no. I was just thinking about Jungsoo.” Kyuhyun said. “We haven't talked to him in a while, you see.”

“I can relate. In more ways than one, actually.” Kangin chortled. “I myself used to have a friend named Jungsoo. Let's just say we lost contact.”

“Oh? What happened?” Heechul asked curiously.

“Well,” Kangin put his arm around his wife. “Ever since I snagged this winning prize from him, he's held a grudge ever since.”

“Holy mother of God. You dated this chick?” Sungmin asked, amused.

Leeteuk turned red, “In my defense, I proposed to her first so I had the right to set their house on fire.”

“For God's sake, Teuk, there are less messier and more effective ways of murder than arson.” Sungmin shook his head, disappointed.

“I was young and foolish; so sue me.” Leeteuk waved him off. 

Kyuhyun cleared his throat, mostly to bring Sungmin and Leeteuk's attention back on the task at hand. “Should we take a look at our menus now?”

“Oh my, everything looks so tempting.” Taeyeon said as she scanned through the menu. “What will you be having, Sulli-ssi?”

“Maybe just a salad for me.” Another giggle escaped Heechul's rosy lips. “I really don't want to bloat tonight. After all, my precious hubby and I have some plans tonight. We're trying, you know.”

Kyuhyun blinked obliviously, “Trying what?”

“To have a baby, silly.” Heechul playfully slapped his shoulder. “For weeks now, actually. We haven't had any luck so far.”

“Oh,” Kyuhyun could feel himself starting to sweat. “Um, I think that's too much information, honey.”

“Exactly where does he think he'll push that baby out?” Sungmin snarled.

“You do know that he'll never actually get pregnant, right?” Leeteuk facepalmed. “God, this is gonna be harder than I thought...”

“This has been going on for two hours now.” Sungmin sighed exasperatedly. “How long until someone dies?”

“I don't know. Neither Kangin nor Taeyeon has been showing any signs of foul play.” Leeteuk groaned as he stretched his arms.

“It's settled, then.” Kangin clapped his hands. “We'll meet again tomorrow to show you the house.”

“Great,” Heechul nodded. “Before we wrap up the evening, I'd like freshen up a little. Taeyeon-ssi, how about you?”

“I guess a little trip to the ladies' room wouldn't hurt.” Taeyeon stood up from her seat.

“We'll be right back,” Heechul told his 'husband' as he lovingly kissed his cheek. “Don't miss me too much, okay?”

“I'll try.” Kyuhyun's smile appeared rather forced.

As they made their way towards the bathroom, Heechul couldn't help but notice Taeyeon's expression becoming darker. To make sure Leeteuk and Sungmin wouldn't overlook it either, he adjusted his brooch, which had another hidden camera in it.

“So, Taeyeon-ssi,” Heechul put on his most dazzling smile. “This has been one of the most enjoyable evenings of my life. We should do this again; maybe just the two of us next time?”

“Mm-hmm,” Taeyeon barely made out a reply as she retouched her make-up. 

“Give me just one minute and we can go.” Heechul entered one of the cubicles to take his gun out of his ankle holster. Something was going to happen; he didn't know what, but he just knew something was awry.

He spied through the female assassin through a slit in the door, and as he expected, the woman took out her own gun as well. Heechul listened to her turn off the safety before setting it down on the counter. Heechul took this as an opportunity to take the upper hand.

“Well, well,” Heechul shoved his gun in the unsuspecting lady's back, causing her to yelp just slightly. By impulse, she grabbed her weapon, but Heechul was kind enough to let her know what's good for her. “If you don't want to get any blood on that pretty, little dress of yours, then I suggest you put your gun away.”

Taeyeon sighed quietly before putting her gun back in her thigh holster. “What's with the voice, Sulli-ssi?”

Heechul hadn't even realized that he had resorted back to his real voice. “It's Heechul, actually?”

“You're a man?”


“That explains why you and your husband haven't had any luck in getting pregnant.” She snorted slightly. “So what now?”

“Walk, honey.” Heechul ushered her out of the room and back into the restaurant, his gun hidden from sight.

The two returned to their table, only to find it empty.

“Is this really necessary?” Taeyeon asked, her wrists tied together as Heechul dragged her to the surveillance room.

“Yes,” Heechul replied simply. “Besides, there's some people waiting for us inside.”

“Well, hello, Mrs. Cho.” Sungmin greeted coldly as he opened the door for them.

“Don't get your in a bunch.” Heechul told him as he took his wig off. “Consider yourself lucky. He didn't even get the chance to see the ual prowess in me.”

Sungmin practically gagged, “Are you freaking kidding me? You lost him.”

“He's a grown man and he's armed. He'll be fine.” Heechul dismissed. “Anyway, Taeyeon-ssi, I believe you know my friend here?” 

“Long time no see, Jungsoo.” Taeyeon smirked a bit.

“You've put on weight.” Leeteuk replied with much spite. “And you've gotten wrinkles too.”

“I do not have wrinkles!” she said defensively.

“Would you two please stop acting like a couple of schoolchildren?” Sungmin interjected. “Anyway, we contacted your husband to let you know that we have you in captive. And that we want our agent back.”

“Good luck with that,” she snorted. “He's most likely dead by now.”

“If that's the case, then we'd have no problem killing you in return.” Leeteuk responded haughtily.

“My husband's coming for me, you know.” Taeyeon said. “Any minute now, he'll burst into that door and shoot you all dead.”

“That's quite a vivid imagination you have, girlie.” Heechul laughed sarcastically.

“I know what kind of man your husband is, Taeyeon.” Leeteuk told her. “He'd rather leave alone than risk getting caught.”

“That's a lie.”

“We'll just have to wait and see, shall we?”

A half hour had passed before there was a distinct knock on the door. Sungmin stood up to answer it, while everyone else, sans Taeyeon who was tied to a chair, readied their weapons.

“Hi honey, I'm back.” Kyuhyun crooned as he strolled into the room. “Anything good happened while I was gone?”

“I'm glad you're okay,” Sungmin kissed his cheek, and then slapped the back of his head. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Where's Youngwoon?!” Taeyeon asked despairingly.

“After he heard you've been caught, he knocked me out and fled.” Kyuhyun shrugged. “I'm sorry you married a coward, by the way.”

“Oh...” Taeyeon's gaze fell and soon, there were droplets of tears falling on her lap. “Can you let me go now?”

Leeteuk exchanged distressed looks with his team before moving to free the sobbing woman. “Fine.”

“Leeteuk, you're actually going to let her go scot-free?” Sungmin asked.

“If you think about it, she didn't really do anything wrong.” Leeteuk helped her stand up after removing the last of the ropes around her calves. “Besides, without Kangin, she really can't do any harm.”

As they started packing up to leave, Taeyeon took out a knife from one of her boots and was this close to stabbing Leeteuk while his back was turneduntil she got shot in the hip.

Leeteuk jumped and clung to Sungmin, alarmed. Everyone's gazes immediately fell on Heechul, whose gun was still smoking.

“She's gonna have a hard time getting the bloodstain out of her dress tonight.” Heechul quipped as she walked over to check for a pulse. “She's still alive. What do we do now?”

“Leave her be,” Leeteuk said. “I'm sure Kangin would like to know that his wife is now bleeding to death. As for the rest of you, you can all go home now.”

Kyuhyun sighed and kissed the top of Sungmin's head, “Finally.”

Sungmin sighed as he collapsed on the bed, every bit of his energy drained from his and Kyuhyun's heated work-out

“That was amazing,” Kyuhyun remarked as he the blonde strands on Sungmin's head. “Where do you get the energy so early in the morning?”

“Being on top is so exhausting though.” Sungmin complained. “Can't I be on the bottom, for once?”

“And have me top? Eh, too much work.” Kyuhyun refused. “As much as I enjoyed myself, something felt...weird.”

“I know what it is,” Sungmin sat up and leaned against the headboard. “Heechul didn't show up.”

“Is it possible that we actually miss his endless interruptions?” he asked. “Or not-so-endless anymore, anyway.”

“Maybe he's with Leeteuk,” the blonde grabbed his phone from the nightstand and dialed his employer's number. “Hello?”

“Hey, Ming,” he answered. “Hey, guess what? Kangin did come back for Taeyeon last night. Only she had to be taken to the hospital, where police started snooping and they got arrested for their infamous track record. Isn't it glorious?”

“Like music to my ears,” he said dismissively. “Anyway, by any chance, is Heechul with you?”

“No, why?” he asked.

“No reason,” he replied. “It's just...usually he would've barged in on us already.”

“You mean you two just...? Ewww!” Leeteuk grimaced. “Thank you for putting that mental image in my head, Sungmin.”

“You're very welcome, Teuk.” He smiled cheekily. 

“If it's any consolation to you, Heechul and I went out for a drink last night and I asked him to leave you guys alone.” He revealed. “But you ought to know, the only reason he did what he did was because he was lonely. So cut him some slack, would you?”

Kyuhyun, who had been listening in, sighed at the revelation.

“Yeah, sure.” Sungmin said before hanging up. He turned to Kyuhyun and said, “I feel strange.”

“It's called guilt, bunny.”

“Make it stop.”

“Well, there's only one way to do that. And you're not gonna like it.”

“If the coffee is no good in here, we're leaving.”

“Sungmin's really picky about his coffee.”

“Unlike a certain someone. Kyuhyun has kid taste buds. He can't stand the taste of coffee.”

“It's just so bitter, you know?”

Heechul looked up from his magazine to stare at the two incredulously. “What are you two doing here? I figured you would've been busy in the bedroom right about now.”

“Sungmin was feeling a little peckish and we thought it'd be nice to eat out for once.” Kyuhyun explained.

“And you just happened to choose this place, which is all the way across town from your apartment?” Heechul asked suspiciously. “I see what's going on here.”


“You guys miss me.”

“You are obviously not in your right mind.” Sungmin refuted. “Why would any sane human being miss the likes of you?”

“Maybe neither of you are sane then.” 

“That's a big maybe.” Kyuhyun said.

“It's true, though.” Heechul smirked as he called for a waitress to serve them.

Sungmin scoffed, “Don't flatter yourself.”

Oh, and yes, my dearies, Sungmin tops in this fic. And evidently, he's one jealous bunny. Oh, and fun fact: this chapter was originally titled 'endless interruptions'.


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elf88 #1
porini #2
Chapter 18: Wah I really liked it. It is pretty original like a whiff of fresh air. :)) Can't wait for the update. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 18: Oho can't wait for next updateeeee
Chapter 18: Yessssssssss, this story xD
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 19: Love insecure hyuk.what s kyu doing right now? He wont coming back ever?
257471 #6
Chapter 19: Who is hae?? he know too much...
looking forward :)
Chapter 19: This just gets better and better <3 this is unpopular opinion but I'm glad Kyu haven't given in fast lol also I think you posted the same chapter twice >.<
257471 #8
Chapter 17: Aaawww hyuk, so nice...curious about hae...
thanks for the update, looking forward
257471 #9
Chapter 16: Hyuk is back...looking forward for the next chapter...goodluck :)
Chapter 16: Excited that you updated this! And my baby Hyuk finally came back again!
Hopefully Sungmin isn't really as fat as Heechul and Eunhyuk make him out to be! Lol, how will he get Kyu back?!
And Donghae's personality in this is very curious to me. haha I like him so far xP
Thanks for updating (: