the best way to get rid of exes

Live to Kill


Like every other morning, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk entered the conference room, grumbling about having to wake up so early and arguing about what to eat for lunch later that afternoon. But the only difference between this morning and every other grueling morning they spent there was that when they stepped into the room, they saw Sungmin furiously slamming his ringing phone on the table repeatedly.

Kyuhyun made their presence known by clearing his throat. Sungmin’s head turned to the familiar sound, though his cross expression showed no difference at all.

Neither of them asked, but Sungmin answered anyway. “It’s been going off all morning.”

“You know, there is such a thing called ‘answering it’.” Kyuhyun quipped as he leaned against the table and picked up the phone, which had just accurately stopped ringing the moment he touched it.

“And you think I don’t know that?” he retorted. “It’s my ex, okay? I have no intention of talking to her but, God help me, she just won’t stop calling.”

“Ex, huh?” Kyuhyun looked through Sungmin’s phone contacts with a raised eyebrow. “What does she look like? You got a picture?”

No,” he shook his head as he snatched his phone away from Kyuhyun’s hands. “And by the way, this is none of your business, so keep your nose out of it.”

“Only my nose?” he chuckled slightly before taking a seat.

“Sungmin, take my advice and change numbers.” Eunhyuk suggested.

Sungmin stared at him with much amusement. “Thanks, Eunhyuk, but I’m not that stupid as to take advice from a dip.”

“Yah, I thought I got rid of that label already.” He was quick to protest.

“You’re kidding, right? You can never get rid of that label.” With much force, the blonde patted his back, making the skinny man flinch. “You’re stuck with it forever.”

Unsurprisingly enough, Sungmin’s phone started ringing once again. And if matters couldn’t get any worse, Leeteuk entered the room with an expression as aggravated as Sungmin’s.

“Somebody turn off that goddamn phone.” He ordered as he stood in the front. “Now.”

“I’m trying—” Before Sungmin could figure out how to shut up his infernal gadget, Kyuhyun had grabbed it from his hands, pushed a few keys and somewhat miraculously made the ringing stop.

“What did you do?” Eunhyuk asked.

He shrugged. “I did what any other person with a brain would do.”

“What?” Sungmin asked.

“Turn it off.” He answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world—and it probably was.

Sungmin, somewhat disgruntled by the fact that Kyuhyun managed to solve his problem before he himself could, started slamming his head on the table repeatedly.

“Don’t either of you realize how unreasonable Leeteuk is being?” Kyuhyun asked.

“What’s your problem now?” Sungmin asked with much annoyance.

“The man’s asking us to kill a woman whose face he doesn’t even know.” He reminded him. “He’s practically telling us to forget someone we never even met.”

“Hey, at least we have a name.” Eunhyuk said.

“Oh yes, we’ll have a blast killing every single ‘Min Hana’ in the city.” He said drolly. “There’s gotta be dozens of women with that name here in Seoul alone. What if it turns out that the woman we’re looking for isn’t even in the city? What if she’s in Busan? Or Daegu? Or—”

“Oh my ing God.” Sungmin inadvertently interrupted Kyuhyun’s rant when he jumped and immediately hid behind his two co-workers.

“What’s going on?” Eunhyuk asked, confused, yet at the same time, amused to see the usually menacing Sungmin in such a state like this.

“My ex.” He whispered. “She’s right there.”

Kyuhyun’s first instinct was to scan the place, in hopes of spotting the woman who was lucky unlucky enough to have been romantically associated with the likes of Lee Sungmin. “Who? That teenager who looks like she’s been smoking pot all her life?”

“She is not a teenager.” Sungmin refuted as he gave Kyuhyun’s sides a hard pinch, making him yelp. “She just looks like one.”

“And let me guess—that’s the whole reason why you even liked her, isn’t it?” Eunhyuk smirked smugly.

“Shut up,” he dismissed the matter as his cheeks burned up. “Crap, I think she noticed me.”

“How could she not? That stupid bob of blonde hair of yours will stand out even if you’re in the middle of a thousand Chinese people.” Kyuhyun said drolly. “Just be a man and face her, for crying out loud.”

You try facing a woman whom you dumped on her birthday and left to pay the bill afterwards.” He hissed. “I don’t even understand why she wants me back.”

He stared at him incredulously. “Wow…so you were a bastard even back then.”

“Sungmin ah!” The woman’s shrill voice called.

Sungmin could do nothing else but curse incessantly. “, , —a thousand times !

“Oh, for…” Both Sungmin and Eunhyuk’s eyes practically bulged out of their sockets when Kyuhyun took the blonde’s face in his hands and instantly (without any warning) crashed his lips with his. And just in time too, as Sungmin’s ex-girlfriend happened to see them at just the right moment. The look on her face wasn’t any more surprised than Sungmin’s was.

Kyuhyun pulled away with a satisfied smirk and turned to look at the woman before them. Sungmin turned to look as well, although his wide eyes still haven’t returned back to their original size. He was obviously still in a state of shock over what had just happened, making it almost impossible for him to get any words out.

“Oh, Sungmin…I see you were…um…busy.” She stammered awkwardly. “I didn’t realize you…went in that direction now.”

“What, you mean gay?” Kyuhyun put his arm around Sungmin and pulled him closer. “Yeah, neither did he.” It was then when Kyuhyun’s hand started wandering, eventually making its way to Sungmin’s . The blonde would’ve knocked the living daylights out of the man if he weren’t still in a daze.

Even though he hadn’t exactly made his peace yet with the numerous kisses he and Kyuhyun have been sharing lately, he wasn’t totally against them. But now that Kyuhyun had already resorted to kissing him in public, he knew it just wasn’t right. When it was just the two of them, it was fine as long as they never brought it up again. But when it was in a café, filled with people staring at them like they were crazy—that was another story.

“Oh,” the girl had been so astounded by this apparent revelation that she failed to notice the awkward expression on Sungmin’s face. “I guess I’ll see you around sometime. I’ve actually been trying to call you a few times but you didn’t answer—”

“Oh, I’m afraid that’s my fault.” Kyuhyun showed no signs of giving up his act as he tousled the blonde’s hair. “I guess I’ve been hogging him too much to myself lately—if you catch my drift.”

The suggestive wink Kyuhyun sent the dumbstruck woman was enough to send Eunhyuk puking for the next ten years. Sungmin didn’t look too far behind either.

“I see you’ve been preoccupied then.” She said, looking disappointed. “I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed your guys’…bedroom activity with my calls. It was nice seeing you, Ming. I guess this is goodbye again.”

Sungmin could not even bring himself to let out a sigh of relief, as he was too busy holding his breath and wishing the Lord would just claim him right there and then.

As the woman left, Kyuhyun let go of Sungmin and returned to his usual self. “You’re welcome,” he told him smugly before leaving to place an order.

Eunhyuk turned to Sungmin with his mouth still ajar. “What the hell just happened?”

“I don’t know,” he shuddered, still feeling Kyuhyun’s hand groping his even though the man was already ten feet away. “But say a word about this to Leeteuk and you’re dead meat.”

Eunhyuk gulped.

“Did we really just go to this internet café just so we could watch you play Starcraft?” Eunhyuk asked with an exasperated sigh.

“Shows what you know. I finished playing Starcraft an hour ago—and I won too.” Kyuhyun bragged proudly. “If you must know, I’ve been trying to find out more information about this ‘Min Hana’ we have to kill. All Leeteuk told us was that she’s a daughter of a mobster and that she did some not very pleasing things to Leeteuk a few years back.”

“If she’s a daughter of a mafia then shouldn’t that narrow it down? I mean, how many mobster daughters are named ‘Min Hana’ anyway?” he asked before stuffing his mouth with another cookie.

“You’d think so.” Kyuhyun rested his chin on his palm and deadpanned. “But somehow these mafias all manage to stay quite hidden. All the ‘Min Hana’s I’ve found so far don’t seem like they’d be part of a mafia.”

“Looks can be deceiving.” Eunhyuk pointed out. “Just take Sungmin for example—uh oh.”

Kyuhyun followed Eunhyuk’s gaze, only to see a very much annoyed Sungmin standing behind him with his ex-girlfriend clinging to his arm.

“Hi everyone,” she greeted cheerily, as if she was a close friend of theirs. “Isn’t this such an uncanny coincidence? Bumping into each other twice in the same day, golly!”

Maybe it was the look of desperation on Sungmin’s face that triggered something in Kyuhyun, or maybe it was envy writhing within him at the sight of some lady all over Sungmin, or perhaps it was the fact that Sungmin looked adorable nervously chewing on his lip—but Kyuhyun’s first instinct was to grab his face and pull him in for a deep kiss.

Sungmin’s grunt was stifled when he almost lost his balance as Kyuhyun brought him closer. At which point, the gaps between their chests had disappeared, but Kyuhyun didn’t seem to mind at all. Sungmin even felt him smile in the middle of their battle of tongues.

The woman looked on uncomfortably before she shifted her gaze towards Eunhyuk, who was covering his eyes with both hands as if he was watching a horror movie.

“How do you put up with this?” she asked him.

Without taking his hands off his face, Eunhyuk replied, “I don’t know.”

“You know, Sungmin, you should be thankful to me. We managed to drive her away, didn’t we?” Kyuhyun asked cheekily.

“Shut up. I’m not talking to you.” The blonde snapped without taking his eyes off the road.

“Would you look at that, Eunhyuk?” Kyuhyun diverted his attention towards the skinny man (who was still cringing a bit just seeing the two sit together in the front) in the back seat of the car.  “Blondie can’t even appreciate what I’ve done for him. Do you think that’s right of him?”

“Leave me out of this.” He said almost pleadingly.

“Kyuhyun, I have nothing to be thankful to you for. You publicly humiliated me twice today and you don’t even show the slightest remorse for it.” Sungmin snapped, his grip on the wheel tightening. “There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re the biggest jackass in the history of jackasses.”

“I don’t get why you’re so snippy. It’s not like it’s something we haven’t done before…”

What?” Eunhyuk asked, dumbstruck.

Sungmin gritted his teeth. “Shut up, Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk didn’t need to kno—hey.” He stopped mid-sentence when his gaze fell on the side-view mirror.

“What’s the matter?” Kyuhyun asked, alarmed by the sudden change in Sungmin’s expression. When they got into the car, he was nothing but just plain annoyed. But now he looked as if his killer instinct had just kicked in.

“We’re being followed.” He said, turning off the car’s headlights. “There’s a gas station nearby. Eunhyuk, go to the bathroom.”

“Why?’ he asked.

“So we have an excuse to pull over. If that car stops when we do, then that bastard’s tailing us.” He said, pulling up to as said gas station. “Go. Now.”

“What about you two?” Eunhyuk asked as he opened the car door.

“Don’t worry about me and—” he shuddered before continuing. “Kyuhyun. Just go.”

When the door slammed shut, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smirk at the fact that he and Sungmin were alone once again.

“Well, Sungmin, I guess it’s just you and me agai—” Before he could even blink, Sungmin had gotten out of the car himself and slammed the door as well.

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes before he got out and followed the blonde into a convenience store.

“Why is this place so deserted?” Sungmin asked as he roamed around the store—which would have been empty if not for the cashier behind the counter, who could barely even keep his eyes open.

“It’s one in the morning and we’re in the middle of nowhere. Exactly who do you expect to see here?” Kyuhyun remarked sarcastically, earning a death glare from his companion.

Sungmin looked out the glass window to check on their car, only to see another car parked behind it. He was right after all. They were being followed. “That car…” upon looking closer, he realized that he had seen that car before. “Damn it, she’s here.”


“You know who. My ex.”

“What?” he asked, turning around to scan the place. “I don’t see her anywhere.”

“She’s not here in the store, you idiot.” He hissed. “She’s around here somewhere, probably waiting for us to come out.”

“You’re crazy. Do you really think you’re that irresistible that your ex would go to all the trouble to follow you out here?” he snorted.

“Don’t you get it, you imbecile? She’s the one Leeteuk wants us to kill.” He explained.

Kyuhyun knew he should believe him. But part of him really didn’t want to. “I still highly doubt it, Ming. You know what I think? I think you just want me to kiss you again.”

“It’s not just because of that, I—”  Realizing what had slipped out of his mouth, Sungmin’s eyes widened while Kyuhyun smirked. “I mean, it’s not because of that. Of course not! I just—” Fed up, Sungmin huffily grabbed his collar and forced him to look him in the eye. “Look, I don’t care if you believe me or not. But when I say she’s here, she’s here, okay?”

Seeing as they were mere inches away from each other, Kyuhyun wasn’t even thinking anymore when he pressed his lips against Sungmin’s plump, pink ones. As opposed to before, Sungmin showed no signs of restraint this time. He didn’t even seem to mind anymore as he soon found himself tugging on the taller man’s belt.

“Oh good God, you really are gay.” A feminine voice interrupted them. An all too familiar voice.

The two pulled away from each other, just in time to see Sungmin’s wily ex-girlfriend pointing a gun at them. “Oh Sungmin,” she clucked her tongue in a somewhat sarcastic manner. “Apparently you’ve been doing all sorts of experimenting after we split up.”

“Come to think of it, Sungmin, you never did tell us her name.” Kyuhyun said, trying to stall some time so he could get his gun out of his ankle holster.

Sungmin could kick himself for not suspecting the woman in the first place. “Bang Minah,” he revealed. “Though I have reason to think she goes by Min Hana now.”

“Oh, that. That’s just a little anagram I formed out of my name.” She explained casually as she took subtle steps closer towards the two men frozen in their spots. “Daddy told me I needed to make one.”

“You knew we were after you?” Kyuhyun asked, slowly lifting his leg up and leaning it against the wall behind him.

“How could I not?” she scoffed. “By the way, where’s the skinny one? It’s a shame he wasn’t here to see you two practically ing.”

“Oh, he’s a little preoccupied—” Kyuhyun came close to finally getting his gun out, that was until, Minah/Hana fired a warning shot.

“I know what you’re doing over there, Mr. Cho.” She said smugly. “If you value your life then I suggest you don’t make another move.”

“Must you be so slow?” Sungmin snarled at him.

“You’re one to talk! Where’s your gun?!” he retorted.

“It’s in the car!” He replied in the same angry tone.

“I sense trouble in gay paradise.” She said mockingly. “Well, I needn’t waste any more time on you two—”

Both Kyuhyun and Sungmin flinched when a shot was fired at the woman, one which inevitably killed Minah/Hana instantly. As the woman lay lifelessly in a pool of blood that gradually started growing bigger and bigger, Eunhyuk came out behind a tower of cans with a triumphant grin.

“I’m not such a dip now, aren’t I?” he said as he put his gun back in his belt holster.

“I must say, you caught on pretty quickly.” Impressed, Kyuhyun praised his teammate as he stepped over the body, making sure not to get any blood on his shoes. “What, did you just stride in here with a gun in your hand, without even catching the cashier’s attention?”

“Well, to tell the truth, I got my first hint when I saw the cashier with a knife sticking out of his chest.” He shrugged, taking in his fifteen minutes of glory. “I figured either you two killed him or the owner of that car who’s been following us did. But then I heard a gunshot then I saw her with a gun and—”

“And everybody knows what happens next.” Sungmin finished with a wave of the hand. “Well, our job’s done. Let’s go back home; I’m hungry.”

Kyuhyun patted Eunhyuk’s back as they followed Sungmin out of the store and back into the car. But not before Kyuhyun swiftly picked up a bag of chips from one of the shelves. Sungmin did say he was hungry, after all.

Sungmin had already made himself comfortable in his bed when someone knocked on the door of his room. As he muttered a few swear words under his breath, he eventually brought himself to climb out of bed to answer the door. His mood didn’t get any better when he opened the door and saw Kyuhyun grinning like a total idiot.

“This is why I insisted we sleep in the car instead of checking in at this sleazy motel.” He growled before Kyuhyun could say anything. “There’s less interruptions that way.”

“Nice to see you too, Sungmin.” He flashed him a sarcastic smile. “I brought you something.”

He presented a bag of chips to the stone-faced man—the same bag of chips which he technically stole from the convenience store earlier. Sungmin showed no reaction at all as he sat on the edge of his mattress.

“What do you want?” he asked suspiciously.

“Nothing,” he insisted, sounding offended. “I remember you said you were hungry a while ago and well…here you go.”

He tossed the bag at the blonde, who managed to catch it mid-air. As he felt the bag though, he realized it had more air than actual chips in it. “Well, Kyuhyun, I can’t thank you enough for giving me this bag of air.”

“Didn’t your mother ever teach you how to thank someone properly?” he grumbled. “And to think that I was just about to tell you how nice it was to be your…‘lover’ for the day.”


“…Yeah. I mean you have nice lips and you’re really good with the tongue and all…”

“You know,” Sungmin, starting to feel uncomfortable, stood up and tried to change the subject. “Today was the first time I actually saw Eunhyuk kill someone…”

“Don’t change the subject, Ming.” He put his hands on his hips like an angry mother.

“It’s Sungmin.” He corrected. “And why are you here, anyway? Go back to your room and go to sleep.”

“I will, once I hear a ‘thank you’ from you.” He stated. “Well?”

“Alright, fine, if it’ll get you out of here.” He groaned. “Thank y—”

Kyuhyun quite rudely interrupted the man with a kiss on the lips, this one with more force and passion than all the other ones they shared. Sungmin’s legs hit the bed and he fell backwards, ending up with Kyuhyun lying on top of the blonde, whose hands had started roaming around the taller man’s back.

It was at that very moment—with Kyuhyun in between his legs, his tongue quite inappropriately exploring his mouth and his hands groping him all over—that Sungmin finally decided to give in to temptation.

But then suddenly the door flew open and in came Eunhyuk, whose eyes widened a little upon seeing on them. But soon his expression just turned into one of utter horror.

“You two are still putting up this act?” he asked, almost sardonically. “What, is Sungmin still trying to scare his ex away?”

“Shut up,” Sungmin pushed Kyuhyun away—whose disappointment was evident in his face. He chucked a pillow at Eunhyuk, who was chuckling at this point.

Embarrassed and flustered, he wrapped himself up back in his blanket and basically threw Kyuhyun out. “Goodnight, Kyuhyun.”


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elf88 #1
porini #2
Chapter 18: Wah I really liked it. It is pretty original like a whiff of fresh air. :)) Can't wait for the update. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 18: Oho can't wait for next updateeeee
Chapter 18: Yessssssssss, this story xD
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 19: Love insecure hyuk.what s kyu doing right now? He wont coming back ever?
257471 #6
Chapter 19: Who is hae?? he know too much...
looking forward :)
Chapter 19: This just gets better and better <3 this is unpopular opinion but I'm glad Kyu haven't given in fast lol also I think you posted the same chapter twice >.<
257471 #8
Chapter 17: Aaawww hyuk, so nice...curious about hae...
thanks for the update, looking forward
257471 #9
Chapter 16: Hyuk is back...looking forward for the next chapter...goodluck :)
Chapter 16: Excited that you updated this! And my baby Hyuk finally came back again!
Hopefully Sungmin isn't really as fat as Heechul and Eunhyuk make him out to be! Lol, how will he get Kyu back?!
And Donghae's personality in this is very curious to me. haha I like him so far xP
Thanks for updating (: