Hoya and Kris

The Devil's Son

Yuni's  POV

"Hello my damsel! I hear someone say from outside the window. I look up from my book and see a smiling Hoya lightly knocking on my window. I chuckle lightly and tell him to come in.

He smiled and opens up the wins and flies towards me "How did you sleep?" He asks sitting down next to me. His hair is a little messier than it usually is, his eyes are red and the bags under his eyes are out of this world.

"Oppa, are you okay?" I ask ignoring his question. He looks like he didn't sleep at all. Even his skin is kind of dull.

Hoya smiled at me and patted my head "Don't worry about me child. I just couldn't sleep very well."

I sense that something is wrong with him but I really don't wan to to push it. I can usually make people talk about their problems and make them feel better, but something in me just tells me to leave him alone.

"Okay, so what are you doing here?" I ask, putting my book on my nigh table. He only comes to visit me when there are news about me and the contract.

"Can't I just come and visit you? How harsh!" he says, jokingly.

I roll my eyes at him but ignore his comment "What do you want to do?" I ask.

For a couple of days, I've been planning on taking him out to my favorite place here. Getting a feeling that he likes quit and natural places, I've been wanting to show him a little space I found on the woods last week. It's a little pass the entrance to hell. There is a wide space with a middle sized rock in the middle. The sun shines perfectly on you allowing you so see the beauty and tranquility of the woods.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" He asks, looking around my room.

"I want to take you somewhere. Somewhere special." I said with a smile on my face.

He looks at me for a while but just smiles "I'll fly us there!" He said, getting up from my bed and walking towards the window.

I chuckled lightly and walk towards him. He motions me to hop on his back and I quickly do.

"If you let me fall, I'll kill you" I said jokingly

"How can you kill me if you'll already be dead?" He asked laughing.

Before I could say anything, he flew out the window full speed making me scream as loud as my lungs allowed me to.


"This place is amazing" said Hoya looking around the place. He walked all around the area and touched some of the trees, feeling the roughness of the trunk but the softness of the leafs. "How come I haven't seen this place before? I always look for places like this?"

"You didn't look hard enough" I said smiling at him.

Hoya smiles back as he walks towards me. He stands tall in front of me, blocking the sun from hitting my face.

I smile up at him and the next thing I know, is that his lips are tightly pressed against mine. I stay still, not moving a single muscle. Is this really happening? Hoya is kissing me?

Want me to be honest? I'm not really attracted to him. This kiss doesn't feel magical or good, it just feels plain. As I'm about to pull away, I hear someone clapping behind us.

We break the kiss and see no other the devil himself.

"So why are you with this gentleman Yuni?" asks Rain, walking towards us. He studies our expressions closely waiting for us to say something but we just stay quiet.

"Did you eat each other's tongue? Speak" He says, a little bit louder.

"I'm Hoya" He said,  putting his hand in front of him, waiting for Rain to shake it.

Doesn't he know who he is? That's the devil damn it!

"I know." He said as his eyes darkened "You're the son of my Ex Wife. Helena, right?"

"Who?" said a familiar voice. I look behind Rain and saw a confused looking Kris walking towards us.

"Father. What did you say?" asked Kris, staring at his father with dark eyes.

What the hell is going on!? Hoya is the son of Rain's ex wife? Does that mean that Kris and Hoya are brothers? I've heard some gossips but I didn't know if it was true!

"Kris.." Said Rain, trying to speak.

"Is he my mother's child? Father, is he my brother?" asked Kris with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Looking defeated Rain answered "He is. He is the son of Helena, your biological mother"

After Rain confirmed that they were brothers.

The two young boys looked confused but somehow relieved. 


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1say16 #1
Chapter 21: At least ahe find out before she passed out
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 20: I just caught up! Wow...things are really moving forward!
1say16 #3
Chapter 20: Sneaky kris ols double update juseyo
1say16 #4
Chapter 19: And now kris is being nice
seoulmates20 #5
Chapter 19: I really loved your story author-nim... will be waiting for ur updates ^^
1say16 #6
Chapter 17: Is hoya kris's step brother ???
1say16 #7
Chapter 15: It's good thing yuni saw rather than later .
Loanalana #8
Chapter 14: Please update very fast
1say16 #9
Chapter 14: Its good that you updated it's been a while i almost forgot about this.
Cant wait for more
Thekatsmeow #10
Chapter 13: Wow...I had to re-read your story...glad you updated! Liked the tension in the air!