Chapter 16

The Devil's Son


Never in my life I had imagined I would be smiling because of Kris. His words just made me feel so much better, not only about me and this entire situation but about the way I saw him. I saw him as the biggest jerk in the entire universe but now that mind set is changing.

Getting tired of just sitting down on the grass, I got up and walked inside. The music was as loud as it could be, making me get a little headache. I tried looking around for Eunji but I saw no clue of her. She was either with her boys or dancing around with random people.

As I walked around looking for Eunji, I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me towards them. I looked up and as soon as I realized who that person was, I just wanted to vomit.

"Hello beautiful" He said, smiling at me with that fake smile of his

I looked directly at his eyes and gave him the best smile I had and with no hesitation I said "Go yourself"

Ray's eyes widened and his mouth feel wide open. I, on the other hand, walked away as seductively as I could to make sure he realized what he lost.

When I finally found Eunji, who was dancing with someone, I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the crowd

"Hey, I don't feel that good. Can we just go?" I asked her with pleading eyes.

For a second, her face showed annoyance and disappointment but it quickly disappeared and turned into the complete opposite. She looked worried "Are you okay?" she asked placing the back of her hand on my forehead to see if I had fever, which I obviously don't.

"I just want to go. So many things has happened tonight but I don't want to talk about it right now" I told her, looking down at the floor.

All I keep thinking about is Ray and how dirty he played me. I thought he was so pure and innocent but he was nothing but the opposite. When I started dating  Eunji said something, which I completely forgot about until today, and it was " The boys that look the most innocent, are the dirtiest" and boy was she right.

"You can go but I have to stay for a little longer, Rain wants to speak to me" She said as she hugged me tightly trying to comfort me "I'll try to go over your house tomorrow, then we can talk about what happened"

I smiled and nodded lightly "Okay. Have fun"

As I was leaving the mansion, I noticed Kris sitting down at a table with some friends and Angelina. I looked at him for a while and smiled. Who knew that under such a jerk could be a sweet guy? I should have seen it coming thought, this is hell, anything can happen here.

Apparently Kris noticed that I was looking at him so he looked my way. With a smile on his lips, he raised his glass filled with something that looked like champagne and winked. I chuckled lightly and waved goodbye.


Rain's POV

"Tell Eunji to come to my office now" I said as I grabbed the glass filled with whiskey form my assistant. She nodded her head lightly and walked out my office. 

As I waited for Eunji to arrive at my office, I walked towards the balcony in my office. This is my favorite place in this immense mansion, so many tears were shared, so many stories were told, so many things happened here.

This was the place where I proposed to the woman I ever loved, Kris' mother. Here we promised each other eternal love, loyalty and respect.  I loved that woman with all my heart, that was until she decided to leave me and Kris for another man in the holy land. Kris was just a baby when she left. I never intended to tell him anything about his mother and her betrayal but gossips go around fast.

He found out when he was only thirteen years old. He came running in my office and demanded to know the truth about his mother. Seeing the look of exasperation on his face made me spill everything that happened.

After that day he was never the same. He never obeyed me because he believed that a liar like me shouldn't receive respect, when he turned 18, he started going to parties and drinking but the most immense change he has made is being disrespectful to other people.

Three years ago he told me "I'm an because I don't want to get attached to people. I don't want it to hurt when they leave me just like my mother did"

There is one thing  that Kris doesn't know about his mother and that he will never find out. I wish I could tell him but I'm afraid to hurt him again.

I can't tell him that his mother has another child.


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1say16 #1
Chapter 21: At least ahe find out before she passed out
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 20: I just caught up! Wow...things are really moving forward!
1say16 #3
Chapter 20: Sneaky kris ols double update juseyo
1say16 #4
Chapter 19: And now kris is being nice
seoulmates20 #5
Chapter 19: I really loved your story author-nim... will be waiting for ur updates ^^
1say16 #6
Chapter 17: Is hoya kris's step brother ???
1say16 #7
Chapter 15: It's good thing yuni saw rather than later .
Loanalana #8
Chapter 14: Please update very fast
1say16 #9
Chapter 14: Its good that you updated it's been a while i almost forgot about this.
Cant wait for more
Thekatsmeow #10
Chapter 13: Wow...I had to re-read your story...glad you updated! Liked the tension in the air!