A Frigid Heart | 9 |

A Frigid Heart

A Frigid Heart

Chapter 9

The next morning, Key got up bright and early. His mission was to make a special breakfast for Jonghyun, since he was making such good progress; he wanted to reward the older. He quickly and quietly got together all of the ingredients and began to make breakfast. The boys still had a few hours before they had to leave for school so they would be able to enjoy it. Key was smiling to himself as he cooked, “I hope he’ll like this.” He muttered to himself. He was so into what he was doing that he didn’t hear the older boy walking into the kitchen. He looked at the younger and smiled before asked, “Why are you up so early?” Key nearly jumped out of his skin and in the process cut himself with the knife he was using. “J-Jonghyun! Ouch!” The older slowly made his way over to the younger and took his hand. Key could tell Jonghyun was trying very hard to stand so close to Key and not back away in a state of panic. “Jonghyun, its ok I can-“ The older silenced the younger by bringing the bleeding finger to his lips, his tongue peaking out of his mouth and then he took the younger boy’s finger into his mouth, giving it a light . Key gulped. In this moment, he thought, the older boy looked so attractive; he couldn’t help, but blush. Jonghyun pulled back and said, “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Key chuckled and said, “Its ok, thanks for your help although my surprise for you is kind of ruined.” Jonghyun was a bit confused, “surprise?” “Yes, I wanted to make you a surprise breakfast for making such good progress with your disorder that I wanted to make you something special.” Jonghyun smiled and said, “Key, you didn’t have to do that, besides I’m just happy to have someone like you by my side.” Key smiled and he embraced the older tightly. Jonghyun froze, he didn’t know how to react to this, but something inside him was telling him that Key was someone who more than just a friend. His heart was beating erratically around Key he wondered what it was, he figured that Key would know. “Key can I ask you something?” he said after a bit of silence. Key pulled back and said, “Sure, what is it?” “Well, whenever I’m around you, I get this feeling its weird.” Key was a little curious, but also a little worried, “what kind of feeling?” “Well, I can’t describe it, but I feel all weird, and my heart beats fast when I am around you.” Key blushed and replied, “No kidding, I feel the same way around you too, but I think I know what it is.” Jonghyun seemed relieved that Key was able to help him, “what is it?” Jonghyun wondered. Key blushed even more before uttering, “Its love.”

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 1: Typos *sounds like me*
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 1: Damn the story sounds like. That's how I feel .
Good starting point .
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh! Key!
Chapter 10: Aww they're so cute. My heart hurt for Bummie when Jjong said he wasn't ready, but it's understandable. ^^

Oh and just a little side note. I noticed you used the word "Loose" in the line "I don't want to lose you Key", but the correct spelling of the verb is'lose'. Which means to no longer have, or fail to keep, or to suffer from a loss.

Loose is an adjective. It means... Unbound, unattached; free from constraint; not tight.

Given the almost identical spelling of "lose" and "loose," it's not surprising that these are two commonly misused words. In fact, many people use the word loose when they mean lose, and vice versa, potentially creating confusion for the reader.

Oh my gosh! Sorry for this english lesson, I didn't means to rant ><'
You write very well, and possibly know this already. It was probably just a typo.
haradatwin11 #5
Chapter 9: Jonghyun is super adorable. I love this story. Keep up the good work.
GardenOfDestruction #6
Chapter 4: Ahhw so happy ti see the update! I wish you update more but I know myself hiw difficult it can be!! I liked this chap, jjong took a good move telling key yhe thruth but.. aish. He s so ed up.
sama-oppa #7
Chapter 4: I love it so muchhhhhhh~
Yeah jonghyun is very good, so good then Kibum have to eat him :p
Update soon i really like your fci ^^
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: ooooh please update soon, is so good :D