A Frigid Heart | 3 |

A Frigid Heart


A Frigid Heart


Chapter 3


After a long day of showing Key around the building, Jonghyun was locked up in his room. He was sitting in a darkened corner of the room. He could hear the other boy cooking in the kitchen. Jonghyun didn’t like having a roommate, he liked living by himself, he liked being by himself. As time went by, Jonghyun started to feel suffocated in his own room. He got up and slowly went into the kitchen where Key was platting dinner for himself and for the older. “Hey, are you hungry?” the younger spoke. Jonghyun nodded silently and took one of the plates, “t-thanks” he muttered. Key chuckle which made the older arch his brow, “you find something funny about me?” Key shook his head, “its nothing, its just that you’re not very social are you?” Jonghyun looked at the younger before shrugging, “I guess.” He went back to his room and sat down onto his bed and started to munch on his food. ‘Wow, the guy knows how to cook.’ He continued to eat the food. “Maybe I should repay him, but how?” He pondered as continued eating.


Key was watching TV while enjoying his meal that he made; he then looked to the hallway that Jonghyun went down only moments ago. Key got up and went to the older boy’s door and knocked, “Jonghyun-hyung” The older on the other side of the big white wooden door replied, “y-yeah?” Key some how felt shy his eyes quickly scanning the door and said, “Do you want to watch a movie while you eat” Jonghyun gulped and stuttered, “s-sure I’ll be out in a minuet.” Key went back to the living room and waited for the older. However, no matter how long he waited, the older never came. Jonghyun couldn’t do it; he couldn’t bring himself to sit with the younger boy, his new roommate, and watch a movie with him. This is the first time Jonghyun felt bad, all because of his disorder, his stupid personality disorder.

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 1: Typos *sounds like me*
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 1: Damn the story sounds like. That's how I feel .
Good starting point .
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh! Key!
Chapter 10: Aww they're so cute. My heart hurt for Bummie when Jjong said he wasn't ready, but it's understandable. ^^

Oh and just a little side note. I noticed you used the word "Loose" in the line "I don't want to lose you Key", but the correct spelling of the verb is'lose'. Which means to no longer have, or fail to keep, or to suffer from a loss.

Loose is an adjective. It means... Unbound, unattached; free from constraint; not tight.

Given the almost identical spelling of "lose" and "loose," it's not surprising that these are two commonly misused words. In fact, many people use the word loose when they mean lose, and vice versa, potentially creating confusion for the reader.

Oh my gosh! Sorry for this english lesson, I didn't means to rant ><'
You write very well, and possibly know this already. It was probably just a typo.
haradatwin11 #5
Chapter 9: Jonghyun is super adorable. I love this story. Keep up the good work.
GardenOfDestruction #6
Chapter 4: Ahhw so happy ti see the update! I wish you update more but I know myself hiw difficult it can be!! I liked this chap, jjong took a good move telling key yhe thruth but.. aish. He s so ed up.
sama-oppa #7
Chapter 4: I love it so muchhhhhhh~
Yeah jonghyun is very good, so good then Kibum have to eat him :p
Update soon i really like your fci ^^
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: ooooh please update soon, is so good :D