Chapter 16

A Frigid Heart

A Frigid Heart

Chapter 16

The next morning, the two boys were enjoying a quiet breakfast when Jonghyun’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and noticed that it was his doctor, eyes widening he answered the phone, “Hello?”

Ah, Jonghyun, there you are, what’s going on, I stopped getting reports from your therapist, is everything alright?” The doctor wondered a little worried. Jonghyun gulped and replied, “Everything is fine, I just don’t need to see a therapist anymore.” The doctor became curious as to why Jonghyun suddenly decided that he sould not see his therapist anymore.

"Really? Do you mind coming by my office today? I'd like to hear this face-to-face, if you don't mind." Jonghyun looked at Key, who had his attention on Jonghyun and his phone conversation,

"Sure, that's fine." The doctor then quickly said,

"Good, come by at three this afternoon, we'll discuss this." After hanging up, Jonghyun looked at Key, who seemed to be waiting for him to speak,

"That was my doctor, he wants me to come to the office...will you come with me?" He ended up asking. Key nodded,

"Of course."

The hours ticked by quickly and soon the boys found themselves in the waiting room of the doctor's office. Jonghyun sat in the waiting area nervously. He hadn't been at the doctors for a while and he was happy about that, but he wasn't expecting to be asked to come, especially to discuss why he hasn't been seeing his therapist. Key was sitting next to the older, he saw the nervousness, and he was sure the other patients saw it too. Jonghyun was not comfortable. Key place his hand onto Jonghyun's shoulder. The older's gaze went to Key who smiled comfortingly,

"Jonghyun, calm down, you're fine, we just came to talk." He said reassuringly. Jonghyun gulped and a shaky sigh went past his lips and he nodded. Key, however, knew that he was not helping Jonghyun relax.


After what seemed like an eternal wait, Jonghyun's name was finally called. The two boys followed the nurse into the doctor's office where the man in white sat paging through, what Jonghyun assumed was his file. The doctor smiled, "Hello Jonghyun thank you for coming, please have a seat." Key sat Jonghyun down and then made himself comfortable. Jonghyun's hand immediately laced around Key's in hopes of comfort, which the younger returned with a gentle squeeze. The doctor sat up from his desk and went to sit across from the two younger boys.

"So, Jonghyun, can you explain why you haven't been going to your therapist?" He questioned. Jonghyun looked at him and replied,

"I don't need to see him anymore, I've made progress on my own. I'm better." Mr. Park nodded and thought about Jonghyun's answer. Then he looked at Key, "How do you think he's doing?" Key thought for a moment. How was Jonghyun doing? Key spent most of his time and energy helping Jonghyun, it got to the point where he didn't know if he was helping him or not.

"I think he's doing well without the therapist, I try to help him as best as I can, and he really is making progress, we went out to the movies then a restaurant and he even rescued me. He's doing well." Mr. Park looked at Jonghyun who gulped nervously,

"Do you feel like you need the therapist Jonghyun?" The other boy thought and thought, he hadn't seen his therapist ever since Key came into his life, and since then, he has been changed, he remembers how to smile and the feeling of wanting to be with others. However, Key made him feel something else, something that he couldn't exactly put his finger on, he couldn't explain it.

"I don't need one anymore." Jonghyun replied with some confidence. Mr. Park looked through Jonghyun's file and he sighed,

"I don't know Jonghyun, Key won't be able to stay around you forever, and we aren't sure how you are by yourself, I would like you to continue seeing a therapist." The doctor explained. Key then spoke up,

"He's fine by himself, he's been to places by himself, he's been out with people by himself, there were never any problems." The doctor made eye contact with Key and replied, "because you were there with him."

Key smirked, "I never said that. I chose to help Jonghyun and let me tell you he's doing better than he was doing with his therapist, that I'm sure of." Mr. Park released a sigh, "alright, fine, I will remove you from therapy." He dismissed the two and the boys left the office as happy and relaxed as can be. However, Jonghyun knew that Mr. Park was right, Key wouldn't be around forever. He didn't like that, he wanted Key to be with him, he wanted the younger to stay with him. He felt emotionally attached to Key and it was all thanks to the younger boy that he even regained emotions to begin with.

"Key, I want to talk to you, can we go somewhere?" Jonghyun muttered once they were out in the parking lot. The younger nodded,

"Ok, do you want to go back to your house or the park maybe?" He wondered. Jonghyun thought for a moment before uttering, "the park." They got into Key's car and drove off to the park.

Once they arrived, they went off to a picnic area and sat at one of the benches. There weren't a lot of people around so Jonghyun felt a little more comfortable. After a few moments of silence, Jonghyun began,

"K-Key, now that I'm better, are you going to leave?" Key looked at the older. What a ridiculous question. He thought to himself, but at the same time he knew why the older was asking. Key made him a promise to stay until he got better.

"Why would I leave, Jonghyun? I'm not planning on it, not after the movie date and the fun we had after." Jonghyun blushed immensely when he remembered what happened in the restaurant. Key continued,

"Jonghyun, I love you too much to leave you." Jonghyun forgot all about his blushing face. He looked at Key, eyes widened, love? Perhaps, this is what Jonghyun was feeling as well. Jonghyun carefully took Key's hand into his own, gaining the younger's attention once more.

"I-I need you with me, Key. I can't let you leave. I-I love you, too." Key smiled and leaned against the older and replied,

"Then it's settled, I will stay with you and I will love you and I will continue to melt that heart of yours that was once so frigid and cold." Jonghyun leaned his head against Key's and smiled. He had finally found his cure, that one person who help him and most importantly love him.

The End

 This fanfic is done! I am so happy!

I want to thank you guys for your support on this story,

I still have a couple of more older stories to finish, but this is another one off the list.

Now off to the next one~!


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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 1: Typos *sounds like me*
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 1: Damn the story sounds like. That's how I feel .
Good starting point .
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh! Key!
Chapter 10: Aww they're so cute. My heart hurt for Bummie when Jjong said he wasn't ready, but it's understandable. ^^

Oh and just a little side note. I noticed you used the word "Loose" in the line "I don't want to lose you Key", but the correct spelling of the verb is'lose'. Which means to no longer have, or fail to keep, or to suffer from a loss.

Loose is an adjective. It means... Unbound, unattached; free from constraint; not tight.

Given the almost identical spelling of "lose" and "loose," it's not surprising that these are two commonly misused words. In fact, many people use the word loose when they mean lose, and vice versa, potentially creating confusion for the reader.

Oh my gosh! Sorry for this english lesson, I didn't means to rant ><'
You write very well, and possibly know this already. It was probably just a typo.
haradatwin11 #5
Chapter 9: Jonghyun is super adorable. I love this story. Keep up the good work.
GardenOfDestruction #6
Chapter 4: Ahhw so happy ti see the update! I wish you update more but I know myself hiw difficult it can be!! I liked this chap, jjong took a good move telling key yhe thruth but.. aish. He s so ed up.
sama-oppa #7
Chapter 4: I love it so muchhhhhhh~
Yeah jonghyun is very good, so good then Kibum have to eat him :p
Update soon i really like your fci ^^
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: ooooh please update soon, is so good :D