A Frigid Heart | 6 |

A Frigid Heart


A/N: the information about the cure or coping with this Disorder is not my information, it can be found here http://psychcentral.com/disorders/sx30t.htm I do not take credit for this information!


A Frigid Heart


Chapter 6


The next day, Jonghyun walked into class with a good mood. However, this time the students were staring at him for real. He started feeling self conscious. He quickly took his seat and took out his note book and pen. A girl walked over and asked, “How long have you had your disorder?” Jonghyun looked at her, “H-how did you know a-about the disorder?” The girl was confused, “What do you mean the entire school knows.” Jonghyun saddened, “Who told you?” The girl thought for a moment, “Key oppa.” Jonghyun couldn’t believe his ears. The boy who tried to help was the one who told one person or maybe the entire school. He got up and ran out of class. He turned a corner and ran into Key. “Oh, hey Jonghyun what’s up?” Jonghyun looked at the younger with hatred in his eyes, “What’s up? Why did you tell the whole school about my disorder?!” Key’s eyes widened, “I-I didn’t tell anyone Jonghyun honest.” Jonghyun scoffed, “Then how come a girl from our class told me that you told her.” Key shrugged, “How should I know?” Jonghyun saddened, “You can’t trust anyone can you? What a stupid mistake I made, how could you do this to me?!” Key saddened, “I’m sorry Jonghyun, I swear to you I didn’t tell anyone.” Jonghyun lost his cool, “Then how did they find out?!” Key punched the older making fall to the ground, “Did you ever think that maybe someone overheard us talking about it and then spread it? What the hell is wrong with you Jonghyun? So what if they found out? Is it that bad that you need to keep it a secret?” Jonghyun stood up and with a sob he replied, “N-no, it’s the fact that I went out on a limb and decided to trust someone.” Key watched Jonghyun leave the school. The younger walked into class, “alright which one of you listened into mine and Jonghyun conversation?” The class was quiet and Key knew that they all had listened in, “You rude bastards, he needs help and what you did was the exact opposite.” He walked back to his desk and sat down. He didn’t pay attention in class, all he wanted to do was talk to Jonghyun but, he knew how hard the situation was, he couldn’t get near people he was detached from society physically and mentally. He wished he could help his friend and apologize but all he really did was make him run and hide once more.


After school, Key walked into the dorm and was greeted by silence. “Jonghyun? Where are you?” He announced, he walked into the older boy’s room and saw the younger sitting huddled in a corner. Key sighed and walked in closing the door behind him. He set his bag down by the bed and walked over to the corner where Jonghyun sat. “Jonghyun, are you alright?” He asked. The older didn’t reply he didn’t want to talk to anyone. Key sat down on the floor in front of the older and said, “I’m sorry about this Jonghyun, I just wanted to help you. Would it be better if I moved dorms, is that what you want?” The older looked at the younger boy and said, “I know you wanted to help…I-I’m sorry for being a jerk but I do want your help, this feeling of loneliness is suffocating please help me Key.” Key smiled and said, “I think that the first thing we should do is go to your doctor and see what he recommends ok? Are you alright with that?” Jonghyun nodded and said, “w-will you come with me?” Key nodded, “Of course, we’ll go later today alright?” Jonghyun nodded and the next thing that he did shocked the younger, Jonghyun embraced the younger. Key, a little taken back, returned the embrace, “It’s alright Jonghyun everything will be ok I promise.” Jonghyun broke down then he held onto Key tightly as if his life depended on it. The two sat in each others embrace until Jonghyun relaxed and was ready to go and get treatment.


When the boys arrived at the doctors, Jonghyun gulped nervously but, that nervousness ebbed away all because Key was sitting with him, all because the younger reached out and didn’t give up on him like many had done before. In those few moments Jonghyun realized how beautiful the boy was. Even though he wore thick frames, Jonghyun thought it made him look cute. Just the fact that the younger was sitting next to him, made his heart perform summersaults in his chest. “Jonghyun, the doctor will see you now.” The nurse announced with a kind smile. Key stood up and said, “Come on Jonghyun lets go.” Jonghyun nodded and followed the nurse. He went through the hall and walked into the office and sat down in the cushioned chair, Key sat down beside him and the two waited patiently for the doctor to arrive.


The doctor walked in with a calm and relaxing aura which calmed Jonghyun a little. The doctor sat down in front of the two sat down and calmly questioned, “What can I do for you boys?” Key looked at Jonghyun and replied, “We would like to know if there is any treatment for SPD.” The doctor leaned back in his chair and said, “I can recommend some treatments for you if you’d like.” The two boy’s nodded, “ Well the first thing I can recommend is self-treatment, what the self treatment is, is basically you find a way to cure or cope with it on your own, many people have friends or a group of people who they are close to help them with it. This helps with the fear of closeness and the feelings of isolation, that’s one way professionals, overlook it but, I’d like to mention it. The second way is medication. Usually patients don’t mind the medicine unless there is some sort of problem along the way. However, most patients don’t show any improvement so in my opinion I don’t think that medication is best option for you. Now the last option is psychotherapy and there are a few options that you can do.” Key nodded, “What are the options?” The doctor took out some pamphlets and handed them to Jonghyun before continuing to speak, “the first thing that you could do is have a short-term psychotherapy treatment it will help the patient to solve the problem and the patient will more often than not terminate the therapy on their own. It is more solution focused than normal therapy sessions. Another thing you can try is long-term therapy but, many patients tend to avoid it because of its poor treatment outcomes but, if you would like to you can try. An alternative measure you can take is group therapy; it is not a good treatment initially many patients have terminated the sessions early because they couldn’t handle it, the effects. However, if the group can tolerate the patient then he or she will become a little more comfortable with the situation and will contribute more and participate more.” Jonghyun took in this information and thought about it “Is there one that you would recommend?” He asked. The doctor thought about it and replied, “I wish I could but, every patient is different so what may work for one may not necessarily work another but, I would try the psychotherapy first before anything else.” Jonghyun nodded and the two left the office after finishing their Q and A with the doctor.

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 1: Typos *sounds like me*
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 1: Damn the story sounds like. That's how I feel .
Good starting point .
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh! Key!
Chapter 10: Aww they're so cute. My heart hurt for Bummie when Jjong said he wasn't ready, but it's understandable. ^^

Oh and just a little side note. I noticed you used the word "Loose" in the line "I don't want to lose you Key", but the correct spelling of the verb is'lose'. Which means to no longer have, or fail to keep, or to suffer from a loss.

Loose is an adjective. It means... Unbound, unattached; free from constraint; not tight.

Given the almost identical spelling of "lose" and "loose," it's not surprising that these are two commonly misused words. In fact, many people use the word loose when they mean lose, and vice versa, potentially creating confusion for the reader.

Oh my gosh! Sorry for this english lesson, I didn't means to rant ><'
You write very well, and possibly know this already. It was probably just a typo.
haradatwin11 #5
Chapter 9: Jonghyun is super adorable. I love this story. Keep up the good work.
GardenOfDestruction #6
Chapter 4: Ahhw so happy ti see the update! I wish you update more but I know myself hiw difficult it can be!! I liked this chap, jjong took a good move telling key yhe thruth but.. aish. He s so ed up.
sama-oppa #7
Chapter 4: I love it so muchhhhhhh~
Yeah jonghyun is very good, so good then Kibum have to eat him :p
Update soon i really like your fci ^^
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: ooooh please update soon, is so good :D