A Frigid Heart |14|

A Frigid Heart

A Frigid Heart

Chapter 14

The week was slowly becoming shorter as the weekend drew near. Key was out of bed and feeling some what better. He went to his classes. Jonghyun kept a watchful eye on Key; he made sure that Key didn’t over exert himself. Their relationship had changed for the past few days, after their kiss, Jonghyun was confused as to why it felt so right, he had confessed that he loved Key, but he was so confused at first, he then allowed himself to love Key. Their movie date was quickly approaching and they were both excited. That day, they both woke early and enjoyed a nice breakfast before changing and going out on their date.


When they arrived to the theater, Jonghyun was a little nervous, but Key’s hand guided him and provided some security and comfort. When they came to the ticket booth, Key chose the movie and Jonghyun paid for it. To make Jonghyun feel better Key chose some seats in the back of theater. “T-Thank you for coming with me, Key.” Jonghyun said still a little nervous. Key smiled and said “Of course, I promised you right?” Jonghyun retuned the smile, he was really happy that Key came out with him, even though he was still not one hundred percent better. “Key you know what happened when you woke up?” Jonghyun asked. Key was a little unsure many things happened after he woke up. Taking the hint, Jonghyun smiled and said, “let me remind you.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against Key’s lips in a gentle kiss, with the younger replying to the chaste kiss. “Ah, that I remember,” He replied. Jonghyun smiled and leaned in again for another kiss. Key noticed that the older was a lot bolder now and he wasn’t as nervous which Key was proud of. When they pulled apart, Key leaned in to whisper, “You’ve done really well, Jonghyun. You’re getting better everyday and I;m very happy, so happy I think you deserve a revard when we get home.” Jonghyun smiled happy to hear it he leaned in and muttered, “Couldn’t I get my reward now?” Key shook his head, “No, but I can give you a sneak peak.” Jonghyun nodded. Key leaned in twisting and giving Jonghyun an open mouth kiss. The older was a little shocked, but gave in to the kiss his mouth opening a little to let Key’s tongue in to play with Jonghyun’s. The older let a surprised groan escape his mouth. He felt amazing; Jonghyun loved the feeling of his and Key’s tongues rubbing against each other. It was also very apparent, the tightening in his pants. Pulling back, Key smiled and pecked his lips again. Jonghyun gulped and now registered as to what Key had in mind, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for it, though. He would need to talk to Key about it when they got home, he didn’t want to be upset the younger. Key saw Jonghyun’s expression. Leaning in, he said, “I wont force you Jonghyun, its ok if you’re not ready we can always go out for dinner instead, don’t worry about it, ok?” Jonghyun smiled and held Key’s hand tightly, “thank you, Key.” He said lovingly. The younger returned the smiled and the two enjoyed the film together.

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 1: Typos *sounds like me*
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 1: Damn the story sounds like. That's how I feel .
Good starting point .
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh! Key!
Chapter 10: Aww they're so cute. My heart hurt for Bummie when Jjong said he wasn't ready, but it's understandable. ^^

Oh and just a little side note. I noticed you used the word "Loose" in the line "I don't want to lose you Key", but the correct spelling of the verb is'lose'. Which means to no longer have, or fail to keep, or to suffer from a loss.

Loose is an adjective. It means... Unbound, unattached; free from constraint; not tight.

Given the almost identical spelling of "lose" and "loose," it's not surprising that these are two commonly misused words. In fact, many people use the word loose when they mean lose, and vice versa, potentially creating confusion for the reader.

Oh my gosh! Sorry for this english lesson, I didn't means to rant ><'
You write very well, and possibly know this already. It was probably just a typo.
haradatwin11 #5
Chapter 9: Jonghyun is super adorable. I love this story. Keep up the good work.
GardenOfDestruction #6
Chapter 4: Ahhw so happy ti see the update! I wish you update more but I know myself hiw difficult it can be!! I liked this chap, jjong took a good move telling key yhe thruth but.. aish. He s so ed up.
sama-oppa #7
Chapter 4: I love it so muchhhhhhh~
Yeah jonghyun is very good, so good then Kibum have to eat him :p
Update soon i really like your fci ^^
sama-oppa #8
Chapter 3: ooooh please update soon, is so good :D