Principal speech

Life From a Fangirl to an Idol


I was standing there daze while facing stares from many people. My body was cold with fear and i am beginning to feel faint. When i took my first step on the stairs to the stage, my knees felt weak and i almost fell down which luckily Seung-hyun, TOP, came over and lift me up by holding on my arm. I looked at him with my pale face and he gave me a smile and a nod. "Hya ji yong! Stop making a mess here! Since we are here shoudn't we party?" Seung Hyun said to ji yong.

"I'm in!! ji yong hyung! come on!!!" seung ri pulled ji yong to the dancing floor. Seung hyun shouted to the dj,"MUSIC UP!!!" and then he winked at me.

Suddenly, Moves like Jagger by Maroon 5 blast even louder in the club. Seung hyun too went over to the dancing floor and dance with ji yong and seung ri. I was still standing at the corner of the stairs and watching them when park bom and CL came over to me. "I'm sorry about just now!" CL said.

"No... it's fine. I mean i wont take such things in mind!" I waved my hands at her and smiled.

"NOW! How about some ROCKING TIME babe?" park bom shouted and pulled me to the dancing floor too.

This was actually my first time in the club and my first time standing at the dancing floor, so i wasnt sure how to dance which makes me really embarrassed. I tried to shake my body to the music and jumping around. I kept on glancing at Ji yong's direction because i want to avoid him. If he dance near me, i will go to the other direction.

When i was getting exhausted, i walked out of the dance floor with Park bom, heading towards the bar to order some cocktail. I looked at my watch and it shows that the time was 11:30pm. I held my breath in shock. it was so late. oh gosh~ I need to get out of here soon. "Did you have fun?" park bom drank her cocktail and looked up at me from her glass.

"Defintely! lots of fun!" i said awkwardly.

"GREAT! I er.... apologized for ji yong... you know.. he is just very particular about people being so easily selected into YG as trainee"

"It's okay... i said i forget already. I have bad memory actually"

"Aish... but i still have to say this. Ji yong...",Park bom sighed and paused while she took another sip of her tail and looked at me then continued,"Jiyong didn't really like trainees who gets accepted easily, because when he was first contracted with YG, Jiyong wasn't a trainee anybody likes. He was looked down, facing many put downs by people. Nobody think he was capable to bring the American rapping into kpop or whatever so YG instructors ignored him for long. Jiyong had to spent the first year cleaning the studio for the other artists in the record label and fetching them water bottles during dance practice. It was terrible but he didn't give up because it was his dream that he want to pursue which his perserverence touched YG papa and he started training as a normal trainee."

What she said just hit me hard. I always have the impression that G-dragon is an arrogant and complacent idol who can promote solo, has many talents and the leader of big bang. I thought he has a marvelous and easy life before and after he was an idol. I never imagined him to suffer so much during his trainee days to become a successful idol like now.

He too, starts his trainee life tough...

"Jiyong had to spent the first year cleaning the studio for the other artists in the record label and fetching them water bottles during dance practice."

Somehow, i was deeply moved and i felt motivated. Starting tough doesn't mean anything, you have to work for your goals.

While i was deep in thoughts, i didn't realised i was looking at Park bom the whole time teary eyed. She gave me a pat on my back and said,"You too hwaiting!"

"Gamsahamida unni!"

Park bom walked me out of the club as i told her that i have to leave. This was when i realised, joong ki was no where to be seen. I called his number but he didn't picked it up. I went to the car park but joongki's car was gone. URGH... he left without a word for me. How could he!!??? >< Now how the hell do i go home. taxi?

I was probably looking pitiful having to walk out of the car park alone. When i was at the entrance of the carpark, i heard a loud screeched of a tyre. I quickly dodged to the side while i turned my body back to see who did that. It was a Red Lamborghini Aventador and the passenger inside was KWON JI YONG and two unfamiliar faces of girls.

"HEY! Walking home? How pitiful... want a ride from me?" Jiyong asked while raising his right eyebrows.

I almost wanted to say yes but then i glanced at the two girls beside him who was groping him all around and glaring at me like an eagle hawk hunting it's prey. So i decided to say no.

"Hmm... i wasn't exactly wanting to give you a ride too. I was joking right girls?"Ji yong was looking at his girls while talking to me.

"BYE BYE!" Jiyong waved at me and drove off at a high speed.

The wind from the car almost lift up my entire skirt and i covered it just in time. He wasn't arrogant?... YA RIGHT!!!!!(sarcastic)

i walked for a distance before i begin flagging for taxis but all taxis were taken.

BEEP BEEP* A car was horning.

I glanced to the side to see Yunho alighting from his car and smiled at me. "Want a ride? it's hard to find taxis at this hour!" he shouted to me since we have quite a distance between us.

I smiled and shouted back,"If you don't mind...?"

"of course not! who would mind to give a free ride to a pretty lady?" he laughed.

"And i also would not want to reject an offer from a handsome and hot guy!" I laughed and shouted.

As i was approaching his car, i was thinking yunho was really a good guy and i am DAMN lucky to be able to sit in the same car as yunho. OMGGG. dies*

I told him about what happened with jiyong and I just now except for telling him about them wanting me to be YG trainee part. Yunho just said,"Some people are just 2 different people you see on tv and on real life. You must be prepared whenever you meet any idols because they may not be who you think they are and you will be surprised."

When i reached home, it was 12:40am. I went to joongki's room and knock on the door. There wasn't a reply so i opened the door slightly and peeped through the small hole. He was not in. Where did he go if he was not at the club and at home. i was slightly worried but i figured out he was a grown man who can take care of himself and moreover, he might be having fun in the hotel with girls or whatever that impure my mind. geez* Never thought that joongki was someone like that too. So what yunho said was right.


It was monday! Like finally. Sunday was a pretty normal and boring day, joongki was no where to be seen the whole day as well. Except for something that amuses me was that land lord kim said that joongki came back to sleep last night but went out again early in the morning today. Land lord kim said that joongki told her that he was busy at work but Soo Ra didn't believe it. Soo Ra said that joongki must be having fun picking up some girls and stomped off angrily into her room.


I made my way to my classroom early today and my classmates greeted me with bright smiles.

Hmm... eun ri was not here yet and neither does kris. OHHHH... i suddenly remembered about the nudging and giggling between them on saturday morning. Need to ask her about this, i made a note in my head.

I glanced around the room and noticed that the guys are filming themselves with their phone. I was curious and i went over to tap on Louise's shoulder.

"Hey what are you guys doing? i didn't know you all like to self cam too. haha!"

"Shhhh!!! You don't know??? HEYY! Many trainee likes to film and talks about how sm academy works and upload it on youtube," Louise gave me a ridiculous look and went over to the guys again.

I sat at the side watching them as they film because i was bored. lol.

"WELL.... i think many of you guys know that SM academy was previously known as starlight academy. There are trainees like us or maybe called students studying here. There are 12 classes in the first year now. 15 students in each class but class 1-12 has 10 students only. WELL... as you know, life in sm academy is not always smooth, if you failed the half-year and final-year semester, you will get kicked out of the academy. So, you can see the number of classes decreasing... from 12 to 10 to 5 to 4 to 3 and finally 2 to 3 classes in the final year in sm academy. There are 4 years to study in sm academy. Many was hoping to get selected as OFFICIAL trainee in sm academy but if you finished your 4 years here and not selected, you can say bye bye to your idol life but don't be too sad, at least you have a graduation certificate from sm academy which was VERY GOOD!" Jong hae talks while facing his handphone.

Louise continued after Jong Hae, "if you gets selected as an official trainee, you won't be studying together with the students here but are given professional instructors to give them a well rounded training at another building of sm academy. Personally, I havent been there and i believe none of us have been because it was a restricted area for students like us. Hmm.... at least student life isn't that bad too. We have frequent competition and showcasing of talents within the school or outside the school. COOL isn't it? maybe better life than the offical trainees because... Sobs* sobs*"

JongHae gave louise a what-is-he-doing-like-all-of-a-sudden look and nudge him while he whispered to louise,"Hyung! What are you doing? crying infront of the camera..."

"I was just sad... because some official trainees have to train for many years before they can debut. Like.... EXO suho.... 7 years. OMG. and you know what he said, "The most difficult is to see your fellow trainee mates or junior debut before themselves" yes THIS! brought tears into my eyes... some shinee members who trained together with suho even debutted before him. AWW.... what a sadded life." Louise said while wiping his eyes with tissue.

"Hyung this is embarrassing. Stop it!... ok i am going to stop recording. I'm sorry people... my hyung is just being so emotional today. Miane! Anyong!"Jonghae said before he pressed the stop button on the phone.

My eyes wondered to the outside of the window when they stop recording because i was deep in thoughts AGAIN. So this is how the school works... i didn't even knew it until now maybe because i was new. So i have to passed all the semester test and win competitions to impress the principal or whoever to get chosen as an offical trainee and train for yearsss before debut. SOUNDS TERRIBLY TOUGH.... :((( cries inside. Let say i train for 5 years and then by the time i will be 5= 21 years old. holy.... >< that was long...

Suddenly, i see Eun Ri and Kris walking into the classroom together. Kris was talking to her and she was blushing away. (????) I approached Eun Ri quickly and blinked at her. She gave me a weird look and then i begin to dart my eyes between her and kris and whispered to her,"What's going on between you two? Seems like a progress huh? tell me tell me tell meeeeee"

Eun Ri blushed and looked down on the floor before speaking,"Er.... i will ...tell you next time! Not now... he's here!"

I pouts at her to show my disappointment. Suddenly,"DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG"

"Testing one two three. Testing... Good morning everyone! This is the Principal of the school. I required all first year students to gather beside the indoor stage immediately in 10 minutes time. Thank you. I repeat all first years students to gather beside the indoor stage immediately in 10 minutes. Thank You", the principal made an announcement through the speaker.

We gave weird glances between classmates because we have no idea what the principal was up to or what he wanted to say.

Students were making lots of noises as they proceed their way down and play around. It's quite a scene like it's lunch break and people are gushing out of their classrooms.

I heard some people say,"it's about the competition!!" "YES... finally the principal is talking in person about this!" it's about the competition... hmm... anyways. i am quite excited to see the principal for the first time since i enter the academy.

Eun Ri and i managed to squeeze to the middle. It was so pack and all of us can managed to stand only.

The principal office was directly upstairs and one side of it is transparent so that the principal can look down from above but now it was blinded.

We stood there and waited for 10 minutes before the principal came out of his office and he lean on the railings on the corridor beside his office.

The principal has a curly hair like Boys over flower's goo jun pyo and he was wearing a geeky specs. I laughed at his appearance and Eun ri gave me a serious look and cleared at me.

The principal held up his mike and said,"Hello first years! it been some time since we can gather like this and i am able to talk to all of you like this. I believe you all must have guess why i gather all of you here. Well... i am sure your teachers have told you about the pre-competiton and the competition between the first year  classes am i right? that's exciting!!! I'm going to tell you the theme of the pre-competition and how it is going to work. The theme is "A performance which will make the young and the old love it" simple am i right? SO!!! classes are supposed to record a video of your performance and upload on youtube on next week's monday, which is in exactly one weeks time. Six Classes whose video has the most views after three days will enter the competition!"

WOOHOO YAHOOO claps* The first year students cheered loudly which made the principal stopped talking.

"ERHMMM! I havent finished talking!!! The official competition name is called the SM TALENT CLASS COMPETITON. This will take place next next week on wednesday. Sorry about the change of plans but now this is settled. I won't be telling you much about the offical competition until the  right time comes. Anyways, as you all know... SM ACADEMY's competiton is very very important for you guys, it's the chance for one to showcase their talent and shine from the crowd which means.... we will be choosing students to become official trainees in competition like this. SO... Everyone, you need to work hard."

Cheers were even louder this time after the principal mentioned about choosing official trainees. The applause were deafening. I too, was cheering and clapping.

"That's all that i wanted to say today. Everybody please proceed back to your classes. Hwaiting!" The principal ended his speech.

I don't know when my other classmates were beside me and they started talking excitedly. "I am so hyped up now! We are soooo going to do this!" goo hye jin the fat girl said. "Where is teacher cha? We need to find a plan to strive this!!!" Zack asked.

When we were all having fun while talking,Yu Han,the class dancer got pushed to the floor and the doll he was carrying was snatched by someone. We quickly turned to look who did that and we were all surprised to see class 1-1 standing before us. kang ri ah was standing infront and a guy beside her was the one who snatched Yuhan's doll.

Louise said while trying to control his anger to the guy holding Yuhan's doll,"I don't know why you want to snatch a doll from our classmate but i sincerely hope that you can return it to him. It is really precious to him" Just then, Yuhan started whimpering while still on the floor. When kris was about to helped Yu Han up, the guy kicked Yu Han on the stomach.

"HYAAAAAA!" Zack bellowed at the guy and was about to go over and punched him but was pulled back by Louise and Mi Mi.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH what's with the violence people? Min jun return the stupid doll" Kang ri ah finally spoke to the guy beside her.

I laughed... and muttered,"what's with the violence?? You guys started it..."

"What did you say, _________? It's better to talk louder than muttering at the back like some sissy." kang Ri Ah snapped at me.

"Class 1-12... you want to know why i did this to you? why not you ask __________? Because you all seems so clueless until now. Because of ____________" Kang Ri ah laughed and gave an evil smirked.

My classmates were all looking at me eagerly to say something but i was having mixed feelings. I am angry, terrified and nervous.

"Kang ri ah. If it is bad blood between us, then deal with me only and not with my friends. I seriously dont know why you hate me so much" I said to her.

'You still cant tell them do you? then i shall say it myself.  ___________ and I had made a bet. No actually we made a bet between class 1-1 and class 1-12. If our class won the first place in this competiton, Joong ki teacher will be ours and you guys will take our put downs on you all with no complains but if class 1-12 wins the first place, joongki teacher will still be yours and we wont be putting you guys down." kang Ri ah explained to class 1-12.

After ri ah had explained, class 1-1 behind her started jeering at us and we hear them saying,"You won't ever win us. NEVER.." "Haha see you losers!!!" "They want to fight with us? Didn't they have brains?"

I was looking at each of my classmates faces when Ri ah speaks. They looked like they lost their soul. "I don't know what you are saying but joongki is going to be our teacher?" Louise asked.

"Yes. He is going to be your drama  teacher. Our class 1-1 didnt even have such a good teacher but i dont know why your class managed to get him. Joong ki is currently taking a leave from teaching due to personal issues." Kang ri ah explained.

Joongki taking leave due to personal issues? what?

I see louise dropped his shoulders and looked at me. Louise asked in a gloomy tone,"Is this true?"

I looked at his sad face and nodded.

There was a short silence before kris broke it,"Since we all know what you guys want us to know... so is it time for us to go?"

Kang Ri ah didnt say a word but just glared at me the whole time.

"Let's go back to class!" Mimi said and we all dragged ourselves to our classroom.

When we all returned back to our seats, no one spoke. I burried by face on the table because i couldnt face them now.

Eun Ri was the first one to speak with an angry tone, "Why didn't you tell us earlier, _________?"

"_____________. You are really a pabo! Why would anyone want to become enemy with class 1-1 and more importantly KANG RI AH. SHE IS the god daughter of lee soo man.. OH MY GOSH~ I am getting a headache!" Jong hae said furiously at me.

I felt so guilty, i still couldnt lift my head from the table. They were going to hate me so much.

"YOU KNOW WHAT'S WORST? GETTING THE FIRST IN THE COMPETITION? Beating class 1-1? Are you really crazy...? Have you ever use your brains?" Zack exclaimed at me.

This was getting more depressing facing all the scoldings from my classmates. Ok... i am stupid fine?

Louise stood up and shouted, "ZACK JONGHAE AND CLASS! What happened has already happened. The bet,.... we cant changed anything about it right? although we cant possibly get the first... we shall try to at least do our best! we cant have fights now before the competition... we are going to lose our team spirit! We have to do this even though we dont like it. Anyway, if we lose the bet which is like most probably... we will just lose a teacher and continue to face put downs by people right? We are so used to it... "

The class became silent after louise's encouragement and i decided to take this opportunity to speak up.

"I'm so sorry class! I really do. I admit that i didn't use my brains when i made that bet, because.... kang ri ah was just too annoying that time. i was just out of my mind. BUT PLEASE I HOPE this won't affect our spirit! We can do this right?" I said in an apologetic tone.

They began looking at each other and nodded at me. I smiled, feeling thankful. Suddenly, teacher cha came into the class.

"HELLO CLASS! I believe you all have heard the speech by the principal.. so are you all ready to work hard and be the top few in the competition?" Teacher cha said gleefully.

Louise replied him,"NO teacher... not top few but we are going to be the first!"

Teacher cha laughed,"The first! HAHAAHA. Our class is so confident huh? even i... didnt have such thoughts everrrrr... hahaha"

The class was stern and cold to his laughter and teacher cha who seemed to have sensed it said,"Are you guys serious?"

We nodded. Teacher Cha looked like he could faint here immediately and asked,"can anyone kind to explain to me what happened?"

And so we explained. We went back to our training room outside the school to start our training.

All of us gathered at the relaxing corner and sat at the sofas.YES! We were going to have our conference about the pre-competition theme,"A performance which will make the young and the old love it"


This chapt kept on getting rated and unrated. I'm so frustrated and upset... :(

I didnt write any scenes or anything. Somebody help me:( Isit because of my language or because of clubbing scene here or fight between the class 1-1 and 1-12. It's not actually a fight right? Now my readers below 18 cannot read!! :( Moderators if you see this please unrate it. thanks.

All right! I will end this chapt here. ^^ Hope you all like it <<<< my usual saying.

thank you all for waiting and reading my story all these while. MUACKS TO ALL OF YOU!

Please note that some details about sm academy are fictional, not true but some of it are indeed real.

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Chapter 18: update soon!! love your story
xxxden #2
Chapter 18: update sooooooon :))
Chapter 16: waaaaaaaaaaa
your video is good
updated soon
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaaaaaaa
plsssssssssss update soon...............
Chapter 14: waaaaaaaaaa
I love the story, pls update soon ............
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Your story is very interesting ...... I love
still so plssssss
fresita123 #7
Is that Kim So Eun?
Chapter 14: Ahahah wow. ktr dude. Haha. Omg. he is going to sing the song that i've made!! Hahah bravo!! ^^
Chapter 14: love it!!!!
Can´t wait to the next chapter... please update

Chapter 13: Woah. daragon. ^.^ fighting! Ahahaha